Delay Lines Using Self-adapting Time Constants

Delay Lines Using Self-Adapting Time Constants
Shao-Jen Lim and John G. Harris
Computational Neuro-Engineering Laboratory
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Abstract- Transversal filters using ideal t a p delay lines
are a popular form of short-term memory based filtering
in adaptive systems. Some applications where these filters
have attained considerable success include system identification, linear prediction, channel equalization and echo cancellation [l]. The gamma filter improves on t h e simple FIR
delay line by allowing t h e system t o choose a single optimal
time-constant by minimizing the Mean Squared Error of t h e
system [8]. However, in practice it is difficult t o determine
the optimal value of t h e time constant since the performance
surface is nonconvex. Also, many times a single time constant is not sufficient t o well represent t h e input signal. We
propose a nonlinear delay line where each stage of t h e delay
line adapts its time constant so t h a t t h e average power at
the output of t h e stage is a constant fraction of the power
at the input t o t h e stage. Since this adaptation is independent of the Mean Square Error, there are no problems
with local minima in t h e search space. Furthermore, since
each stage adapts its own time constant, t h e delay line is
able t o represent signals t h a t contain a wide variety of time
scales. We discuss both discrete- and continuous-time realizations of this method. Finally, we are developing analog
VLSI hardware t o implement these nonlinear delay lines.
Such an implementation will provide fast, inexpensive, and
low-power solutions for many adaptive signal processing applications.
Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters are more costeffective than the widely used ideal delay lines in adaptive
signal processing. The gamma filter is one of the successful
IIR filter design which stability is guaranteed [8] [6] and
it is a marked improvement over the FIR filter because of
its adjustable memory depth [5][ 6 ] . The gamma filter has
been applied to a variety of real-world problems such as
echo cancelation, system identification, times series prediction, noise reduction, and dynamic modeling [7].
However, in practice it is hard to search for the optimal
time constant of the gamma filter because of the nonconvex
performance surface associated with the time-constant [6].
Also, many times a single valued time constant may not be
able to fully represent the incoming signal. To deal with
this problem, we introduce a nonlinear gamma delay line
where each gamma unit adjusts its own time constant simultaneously such that the average power at the output of
each gamma unit is a constant fraction of the power at the
input. There are no local minima problems in this method
because of the Mean Square Error is unrelated to the time
scale adaptation. Moreover, since each stage adapts its
own time constant, the delay line is able to represent signals that contain a wide variety of time scales.
To provide fast, inexpensive, and low-power solutions to
many adaptive signal processing applications, we are de-
0-7803-4053-1/97/$10.001997 IEEE
MSE IS computed as a function of mu values
Fig. 1. The solid line shows the MSE of a third-order single p
gamma filter as a function of p for identification of the filter of
equation 8. The dashed dot line is the optimal solution of a thirdorder self-adjusting time constant delay line when the constant
fraction R is set equal to 0.82 and the dashed lines represents
R=0.75. Note that the mean square error here for both methods
are computed b y using Wiener-Hopf solution.
veloping analog VLSI hardware to implement these nonlinear delay lines. Each stage of the nonlinear delay line
consists of a five-transistor transconductance amplifier and
a capacitor configured to realize a first-order low-pass filter. The time constant of the filter is adapted so that the
signal power is attenuated by a constant fraction at each
stage. Sections I1 and I1 of this paper discuss the discreteand continuous-time realizations of this method. Section
IV describes the continuous-time anaiog VLSI circuitry we
have used to implement the self-adapting delay lines.
The gamma filter in discrete domain is given by
where xk[n] represents the 'output of a k stage delay line
at iteration n, Z k - 1 [n]is the input of the kth stage gamma
unit, and pk is the adaptive memory parameter for kth
If the input to the gamma model is a simple sinusoidal
signal x k - ~ [ n =
] Acos(w0n); the input power spectrum and
MSE is computed as a function of mu values
Fig. 2. The solid line depicts the MSE of third-order single p gamma
filter as a function of fi f o r identification of the filter of equation 9. The dashed-dot line is the optimal solution for a thirdorder self-adjusting time constant delay line when R is set equal
to 0.87.
Fig. 3.
the average input power can be computed by
We will discuss a few system-identification examples to
illustrate how the self-adjusting p k delay line architecture performs compared to a conventional single-p adaptive
gamma filter.
The first LLunknown”
system to be identified is
respectively and the average output power is
The solad lane depicts the Mean Square Error of thard order
sangle p gamma filters as a functzon of p f o r adentaficataon of
the filter of equatzon 10, and the dashed dot lane zs the optamal
solution of a third-order self-adjustzng tame constant delay lanes
when the constant fractaon R as set equal to 0.87.
