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Reading Response 2.docx

Brianna Camp
Professor Wachs
COMM 201: Human Communication in a Tech. Age
Reading Response #2
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1) Postman discusses that technological advances should not be taken lightly because they
have positives and they have negatives. Technology affects the way we think and view
the world, which can be good and bad, depending on the situation. An example of this
the grade scale. This used to be a brand new thing that was strange, but now it is
common and normal. Postman also discusses that tools were invented to solve specific
and urgent problems of physical life, and tools are a form of technology. Furthermore,
when tools play a central role in the thought-world of the culture and attacks the culture
rather than is integrated into it, then it is a technocracy. That being said, Postman goes on
and says that technocracy sped up the world and allowed for efficiency. Postman also
discusses that the U.S. is a Technopoly, or a totalitarian technocracy.
2) Postman mentions the two opposing views of Technophiles – those who view technology
as perfect – and one-eyed prophets – those who view technology only as burdens. I
would say that my grandfather used to be a one-eyed prophet because he refused to get a
cell phone. He believed that they took away from our love of nature and he is an
environmentalist. That being said, he finally gave in to getting a phone and I feel that it
has a lot to do with the U.S. being a Technopoly and my grandpa having no other choice.
3) Are humans really less important than the machines we create?
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