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StepSer cpp

// StepSer.cpp (maybe rename to step.cpp): implementation of the step class.
// class: step is responsible for creating step ISO-10303-21 output from Technadraw. // I) Geometric/topological entities are built bottom up from Technadraw classes in // build[Entity][type]
// where Entity is one of vertex, edge, face, surface, and shell, and
// type is Advanced or Faceted.
// II) [Inner]bounds (holes in faces) are calculated by intersection of the // negative features in step::findNegFeatureFaceted
// with the positive features surfaces.
// III) Once the resultant step model is created, it is output by using the // serialization method Serialize().
// step::buildAssembliesFaceted is the last class called which does the // actual serialization in CRepresentationStep::Serialize().
// CBaseStep is a class containing methods and functionality common to all classes, // but not explicitly specified in the spec. // Representation_itemStep is derived from CBaseStep and is the first class in the spec.
// All step classes are concatenated with the prefix using the letter C for class, // and a postfix with the word Step. // Instead of spaces as delimiters in the names, the underscore is used "_".
// // IV) Final touchup is performed on the stepArchive memory file, // which is then output to the hard drive.
// If the Euler equation is not satisfied, // the closed shell is demoted to an open shell.
// If layering is used, open_shells are used.
// If the line is longer than 72 chars, it is split, // being careful not to split a comment contained by ''
// Currently there are two categories of classes, those that work on // faceted_brep & advanced_brep (incomplete).
// NB. faceted_brep is akin to CATIA output, // while advanced_brep is akin to Spatial's ACIS sat, // Unigraphics's Parasolids, PTC's Pro/E
// Some older systems use CSG, which will recreate breps on regeneration // (for example when features are moved). Unfortunately, the problem is that // sometimes the regen might fail, or produce different results based on the // tolerance specified
// Pro/E was the first to use the feature history for regen.
// References:
// www.PDES.org
// part 42 geometric and topological representation, // provided defn of entities used in this project.
// pdes, provided specs on faceted_representation
// NIST, express Engine (http://sourceforge.net/projects/exp-engine/ ) which reads the file CONFIG_CONTROL_DESIGN and // creates a diagram of the class hierarchy which is explicitly encoded.
// The *.stp files were verified using expresso for proper syntax.
// CONFIG_CONTROL_DESIGN (http://www.mel.nist.gov/step/parts/) is the file which describes the classes and // their interactions in a language called Express.
// Mantyla, "An Introduction to Solid Modeling"
// Mortenson, Michael E, "Geometric Modeling"
// Shaw & Mantyla, "Parametric and Feature based Modeling" used in specify iraroEntities
// Foley & VanDam, "Computer Graphics, Practices and Principles"
// WiseView32.exe was used to validate the data
// IBM - Catia step website provided example step files.
// CATIA-STEP -AP203 Interface Version 4 Reference Manual UNIX Workstation, // program number 5626-STP
// www.steptools.com provided example files
// NIST provided many example files and specs, as well as express engine.
// http://www.uspro.org
// Product Data Exchange using STEP (PDES) // Part 42 - Integrated Generic Resources: Geometric and // Topological Representations // Company Name: US Product Data Association
// Publication Date: 1995 // Contributor 1: American National Standards Institute Inc //
// A reasonable book, except most of the // people writing it shuned some mathematical definitions (genera), and copied down a formula // from another book which they did not comprehend. Whenever I find something like that, it // makes me think that there might be other problem areas, which they swept under the rug. // For my own sanity, I tried to pull myself out of the same pitfall (not sweeping issues under // the carpet), and introduced entitites like lump, and feature, but to be honest, I remember // them from the ACIS documentation. // // USPro STEP manuals: ANS US PRO/IPO-200-21 Express Reference Manual
// USPro STEP manuals: ANS US PRO/IPO-200-046-1994 Representation Context
// USPro STEP manuals: ANS US PRO/IPO-200-101-1994 Draugthing
// USPro STEP manuals: ANS US PRO/IPO-200-201-1994 Assoc Draugthing
// USPro STEP manuals: ANS US PRO/IPO-200-203-1994 configuration controlled design
// USPro STEP manuals: step aic 513 Faceted Boundary Representation
// USPro STEP manuals: step aic 514 Advanced Boundary Representation
// USPro STEP manuals: step aic 515 Constructive Solid Geometry,
// https://www.uspro.org/new_catalog/approved_step.html
// // Fowler, Julien, "Step, An introduction to Product Exchange"
// Owen, Jon, "An introduction to STEP", // Unfortunately his example use syntax which is out of date with config_controlled_design. // Wastes valuable time with stupid examples of the Royal family express representation // instead of something pertinent like geometry.
// Has good UML diagrams in the back of the book of implementation details,
// however it is unclear if the branches mean anything.
// Unclear whether "is-a" or "has-a" relationships are implied.
// http://WWW.PDM-IF.ORG/test_case_archive/
// http://WWW.boeing.com // http://www.scra.org/step/HTMLS/b37.htm
// http://www.mel.nist.gov/step/parts/
// "Inside OLE", Craig Brockschmidt. addRef, release
//#include <Lmcons.h> //UNLEN #include <LIMITS.H> //UINT_MAX,NAME_MAX
#include <FLOAT.H> // DBL_MAX, FLT_MAX
#include <stdio.h> //FILENAME_MAX
#include <stdlib.h> // _MAX_PATH
#include "afxwin.h" #include "stdafx.h" #include "scribble.h"
#include "stepArchive.h"
#include "ScribVw.h"
#include "VertexStep.h"
#include "PointStep.h"
#include "VertexStep.h"
#include "Faceted_brepStep.h"
#include "EdgeStep.h"
#include "PathStep.h"
#include "Vertex_loopStep.h"
#include "CurveStep.h"
#include "Oriented_EdgeStep.h"
#include "LineStep.h"
#include "Poly_loopStep.h"
#include "SurfaceStep.h"
#include "Axis2_Placement_3dStep.h"
#include "Elementary_surfaceStep.h"
#include "FaceStep.h"
#include "Face_surfaceStep.h"
//#include "Advanced_faceStep.h"
#include "Connected_face_setStep.h"
#include "Faceted_brepStep.h"
#include "Next_assembly_usage_occuranceStep.h"
#include "Assembly_component_usageStep.h"
#include "Face_boundStep.h"
#include "Cartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep.h"
#include "Faceted_brepStep.h"
#include "Conical_surfaceStep.h"
#include "Presentable_textStep.h"
#include "Edge_loopStep.h"
#include "Edge_curveStep.h"
#include "Elementary_surfaceStep.h"
#include "PolylineStep.h"
#include "StepSer.h"
#include "PointStep.h"
#include "Cartesian_pointStep.h"
#include "Cartesian_pointStepPtrArray.h"
#include "agitoPtrArray.h"
#include "Faceted_brep_shape_representationStep.h"
#include "PlaneStep.h"
#include "agito.h"
//#include "VersionNo.h"// Micro$lop's file used from incrementing the version number
#include "OrganizationStep.h"
agitoPtrArray step::m_ptrArrayAdvAgito; // holds onto all of the Step classes for garbage collection later
agitoPtrArray step::m_ptrArrayFacAgito; // holds onto all of the Step classes for garbage collection later
CFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep * step::m_pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep = NULL; // wh 11/21/01
CAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep* step::m_pAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep = NULL;
CTime startTime;
// set "true" to turn on functionality which generates negative features #define CSG_MERGE true
// negate the entire csg using exists==0 instead of looking at the surface.flip ()
#define CSG_NEGATE true
surfaceModelSelect aSurfaceModelSelect = #if 0
#else faceBasedSurfaceModel #endif
const char* szAPPLICATION_CONTEXT = "config_control_design";// using part 203, i.e. 10303-203
//const char* szAPPLICATION_CONTEXT = "core_data_for_automotive_mechanical_design";// using part 214, i.e. 10303-214
#ifdef EXPOSE FILE * g_errorLog = NULL;
#endif//EXPOSE int iRepresentationStepNum = 0;
// Construction/Destruction
step::step( CScribView *pOuter)
: m_pScribView( pOuter)
, m_bWriteFile( true)
, m_ptrArrayAgito( m_ptrArrayFacAgito)
, m_pSelectRepresentationStep( NULL)
{ init();
step::step( CScribView *pOuter
, surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect)
: m_pScribView( pOuter)
, m_bWriteFile( true)
, m_ptrArrayAgito( m_ptrArrayAdvAgito)
, m_pSelectRepresentationStep( NULL)
{ init();
if (NULL != m_pSelectRepresentationStep ){
if (m_pSelectRepresentationStep == m_pAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep) {
// set it back
m_pSelectRepresentationStep = dynamic_cast<CRepresentationStep*>(m_pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep);
} else {
// write the step data from stepArchive(CString) into a file
HRESULT step::writeStepData(FILE *stream, surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect )
try {
stepArchive ar;// how do you do a setSize on a CString?
long int iSize = STEP_LINE_LENGTH *
( 1024 + this->GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize() + this->GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetSize() + this->GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize() + this->GetScribView()->m_trianglearray.GetSize() + this->GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetSize() );
// need to preallocate the CString buffer to prevent fragmentation of memory
// ar.GetBufferSetLength( iSize); // wh 6/5/01 hr = TechDraw2Step( stream, ar, lSurfaceModelSelect );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr) ) {
bool fin = false;
// need to trim line length to < 72
int iStart=0;
int iCurr =0;// current start of buffer used to find the line
#if 0 // low priority because most viewers will read it anyway!
// force lines to be shorter than 72 chars as per spec
do {
int iPos = ar.Find("\n");
if ((iPos-iStart) > STEP_LINE_LENGTH){
// last chance to demote closed_shells [to open_shells] or // promote face_bound [to face_outer_bound]
while (!fin);
ar.write( stream);
#endif }
else {
#if 1
*( (iraroArchive*)(ar.m_archives.GetAt(0) )) << "\n/*Errors detected*/\n";
ar.write( stream);
catch ( ... ) {
bool bStepGood = false;
ASSERT( bStepGood );
return E_FAIL; }
return hr;
//#ifndef UNLEN // hack, hack, hack, but I could not get it to compile in release mode without this
//#define UNLEN 255
char szUserName[FILENAME_MAX +1];
// write out the part design managment section
// just adds the CFS face set to the base feature
// when it works, then we will worry about Braid/Greyer add
HRESULT step::addEulerFaceted( agitoAssembly* pAssembly, agitoComponent& raNegativeFeatures)
for (int im =0; im<pAssembly->GetSize();im++){
agitoPart* pPart = (agitoPart*)pAssembly->GetAt(im);
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent*)pPart->GetAt( 0);
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature*)pLump->GetAt( 0);
CClosed_shellStep* pShellStep = (CClosed_shellStep* ) pFeature->GetAt( 0);
for (int iF = 0; iF < pLump->GetSize(); iF++) {
agitoFeature* pAntiFeature = NULL;
if (iF>0){
pFeature = (agitoFeature*)pLump->GetAt( iF);
for (int iAnti=0; iAnti < raNegativeFeatures.GetSize(); iAnti++){
agitoFeature* pAntiFeature = (agitoFeature* )raNegativeFeatures.GetAt(iAnti);
if ( pAntiFeature == pFeature ){
if (NULL ==pAntiFeature ){
pFeature->mergeCFSFacetted( 0, pShellStep);
else {
pFeature->removeCFSFacetted( 0, pShellStep);
}//fi iF>0
if (NULL ==pAntiFeature ){
int numShells = pFeature->GetSize();
for (int is=1;is< numShells ; is++){
pFeature->mergeCFSFacetted(is, pShellStep);
}//next is
}//next iF
}// next im
return S_OK;
// bug above, make it work when the base feature is not the first one
// hint create a binary tree
HRESULT step::faceXedgeFacetedCoincident( CPlaneStep* pPlaneStepOnPosFeature,
CPoly_loopStep* pPLoopN, // loop corresponding to neg feature
CrcPtrArray* pLoopIntersectionPoints, // collection of intersection // points on polygon
unsigned int & riStartIndex, // index of startpoint
unsigned int & riEndIndex // index of endpoint
, CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0 , CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1 , int &iInsertionIndex
int k0 = pPLoopN->Find(pCartesian_pointStep0);
int k1 = pPLoopN->Find(pCartesian_pointStep1);
if (0 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()){
if (((k0+1) == k1) || ( (0 == k1) && ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1) == k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep1);
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep0);
} else if (((k0-1) == k1) ||( ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1) == k1) && (0 == k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep0);
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else {
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep0);
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep1);
else if (pCartesian_pointStep0 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0)) {
if (((k0+1) == k1) || ( (0 == k1) && ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1)==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex, pCartesian_pointStep1);
// iInsertionIndex++;
} else if (((k0-1) == k1) ||( ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1) == k1) && (0==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex+1, pCartesian_pointStep1);
// iInsertionIndex++;
} else {
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(iInsertionIndex+1, pCartesian_pointStep1);
// iInsertionIndex++;
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(0, pCartesian_pointStep1);
else if (pCartesian_pointStep1 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0)){
if (((k0+1) == k1) || ( (0 == k1) && ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1)==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(iInsertionIndex+1, pCartesian_pointStep0);
// iInsertionIndex++;
} else if (((k0-1) == k1) ||( ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1) == k1) && (0==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(iInsertionIndex, pCartesian_pointStep0);
// iInsertionIndex++;
} else {
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(iInsertionIndex, pCartesian_pointStep0);
// iInsertionIndex++;
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(0, pCartesian_pointStep0);
else if (pCartesian_pointStep0 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1)){
if (((k0+1) == k1) || ( (0 == k1) && ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1)==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1, pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else if (((k0-1) == k1) ||( ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1) == k1) && (0==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else {
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep1);
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep1);
else if (pCartesian_pointStep1 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1)){
if (((k0+1) == k1) || ( (0 == k1) && ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1)==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep0);
} else if (((k0-1) == k1) ||( ((pPLoopN->GetSize()-1) == k1) && (0==k0))){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1, pCartesian_pointStep0);
} else {
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1, pCartesian_pointStep0);
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add( pCartesian_pointStep0);
} else {
return S_OK;
if (pCartesian_pointStep0 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0)) {
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>restol2){
} else if (dp<-restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else {
else if (pCartesian_pointStep1 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0)){
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>restol2){
} else if (dp<-restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep0);
} else {
else if (pCartesian_pointStep0 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1)){
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>restol2){
} else if (dp<-restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else {
else if (pCartesian_pointStep1 == pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt(pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1)){
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>restol2){
} else if (dp<-restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else {
} else {
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>restol2){
} else if (dp<-restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep0);
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else {
// calculate the face-edge intersection
// each edge is oriended ccw, henc wh just have to make sure that they are properly inserted into the list
HRESULT step::faceXedgeFaceted( CFace_surfaceStep *pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature,
CPoly_loopStep* pPLoopN, // loop corresponding to neg feature
double& dStartParam, // start parameter on line0
double& dEndParam, // end parameter on line0
CrcPtrArray* pLoopIntersectionPoints, // collection of intersection //points on polygon
unsigned int & riStartIndex, // index of startpoint
unsigned int & riEndIndex // index of endpoint
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
int iInsertionIndex = 0;
int iAdditionIndex = 0;// how far from the end do you insert these??
