
1. Explain the general shape of your graph to the other person, include the
peaks in different age ranges and any discrepancies between gender
India’s population pyramid is shaped like a general pyramid, with lower number of
elders and greater number of young teenagers and infants. In particular, the age
group of 10 - 14 years old contains the greatest population for India. The number of
population for both genders are quite similar, which shows signs that the
population is balanced.
2. Is the shape of your graph as you would expect when looking at a stable
population? If not why?
The shape of my group is what I would expect when I am looking at a stable
population. This is because there is a great number of population for the infants
and teenagers compared to the elders in the country. This indicates that as years
pass, there will be more adults who may reproduce even more children in the
future, therefore contributing a lot to the population growth of the country.
3. What factors that we have covered do you think has produced this shape?
I think the natality, mortality, immigration, and absence of natural disaster have all
produced this pyramid shape. As a developing country, a lot of citizens in India give
birth to a lot of babies so as to increase their labor force, which has contributed a lot
to the population growth of the country. This caused the natality rate to exceed the
mortality rate, leading to stable population growth. Also, as the economy of India is
developing at a steady rate, many people are immigrating to India for new job
opportunities and better education. Additionally, the absence of natural disaster also
decreased the chance of increased mortality rate for the population in India.