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1-Introduction to GTAP model[1]

Introduction to GTAP model
Standard GTAP model
Multi-region, multi-sector CGE model, perfect competition, constant
returns to scale, bilateral trade via Armington assumption
Commodity and factor prices adjust to clear the markets
Domestic taxes, import tariffs and export subsidies provide wedges
between domestic, import and export prices in any region
Explicit treatment of international trade and transport margins
Wedge between the export price and import price of a
commodity between the exporting and importing regions
Welfare changes in each country arising out of changes in trade or tax
policies, in one or several countries, simultaneously
Single currency – all countries in US$ millions
Flexibility to change closure rules for different markets
Fiscal side weakly characterized
Standard GTAP model (contd.)
Each country represented by a regional household
Regional household receives income from selling factor
endowments to firms, and also from government revenue/subsidy
Spends the income according to a Cobb-Douglas utility function
specified over composite private consumption, government
purchases and savings
Global economy consists of many (regional) economies
Assumes same structure for all regions
Economies are linked through international trade and investment flows
Standard GTAP model (contd.)
Standard GTAP model (contd.)
Each region is balanced
Saving - Net Investment = X – IM = Trade Balance
World is balanced
Global Saving = Global Net Investment
 Total Exports = Total Imports
International trade
International trade links the economies
 Model
tracks exports by commodity, source and
 Distinguishes between demand for domestic and
imported goods – Imperfect substitutes
(Argmington assumption)
Firms get revenue from domestic sales (VDPA +
VDGA) & exports (VXMD)
Firms spend on primary factors (VOA), domestic
inputs (VDFA), imported inputs (VIFA) and
TAXES on imported inputs
Nested production function involving primary
factors (that generate value added) and inputs
Armington assumption on inputs: Firms decide
(a) the sourcing of imports, and (b) between
domestic and imported (composite) inputs
Final demands
Cobb-Douglas function determines split between
aggregate consumption and savings
Aggregate consumption consists of PRIVEXP (household
consumption) and GOVEXP (government consumption)
Household commodity-demands (composite good)
based on Constant Difference in Elasticity functional
Armington for both households and government:
Households decide between demand for domestic goods
(VDPA) and imports (VIPA)
Government decide between demand for domestic goods
(VDGA) and imports (VIGA)
Both pay taxes on both domestic and imported goods
Savings – investment
Savings and investment in each country
determined globally (through the GLOBAL bank)
based on a common price for savings, s.t., global
savings equal global investment
Implies free capital flows across borders
 Possible to fix capital flow in particular countries –
alternate closures
Accounting relationships in the model
Market clearing equations
Supplies and demands of domestic goods,
imports, endowments, investment goods and
Regional household – allocation of Income
Zero profits equation
Capital stocks
Implementation software
Model mathematically solved using GEMPACK
User interface RUNGTAP
Other tools
AnalyseGE – to understand the results
 TABmate – Text editor to view
 ViewHAR – To View Header Array Files (data files)
 ViewSOL – To View the SOLution of several
Mostly used for trade policy analysis
Standard GTAP model has been extended to
Imperfect competition
Technological spillovers
Land use
Poverty and income distribution as well
Dynamic version exists