int ivm1 = pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize()-1; for (int iv = 0; iv < pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize(); iv++){
// create an edge on neg features bounded , that edge is oriented ccw, // hence the intersections are also oriented ccw as well, // provided that the last one was not encountered first!
CPlaneStep* pPlaneStepOnPosFeature = dynamic_cast<CPlaneStep*>
// int iNumIntersection=0;
// create an edge on neg features bounded CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0 = dynamic_cast<CCartesian_pointStep*>((CBaseStep*)
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1 = dynamic_cast<CCartesian_pointStep*>((CBaseStep*)
(pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(iv )));
// intersect this edge with the plane
if( (NULL != pCartesian_pointStep0) && (NULL != pCartesian_pointStep1)
CVectorStep* pEdge = new CVectorStep ( *pCartesian_pointStep0, *pCartesian_pointStep1); if (NULL==pEdge) {
}// wh 10/17/01
CLineStep *pEdgeN = new CLineStep (*pCartesian_pointStep0, *pEdge , pCartesian_pointStep1);
if (NULL==pEdgeN) {
}// wh 10/17/01
intersectionType intersection = noIntersection;//unknownSegmentIntersection double paramU, paramV,
CrcPtrArray* pEdgeIntersectionPoints = new CrcPtrArray();
if ( NULL == pEdgeIntersectionPoints ) {
delete pEdge;
delete pEdgeN;
hr = pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->intersect( pEdgeN, intersection, pEdgeIntersectionPoints, paramU, paramV,
paramT );
if (FAILED( hr)){
delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints;
delete pEdge;
delete pEdgeN;
return hr;
if ( noIntersection != intersection){
// CDirectionStep faceLeft(NULL, pEdge->m_dMagnitude );
containment bContains=unknownContainment;
double dParam;
// wait, not so fast, we have to make sure that intersection point is inside FOB
pPLoopN->contains( (CCartesian_pointStep*)pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0), bContains, (pEdge->m_pOrientation), dParam);
if (out==bContains){
intersection = noIntersection ;
if ( startpointIntersection == intersection) {
// find out where the surface is to the left of the traversal direction
// if edge vector is antiparellel to surface normal, start point
// if edge vector is parallel to surface Normal, endpoint
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation));
if (dp>0){
// if (pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt( pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1) != (void*)pCartesian_pointStep0){
riStartIndex = pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*)pCartesian_pointStep0);
// }
// else {
// riStartIndex = pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1;
// }
} else if (dp<0){
riStartIndex = 0;
// if (pLoopIntersectionPoints->GetAt( iInsertionIndex) != (void*)pCartesian_pointStep0){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex, (void*)pCartesian_pointStep0);
iInsertionIndex++; // }
} else {
} else if ( endpointIntersection == intersection) {
// find out where the surface is to the left of the traversal direction
// if edge vector is antiparellel to surface normal, start point
// if edge vector is parallel to surface Normal, endpoint
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>0){
riEndIndex = pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*)pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else if (dp<0){
riEndIndex = 0;
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt(iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointStep1);
} else{
} else if ( interiorIntersection == intersection) {
// small problem in that intersection is sometimes unnecssary // because the loop goes outside the outer_bound and // has not been contained as in MERGE_BOUNDS_INTERSECTION ! // wh 02/25/02
// accept only intersections between the start_point and end_point.of Edge1.
// Not only do we have to find the params, // but we also have to split the loop on face of the neg feature and truncate it
CCartesian_pointStep *pCartesian_pointOld = (CCartesian_pointStep *)pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0);
CCartesian_pointStep *pCartesian_pointNew = pCartesian_pointOld;
// need to search against the list of known points, and if found use the other one! //wh 11/13/01 pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->Find( pCartesian_pointOld, pCartesian_pointNew);// wh 11/13/01
if (NULL != pCartesian_pointOld){
pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->Add( pCartesian_pointNew);// wh 11/13/01
// we need to make sure the intersection points are ordered CCW
// if edge vector is antiparellel to surface normal, start point
// if edge vector is parallel to surface Normal, endpoint
double dp = dotProduct( *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis)
, *(pEdge->m_pOrientation)
if (dp>restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*) pCartesian_pointNew);
} else if (dp<-restol2){
pLoopIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( iInsertionIndex , (void*)pCartesian_pointNew);
} else {
// we should also add this intersection to the posFeature's face?
// wh 10/22/01 true
// wh 10/15/01 setting true gives better results, but gaps_in loops
// modify the negative feature by adding the vertex at the intersection
// seem to miss one due to tolerance issues!// wh 11/06/01
// check if the point is within the [outer]bound
CDirectionStep* pFaceNormal = pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis;
containment bContains = unknownContainment; double rdParam;
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->convexContains( (CCartesian_pointStep*) pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0), bContains, pFaceNormal , rdParam ); if ( out != bContains )// really should be (on == bContains)
if (0 != iv){ if ((pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(iv ) != pCartesian_pointNew ) && (pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(ivm1) != pCartesian_pointNew ) ){
// also double check that this isn't an endpoint
pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.InsertAt( iv,(void*)pCartesian_pointNew );
else {
if ((pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(iv ) != pCartesian_pointNew ) && (pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(ivm1) != pCartesian_pointNew ) ){
// do as above
pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.Add( (void*)pCartesian_pointNew );
// also need to add them to the pos surface's loops
}// fi contain
// can there be more intersections here??, //probably not on a plane, what about with numerical noise?
}// fi interiorIntersection == intersection
else if ( coincidentIntersection == intersection) {
// should not reveal more info than we already have, but could be used to simplify
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, paramT[0]);
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , paramT[1]);
// need this to prevent gaps
// wh 3/13/02
if (-1) {
faceXedgeFacetedCoincident( pPlaneStepOnPosFeature
, pPLoopN // loop corresponding to neg feature
, pLoopIntersectionPoints // collection of intersection // points on polygon
, riStartIndex // index of startpoint
, riEndIndex // index of endpoint
, pCartesian_pointStep0 , pCartesian_pointStep1
, iInsertionIndex
else {
for (int i = 0; i< pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetSize();i++){
delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(i);
else {
// for (int i = 0; i< pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetSize();i++){
// delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(i);// wh 10/19/01
// }
delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints;
delete pEdgeN;
delete pEdge;
// if you modified the neg feature, you should split the face into two as well
ivm1 = iv;
}// next iv
return S_OK;
// calculate the edge-edge intersection HRESULT step::edgeXedgeFaceted( int ivm1, // start vertex on neg feature's poly
int iv, // end vertex on neg feature's poly
CPoly_loopStep* pPLoop, // loop corresponding to neg feature
double& dStartParam, // start parameter on line0
double& dEndParam, // end parameter on line0
CLineStep* pLine0, // line of intersection between the two polys
CrcPtrArray* pLoopIntersectionPoints // collection of intersection //points on polygon
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
// int iNumIntersection=0;
// create an edge on neg features bounded int jvm1 = (int )pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->m_hash.GetAt(ivm1);
CCartesian_pointStep* pPointStep0 = dynamic_cast<CCartesian_pointStep*>((CPointStep* )
int jv = (int )pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->m_hash.GetAt(iv);// wh 09/07/01
CCartesian_pointStep* pPointStep1 = dynamic_cast<CCartesian_pointStep*>((CPointStep* )
(pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(jv )));
// intersect this edge with the line
if( (NULL != pPointStep0) && (NULL != pPointStep1)){
CVectorStep* pEdge = new CVectorStep ( *pPointStep0, *pPointStep1); if (NULL==pEdge) {
}// wh 10/17/01
CLineStep *pEdge1 = new CLineStep (*pPointStep0, *pEdge, pPointStep1 );
if (NULL==pEdge1) {
}// wh 10/17/01
intersectionType intersection, intersection0;
double param0, param1;
CrcPtrArray* pEdgeIntersectionPoints = new CrcPtrArray();
if (NULL==pEdgeIntersectionPoints) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pLine0->intersect( *pEdge1, intersection, pEdgeIntersectionPoints, param0, param1 , intersection0);
if (FAILED(hr)){
delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints;
return hr;
if ( noIntersection != intersection){
if ( startpointIntersection == intersection) {
// find out where the surface is to the left of the traversal direction
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, param0);
} else if ( endpointIntersection == intersection) {
// find out where the surface is to the left of the traversal direction
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , param0);
} else if ( interiorIntersection == intersection) {
// accept only intersections between the start_point and end_point.of Edge1
// pEdge1->
// not only do we have to find the params, // but we also have to split the loop on face of the neg feature and truncate it
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, param0);
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , param0);
else if ( coincidentIntersection == intersection) {
// should not reveal more info than we already have, but could be used to simplify
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, param0);
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , param0);
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*)pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0));
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*)pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(1));
} }
delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints;
return S_OK;
// make a method of CPoly_loopStep wh 7/23/01
// calculate the edge-line intersections (or almost intersection)
HRESULT step::lineEdgeGlanceFaceted( int ivm1, // start vertex on neg feature's poly
int iv, // end vertex on neg feature's poly
CPoly_loopStep* pPLoop, // loop corresponding to neg feature
double& dStartParam, // start parameter on line0
double& dEndParam, // end parameter on line0
CLineStep* pLine0, // line of intersection between the two polys
CrcPtrArray* pLoopIntersectionPoints, // collection of intersection points on polygon
intersectionType& intersection1, intersectionType& intersection0)
// int iNumIntersection=0;
// create an edge on neg features bounded CCartesian_pointStep* pPointStep0 = dynamic_cast<CCartesian_pointStep*>((CObject*)
CCartesian_pointStep* pPointStep1 = dynamic_cast<CCartesian_pointStep*>((CObject*)
(pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.GetAt(iv )));
// intersect this edge with the line
if( (NULL != pPointStep0) && (NULL != pPointStep1)){
CVectorStep* pEdge = new CVectorStep ( *pPointStep0, *pPointStep1); if (NULL==pEdge) {
}// wh 10/17/01
bool bWithinTol ;
pEdge->withinTol( bWithinTol );
if (!bWithinTol ){
CLineStep *pEdge1 = new CLineStep (*pPointStep0, *pEdge , pPointStep1);
if (NULL==pEdge1) {
}// wh 10/17/01
double param0, param1;
CrcPtrArray* pEdgeIntersectionPoints = new CrcPtrArray();
if (NULL==pEdgeIntersectionPoints) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pLine0->intersect( *pEdge1, intersection1, pEdgeIntersectionPoints, param0, param1 , intersection0);
if ( ( noIntersection != intersection1) && (pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetSize()>0) // wh 10/09/01
if ( startpointIntersection == intersection1) {
// find out where the surface is to the left of the traversal direction
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, param0);
} else if ( endpointIntersection == intersection1) {
// find out where the surface is to the left of the traversal direction
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , param0);
} else if ( interiorIntersection == intersection1) {
// accept only intersections between the start_point and end_point.of Edge1
// pEdge1->
// not only do we have to find the params, // but we also have to split the loop on face of the neg feature and truncate it
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, param0);
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , param0);
else if ( coincidentIntersection == intersection1) {
// should not reveal more info than we already have, but could be used to simplify
dStartParam = min( dStartParam, param0);
dEndParam = max( dEndParam , param0);
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*)pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(0));
// pLoopIntersectionPoints->Add((void*)pEdgeIntersectionPoints->GetAt(1));
} }
delete pEdgeIntersectionPoints;
delete pEdge1;//wh 10/04/01
delete pEdge;
return S_OK;
// calculate the face-face intersections
HRESULT step::faceXfaceFaceted( CFace_surfaceStep * pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature, // positive features's face
CFace_surfaceStep * pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature, // neg features face
CPoly_loopStepEx* pPolyIntersectionPoints , // intersection point on polyon // of pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature
bool & bGapsEncountered, CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
//, thingList& rNegThingsList )
CPlaneStep* pPlaneStepOnPosFeature = dynamic_cast<CPlaneStep*>
if (NULL != pPlaneStepOnPosFeature ){
CPlaneStep* pPlaneStepOnNegFeature = dynamic_cast<CPlaneStep*>
if (NULL != pPlaneStepOnNegFeature ){
CDirectionStep* pIntersection= NULL; // calculate the direction of the intersection edge
pIntersection=crossProduct( *pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis , *pPlaneStepOnNegFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis
bool bPlanesIntersect = !pIntersection->withinTol(); if (!bPlanesIntersect ) { if (
pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->onSurface( *(pPlaneStepOnNegFeature->m_pPosition->m_pLocation))
bPlanesIntersect = true;
// make sure that the faces are not parallel
if (bPlanesIntersect ){
double dStartParam = DBL_MAX;//???
