Uploaded by Kim Rice

Social Justice Blog Outline - 2021

Social Justice Blog Outline
The Social Justice Blog project is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your learning surrounding research done on
a social justice issue in our local, national or global community (e.g. distribution of wealth, war, racism, gender
discrimination, ecological imbalances, death penalty, child soldiers, etc).
Please see the document entitled Blogger Set Up to follow the steps needed to create your blog. You will create
three separate blog posts to raise awareness of your chosen social justice issue. You will be required to have a
catchy title for each entry. Each blog post should contain three paragraphs or more each time. Put the main point
in your first paragraph. You must cite any sources from which you discuss, summarize, or paraphrase the ideas. You
must also cite any images you may borrow. Your blog will be marked for grammar, spelling, conventions &
vocabulary. Each post should have a rough draft typed up in a GoogleDoc first. You will be given class time to self
edit your blog post and to have someone peer edit your entry. In addition to creating a blog, you will also be
required to post one comment/question/response to a classmate's blog each week. It is important to pose insightful
questions or provide useful suggestions and supportive feedback. You will also be required to answer any questions
posed by your classmates in the comment section of your blog posts.
The focus for each blog post is outlined below:
Blog Post 1- Identify a social justice issue in our local or global community and identify who is affected and how
they are affected.
Success Criteria
❏ Who is involved? (What countries are included, is it local, national, or global, is it a specific group of people?)
❏ Where in the world does this issue arise? You need to be specific e.g. include the town/city, province/state
and country.
❏ How long has this been a social injustice? When did it start?
Blog Post 2 -Outline the specific actions that you can take to address this social justice issue either as an individual,
as a group or as part of an existing organization and explain the ways in which these actions work towards the
common good
Success Criteria
❏ State 3 ideas that would help the social injustice taking place
Blog Post 3 - Research other organizations or groups that also work towards addressing this social injustice:
Success Criteria
❏ Name the organisation.
❏ What is the mission or purpose of the organization?
❏ How does the organization attempt to remedy the issue?
❏ How can you become involved or support this organization?
Please follow these general rules:
● Remember that everything you do online has to follow the acceptable use policy.
● Stay on topic. Remember that your blog comments should be about your classmates' social justice issue or
questions about viewpoints.
● Respect one another. If you disagree with something a classmate is saying, offer some concrete suggestions.
Don’t attack the other person! Remember to be polite and courteous.
● Watch your language. Don’t say anything online that you couldn’t say in the classroom!
● Do not type in all caps. It’s hard to read, and it’s considered screaming and rude.