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Taylor lit exam

Taylor’s family decided to spend the spring break at their grandfather’s cottage which was on a
little bay off the ocean. However, they were warned of a tropical storm that was approaching
them. They decided to get prepared for storm by getting supplies and securing the cottage and
the windows. Taylor and her grandpa tied the boat that looked as vulnerable as an eggshell.
Unluckily, Taylor noticed a painful grimace on her grandpa when she knew he twisted his ankle.
They had to get back to the house and prepare themselves. Taylor kept her sisters busy with
small task while her mom was cooking a large amount of stew to last for days. They had to
hunker as the conditions outside were getting worse.
Later that day, It was announced on the radio that the hurricane is category one. The sky began to
get darker, the wind became stronger and water was everywhere that it separated the spit of land
from the mainland. Taylor suggested that they need to get need and sail to the nearby gas station.
She offered to do all the leg work. Though her heart was bouncing, she took the lead and sailed
the boat at her grandpa’s instructions. When they arrived at the station, they had the Coast Guard
in their blue uniforms rescue her mom and sisters who were at the cottage. The moments that
followed were chaotic. Fortunately, everyone was safe and when grandpa was asked if it were
really a baby hurricane. He replied with a grin, “I guess you don’t know babies very well. At
least a certain baby. I’m sure you don’t remember this, but when you were a little bitty infant,
Taylor …well, let’s just say you knew how to kick up a fess.” He smiled broadly. “Kind of like a
Part A: Vocabulary
1. What does vulnerable mean?
a. Very strong as the shell
b. New as it was just bought
c. Weak and could easily be damaged
2. Taylor saw a grimace on her grandpa’s face. What does grimace mean?
a. A facial expression of happiness
b. A facial expression anger or injury
c. A facial expression of shock
3. What does chaotic mean in the last paragraph?
a. Dangerous and scary
b. complete confusion or disorder
c. safe and reassuring
4. which of the following words means “small ridge of sand jutting out into the sea from the
a. spit of land
b. headland
c. hurricane
Part B: Comprehension check
1. Which of the following is the best statement of this story’s theme?
a. A young person can be responsible and overcome changeless
b. Knowing how to sail can save the life you and your family.
c. Hurricanes are dangerous and must be avoided.
d. Sometimes it’s best to take the advice of older people.
2. Based on the text, you can infer that Taylor is responsible and mature because
a. She wanted to spend some time with her grandfather.
b. She gave her sisters tasks to keep them busy.
c. She decides the storm is not a ‘baby’.
3. According the last paragraph, Taylor’s grandfather described ‘baby’ hurricane. What did
he actually mean?
a. The hurricane was category one and therefore it was small like a baby.
b. Hurricanes usually scare babies and make them panic.
c. Some babies can be really troublesome, just like hurricanes are.
4. The text tile is ‘Hurricane Taylor’, what can you infer from the title?
a. The hurricane was named after a place called Taylor.
b. The hurricane that hit area where the story took place was named Taylor.
c. Taylor as an infant was like a hurricane and would kick up a serious fuss.
5. The author gives you many examples of Taylor responding to difficult situations. Write at
least three points showing her responsible actions.
Section 3
The adventures of Tom Sawyer