double dEndParam = -DBL_MAX;//???
// trim the infinite edge to within the bounds
// there is only one bound right now, // enclosing a convex region because CPolygon is convex
int ib = 0;
//for(;ib<pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature->GetSize(); ib++)
#pragma message("change this back!\n")
if ( 0<pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature->GetSize() )
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStepN = (CFace_boundStep*)
CPoly_loopStep* pPLoopN = dynamic_cast<CPoly_loopStep*>
// loopXPts *pLoopXPts = NULL;
// for (int ix = 0; ix < aLoopXPointArray.GetSize(); ix++){
// pLoopXPts = aLoopXPointArray.GetAt( ix);
// if ((NULL != pLoopXPts) && // (pLoopXPts->m_pPlaneStepOnNegFeature == pPlaneStepOnNegFeature)
// ){
// break;
// }
// else {
// pLoopXPts = NULL;
// }
// }// next ix
// ASSERT(NULL != pLoopXPts);
// if (NULL != pLoopXPts){
CrcPtrArray loopIntersectionPoints ;//= (pLoopXPts->loopIntersectionPoints);
loopIntersectionPoints.SetSize( 0 , pPLoopN->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize() //wh 10/18/01
unsigned int iStartIndex = UINT_MAX;// holds onto the index of the start point unsigned int iEndIndex = UINT_MAX;// holds onto the index of the end point faceXedgeFaceted( pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature
, pPLoopN , dStartParam , dEndParam , &loopIntersectionPoints , iStartIndex , iEndIndex , pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
// ensure that all intersection point come in pairs, if not, replicate last one
// now need to weed out duplicate points and //make sure that the negative features polyloop is oriented CW!
// did not end at the vertex of an edge
if ( true //UINT_MAX == iStartIndex // wh 02/05/02
){ paramPtrArray intersectionEdge(2 * loopIntersectionPoints.GetSize());
intersectionEdge.SetSize(0, loopIntersectionPoints.GetSize());
if (0 < loopIntersectionPoints.GetSize()){
intersectionEdge.SetSize(0, 2);
CDirectionStep& faceNormal = *(pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis);
containment bContainsP = unknownContainment;
for (int k = 0 ; k< loopIntersectionPoints.GetSize(); k++){
double dParam;
containment bContainsI = unknownContainment;
// if it is outside, need to move point to boundary along intersection edge
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->contains( (CCartesian_pointStep*)loopIntersectionPoints.GetAt(k)
, bContainsI
, dParam
// ASSERT( unknownContainment != bContainsI);// wh 2/10/01
if ( in == bContainsI){
int iw = intersectionEdge.Add( loopIntersectionPoints.GetAt(k));
double dnkm1 = -k-1;
intersectionEdge.aParam.SetAt(iw, (DWORD) dnkm1 );
} else if ( on == bContainsI){
int iw = intersectionEdge.Add( loopIntersectionPoints.GetAt(k));
double dnkm1 = -k-1;
intersectionEdge.aParam.SetAt(iw, (DWORD) dnkm1 );
// intersectionEdge.SetAt(k, NULL);
if (unknownContainment == bContainsP){
bContainsP = bContainsI;
if (out == bContainsI){
bContainsP = bContainsI;
}// next k
if (out == bContainsP ){
containment bContains = unknownContainment;
// if it is outside, need to move point to boundary along intersection edge
( &loopIntersectionPoints
, intersectionEdge
, bContains
#if 0
// point on neg surface are not added to its loops
containment bContainsN = unknownContainment;
// if it is outside, need to move point to boundary along intersection edge
pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature->trimEdge // wh 02/10/02
( &loopIntersectionPoints
, intersectionEdge
, bContainsN
// we have to cut away both surfaces of the intersection
// #define SPLIT_NEG_FEATURE false
// wh 02/08/02
CDirectionStep* pDirInc = pIntersection;
// if (((!pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->m_bSame_sense) &&
// ( pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature->m_bSame_sense)) ||
// (( pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->m_bSame_sense) &&
// (!pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature->m_bSame_sense)
// )){
// pDirInc->negate();
// }
intersectionEdge.simplify( );
// ASSERT( ((intersectionEdge.GetSize())%2) == 0);
if (1 < intersectionEdge.GetSize()){
// problem, the intersection edge has to be oriented where the cutting side has matter to the left
intersectionEdge.orderByParam( pDirInc);
// and positive one as well
// first process the pos features because it has the missing pts wh 2/13/02
// problem in that intersection points haven't been added this FB's loop yet! // wh 02/08/02
#if 0
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->splitAdd( // new way adds in the intersection pts
&intersectionEdge );
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->split( // old way
&intersectionEdge );
// trim the negative feature down to size for incorporation into resultant
// If this is done, then the part which lies outside must be deleted!
// N. B. intersectionEdge must be inside & oriented w/ matter on LHS
pFace_surfaceStepOnNegFeature->split( &intersectionEdge
}//fi #endif//SPLIT_NEG_FEATURE
iStartIndex = 0;
// ASSERT( UINT_MAX != iEndIndex );
// did not start at the vertex of an edge
if ( UINT_MAX == iEndIndex ){
iEndIndex = 0;
// unfortunately some loops [formed by leaving the solid] // are [incorrectly] added CCW, fix that
, pPlaneStepOnNegFeature
, pPlaneStepOnPosFeature , bGapsEncountered
//, true // because we are creating a hole );
// }// fi NULL == pLoopXPts
// else {
// TRACE0("pPlaneStepOnNegFeature not found\n");
// }
}// next ib
delete pIntersection;
condenseArray();// wh 01/20/02
return S_OK;
// here we intersect the outside bounds with the candidate inside bound
// Doing this is a two step process. // First, the intersection-points must be trimmed down to exist only // within the face_outer_bound.
// Once that is finished, if the two bounds have common edges, the edges must be removed and the // two face bounds are combined into one common FOB. // Sometimes, this will result in a face being split into two disjoint FOB s.
// should do the math in uv space instead of xyz
HRESULT step::boundsXboundsFaceted( CFace_surfaceStep* pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature, // positive features's face
boundsIntersectBounds& rBoundsXbounds,
CrcPtrArray* pPolyIntersectionPoints )// intersection point on // polygon of pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature
{ double dStartParam = DBL_MAX;
double dEndParam = -DBL_MAX;
CFace_outer_boundStep* pFace_outer_boundStep= (CFace_outer_boundStep*)
CPoly_loopStep* pPLoop = dynamic_cast<CPoly_loopStep*>(pFace_outer_boundStep->m_bound);
CPlaneStep* pPlaneStepOnPosFeature = dynamic_cast<CPlaneStep*>
CDirectionStep* pFaceNormal = pPlaneStepOnPosFeature->m_pPosition->m_pAxis;
CCartesian_pointStep* pLast_point = (CCartesian_pointStep* )
pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetAt( pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1);
containment cPreviousContains= unknownContainment;
double rdParam0;
pFace_outer_boundStep->convexContains( pLast_point, cPreviousContains, pFaceNormal , rdParam0
for (int jv = 0; jv < pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetSize(); ){
containment cContains;
double rdParam;
pFace_outer_boundStep->convexContains( (CCartesian_pointStep* )pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetAt(jv), cContains, pFaceNormal , rdParam );
bool bTransition = (out == cPreviousContains) && ( out != cContains);
bTransition = bTransition || (out != cPreviousContains) && ( out == cContains);
if (bTransition) {
CVectorStep* pVectorStep= new CVectorStep( *(CCartesian_pointStep* )pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetAt(jv), *pLast_point );
if (NULL == pVectorStep) {
bool bWithin = false;
if (!bWithin ){
CLineStep * pLineStep = new CLineStep( *(CCartesian_pointStep* )pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetAt(jv), *pVectorStep, pLast_point);
if (NULL == pLineStep) {
delete pVectorStep;
CrcPtrArray outerboundInteriorPoints ;
CDWordArray pIntersectionParam ;//= new double[pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize()] ;
pIntersectionParam.SetSize(pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize(), 0);
int id = 0;
int ivm1 = pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize()-1; for (int iv = 0; iv < pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.GetSize(); iv++){
CrcPtrArray outerboundIntersectionPoints ;
intersectionType intersection0 = unknownSegmentIntersection; intersectionType intersection1 = unknownSegmentIntersection;
int iBefore = outerboundIntersectionPoints.GetSize();
lineEdgeGlanceFaceted( ivm1, iv, pPLoop, dStartParam, dEndParam, pLineStep, &outerboundIntersectionPoints , intersection1, intersection0);
//watch it, we only care about interior intersection pts
if (interiorIntersection == intersection1 ){
pPLoop->m_aPolygonVertices.InsertAt( iv++, outerboundIntersectionPoints.GetAt(0) );
if (interiorIntersection == intersection0){
pIntersectionParam.SetAt(id++, (DWORD)dStartParam);
outerboundInteriorPoints.Add( outerboundIntersectionPoints.GetAt(0));
ivm1 = iv;
}// next iv
for (int j=0; j < outerboundInteriorPoints.GetSize(); j++) {
int iCurMin=0;
double dMinParam = (double )pIntersectionParam.GetAt(0);
for (int i = 1; i < outerboundInteriorPoints.GetSize(); i++){
if (dMinParam > (double )pIntersectionParam.GetAt(i)) {
iCurMin = i;
dMinParam = (double )pIntersectionParam.GetAt(i);
}// fi
}// next i
// once all the intersections are found, they have to be inserted into the list CW
if ((double )pIntersectionParam.GetAt(iCurMin) > restol) {
if ((double )pIntersectionParam.GetAt(iCurMin) < (1.0e0 - restol)) {
pPolyIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( jv++, outerboundInteriorPoints.GetAt(iCurMin) );
else {
// also a pain
pPolyIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( jv++, outerboundInteriorPoints.GetAt(iCurMin) );
} else {
// pain because it intersects at the corner, // hence you have to decide whether to insert at jv-1 or jv pPolyIntersectionPoints->InsertAt( jv++, outerboundInteriorPoints.GetAt(iCurMin) );
outerboundInteriorPoints.SetAt( iCurMin, (void*)0) ;
pIntersectionParam.SetAt(iCurMin, DWORD((double)pIntersectionParam.GetAt(iCurMin) + 2.));
}// next j
delete pLineStep;// wh 10/04/01
} else {
// remove the point??
if (0<jv){ pPolyIntersectionPoints->RemoveAt( jv);
} else { pPolyIntersectionPoints->RemoveAt( pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetSize()-1);
delete pVectorStep;
pLast_point = (CCartesian_pointStep*)
if (out == cContains) { pPolyIntersectionPoints->RemoveAt(jv);
// ASSERT( pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetSize()>0);
} else {
cPreviousContains = cContains;
}// next iv
if (pPolyIntersectionPoints->GetSize() > 2) {
rBoundsXbounds = commonVertexInside;
} //else { //rBoundsXbounds = commonVertexOutside;// wh 10/07/01
return S_OK;
// Perform the surface-surface intersection.
