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Freud on Justice - Psychology Dictionary of Arguments

Psychology Dictionary of Arguments
Rawls I 539
Justice/Envy/Jealousy/Freud/RawlsVsFreud/Rawls: in his
explanation of the emergence of the sense of justice, Freud
confuses envy and resentment (see Resentiment/Rawls).
Sense of justice/Freud/Rawls: Freud notes that the sense
of justice arises from envy and jealousy. While some
members of a social group are jealously anxious to secure
their advantages, the disadvantaged are tempted by envy
to rob them of these advantages. In the end, everyone
realizes that they cannot pursue each other with hostile
feelings without damaging themselves. As a compromise,
they agree on equal treatment. Thus, the formation of a
sense of justice is a reaction; a transformation of envy and
jealousy into a social feeling. Freud assumes that this is
learned in kindergarten and other social circumstances.
> Freud, >
Sigmund Justice RawlsVsFreud: this requires that the original settings are
described correctly.
I 540
However, in the initial situation of a society to be
established, we do not assume that the members are
driven by jealousy and envy. When children show feelings
of envy or jealousy, we can also assume that they are the
result of resentment, i. e. the feeling that has been violated
against a principle of justice. (See Resentment/Rawls). (Cf.
J. N. Shklar, Men and Citizens, (Cambridge, 1969), p. 49.)
Justice/Freud/Rawls: what Freud means is that the energy
that leads to the formation of the sense of justice comes
from the energy of jealousy and envy and that without this
energy there would be no need to create justice.
Meta data
Freud I
S. Freud
Vorlesungen zur
Einführung in
Hamburg 2011
Rawl I
J. Rawls
A Theory of
Justice: Original
Edition Oxford
Psychology Dictionary of Arguments
Meta data
Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic
numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are
indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the
The note [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] is an addition from the
Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page
numbers refer to this edition.
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