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Educational Loss- Course Description- 7 Intl.- New

Educational Loss
Course Description
This course is aligned with the Common Core Standards for 7th grade English.
Our course helps pave the way for the expectations of high school English courses. Using a
combination of online resources, instructional videos, and worksheets students will cover the following
strands of instruction in this period (Educational Loss):
Focus on building vocabulary, developing reading skills such as finding main ideas, locating pronoun
referents, and using context clues and increase reading speed and comprehension.
Literary Analysis – Students will be assessed on their comprehension of the literature selection by
answering questions about the main idea, making inferences, the author’s purpose, summary, mood,
characterization, character’s point of view, sequence of events, theme, and supporting details.
Writing – Focus on sentence-level writing, paragraph-level writing, and essay construction. Writing
instruction is incorporated with the other strands of language arts to help students see how the components
of grammar, reading, and comprehension are tied closely with developing writing skills. Through a series
of writing activities that incorporate direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component.
Vocabulary – Not only are the students gaining an increasingly complex vocabulary, they are learning to
make inferences about the definitions of new words based on context and use. Students will also use
dictionary skills and knowledge of parts of speech to identify word meaning and homophones. Multiple
activity types ensure that students get reinforcement that replicates the real-world scenarios where they
would be introduced to new vocabulary.
Grammar- Write the simple present (simple/progressive), past (regular and irregular), and future
(will/going to) verb tenses in sentences with correct subject verb agreement, pronouns, mechanics
(punctuation & capitalization), and in correct word order. Use common frequency adverbs (always,
usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, and never) in the simple present tense. Form and
answer Yes/No and Wh- questions and short answers (both affirmative and negative). Write the simple
present, past (regular and irregular), future (will/going to), and present progressive verb tenses in short
Pre-requisite: Basic understanding of English.
Text books: English Worksheets+ ppt+ Online resources