// We do not intersect two nonexistant surfaces, // this is a good thing I hope, can you think of cases where its not?
// Several cases can occur
// 1. Negative Feature exists completely inside a positive feature, // hence we get an inside void on a new shell, // in advanced_brep we get two oriented_closed_shell, // outside one is positive, inside one is negative.
// 2. Negative feature intersects just one face and becomes attached to the shell.
// 2b. Negative feature intersects two disjoint faces on the same shell, creates a hole.
// 3. Negative feature intersects two adjoining faces [on the same shell], eats away a chunk.
// 3b. Negative feature divides a face, creates multiple lumps.
// 4. Negative feature intersects two disjoint faces [on different shell], //joins two shells, no hole, rather a tunnel between the shells.
HRESULT step::surfXsurfFaceted( agitoAssembly* pAssembly// collection of all parts
, int itNeg // index of negative CThing
, CThing* pNegThing // the negative features whose faces will be // intersected against all faces in the assembly
, CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray , CPolygon* pPolygonOnPosFeature// the collection of all the //face_surfaces in the assembly
, int ipp , CClosed_shellStep* pShell
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
//, thingList& rNegThingsList
int ISO = pPolygonOnPosFeature->MemberOfSurface;
if (-1 != ISO){
CSurface* pSurfOnPosFeature= (CSurface*) GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetAt( ISO);
// only for surf which exist
if (0 != pSurfOnPosFeature->exists){
// carve out the inside polygons
if (-1 != pNegThing->firstpolyno) {
bool bGapsEncountered = false;
// hold onto the set of intersection points
CPoly_loopStepEx polyIntersectionPoints;
polyIntersectionPoints.m_aPolygonVertices.SetSize( 0, GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());//wh 06/04/01
int iLastSurfaceNo = -1;
// false assumption here in that the polygons are a part of the poly loop, and that neighbooring ones touch!!!!!
for ( int ipn = pNegThing->firstpolyno; ipn <= pNegThing->lastpolyno; ipn++){
bool bIntersect = false;// used to weed out spurious intersections
CPolygon* pPolygonInside = (CPolygon*) GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt(ipn);
int isi = pPolygonInside->MemberOfSurface;
if (-1 != isi){
CSurface* pSurfInside = (CSurface*) GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetAt( isi);
// only for surf which exist
if (0 != pSurfInside->exists){ // loopXPts* ploopXPts = new loopXPts;
// aLoopXPointArray.Add( ploopXPts );
// int ifac = (int) CConnected_face_setStep::map_face.GetAt(ipn);
CFace_surfaceStep *pFace_surfaceStep = (CFace_surfaceStep*) pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->GetAt(ipn);// wh 02/18/02
ASSERT_VALID( pFace_surfaceStep);
// ploopXPts->m_pPlaneStepOnNegFeature = dynamic_cast<CPlaneStep*> // (pFace_surfaceStep->m_pFace_geometry);
// ASSERT( isi == ifac );// each owning surface should be different!
iLastSurfaceNo = isi;
polyXpolyBBFaceted( ipp, ipn,
&polyIntersectionPoints , bGapsEncountered, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray, bIntersect ,
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
//, rNegThingsList
if (!bIntersect){
}//next ipn
polyIntersectionPoints.move( NULL); // wh 03/05/02
// worry about wrap around
if (1 // wh 7/09/01
< polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize()) {
if ( polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt(0) == polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt(polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize()-1) )
polyIntersectionPoints.m_aPolygonVertices.RemoveAt( polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize()-1);
else {
CDirectionStep* pDirNeg = new CDirectionStep( NULL, *(CCartesian_pointStep*)polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt( polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize()-1),
*(CCartesian_pointStep*)polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt( 0));
if (NULL==pDirNeg) {
}//wh 10/17/01
if (pDirNeg->getLength2() < restol2) {
polyIntersectionPoints.m_aPolygonVertices.RemoveAt( polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize()-1);
delete pDirNeg;// wh 10/06/01
try {
CFace_surfaceStep *pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature = (CFace_surfaceStep *)
// create a poly loop which describes the intersection
if ( 2 // was 0 // wh 5/25/01
< polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize()){
CPoly_loopStep *pPoly_loopStepIntersection = new CPoly_loopStep( (CPointStep*)polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt(0), (CPointStep*)polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt(1), (CPointStep*)polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt(2)
, polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize());
if (NULL==pPoly_loopStepIntersection) {
}// wh 10/17/01
if (bGapsEncountered) {
pPoly_loopStepIntersection->m_bGap = true;
for (int i = 3; i < polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize(); i++){
CPointStep*pIn = ( (CPointStep*) polyIntersectionPoints.GetAt(i));
pPoly_loopStepIntersection->SetAt( i, pIn);
//need to make sure that [inner]bound is inside outer_bound
// TBD
boundsIntersectBounds boundsXbounds = unknownBoundsIntersection;
boundsContainBoundsFaceted( pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature
, boundsXbounds
, &polyIntersectionPoints );
// need to make sure that [inner]bounds does not intersect with outer_bound, // if it does , then need to stitch them together!
if (intersectionBounds == boundsXbounds)
// merge together the two bounds
// wh 11/01/01
// gives good results, // but memory problems in that some dependent entities are prematurely deleted, // while still referenced!
boundsXboundsFaceted( pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature ,
if (NULL != pPoly_loopStepIntersection){
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->makeIslands( pPoly_loopStepIntersection);
else if (disjointBounds == boundsXbounds) { //make sure bound is thrown away }
else if (insideBounds == boundsXbounds) { // TRACE0("inside bound\n");
else if (outsideBounds == boundsXbounds) {
//replace outside bounds by inside bounds if (1 < pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->GetSize() ) {
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->GetAt(1);
CLoopStep* pLoopStep = pFace_boundStep->m_bound;
CPoly_loopStep *pPoly_loopStep = dynamic_cast<CPoly_loopStep*>( pLoopStep);
if (NULL != pPoly_loopStep ){
pPoly_loopStep->replace( pPoly_loopStepIntersection);
} else {
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = new CFace_boundStep( NULL, pPoly_loopStepIntersection, true, NULL);
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->Add( pFace_boundStep);
pPoly_loopStepIntersection->addRef(); // wh 01/27/02
#if 0
if ( (commonVertexInside == boundsXbounds) ) {
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = (CFace_boundStep* )
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->GetFace_outer_bound(); pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->makeIslands(pPoly_loopStepIntersection);
} else if ( (edgeScrapesInside == boundsXbounds) ) {
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = (CFace_boundStep* )
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->GetFace_outer_bound(); // more sophisticated in that it also removes an edge
#endif // be careful and throw out [inner]bound outside the outer bounds!
if ( (insideBounds == boundsXbounds) || (commonVertexInside == boundsXbounds) || (edgeScrapesInside == boundsXbounds) ) {
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = new CFace_boundStep( NULL, pPoly_loopStepIntersection, true //wh 05/21/01 since edges are oriented CW
if (NULL==pPoly_loopStepIntersection) {
}// wh 10/17/01
int ifb = 0;
pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->AddFB( pFace_boundStep, ifb);
// pFace_surfaceStepOnPosFeature->Add( pFace_boundStep);
} else { pPoly_loopStepIntersection->release(); // wh 10/09/01
pPoly_loopStepIntersection=NULL; // wh 10/09/01
} // Xpoints else { // ASSERT( 0 == polyIntersectionPoints.GetSize() );// wh 10/09/01
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "error while computing m_polygonarray[ %d]\n", ipn );
#endif//EXPOSE }
// for ( int ik=0; ik < aLoopXPointArray.GetSize(); ik++){
// loopXPts * pLoopXPts = aLoopXPointArray.GetAt(ik);
// delete pLoopXPts->loopIntersectionPoints;
// delete pLoopXPts;
// }// next ik
// aLoopXPointArray.SetSize(0);
}// isp return S_OK;
//1.For each CThing in m_thingarray
//2. If the CThing has at least one CSurface
//3. If one or more CSurface.exists==0.0
//4. For each CPolygon in m_polygonarray
//5. If the Cpolygon.MemberOfObject != CThing from (1.)
//6. For each CPolygon in CThing from (1.)
//7. Create a temporary polygon comprised of the
// intersection of the Cpolygon from (6.) with the plane from the Cpoly in (4.)
//8. The temporary polygon from (7.) is removed
//from the CPolygon in(4.) //the hard part!
//Creating the temproary polygon may not be too difficult as the m_*arrays are
//all in order of their creation, so they should therefore either align
//sequentially in either CCW or CW order, can end up either way. Removing the
//temporary polygon is easy if it is incribed (it is therefore simply the
//inner loop) , and if not, the resultant polygon needs to be tessalated so as
//to always be convex.
// find the negative features based on the exists param
HRESULT step::findNegFeatureFaceted( agitoAssembly* pAssembly,// agitoComponent& aNegativeComponents,
CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
,CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile){
this->GetScribView()->Notify("Finding Negative Features");}
#endif//NOTIFICATION //thingList rNegThingsList;
for ( int it = 0; it < GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetSize(); it++ ) {
CThing* pThing = (CThing*) GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetAt(it);
agitoPart* pPart = (agitoPart* )pAssembly->GetAt( pThing->BelongsToModelNo);
ASSERT( 0 == pThing->BelongsToModelNo);
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent* )pPart->GetAt( 0);
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature* )pLump->GetAt( it);// fails for multi-parts
pFeature->m_bFeatureAdded = false;
// find the negative feature
if (-1 != pThing->firstpolyno) for ( int ip = pThing->firstpolyno; ip <= pThing->lastpolyno; ip++){
CPolygon *pPolygon= (CPolygon *)GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt(ip);
if (-1 != pPolygon->MemberOfSurface){
CSurface* pSurface= (CSurface*) GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetAt(pPolygon->MemberOfSurface);
if (0.0 == pSurface->exists){
if (!pFeature->m_bFeatureAdded){
aNegativeComponents.Add( pFeature);
pFeature->m_bFeatureAdded= true;
// need to delete the nonexistant surface from the shell!
