Uploaded by Salman Al Faryz Hsb


My name is Syalman Al Faryz Hasibuan, born in Sibuhuan, January 15,
1999. I am the second of four children, from Allif and Rosniati. Salman is my
nickname. My father is a farmer. Meanwhile, my mother was a teacher at a
Tsanawiyah madrasa not far from home. Since childhood, my father always
advised me to be diligent in being right, honest and kind to others.
When I was 6 years old, I started studying at SDN 1 Sipagabu, Padang
Lawas, then after graduating to continue my education at MTs N Sibuhuan in
2012. Then continued to SMK N 1 Padang Lawas, After graduating from SMK in
2018. I moved to Medan and continuing education at the Potensi Utama
University with the Department of Technik of Informatics, a year later, 2019 I
applied to Unimed (Medan state university) with the Department of Computer
Science with SCHOLARSHIP. But only at the expense of not being able to pay
tuition fees. Then moved again to the Potensi Utama University with the
Information Systems Department until now.