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hair loss medication

Hair Loss Medication |Blisskindental.com
Hair growth is a natural process but various factors like stress, pollution, bad eating habits
etc. can play havoc with this process. When this seemingly automatic process faces such
obstacles, the effects are seen as hair fall, dandruff and other such hair issues. Though, there
are several products claiming cent per cent hair growth, they cannot be relied upon.
However, there are a few tried and tested, scientifically proven medicines for hair growth and
promise positive results some of them are mentioned below:Cortisone:
This one of the medicines for hair re-growth is
potent and has shown very effective results
when taken in the form of injections directly
on to the scalp. It is readily available in the
form of pills as well as ointment that can be
topically applied. Pills have proved to be
stronger than the ointments and injections
and are readily available.
Minoxidil is a well-known medicine for promoting hair
growth. It contains 5% of active Rogaine that prevents
hair loss. However, this medicine takes months to show
positive results when used diligently. A study has
revealed that this medicine works temporarily and hair
fall reoccurs whenever the medicine is stopped.
Finasteride is another medicine that works
on the lines of minoxidil and is more
effective in cases where men get bald. This
medicine promotes hair growth in the
crown region and even helps in preventing
the receding hairline.
Rosemary Essential Oil:
This is an unofficial herbal medicine for hair growth and is a successful treatment practiced
and promoted by a lot of hair experts. It has to be applied on the scalp. It helps in enhancing
the blood flow in the scalp, which eventually promotes hair growth
Kalium Carbonicum:
Kalium carbonicum is a homeopathy medicine that is formed with potassium carbonate.
It is highly beneficial for preventing the thinning and drying of hair. This medicine,
however, should be consumed only after consulting with a homeopath expert.
Another effective homeopathic medicine for promoting good hair growth is Silicea. It is
derived from sandstone and human tissues and highly effective in nourishing the hair
follicles thus promoting good hair growth. It is available in concentrated liquid form and
granules also. It is commonly termed as the `homeopathic cell salts’ as it is a part of the
12 tissue salts.