Solar System Review Worksheet

Day and Night Worksheet
Q1) Match the terms to the definitions below
Axis Hemisphere Orbit Revolution
a) The spinning of a body on its axis.
b) The path followed by an object in space as it revolves around another object.
c) The imaginary line about which an object in space spins
d) Half a sphere
e) Movement of one body around another body.
Q2) Complete the sentences
a) The earth takes ________ hours to rotate once on its axis.
b) We have seasons because the earth’s axis is __________.
c) In summer the ________ are longer than the _______.
d) The earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of ______ degrees.
e) When it is spring in Australia, it is ________ in the Northern Hemisphere.
f) The earth revolves ________ around the sun each year when viewed from
above the north pole.
g) In December the South Pole tilts _______ the sun.
Q3) If you are sitting on a horse on a merry-go-round do the horse revolve
or rotate? Explain
Q4) Label the parts of the diagram below using the labels
North pole
South pole
Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
Q5) Study the diagram below. Look at Ireland and Australia.
Which country is in daylight? _______________
b Which country is in darkness? _______________
Which country is having winter? _______________
Which country will have the longest period of daylight?
Q6) Finish these sentences.
Our day is 24 hours long because that is the time it takes the Earth to:
A year has 365 days because that is the number of whole days it takes
the Earth to:
Q7) Why do we need to have a leap year once every four years?
The Seasons Worksheet
The seasons are different because different amounts of radiant
energy from the Sun fall on the Earth. The main cause of this is:
the tilting of the Earth’s axis
the tilting of the Earth’s axis and the location of the Earth in relation
to the Sun
the tilting of the Earth’s axis and the location of the
Earth in relation to the Moon
the tilting of the Moon’s axis
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
a) In which diagram (1 or 2) would the person be experiencing summer?
b) In which diagram (1 or 2) would the person be experiencing Winter? Why?
Q3) What happens to the length of sunlight during autumn and spring?
Q4) This illustration shows the Sun at midday on 21 June in Australia (WINTER). Draw
circles on this diagram to show the Sun’s height in the sky at midday on 21 December
(SUMMER) and 21 March (AUTUMN). Label the December Sun ‘D’ and the March Sun
Q5) What is known as the equinox?
Q6) What is the summer and winter solstice?
Q7) When do we experience in Australia our longest days and shortest nights?
Q8) When do we experience in Australia our shortest days and longest nights?
The Phases of the Moon Worksheet
Q1) Night and day on Earth are caused by:
the spinning of the Sun
the spinning of the Earth and the location of the Sun
the spinning of the Earth
the location of the moon relative to the Earth
Q2) Explain why the appearance of the Moon changes each month. The
following diagram might help you.
Q3) a) How long does it take for the moon to rotate on its axis? ______
b) How long does it take for the moon to revolve around the earth?_____
c) What is important about your answers to questions 3a and 4b and the
dark side of the moon?
Q4) Why is the angle(tilt) of the orbit the moon uses to revolve around the sun
Q5) Use the pictures labelled at the bottom to help you draw how the moon
appears on earth at the different stages during the lunar month.
Q6) Why can we still see the moon even though it does not give off its own
The Tides Worksheet
Q1) Tides on Earth are caused by:
the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun
the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Sun
the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Earth
the gravitational pull of the Sun
Q2) Explain why there is usually two high tides and two low tides each day?
Q3) Most people like to fish when there is a full moon. What reasons could
there be for this?
Q4) What is known as a neap tide and when does it occur? Use a diagram to
help your explanation.
Q5) What is known as a spring tide and when does it occur? Use a diagram to help your
Q6) The tide track graph below shows high ntide and low tides for 2 days.
a) How many high tides are there each day (24hrs)?
b) What is the time and height of the morning high tide on Monday?
c) Which is the bigger of the two high tides on Monday? What causes this
d) What is the time of the first high tide on Tuesday? How much later in
the day is this than on Monday?
Eclipses Worksheet
Q1) What is an eclipse?
Q2) Why do eclipses occur?
Q3) What is a lunar eclipse?
Q4) Why doesn’t a lunar eclipse occur every full moon?
Q5) What is the umbra?
Q6) What is the penumbra?
Q7) What is a solar eclipse?
Q8) Which is more rare, a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse? Why?
_______________________________________________________ Q9) The
picture below is an Solar Eclipse.
Describe what is happening during a solar eclipse and what would be seen on
Q10) Place the series of pictures a solar eclipse in their correct order.
Q11) The picture below is an Lunar Eclipse.
Describe what is happening during a lunar eclipse and what would be seen on
Q12) Place the series of pictures a lunar eclipse in their correct order.