CClosed_shellStep* pShell = (CClosed_shellStep* ) pFeature->GetAt(0);
pThing->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pShell);
pShell->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pThing);
int jp = ip;
jp = (int) pShell->map_face.GetAt(ip);
// remove face from the shell
CFace_surfaceStep *pFace_surfaceStep = (CFace_surfaceStep *)
pShell->m_pCFS_faces->GetAt( jp); // wh 10/02/01 pShell->m_pCFS_faces->SetAt( jp, NULL);
ASSERT_VALID( pFace_surfaceStep);
pFace_surfaceStep->release();//wh 10/02/01
// }
intersectNegFeatureFaceted( pAssembly
, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray );
return S_OK;
// now find the intersections of this CThing's surfaces with surfaces of other CThings
HRESULT step::intersectNegFeatureFaceted( agitoAssembly* pAssembly
, CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray )
for ( int it = 0; it < GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetSize(); it++ ) {
CThing* pThing = (CThing*) GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetAt(it);
agitoPart* pPart = (agitoPart* )pAssembly->GetAt( pThing->BelongsToModelNo);
ASSERT( 0 == pThing->BelongsToModelNo);
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent* )pPart->GetAt( 0);
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature* )pLump->GetAt( it);// fails for multi-parts
CClosed_shellStep* pShell=NULL;// for the time being// wh 7/15/01
if (pFeature->m_bFeatureAdded){
thingXthingBBFaceted( pAssembly, it, pThing,
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray ,
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray );
return S_OK;
// build the shells from the faces in the assembly
HRESULT step::buildShellsFaceted( FILE* stream, stepArchive & ar,
CPtrArray*& pPoly_loopPtrArray, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep , surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect,
CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
{ #if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->Notify("(40%) step::buildShellsFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 40);
agitoAssembly assembly;// a part (model) has features (things)
HRESULT hr = connectFacesFaceted( &assembly, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray);
if (FAILED( hr)){
return hr;
// commented out until it works // wh 7/17/01
#ifdef _LAYER
// suppress those features & parts that are not to be output!
supressLayersFaceted( pPoly_loopPtrArray , pRepresentationStep ,
lSurfaceModelSelect ,
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray , &assembly );
//m_ptrArrayAgito.SearchFromTheTop(); // wh 7/11/01
//then remove features and add positive features
agitoComponent aNegativeFeatures ;
// go thru the list of features, and classify them, and add em to the correct list
// turned off until the polyloops of neg feature are oriented CW & //each edge if facing the correct way as well!
findNegFeatureFaceted( &assembly
, aNegativeFeatures
, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
CTime theTime;
theTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt(0);
iraroArchive& ir = *p_ir;
ir << "\n/* time when findNegFeature ";
ir << theTime.Format(" %Y-%m-%d T%H:%M:%S*/\n"); addEulerFaceted( &assembly, aNegativeFeatures);
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->Notify("(49%) Faceted CRepresentationStep::Serialize ");}
if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 49);}
buildAssembliesFaceted( ar, &assembly, pRepresentationStep );
try {
for ( int im =0; im < assembly.GetSize(); im++ ) {
agitoPart* pPart= (agitoPart*)assembly.GetAt( im);
for ( int ip =0; ip < pPart->GetSize(); ip++ ) {
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent*)pPart->GetAt(ip);
for ( int il =0; il < pLump->GetSize(); il++ ) {
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature*)pLump->GetAt( il);
delete pFeature ;
delete pLump;
delete pPart;
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->Notify("(99%) returned with Faceted CRepresentationStep::Serialize ");}
if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 99);}
return S_OK;
HRESULT step::preShellsFaceted( FILE* stream, stepArchive & ar,
CPtrArray*& pPoly_loopPtrArray, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep , surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect,
CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
{ #if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->Notify("(40%) step::buildShellsFaceted");}
if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 40);}
agitoAssembly assembly;// a part (model) has features (things)
HRESULT hr = connectFacesFaceted( &assembly, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray);
if (FAILED( hr)){
return hr;
// commented out until it works // wh 7/17/01
#ifdef _LAYER
// suppress those features & parts that are not to be output!
supressLayersFaceted( pPoly_loopPtrArray , pRepresentationStep ,
lSurfaceModelSelect ,
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray , &assembly );
//m_ptrArrayAgito.SearchFromTheTop(); // wh 7/11/01
//then remove features and add positive features
agitoComponent aNegativeComponents ;
// go thru the list of features, and classify them, and add em to the correct list
// turned off until the polyloops of neg feature are oriented CW & //each edge if facing the correct way as well!
findNegFeatureFaceted( &assembly, aNegativeComponents, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
if (m_bWriteFile) {
CTime theTime;
theTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt(0);
iraroArchive& ir = *p_ir;
ir << "\n/* time when findNegFeature ";
ir << theTime.Format(" %Y-%m-%d T%H:%M:%S*/\n"); }
addEulerFaceted( &assembly, aNegativeComponents);
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(49%) Faceted CRepresentationStep::Serialize ");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 49);
preAssembliesFaceted( ar, &assembly, pRepresentationStep );
try {
for ( int im =0; im < assembly.GetSize(); im++ ) {
agitoPart* pPart= (agitoPart*)assembly.GetAt( im);
for ( int ip =0; ip < pPart->GetSize(); ip++ ) {
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent*)pPart->GetAt(ip);
for ( int il =0; il < pLump->GetSize(); il++ ) {
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature*)pLump->GetAt( il);
delete pFeature ;
delete pLump;
delete pPart;
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(99%) returned with Faceted CRepresentationStep::Serialize ");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 99);
return S_OK;
// connnect the faces and shells together
HRESULT step::connectFacesFaceted( agitoAssembly* pAssembly, CPtrArray*& pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray )
for ( int im =0; im < GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetSize();im++ ) {
CModel* pModel= (CModel* )GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetAt(im);
if (pModel->on){
agitoComponent* pLump= new agitoComponent;// a lump has features (things)
if (NULL==pLump){
agitoPart* pPart= new agitoPart;// a part (model) has lumps
if (NULL==pPart){
pAssembly->Add( (LPVOID) pPart);
}// next im
CConnected_face_setStep::map_part.SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
CConnected_face_setStep::map_lump.SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
CConnected_face_setStep::map_feature.SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
CConnected_face_setStep::map_shell.SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
CConnected_face_setStep::map_face.SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
//CConnected_face_setStep::map_surface.SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());// wh 02/19/02
// connectFaces, extract transform for CThing
// maybe we should set up a dummy thing which holds all unaccounted for things living in space
if (0 == GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetSize()) {
// created because we are outputting both cfs & shell
CConnected_face_setStep *pConnected_face_setStep = new CConnected_face_setStep( NULL, NULL);
if (NULL==pConnected_face_setStep ){
// be careful, there can be many shells
CClosed_shellStep *pShellStep = new CClosed_shellStep( pConnected_face_setStep, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray );
if (NULL==pShellStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pShellStep->m_bProgressed = false;
// pShellStep->demote();// treat all shells as open until everything works // wh 6/28/01
agitoFeature* pFeature= new agitoFeature;
if (NULL==pFeature){
agitoPart* pPart = (agitoPart* )pAssembly->GetAt(0);
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent* )pPart->GetAt(0);
for (int i = 0; i<GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize(); i++){
pShellStep->map_face.SetAt(i, (void*)i);
CConnected_face_setStep::map_shell.SetAt( i, (void*)0);
// CConnected_face_setStep::map_surface.SetAt( i, (void*)i);
// first set up the transforms, for ( int it =0; it < GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetSize();it++ ) {
CPtrArray* pFace_surfaceStepPtrArrayOnfeature = new CPtrArray;
if (NULL==pFace_surfaceStepPtrArrayOnfeature ){
CThing* pThing = (CThing*)GetScribView()->m_thingarray.GetAt(it);
agitoFeature* pFeature = new agitoFeature;// the features have shells if (NULL==pFeature) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// created because we are outputting both cfs & shell
CConnected_face_setStep *pConnected_face_setStep = new CConnected_face_setStep( NULL, NULL);// wait until you find out where the surfaces go
if (NULL==pConnected_face_setStep ){
pThing->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pConnected_face_setStep);
// be careful, there can be many shells
CClosed_shellStep *pShellStep = NULL;
// use Euler-Poincare formula to determine if its open or closed
// bLayerSuppressed =? v-e+f-r==2*(s-h): ;
// see CRepresentation_itemStep::writeEulerNum
pShellStep =
new CClosed_shellStep( pConnected_face_setStep, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArrayOnfeature);
// leaking wh 7/9/01
// pShellStep->demote();// treat all shells as open until everything works // wh 6/28/01
if (NULL==pShellStep ){
pThing->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pShellStep);
pShellStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pThing);
pShellStep->m_bProgressed = false;
int iModel = pThing->BelongsToModelNo;
ASSERT( -1 != iModel );// nested things??
CModel* pModel = (CModel*)GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetAt(iModel);
if ( pModel->on)
pFeature->Add( pShellStep);
agitoPart* pPart = (agitoPart* ) pAssembly->GetAt( pThing->BelongsToModelNo);
agitoComponent *pLump = (agitoComponent*) pPart->GetAt(0);
int iFeature = pLump->Add( (LPVOID) pFeature); bool bTrans = false;
if (false){
bTrans = bTrans && ((pThing->Xmove)>restol);
bTrans = bTrans && ((pThing->Ymove)>restol);
bTrans = bTrans && ((pThing->Zmove)>restol);
bTrans = bTrans && ((pThing->Xrot )>restol);
bTrans = bTrans && ((pThing->Yrot )>restol);
bTrans = bTrans && ((pThing->Zrot )>restol);
if (false){
CCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep *pCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep = new CCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep( pThing->Xmove, pThing->Ymove, pThing->Zmove);
if (NULL==pCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep ){
pThing->Xrot, pThing->Yrot, pThing->Zrot);
// this applies to the Technadraw view
// #pragma message("\nHow do you know whether to rotate first and then move or vis versa. MSG FROM(" __FILE__ ")\n")
if (NULL != pPart->m_pCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep ){
pPart->m_pCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep = pCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep;
// pCartesian_tranformation_operator_3dStep->addRef();
if (-1 != pThing->firstpolyno) { if (-1 != pThing->lastpolyno) {
for (int j = pThing->firstpolyno; j <= pThing->lastpolyno; j++) {
if ( ((GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize()) <= j) ||
( (pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->GetSize()) <= j)
) {
return E_FAIL;
CPolygon *pPolygon=(CPolygon *) (GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt(j));
ASSERT( NULL!=pPolygon);
if (NULL==pPolygon){
return E_FAIL;
else {
ASSERT_VALID( pPolygon);
CFace_surfaceStep* pFace_surfaceStep = (CFace_surfaceStep*)
(pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->GetAt( j));
if (NULL!=pFace_surfaceStep)
ASSERT_VALID( pFace_surfaceStep);
ASSERT( it == pPolygon->MemberOfObject);
// pConnected_face_setStep->m_pCFS_faces = pFace_surfaceStepPtrArrayOnfeature;// not needed anymore
int i = pFace_surfaceStepPtrArrayOnfeature->Add( pFace_surfaceStep );
pShellStep->map_face.SetAt( j, (void*)i);
CConnected_face_setStep::map_shell.SetAt( j, (void*)it);
CConnected_face_setStep::map_feature.SetAt( j, (void*) iFeature);// wh 7/16/01
// CConnected_face_setStep::map_surface.SetAt( j, (void*)i);
} else {
// pShellStep->map_face.SetAt( j, (void*)-1);
// CConnected_face_setStep::map_shell.SetAt( j, (void*)-1);
// CConnected_face_setStep::map_feature.SetAt( j, (void*)-1);// wh 7/16/01
// return E_FAIL;
} }// next j
}// fi
}// fi
}// fi
}// next it
return S_OK;
HRESULT step::preAssembliesFaceted( stepArchive& ar, agitoAssembly* pAssembly,
CRepresentationStep *&pRepresentationStep )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
this->GetScribView()->Notify("Building assembly");
