chapter-4 open ended questions

Chapter 4
1. Describe system software. Discuss each of the four types of system programs.
Answer: System Software, automatically runs, handling technical details with the use of operating
systems of; utilities, device drivers, operating systems, and language translators. The utilities are
specialize-programs that make computing easier; like antivirus programs use to clean/protect the
user’s computer, or backup programs in case the user’s computer crash and data is lost. Device
drivers allow communication between computer and device, but in the computer tower, they
also have internal storage devise. An Operating system is use to help open and maintain multiple
programs, so for example: a user can open an application and antivirus program, let the virus
sweep and check for virus while using the application. Last, language translator is a software that
can automatically translate one language a user can’t read, to one that they can read.
2. Define operating systems. Describe the basic features and the three categories of operating
Answer: The Operating system, which is part of system software, is a collection/bundle of
programs that handle technical tasks. It provides user interface while multitasking with a variety
of programs, as well as manage the computer’s resources, like coordinating with the monitor,
printers, storage, memory, and processing. The three categories of the operating system are:
Network operating systems (linked computers), like Windows Servers which coordinates and
communication between networks servers; Embedded operating systems (handheld), like
smartphones, cable, or portable video game systems; and Stand-alone operating systems
(desktop) which is also known as client operating system.
3. What are mobile operating systems? Describe leading mobile operating systems
Mobile operating systems are embedded operating systems in every smartphones, tablets, and
gaming console. The leading mobile operating systems are: Android users usually uses
smartphones or google play; iOS uses Apple systems, and Windows Phone 8 uses Microsoft.
4. What are desktop operating systems? Compare Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Chrome OS.
Discuss virtualization.
Desktop operating system are four individual systems; Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, and LINUX.
Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Chrome OS are all similar because they desktop operating systems,
but from different companies. Windows is the most popular microcomputer operating system
compared to the other operating system and has two windows; traditional (Window 7, XP, Vista),
and (Window 8) integrates the desktop OS with mobile OS. Mac OS is from the Apple Company
and runs on their computers. Two most recent operating system on apple computers are OS X
Mountain Lion for desktops and laptops; and OS X Mavericks which improves the power
management. The UNIX operating system runs on personal and mainframe computers. It’s now
use to support the web environment. The LINUX is similar to the UNIX operating system but is
use as an extension system for it. Last the Chrome OS is similar to LINUX and UNIX but as is own
operating system that focuses on the internet connectivity and cloud computing.
Virtualization supports multiple operating systems that operates independently on a single
machine. The two type are Host operating systems and guest operating systems. Lastly Hyper-V
is the newest virtualization on Windows 8.
5. Discuss utilities. What are the most essential utilities? What is a utility suite?
Utilities are specialize-programs to make computing easier. There are four essential utilities:
troubleshooting or diagnostic programs, antivirus programs, backup programs, and file
compression programs. Utilities suites are a group of utility programs in one package. The benefit
for that is that they are less expensive than sold separate. Some known utilities suites are, Norton
Utilities and Bit Defender.
6. Explain the role of device drivers. Discuss the Add a Device Wizard and Windows Update.
The role of device drivers is to allow communication between a computer and a device. They are
two types devices; external and internal, both a secondary storage that is used to store data that
a user creates. When a user installs a new device, the Add a Device Wizard is use for step-by-step
installation. When new program is installed then the window will run a Windows Update so it
can read the device or data.