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Final Reflection Qs (2)

ENGL 2326
Final Reflection
Please respond to the questions below to reflect upon and evaluate your experience in this class. I
expect that your responses will be thoughtful and detailed.
1. What assumptions did you have about this class at the start? What were your expectations
of the type of reading and writing you would do? How well has the experience matched
your expectations?
a. I took this class because it was a requirement for my nursing career. At first, I was
really nervous about taking this course because English was never my best
subject. From my experiences from taking other English classes, I thought this
class would just be all essays. However, this class was different because there was
a lot of discussion questions on the writings that we had to read that helped me
have a better understanding of the reading.
2. Of the literature we have read and discussed, which selection do you remember most and
why? In other words, which has had the greatest impact upon you, and why?
a. There were many literatures that I enjoyed reading. I believe Jacob’s Incidents in
the Life of a Slave Girl was the one that made the greatest impact on me. While
reading Jacob’s narrative on her live as a slave in a women’s point of view, she
stated how slavery was for more worse for women than men. Her narrative made
me realized how women of color had to go through so much pain and obstacles.
When I look how women are continuously fighting for their rights, I realized that
we have come a long way. However, looking at what is going on in the news right
now, I see we still have a long way for women to have equal rights.
3. Assess your own reading and writing habits. How have your reading strategies and your
writing practices changed or developed over the semester? Which has developed more
and why? How have your critical thinking and/or interpretive skills changed?
a. I believe that I still need to work on my reading and writing habits. I know that
English is not my best subject and I am willing to improve on it. However, this
class really helped me develop a better understanding of critical thinking as we
read through many different readings each week. I find that reading discussion
from my classmates helped me develop a better understanding of the assignments.
I really hope to use what I have learned about our history and make a difference in
the world for newer generations to come.
4. What did you like about the class? What did you dislike? Please speak to both the content
(assigned readings, use of online sources, etc.) and the structure (writing assignments,
group work, discussions, etc.). Do you have any suggestion for improving the course?
a. I enjoyed all of the readings Professor Henry provided. I like the questions that he
had for each reading. I thought the questions were fairly easy and was a great way
for every student in the class to engage with each other on the assignments. I also
like how organized this class was because this made it easier for students to find
where all the materials are. Overall, I really enjoy this class. I originally thought
this class was going to be a challenge for me but Professor Henry really made
everything understandable and straightforward. I also like how he was not strict
on assignments due at 12 am. This is helpful for those who have work and need
extra time to finish assignments. For my dislikes, I thought that the workload was
heavy but it was understandable why.
5. What do you believe you have learned from this course? What new knowledge have you
gained? What insights have you had? In short, what do you take with you as you leave?
a. I learned a lot more about our history by taking this course. Most importantly,
America’s dark history of slavery. It was so interesting to read so many literatures
from authors that helped shaped the U.S where it is today. I learned the
importance to not be ignorant and prejudice to different groups of people that are
different than me. Even though there is still racism and discrimination happening
today, these people fought for what was right for America. I hope people will
continue to fight for equality and do what is best for future generations.