#endif//NOTIFICATION int iNumModels = GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetSize();
// CAssembly_component_usageStep *pAssemblyStep = new // CNext_assembly_usage_occuranceStep( (CModel*)GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetAt(0), iNumModels);
CPtrArray* pFaceted_brepStepArray = new CPtrArray;
for ( int im =0; im < pAssembly->GetSize(); im++ ) {
CClosed_shellStep* pShellStep= NULL;
agitoPart* pPart= (agitoPart*)pAssembly->GetAt( im);
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent*)pPart->GetAt(0);
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature*)pLump->GetAt(0);
int numShells = pFeature->GetSize();
pShellStep = (CClosed_shellStep* )
pFeature->GetAt( 0);
CRepresentation_itemStep *pRepresentation_itemStep = new CRepresentation_itemStep();
if (NULL==pRepresentation_itemStep ){
CRepresentation_itemStep *pTopological_representation_itemStep = new CTopological_representation_itemStep( pRepresentation_itemStep);
if (NULL==pTopological_representation_itemStep ){
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "CTopological_representation_itemStep::m_iLhs = %d\n"
, 0// , pTopological_representation_itemStep->getNum()
#endif//EXPOSE pShellStep->m_pConnected_face_setStep->m_pRepresentation_itemStep =
CFaceted_brepStep*pFaceted_brepStep = new CFaceted_brepStep( pShellStep);
if (NULL==pFaceted_brepStep ){
CModel* pModel = (CModel*) GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetAt(im);
pModel->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pFaceted_brepStep);
pFaceted_brepStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( (CStepPtr *)
pFaceted_brepStepArray->Add( pFaceted_brepStep);
CRepresentation_contextStep *pGeometric_representation_contextStep = new CGeometric_representation_contextStep(NULL);
if (NULL==pGeometric_representation_contextStep ){
pRepresentationStep = new CFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep( *pFaceted_brepStepArray, pGeometric_representation_contextStep, this ); if (NULL==pRepresentationStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
g_iFACETED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION = pRepresentationStep->getNum();
if (m_bWriteFile) {
CTime theTime;
theTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt(0);
iraroArchive& ir = *p_ir ;
ir << "\n/* time when buildAssemblies ";
ir << theTime.Format(" %Y-%m-%d T%H:%M:%S*/\n");
ir << "\n/* from STEP topology/geometry schema, (part 42) */\n";
if (m_bWriteFile) {
pRepresentationStep->Serialize(ar); }
// wh 7/15/01 presentation error
presentation( ar);
ASSERT( 1 == pRepresentationStep->getRefCnt());
#ifndef CREATESTEP if ( m_bWriteFile){
iRepresentationStepNum = pRepresentationStep->getNum();
catch ( ... ) {
// so what
return S_OK;
delete pFaceted_brepStepArray;
return S_OK;
// build the assembly
HRESULT step::buildAssembliesFaceted( stepArchive& ar, agitoAssembly* pAssembly,
CRepresentationStep *&pRepresentationStep )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
this->GetScribView()->Notify("Building assembly");
#endif//NOTIFICATION int iNumModels = GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetSize();
// CAssembly_component_usageStep *pAssemblyStep = new // CNext_assembly_usage_occuranceStep( (CModel*)GetScribView()->m_modelarray.GetAt(0), iNumModels);
//CPtrArray* pFaceted_brepStep = new CPtrArray;
CPtrArray aFaceted_brepStep;
for ( int im =0; im < pAssembly->GetSize(); im++ ) {
CClosed_shellStep* pShellStep= NULL;
agitoPart* pPart= (agitoPart*)pAssembly->GetAt( im);
agitoComponent* pLump = (agitoComponent*)pPart->GetAt(0);
agitoFeature* pFeature = (agitoFeature*)pLump->GetAt(0);
int numShells = pFeature->GetSize();
pShellStep = (CClosed_shellStep* )
pFeature->GetAt( 0);
CRepresentation_itemStep *pRepresentation_itemStep = new CRepresentation_itemStep();
if (NULL==pRepresentation_itemStep ){
CRepresentation_itemStep *pTopological_representation_itemStep = new CTopological_representation_itemStep( pRepresentation_itemStep);
if (NULL==pTopological_representation_itemStep ){
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "CTopological_representation_itemStep::m_iLhs = %d\n"
, 0// , pTopological_representation_itemStep->getNum()
#endif//EXPOSE pShellStep->m_pConnected_face_setStep->m_pRepresentation_itemStep =
CFaceted_brepStep*pFaceted_brepStep = new CFaceted_brepStep( pShellStep);
if (NULL==pFaceted_brepStep ){
#if 0
if (0){
CCartesian_pointStep* pLocation = new CCartesian_pointStep( NULL, 0.0e0);
if (NULL==pFaceted_brepStep ){
pLocation *=
CAxis2_placement_3dStep *pAxis2_placement_3dStep = new CAxis2_placement_3dStep( *pLocation );
if (NULL==pAxis2_placement_3dStep ){
aFaceted_brepStep.Add( pAxis2_placement_3dStep );
pAxis2_placement_3dStep ->addRef();
aFaceted_brepStep.Add( pFaceted_brepStep);
CRepresentation_contextStep *pGeometric_representation_contextStep = new CGeometric_representation_contextStep(NULL);
if (NULL==pGeometric_representation_contextStep ){
pRepresentationStep = new CFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep( aFaceted_brepStep, pGeometric_representation_contextStep, this ); if (NULL==pRepresentationStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
g_iFACETED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION = pRepresentationStep->getNum();
if (m_bWriteFile) {
CTime theTime;
theTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt(0);
iraroArchive& ir = *p_ir ;
ir << "\n/* time when buildAssemblies ";
ir << theTime.Format(" %Y-%m-%d T%H:%M:%S*/\n");
ir << "\n/* from STEP topology/geometry schema, (part 42) */\n";
if (m_bWriteFile) {
pRepresentationStep->Serialize(ar); }
// wh 7/15/01 presentation error
presentation( ar);
if ( m_bWriteFile)
ASSERT( 1 == pRepresentationStep->getRefCnt());
iRepresentationStepNum = pRepresentationStep->getNum();
catch ( ... ) {
// so what
return S_OK;
return S_OK;
HRESULT step::buildLeftFaceted( int& iv, CPolygon*& pPolygon, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray, CCartesian_pointStep*& pCartesian_pointStep1, stepArchive& ar,
CPolygon*& pPolygonZ, CDirectionStep*& pRef_dir, int nv, // pPolygon->VertexHead + pPolygon->NumberOfVertices - pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex
CDirectionStep*& pAxis)
if ( iv <= nv) // wh 04/09/01
do {
iv++; CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep2 = NULL;
if (iv < nv){
pCartesian_pointStep2 = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv);
} else {
pCartesian_pointStep2 = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv + pPolygon->VertexHead - nv );
CDirectionStep left_dir ( NULL , *pCartesian_pointStep1
, *pCartesian_pointStep2
); if (left_dir.withinTol()) {
CDirectionStep* pLeft_dir = &left_dir ;
if (NULL != pLeft_dir) {// wh 04/09/01
#ifdef _DEBUG
pLeft_dir->m_szLabelName = "left";
else {// wh 04/09/01
iraroArchive* p_ir = ar.GetAt( pLeft_dir->getNum());
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ir << "/*can't determine left direction because all the vertices are colinear.*/\n";
// flip is already taken into account!
CSurface *pSurface = (CSurface *)
try {
if (NULL ==pRef_dir) {
}//wh 4/09/01
pAxis = crossProduct( *pRef_dir, *pLeft_dir) ;//wh 03/29/01
// take flip into account?
if (!pAxis->withinTol()){
delete pAxis;// wh 3/06/02
pAxis = NULL; // wh 9/28/01
iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt(0);
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ir << "\n/*Errors for polygon "<< iv <<" */\n";
TRACE1("Errors for polygon %n\n", iv);
} while (iv <=
nv // WH 03/07/02
if (iv >
nv// wh 03/07/02
ASSERT( false);
iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt(0);//pAxis->getNum()
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ir << "/* cross prod is zero for polygon "<< iv <<" (#"<< -1 << ") */\n";
else {
TRACE1("iv (%d) >= pPolygon->VertexHead + nv\n", iv);
// problem here is that the polygon is in logical, not physical space!
if (NULL == pAxis) {
pAxis = new CDirectionStep( NULL, pPolygonZ->NormalX, -pPolygonZ->NormalY, // rv 03/28/01
// ASSERT(!_isnan(pPolygonZ->NormalX));
if (_isnan(pPolygonZ->NormalX)){
TRACE0("pPolygonZ->NormalX NAN\n");
// ASSERT(!_isnan(pPolygonZ->NormalY));
if (_isnan(pPolygonZ->NormalY)){
TRACE0("pPolygonZ->NormalY NAN\n");
// ASSERT(!_isnan(pPolygonZ->NormalZ));
if (_isnan(pPolygonZ->NormalZ)){
TRACE0("pPolygonZ->NormalZ NAN\n");
return S_OK;
HRESULT step::preFacesFaceted( FILE* stream, stepArchive& ar, CPtrArray*& pPoly_loopPtrArray, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep,
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray , surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect // . (*f)
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(38%) step::buildFacesFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 38);
CPtrArray surfaceStepPtrArray ;
CPtrArray* pSurfaceStepPtrArray = &surfaceStepPtrArray ;// allocate this off the stack instead
pSurfaceStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetSize());
for (int i0 = 0; i0< surfaceStepPtrArray.GetSize();i0++){
surfaceStepPtrArray.SetAt( i0, NULL);
CPtrArray face_surfaceStepPtrArray ;// allocate this off the stack instead
CPtrArray* pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray = &face_surfaceStepPtrArray ;// allocate this off the stack instead
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize() );
for (i0 = 0; i0< face_surfaceStepPtrArray .GetSize();i0++){
face_surfaceStepPtrArray .SetAt( i0, NULL);
for ( int is =0; is < GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetSize();is++ ) {
CSurface* pSurface= (CSurface*)GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetAt(is);
// if (0 != pSurface->layer) // test me
{ int iT = pSurface->MemberOfObject;
int ip = pSurface->FirstPolygon;
for (int jp = 0; jp < pSurface->polysinsurface; jp++) {
CPolygon* pPolygon= (CPolygon*)GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt( ip + jp );
int iv = pPolygon->VertexHead;
int vn = pPolygon->NumberOfVertices;
if (pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex) {
int nv = iv + vn;
#ifdef EXPOSE
if (iv >= GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize()){
fprintf( g_errorLog, "GetScribView()->m_vertexarray[ %d ] out of range.\n", iv);
} #endif //EXPOSE
CVertex* pVertex= (CVertex*)
GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv); CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt(iv);
CPolygon* pPolygonZ= (CPolygon*) // the poly which will provide the z coordinate
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1 = NULL;
CDirectionStep* pRef_dir = NULL;
for ( int jv= 1; jv <= vn; jv++)
iv++; if(iv < nv) {
pCartesian_pointStep1 = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv);
} else {
pCartesian_pointStep1 = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv - vn );// wrap
pRef_dir = new CDirectionStep( NULL, *pCartesian_pointStep,
if (NULL==pRef_dir ){
if (!pRef_dir->isGood()){
if (iv <= nv) { delete pRef_dir;// wh 09/20/01
pRef_dir =NULL;
pCartesian_pointStep = pCartesian_pointStep1;// wh 3/07/02
} if (NULL !=pRef_dir){ // wh 04/09/01
else {// wh 04/09/01
iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt( 0);//pCartesian_pointStep1->getNum());
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ar << "/*can't detemine up direction because all the point are colinear*/\n" ;
CDirectionStep* pAxis = NULL;
buildLeftFaceted( iv, pPolygon, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray, pCartesian_pointStep1, ar,
pPolygonZ, pRef_dir, nv, pAxis);
// I dont trust this , use old way of negating the entire feature instead wh 5/28/01
if (pSurface->flip){// wh 5/12/00
CAxis2_placement_3dStep *pAxis2_Placement_3dStep = new CAxis2_placement_3dStep( pCartesian_pointStep, pAxis , pRef_dir ); if (NULL==pAxis2_Placement_3dStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// leaking wh 7/9/01
CPlaneStep* pPlaneStep= new CPlaneStep( pAxis2_Placement_3dStep );
if (NULL==pPlaneStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// leaking wh 7/9/01
CPoly_loopStep* pPoly_loopStep = (CPoly_loopStep*) pPoly_loopPtrArray->GetAt( ip + jp);// wh 04/03/01
// I dont trust this , use old way of negating the entire feature instead wh 5/28/01
if (pSurface->flip){// wh 5/12/00
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = NULL;
// at this stage all we know is that it is an outer bound, when we find out differently, we then demote it
pFace_boundStep= new CFace_outer_boundStep( NULL, pPoly_loopStep, true
//, NULL
if (NULL==pFace_boundStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPolygon->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pFace_boundStep);
pFace_boundStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pPolygon);
CFaceStep * pFaceStep = NULL;
pFaceStep = new CFace_surfaceStep( pPlaneStep
, pFace_boundStep// here is where there is one face outer_bound and several [inner]bound s
, true);
if (NULL==pFaceStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPolygon->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pFaceStep );
pFaceStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pPolygon);
ASSERT( NULL == pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->GetAt( ip + jp));
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->SetAt( ip + jp, pFaceStep);
}// next jp
}// fi
}// next is
// build the shells
// build the shells
hr = preShellsFaceted( stream, ar, pPoly_loopPtrArray, pRepresentationStep , lSurfaceModelSelect
, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
} catch (...){
#ifdef EXPOSE
fprintf( g_errorLog, "Error deleting CSurfaceStepPtrArray \n");//big deal, the show is over
hr = E_FAIL;
return hr;
// build the faces from the surfaces
HRESULT step::buildFacesFaceted( FILE* stream, stepArchive& ar, CPtrArray*& pPoly_loopPtrArray, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep,
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray , surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(38%) step::buildFacesFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 38);
CPtrArray surfaceStepPtrArray ;
CPtrArray* pSurfaceStepPtrArray = &surfaceStepPtrArray ;// allocate this off the stack instead
pSurfaceStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetSize());
for (int i0 = 0; i0< surfaceStepPtrArray.GetSize();i0++){
surfaceStepPtrArray.SetAt( i0, NULL);
CPtrArray face_surfaceStepPtrArray ;// allocate this off the stack instead
CPtrArray* pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray = &face_surfaceStepPtrArray ;// allocate this off the stack instead
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize() );
for (i0 = 0; i0< face_surfaceStepPtrArray .GetSize();i0++){
face_surfaceStepPtrArray .SetAt( i0, NULL);
for ( int is =0; is < GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetSize();is++ ) {
CSurface* pSurface= (CSurface*)GetScribView()->m_surfacearray.GetAt(is);
// if (0 != pSurface->layer) // test me
{ int iT = pSurface->MemberOfObject;
int ip = pSurface->FirstPolygon;
for (int jp = 0; jp < pSurface->polysinsurface; jp++) {
CPolygon* pPolygon= (CPolygon*)GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt( ip + jp );
int iv = pPolygon->VertexHead;
int vn = pPolygon->NumberOfVertices;
if (pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex) {
int nv = iv + vn;
#ifdef EXPOSE
if (iv >= GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize()){
fprintf( g_errorLog, "GetScribView()->m_vertexarray[ %d ] out of range.\n", iv);
} #endif //EXPOSE
CVertex* pVertex= (CVertex*)
GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv); CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt(iv);
CPolygon* pPolygonZ= (CPolygon*) // the poly which will provide the z coordinate
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1 = NULL;
CDirectionStep* pRef_dir = NULL;
for ( int jv= 1; jv <= vn; jv++)
iv++; if(iv < nv) {
pCartesian_pointStep1 = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv);
} else {
pCartesian_pointStep1 = (CCartesian_pointStep*)pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv - vn );// wrap
pRef_dir = new CDirectionStep( NULL, *pCartesian_pointStep,
if (NULL==pRef_dir ){
if (!pRef_dir->isGood()){
if (iv <= nv) { delete pRef_dir;// wh 09/20/01
pRef_dir =NULL;
pCartesian_pointStep = pCartesian_pointStep1;// wh 3/07/02
} if (NULL !=pRef_dir){ // wh 04/09/01
else {// wh 04/09/01
iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt( 0);//pCartesian_pointStep1->getNum());
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ar << "/*can't detemine up direction because all the point are colinear*/\n" ;
CDirectionStep* pAxis = NULL;
buildLeftFaceted( iv, pPolygon, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray, pCartesian_pointStep1, ar,
pPolygonZ, pRef_dir, nv, pAxis);
// I dont trust this , use old way of negating the entire feature instead wh 5/28/01
if (pSurface->flip){// wh 5/12/00
CAxis2_placement_3dStep *pAxis2_Placement_3dStep = new CAxis2_placement_3dStep( pCartesian_pointStep, pAxis , pRef_dir ); if (NULL==pAxis2_Placement_3dStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// leaking wh 7/9/01
CPlaneStep* pPlaneStep= new CPlaneStep( pAxis2_Placement_3dStep );
if (NULL==pPlaneStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// leaking wh 7/9/01
CPoly_loopStep* pPoly_loopStep = (CPoly_loopStep*) pPoly_loopPtrArray->GetAt( ip + jp);// wh 04/03/01
if (NULL != pPoly_loopStep){// wh 03/12/02
// I dont trust this , use old way of negating the entire feature instead wh 5/28/01
if (pSurface->flip){// wh 5/12/00
CFace_boundStep* pFace_boundStep = NULL;
// at this stage all we know is that it is an outer bound, when we find out differently, we then demote it
pFace_boundStep= new CFace_outer_boundStep( NULL, pPoly_loopStep, true
//, NULL
if (NULL==pFace_boundStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPolygon->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pFace_boundStep);
pFace_boundStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pPolygon);
CFaceStep * pFaceStep = NULL;
pFaceStep = new CFace_surfaceStep( pPlaneStep
, pFace_boundStep// here is where there is one face outer_bound and several [inner]bound s
, true);
if (NULL==pFaceStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPolygon->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pFaceStep );
pFaceStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pPolygon);
ASSERT( NULL == pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->GetAt( ip + jp));
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->SetAt( ip + jp, pFaceStep);
}// fi pPoly_loopStep
else {
pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray->SetAt( ip + jp, NULL);// wh 03/12/02
}// next jp
}// fi
}// next is
// build the shells
hr = buildShellsFaceted( stream, ar, pPoly_loopPtrArray, pRepresentationStep , lSurfaceModelSelect
, pFace_surfaceStepPtrArray
, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
} catch (...){
#ifdef EXPOSE
fprintf( g_errorLog, "Error deleting CSurfaceStepPtrArray \n");//big deal, the show is over
hr = E_FAIL;
return hr;
// build the loops
HRESULT step::buildLoopsFaceted( FILE * stream, stepArchive & ar, CPtrArray*& pPoly_loopPtrArray, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep
, surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect
, CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray*& pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(35%) step::buildLoopsFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 35);
HRESULT hr = buildFacesFaceted( stream, ar, pPoly_loopPtrArray, pRepresentationStep , pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
, lSurfaceModelSelect
return hr;
HRESULT step::buildPoly_loopFaceted(
int& iv,
CVertex_pointStepPtrArray*& pVertex_pointStepPtrArray,
CPolygon*& pPolygon,
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray,
int& ip,
CPtrArray*& pPoly_loopPtrArray,
CVertex_pointStep*& pVertex_pointStep0 ,
CVertex_pointStep*& pVertex_pointStep1,
CPoly_loopStep*& pPoly_loopStep)
pVertex_pointStep0 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+0));
ASSERT(NULL != pVertex_pointStep0);
pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+1));
ASSERT(NULL != pVertex_pointStep1);
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep2 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+2));
ASSERT(NULL != pVertex_pointStep2);
int iNumV = pPolygon->NumberOfVertices;
if (pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex){
pPoly_loopStep = new CPoly_loopStep( (pVertex_pointStep0->m_p_vertex_geometry), (pVertex_pointStep1->m_p_vertex_geometry), (pVertex_pointStep2->m_p_vertex_geometry),
iNumV );
if (NULL==pPoly_loopStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPolygon->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pPoly_loopStep);
pPoly_loopStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pPolygon);
//make pPoly_loopPtrArray a CrtPtrArray// wh 10/19/01
pPoly_loopPtrArray->SetAt(ip, pPoly_loopStep );
iv = pPolygon->VertexHead;
CVertex* pVertex1= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv ); //if (-1 != pVertex1->dupe) {iv1 = pVertex1->dupe;} else {iv1 = iv;} CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv )));
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv+1)));
CVertex* pVertex2= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv ); pCartesian_pointStep0= (CCartesian_pointStep*)
((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv )));
pCartesian_pointStep1= (CCartesian_pointStep*)
((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv+1)));
return S_OK;
// build the path
HRESULT step::prePathFaceted( FILE * stream, stepArchive & ar, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep,
CVertex_pointStepPtrArray*& pVertex_pointStepPtrArray,
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* &pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray,
surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(33%) step::buildPathFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 33);
CPtrArray* pPoly_loopPtrArray = new CPtrArray( );
if (NULL==pPoly_loopPtrArray) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPoly_loopPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
for ( int ip =0; ip < GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize();ip++ ) {
CPolygon* pPolygon= (CPolygon*)GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt(ip);
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep0=NULL;
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep1=NULL;
CPoly_loopStep* pPoly_loopStep = NULL;
int iNumV = pPolygon->NumberOfVertices;
if (pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex){// wh 3/12/02
ASSERT( iNumV>2);
int iv=0;
if ( iNumV>2 ) {
buildPoly_loopFaceted( iv,
pVertex_pointStep1, pPoly_loopStep ); }
else {
TRACE2("for CPolygon %d, iNumV = %d\n", ip, iNumV);
pVertex_pointStep0 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+0));
char buf [16];
itoa( ip, buf, 10);
iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt( 0); //pVertex_pointStep0->getNum());
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ir << "\n/* CPolygon " << buf << " has too few verticies ( " << iNumV << " )*/\n";
// wh 09/28/01 Encountered polygons with 2 verticies, what should I do?
// either ignore the entity
// or build a degenerate 3-sided polygon where the first and last vertex agree
// remove the face bound for this poly_loop 03/12/02
pPoly_loopPtrArray->SetAt( ip, // 3/12/02
pVertex_pointStep0 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+1));
pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+2));
for ( int vh = // 2
3 // wh 9/14/01
; vh < iNumV-1; //wh 5/15/01// first and last vertex are in twice
// I had a problem when tring to use the last one!
vh++ ) {
int iv = vh + pPolygon->VertexHead ;
CVertex* pVertex1= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv ); CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv)));
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv+1)));
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv));
pVertex_pointStep0 = pVertex_pointStep1;
pPoly_loopStep->SetAt( vh, (pVertex_pointStep0->m_p_vertex_geometry));
}// vh
// rearranged code wh 9/19/01
if (iNumV>2// 11/15/01
) {
int iv = iNumV-1 + pPolygon->VertexHead ;
CVertex* pVertex1= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv ); CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv)));
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead )));
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv));
pVertex_pointStep0 = pVertex_pointStep1;
pPoly_loopStep->SetAt( iNumV-1, (pVertex_pointStep0->m_p_vertex_geometry));
} else {
// pPoly_loopStep->simplify();// wh 10/24/01
}//next ip hr = preFacesFaceted( stream, ar, pPoly_loopPtrArray, pRepresentationStep,
pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray , lSurfaceModelSelect // , &preShellsFaceted
delete pPoly_loopPtrArray;// wh 02/02/02
return hr;
// build the path, and along each of the paths, call to build the loops
HRESULT step::buildPathFaceted( FILE * stream, stepArchive & ar, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep,
CVertex_pointStepPtrArray*& pVertex_pointStepPtrArray,
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* &pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray,
surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(33%) step::buildPathFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 33);
// move to buildpath
// CPtrArray* pPathStepPtrArray = new CPtrArray( );
// pPathStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
CPtrArray* pPoly_loopPtrArray = new CPtrArray( );
if (NULL==pPoly_loopPtrArray) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pPoly_loopPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize());
for ( int ip =0; ip < GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetSize();ip++ ) {
CPolygon* pPolygon= (CPolygon*)GetScribView()->m_polygonarray.GetAt(ip);
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep0=NULL;
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep1=NULL;
CPoly_loopStep* pPoly_loopStep = NULL;
// ASSERTMSG("polygon has too few vertices", pPolygon->NumberOfVertices>2);
int iNumV = pPolygon->NumberOfVertices;
if (pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex){// wh 3/12/02
ASSERT( iNumV>2);
int iv=0;
if ( iNumV>2 ) {
buildPoly_loopFaceted( iv,
pVertex_pointStep1, pPoly_loopStep ); }
else {
TRACE2("for CPolygon %d, iNumV = %d\n", ip, iNumV);
pVertex_pointStep0 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+0));
char buf [16];
itoa( ip, buf, 10);
iraroArchive* p_ir = (iraroArchive*) ar.m_archives.GetAt( 0); //pVertex_pointStep0->getNum());
iraroArchive& ir = * p_ir ; ir << "\n/* CPolygon " << buf << " has too few verticies ( " << iNumV << " )*/\n";
// wh 09/28/01 Encountered polygons with 2 verticies, what should I do?
