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Aquatic Science Career Research Project

Career Fair Project
You will be researching Aquatic Science careers and putting on a career fair for your
classmates. We will be conducting our research and work over the next 2 weeks and
will put on the career fair Wednesday, September 26. Your research and
presentation during the fair will be a test grade.
Your final grade will be based on the following:
3 Careers Research:
Final Career Research:
Presentation Board:
Presentation during Career Fair:
10 points
15 points
50 points
25 Points
Your Presentation Board will be put together from your research on your final
career. Your board will be graded on the following:
Neat/Organized/Eye-catching (5 points)
Shows expertise and knowledge of the career and topic (10 points)
Includes a works cited/references sheet (5 points)
Includes at least the following:
(30 points)
o Career Name/Title
o Education/Experience needed
o Skills needed (content and other)
o Job Outlook
o Salary: starting, career high, and median
o What do you do on a daily basis in this job?
o Courses at Waxahachie High School you can take to help you with this
o At least 2 Universities or Colleges in Texas that offer a program of
study in this career
o Why does this career interest you?
Your presentation will be graded on the following:
Students is prepared: all materials are present and complete (research,
board) (8 points)
Student is knowledgeable: research is evident, student is able to answer
questions confidently and accurately (8 points)
Professionalism: student acts in a professional manner during presentation,
especially while addressing visitors (4 points)