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In space no one can hear you laugh

In space, no one can hear you laugh…
Don’t you mean: ‘no one can
hear you scream’?
That’s, of course, the tag line of
Alien, the iconic science fiction
horror film from 1979. But on the
first human mission to Mars,
scheduled for 2033, astronauts
are more likely to be laughing
than screaming.
Why would they be laughing?
Because there might just be a
clown on board the spacecraft.
Surely you jest...
Not at all. Anthropologists and
behavioural scientists collaborating with NASA to study group dynamics among space crew — who
will be cooped up with one another in a tiny spacecraft for close
to three years — reckon that having a clown (or a comedian) on
the mission may be “critical” to
its success.
Why is that?
For a start, a human mission to
the Red Planet, which is (on average) 225 million km away, would
be extremely gruelling. Just getting there would take nearly nine
months; the space crew would
also be subjected to intense radiation, among other hazards.
How does having a clown
around help?
Jeffrey C Johnson, an anthropologist at the University of Florida,
told a recent meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science: “When
you’re living with others
in a confined space for a
long period of time, such
as on a mission to Mars,
tensions are likely to fray.”
Having someone who can
help everyone get along
would be “mission-critical”, he said.
And that someone would be a
Not necessarily a clown — although having a jester (or any
other ‘positive deviant’, as anthropologists term them) helps improve group dynamics. In a 2003
research paper titled ‘The Evolution of Networks in Extreme and
Isolated Environments’, Johnson
(then with the North Carolina
University) and his peers James S
Boster (at the University of Connecticut) and Lawrence A Palinkas (at the University of California San Diego) reported on their
findings of a 3.5-year-long study
of multi-cultural, muti-ethnic,
multi-national crew members at
the South Pole, who typically
spent their winters — which
spread for 8.5 months of the year
— in complete isolation.
What did their study establish?
Among other things, that
the group was more “cohesive” if it had more “positive
present. Such “deviants”
could be a “lower status individual” (a cook or a civilian contractor employee)
“who will perform pranks and exaggerate his or her behaviour sufficiently to be outside the mainstream of behaviour on the
station...” Such individuals, they
noted, “also provide an important communication function in
that they are frequently allowed
to express frustrations or dissatisfaction with disruptive individuals or undesirable conditions in a
socially acceptable manner
without causing additional stress
or conflict.”
Sounds loopy to me.
You’d be surprised. When Roald
Amundsen undertook his Norwegian polar expedition, he brought
with him a cook, Adolf Lindstrom. In his book Scott and
Amundsen: The Last Place on
Earth, biographer Roland Huntford writes that “as chef, baker,
provided surrogate domesticity.
He was also instrument maker,
taxidermist, housepainter… and
clown.” Amundsen recorded in
his diary that Lindstrom had
“rendered... more valuable services” to the expedition “than any
other man.”
So clowns are team-builders.
They are, simply by being stressbusters. In fact, their role in improving workplace productivity
is gradually being acknowledged
by HR functionaries. Likewise, in
healthcare settings, psychologists have recorded an improvement in patients subjected to the
therapeutic effects of “medical
clowning”. Clowns make workplaces fun and are good for your
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