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1. Past Simple

Oddiy o’tgan zamon
O’tgan zamon va Sifatdosh II shakllarini yasashiga ko’ra fe’llar ikki
turkumga bo’linadi:
1) Regular Verbs (To’g’ri Fe’llar);
2) Irregular Verbs (Noto’g’ri Fe’llar).
◦ To’g’ri Fe’llar o’tgan zamon va Sifatdosh II shakllarini o’zakka –ed
qo’shimchasi olish bilan yasaydi. Bunda quyidagi hollar kuzatiladi:
◦ a) –e bilan tugaydigan fe’llarga faqatgina –d suffiksi qo’shiladi:
◦ Example: like – liked, skate – skated, etc.
◦ b) Oxiri “unli” + y” tarzda tugaydigan fe’llarda –y tushiriladi va –ied
◦ Example: study – studied, try – tried, etc.
◦ c) Oxiri “undosh” + y” bilan tugaydigan fe’llarga faqatgina –ed qo’shiladi:
◦ Example: play – played, stay – stayed, etc.
◦ d) Bir bo’g’inli fe’llar oxirida bir unli ikki undosh o’rtasida kelganda –ed
suffiksi qo’shiladi va oxirgi undosh ikkilanadi:
◦ Example: plan – planned, drop – dropped, etc.
◦ e) Fe’l oxirida –l kelganda –ed qo’shiladi va –l harfi ikkilanadi:
◦ Example: travel – travelled, quarrel – quarrelled, etc.
◦ f) Barcha boshqa to’g’ri fe’llarga –ed qo’shiladi;
◦ Example: mix – mixed, open – opened, kiss – kissed, etc.
◦ 1) O’tmishda aniq yoki belgilangan paytda sodir bo’lgan tugallangan ish-harakatni ifodalashda:
◦ Example: They went camping by the lake last month.
◦ 2) O’tmishda ketma-ket ravishda sodir bo’lgan ish-harakatni ifodalashda:
◦ Example: First William cooked soup, and then he ate it with his sister.
◦ 3) Hozirga kelib tugallangan, o’tmishda odatiy ravishda sodir bo’lgan takrorlanuvchi ishharakatni ifodalashda, bunda Present Simple zamoni payt ko’rsatkichlaridan foydalaniladi:
◦ Example: Lenny often played football with his father when he was five.
◦ NOTE: Ushbu holda “would + V” qurilmasidan ham foydalanish mumkin, faqatgina holatni
ifodalovchi fe’llar (-ing olmaydigan) would bilan qo’llanilmaydi:
◦ Example: Lenny would often play football with his father when he was five.
◦ George had (would have) a pet dog when he lived in London.
◦ 4) Tarixiy voqea-hodisalarni ifodalashda:
◦ Example: Samarkand was the capital of the country from 1925 to 1930.
◦ 5) Endilikda tirik bo’lmagan shaxslar haqida ma’lumot berganda:
◦ Example: Michael Jackson sang a lot of songs.
◦ 6) Biror bir hikoya yoki ertakni hikoya qilishda asosiy voqea-hodisalar ushbu zamonda
◦ Example: Then the Princes bit the apple and fell down.
◦ 7) Ish-harakat ham payt ham tugagan gaplarda, bunda today, this
morning/week/month kabi payt ko’rsatkichlari bilan:
◦ Example: I didn’t shave today. (= the usual time has passed, “I will not shave today”)
◦ Luke met Kate near the hospital this morning. (= it is evening now)
◦ yesterday
◦ this morning/week/month
◦ the day before yesterday
◦ once
◦ Last night/Sunday/week/month/year
◦ at 3 o’clock
◦ two hours/three days/four weeks/five
◦ that day/week/year
month/ten years ago
◦ always
◦ in 1999
◦ usually
◦ then
◦ often
◦ when
◦ sometimes
◦ How long ago…?
◦ in the past
◦ just now
◦ today
◦ seldom
◦ rarely
◦ never
◦ ever
◦ hardly ever
◦ almost never
◦ frequently
◦ generally
◦ occasionally
◦ normally
◦ from time to time
◦ every morning/day/week/year, on Mondays, etc.
1. “used to + V” qurilmasi yordamida o’tmishdagi odatiy yoki takrorlanuvchi
voqea-hodisalarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi:
2. Example: They used to travel a lot when they were younger.
3. Ushbu o’rinda “used to + V” qurilmasi Past Simple zamoni bilan teng kuchli