// either ignore the entity
// or build a degenerate 3-sided polygon where the first and last vertex agree
// remove the face bound for this poly_loop 03/12/02
pPoly_loopPtrArray->SetAt( ip, // 3/12/02
pVertex_pointStep0 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+1));
pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead+2));
// int iNumberOfVertices= iNumV;// wh 9/19/01
// if (!pPolygon->SameLastFirstVertex){// wh 9/19/01
// iNumberOfVertices= pPolygon->NumberOfVertices;// wh 9/19/01
// }
for ( int vh = // 2
3 // wh 9/14/01
; vh < iNumV-1; //wh 5/15/01// first and last vertex are in twice
// I had a problem when tring to use the last one!
vh++ ) {
int iv = vh + pPolygon->VertexHead ;
CVertex* pVertex1= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv ); CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv)));
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv+1)));
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv));
pVertex_pointStep0 = pVertex_pointStep1;
pPoly_loopStep->SetAt( vh, (pVertex_pointStep0->m_p_vertex_geometry));
}// vh
// rearranged code wh 9/19/01
if (iNumV>2// 11/15/01
) {
int iv = iNumV-1 + pPolygon->VertexHead ;
CVertex* pVertex1= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv ); CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep0= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv)));
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep1= (CCartesian_pointStep*)((pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( pPolygon->VertexHead )));
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep1 = (CVertex_pointStep*) (pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv));
pVertex_pointStep0 = pVertex_pointStep1;
pPoly_loopStep->SetAt( iNumV-1, (pVertex_pointStep0->m_p_vertex_geometry));
} else {
// pPoly_loopStep->simplify();// wh 10/24/01
}//next ip HRESULT hr = buildLoopsFaceted( stream, ar, pPoly_loopPtrArray, pRepresentationStep,
lSurfaceModelSelect, pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray
delete pPoly_loopPtrArray;
return hr;
// build the edge, and for each edge, build the path
HRESULT step::buildEdgeFaceted( FILE *stream, stepArchive &ar, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep,
CVertex_pointStepPtrArray*& pVertex_pointStepPtrArray ,
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* &pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray,
surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(32%) step::buildEdgeFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 32);
HRESULT hr = buildPathFaceted( stream, ar, pRepresentationStep,
lSurfaceModelSelect );
return hr;
// build the vertices of the model
HRESULT step::preVerticesFaceted( FILE * stream, stepArchive & ar, surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect, CRepresentationStep*& pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(10%) step::buildVerticesFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile){
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 10);
// there is one for each model, not one for each asssembly
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray = new CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray( GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize());
if (NULL==pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray) {
}// wh 10/17/01
CVertex_pointStepPtrArray* pVertex_pointStepPtrArray = new CVertex_pointStepPtrArray( *pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray);
if (NULL==pVertex_pointStepPtrArray) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize());
pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize());
for ( int iv =0; iv < GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize();iv++ ) {
CVertex* pVertex= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv);
// if (-1 == pVertex->dupe){
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep = new CCartesian_pointStep( NULL, pVertex->px - GetScribView()->XRotationAxis, -(pVertex->py - GetScribView()->YRotationAxis), pVertex->pz - GetScribView()->ZRotationAxis);
if (NULL==pCartesian_pointStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pVertex->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pCartesian_pointStep);
pCartesian_pointStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pVertex);
// pCartesian_pointStep->m_szLabelName = "CCartesian_pointStep ";
int ivSet = pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->SetAt( iv, pCartesian_pointStep);
if (ivSet == iv) {
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep = new CVertex_pointStep( *pCartesian_pointStep);
if (NULL==pVertex_pointStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// pVertex->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep(pVertex_pointStep);
// pVertex_pointStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pVertex);
if (-1 == pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->SetAt( iv, pVertex_pointStep)){
// break;
// since it is copied in the array pCartesian_pointStep->release();// wh 8/30/01 //??
} else {
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep = pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv);
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "incrementing CVertex_pointStepPtrArray[%d] =(#%d ) \n", iv, pVertex_pointStep->getNum());
#endif//EXPOSE // pVertex_pointStep->addRef();// wh 09/20/01
// pVertex_pointStep->m_p_vertex_geometry->pCartesian_pointStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pVertex);
// pVertex->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep( pVertex_pointStep->m_p_vertex_geometry);
// }
// move to buildface
hr = prePathFaceted( stream, ar, pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep,
pVertex_pointStepPtrArray ,
// delete pVertex_pointStepPtrArray;// wh 2/08/02
// delete pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray;// wh 2/08/02
return hr;
// build the vertices of the model
HRESULT step::buildVerticesFaceted( FILE * stream, stepArchive & ar, surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect, CRepresentationStep*& pRepresentationStep )
#if NOTIFICATION if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->Notify("(10%) step::buildVerticesFaceted");
if (m_bWriteFile)
GetScribView()->progressBarUpdate( 10);
// there is one for each model, not one for each asssembly
CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray* pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray = new CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray( GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize());
if (NULL==pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray) {
}// wh 10/17/01
CVertex_pointStepPtrArray* pVertex_pointStepPtrArray = new CVertex_pointStepPtrArray( *pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray);
if (NULL==pVertex_pointStepPtrArray) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize());
pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->SetSize( GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize());
for ( int iv =0; iv < GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetSize();iv++ ) {
CVertex* pVertex= (CVertex*)GetScribView()->m_vertexarray.GetAt(iv);
// if (-1 == pVertex->dupe){
CCartesian_pointStep* pCartesian_pointStep = new CCartesian_pointStep( NULL, pVertex->px - GetScribView()->XRotationAxis, -(pVertex->py - GetScribView()->YRotationAxis), pVertex->pz - GetScribView()->ZRotationAxis);
if (NULL==pCartesian_pointStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
pCartesian_pointStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pVertex);
// pCartesian_pointStep->m_szLabelName = "CCartesian_pointStep ";
int ivSet = pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray->SetAt( iv, pCartesian_pointStep);
if (ivSet == iv) {
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep = new CVertex_pointStep( *pCartesian_pointStep);
if (NULL==pVertex_pointStep) {
}// wh 10/17/01
// pVertex->m_pFacetedPool->AddStep(pVertex_pointStep);
// pVertex_pointStep->m_pTechnadrawEntitites->AddTech( pVertex);
if (-1 == pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->SetAt( iv, pVertex_pointStep)){
// break;
// since it is copied in the array pCartesian_pointStep->release();// wh 8/30/01 //??
// pCartesian_pointStep->Dump();
} else {
CVertex_pointStep* pVertex_pointStep = pVertex_pointStepPtrArray->GetAt( iv);
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "incrementing CVertex_pointStepPtrArray[%d] =(#%d ) \n", iv, pVertex_pointStep->getNum());
#endif//EXPOSE pVertex_pointStep->addRef();// wh 09/20/01
// }
// move to buildface
hr = buildEdgeFaceted( stream, ar, pRepresentationStep,
pVertex_pointStepPtrArray ,
delete pVertex_pointStepPtrArray;
delete pCartesian_pointStepPtrArray;
} catch(...){
#ifdef EXPOSE TRACE0("error deleting CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray.\n");
fprintf( g_errorLog, "error deleting CCartesian_pointStepPtrArray.\n");
#endif//EXPOSE }
//ar.FreeExtra();// wh 8/29/01
return hr;
// translate from technadraw entities to STEP entities.
// There are different API functionality for faceted_brep vs. advanced_brep // because each Application Interpreted Construct make different assumptions // on how the lower level entities look like
HRESULT step::TechDraw2Step( FILE* stream, stepArchive& ar, surfaceModelSelect lSurfaceModelSelect
// bulletin board mechanism as seen in Mantlya's GWB
try {
// we build the model from lower level entities to higher level entities.
// build vertices 10%
// build edges 32
// build path 33
// build loops, 35
// build faces 38
// build shells 40
CRepresentationStep *pRepresentationStep= NULL;
if (shellBasedSurfaceModel != lSurfaceModelSelect )
{ if ( //m_bWriteFile &&
{ ASSERT_VALID( m_pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep);
// need to reset isSerialized or save the CStringArray
for (int i = 0; i<m_pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep->m_pStep->m_ptrArrayAgito.GetSize(); i++){
CBaseStep* pBaseStep = ( CBaseStep*) m_pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep->m_pStep->m_ptrArrayAgito.GetAt(i);
if(NULL != pBaseStep){
pBaseStep->m_bSerialized = false;
m_pFaceted_brep_shape_representationStep->Serialize(ar);// wh 11/21/01
else {
hr = buildVerticesFaceted( stream, ar, lSurfaceModelSelect ,
if (FAILED( hr)){
return hr;
if ( //m_bWriteFile &&
{ ASSERT_VALID( m_pAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep);
// need to reset isSerialized or save the CStringArray
for (int i = 0; i<m_pAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep->m_pStep->m_ptrArrayAgito.GetSize(); i++){
CBaseStep* pBaseStep = ( CBaseStep*) m_pAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep->m_pStep->m_ptrArrayAgito.GetAt(i);
if(NULL != pBaseStep){
pBaseStep->m_bSerialized = false;
m_pAdvanced_brep_shape_representationStep->Serialize(ar);// wh 11/21/01
else {
hr = buildVerticesAdvanced( stream, ar, lSurfaceModelSelect ,
pRepresentationStep); // m_pSelectRepresentationStep = pRepresentationStep;
if (FAILED( hr)){
return hr;
catch ( ... ) {
hr = E_FAIL;
return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK;
// After much deliberation, the correct way to do garbage collection is to first delete all // classes which reference other classes, // and then delete all classes which are referenced by those classes.
// fat chance sucker, easier said than done!
// Need to check ref_counting. anytime a pointer is copied or an object referenced, // increment reference count. // Whenever a pointer/reference is removed, dec ref cnt.
// Find out why bounds checker complains about variable being // allocated off the stack as opposed to the heap. // Is that an MFC restriction?
void //step::
garbage_collection( CPtrArray& m_ptrArrayAgito)
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "\n garbage_collection\n");
#endif//EXPOSE try{
if (0) {
// remove ref to all classes
for (int i = m_ptrArrayAgito.GetSize()-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
// problem with the fact that I have references to objects
CBaseStep* pBS = (CBaseStep*)
if (NULL != pBS){
// just accept it
// int numwrite=fputs("\n/* Errors encountered while cleaning up */\n", stream); }
}// next i
// Loop while there are some classes being released.
// If no more classes are being release, // then either we are done, or // (there is a circular reference) need to be more forceful
if (true)// house of cards approach!
bool bLetGo = false;
bool bOneFound = false;
bLetGo = false;
// go through the entire list and // find those entities which are only referenced once and // release them!
for (int i = m_ptrArrayAgito.GetSize()-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
// problem with the fact that I have references to objects
CBaseStep* pV= (CBaseStep*)m_ptrArrayAgito.GetAt(i);
if (NULL != pV){
if (1 <= pV->getRefCnt()){
bLetGo = true;
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "unfreed object encountered in step::garbage_collection, m_ptrArrayAgito[ %d ] (#%d ) is a %s.\n", i, pV->getNum(), pV->m_szTheClass.GetBuffer( pV->m_szTheClass.GetLength()));
#endif//EXPOSE pV->release();
// write something to the bottom
TRACE1(" m_ptrArrayAgito[ %d ] already deleted. \n", i);
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, " m_ptrArrayAgito[ %d ] already deleted. \n", i);
#endif//EXPOSE }
}// next i
}// while ( bLetGo );
}// fi
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "\n Deleting remaining objects.\n");
#endif//EXPOSE if (true) {
// now since there are no references to worry about, delete the classes
for (int i = m_ptrArrayAgito.GetSize()-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
// problem with the fact that I have references to objects
CBaseStep* pV= (CBaseStep*)m_ptrArrayAgito.GetAt(i);
if (NULL != pV){
#ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "\n Deleting m_ptrArrayAgito[ %d ]\n", i);
#endif//EXPOSE delete pV;
// just accept it, // There is a reference to your object which you are deleting, // so what, its the end of the show
//E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\CRT\SRC\DBGHEAP.C // Error if freeing incorrect memory type // _ASSERTE(pHead->nBlockUse == nBlockUse);
//_free_dbg_lk(void * 0x03d89900, int 1) line 1084 + 43 bytes
TRACE1("m_ptrArrayAgito[ %d ] has been deleted but entry remains.\n", i); #ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog ,"m_ptrArrayAgito[ %d ] has been deleted but entry remains.\n"
, i);
#endif//EXPOSE }
}// next i
}// fi
// delete all classes
// just accept it
// int numwrite=fputs("\n/* Errors encountered while cleaning up */\n", stream); #ifdef EXPOSE fprintf( g_errorLog, "Errors encountered while cleaning up.\n");
#endif//EXPOSE }
return ;