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The Bill of Rigkts (first io
ist Amendment (RAPPS)
-Freedom of R ______________
-Freedom of A ________________
- Freedom of P _____________
6th amendment
- Freedom of P _______________
- guarantees a trial by _______
- Freedom of S_______________
- guarantees a public and _____________ trial
- the accused must be told the exact charge against them
nd Amendment
- the accused have the right to hear and question all ___________
- Right to bear
against them and call witnesses in their own defense
- right to a_________
yd Amendment
jth Amendment
- right to a _____ trial in _________ cases where the amount is
more than ____________ .
in your
- Right not to quarter
4-tla Amendment
- Freedom from unreasonable __________ and ______
8ttx Amendment
- no excessive _______ (a sum of money used as a security deposit;
if the person shows up to court the bail money is returned to them; if
edit Amendment
the person does not show up for court their money is not returned.)
- indictment by a__________ jury:
- no __________ and unusual ___________________
- no double ______________ : a person cannot
be tried ________ for the same crime
- right to remain silent (no self _______________ ): a
person does not have to testify against themselves
- due process of law must be followed for everyone
- __________________ have rights beyond what is written in the
constitution. Example: privacy icA Amendment
- any ___________ not given to the national government are reserved
for the _____________ or the _______________
( ______________ powers!!!)
- eminent __________ : the government has the right
to take private property, usually land, for public use
Amendments n-27
- A _________ cannot be ___________ by a citizen of
another state (or another ___________ )
20th - The President’s term begins on Jan. _________
- Congress begins their term on Jan. 3
- This Amendment is sometimes called the “ ______
- The ____________ and Vice President will be elected
________ ” amendment because a person defeated (the
on ______________ ballots - Abolishes (forbids)
lame duck) now remains the President less time after his/
- All people ________ or _________________ in the
her defeat. (It used to be March 4th!)
United States are _______________ of this country.
21st - Repealed (canceled) the __________ th Amendment
States cannot ________ citizens of life, liberty, and
22nd - A_______________ can only serve for ________ terms
States must uphold due process
- Right to _______ cannot be ______________ because
of Race, Color, nor Previous Status of Servitude (former
slaves have the right to _________________ )
- Authorizes income_________
___________ are elected direcdy by the voters in
23rd - District of Columbia is given __________ electoral
votes (the same as the least populous state)
24th - Prohibits federal and state governments from requiring that
people ____________ to __________ (poll tax).
each state
25th - If the President is removed either by _______________ or
- Outlawed the making, selling, transporting, and
____________ , the _______ President shall become
exporting of ________________beverages.
- No ___________ should be denied the right to
________ based on their ____________
26th - _______________ age set at __________ years old.
- Women’s _________ (women’s right to vote)
27th - Limits congressional _____________ raises