Dividing equation 4 by equation 3, gives a constant fraction
that is related a function of the p k of the gamma unit and
the signal frequency as shown in the following equation:
In other words, the p k is a nonlinear monotonic function
of the input signal frequency, while the value of the fraction % will distort this function. Each tap in a cascade
of self-adjusting tap delays will converge to the same time
constant provided a single frequency sine wave is input to
the cascade.
Using the properties of the discrete gamma filter, we
designed the following stochastic gradient descent update
equation for p:
where d k is the gamma delayed output of the input signal
d k - 1 when do stands for the desired signal and the weight
update is calculated using the standard LMS rule given by:
0.005(1- 0.87312-1 - 0 . 8 7 3 1 ~ -+~ K 3 )
1- 2 . 8 6 5 3 ~ ~2 .~7 5 0 5 ~ --~ 0 . 8 8 4 3 ~ - ~ (8)
The mean square error as a function of p was calculated by
evaluating E = E(d2[n])
+ WTRW - 2PTW while the optimal weight vector W * is computed by solving the WeinerHopf equation. We assumed a uniformly distributed zero
mean white noise input. The results are displayed in Figure 1. Note that these results present only the theoretical rather than empirical results since the Wiener-Hopf
equations were used to solve for the optimal solution in
both methods. The solid line in Figure 1 depicts the Mean
Square Error of a conventional third-order gamma filter as
a function of the single-p value for identification of the filter of equation 8. The dashed-dot line shows the optimal
solution of a third-order self-adjusting time constant delay
lines when the constant fraction % is set equal to 0.82 while
the dashed lines is for ?
0.75. Thus, it i s clear that the
self-adjusting time constant delay line can outperform the
single p gamma filter for certain problems without requiring a complicated nonconvex search.
In Figure 2 and 3, we show two more examples that
demonstrate the performance of the self-adjusting time
constant delay lines. Figure 2 is the performance surface
for the third-order elliptic low-pass filter described by
H ( z )=
0.0563 - 0 . 0 0 0 9 ~ -~ 0 . 0 0 0 9 ~ - ~0 . 0 5 6 3 ~ - ~
1 - 2 . 1 2 9 1 ~ ~1 ~. 7 8 3 4 ~ 0.54352-3
MSE is computed by usirig the continuous LMS update rule
Fig. 4. A schematic of a continuous-time system identification problem in which the upper left delay line is the unknown system to
be modeled, the lower left delay line is an adaptive gamma system trained such that it approximates the system in mean square
error sense, and the last delay line is used to adjust the time
so that the average power at the
constant n ( t ) and ~ ( tshown
outputs of the stage d l ( t ) and d z ( t ) are a constant fraction of the
average power of the inputs d o ( t ) and d l ( t ) respectively.
Dividing equation 14 by equation 13, we get a constant
fraction which is related oinly to the time constant of the
gamma unit and the signal frequency:
while Figure 3 shows the performance surface of
0.3000 - 0 . 1 8 0 0 ~ -~0.2835~-~0.2572~-~
1 - 2 . 1 0 0 0 ~ - ~ 1 . 4 3 0 0 ~ --~ 0 . 3 1 5 0 ~ - ~
Note that, the constant fraction 3 for both equation 9 and
10 are set equal to 0.87.
H ( z )=
In the continuous-time domain, the gamma filter can be
calculated by using [2] [3] [8]
where ~ k ( t represents
the output of a Ic-stage delay line at
time t , Z k - 1 ( t ) stands for the input of the k-stage gamma
unit, and pk is the reciprocal of time constant r k .
If the input to an analog gamma model is a sinusoidal
signal with frequency WO radians, z k - 1 (t)= A cos(wot), the
input power spectrum and the average input power can be
expressed as
respectively and the average output power is
=2 1
Fig. 5 . The solid line depicts (the ezperimental Mean Square Error
of a continuous-time second-order single 1.1 gamma filter as a
function of p for identification of the filter of equation 18, and
the dashed dot line is the empirical optimal solution of a secondorder self-adjusting time constant delay lines when the constant
fraction R is set equal to 0.65 with poles found at 16.99 and 9.5.
As in the discrete-time case, the time constant computed
by this method is a monotonic function of the frequency of
the input sine wave.
Bringing the behavior of each gamma stage together with
the delay lines, we can design a self-adjusting time-constant
delay line that adapts to the properties of the incoming signal. Figure 4 shows a schematic of an analog system identification problem in which the upper left delay line is an
“unknown” system to be identified and the lower left delay line is an adaptive gamma system with weights trained
to minimize the mean square error. The last delay line is
used to adjust the time constant n ( t ) and rz(t) shown so
that the average power at the outputs of the stage d l ( t )
and d 2 ( t ) are a constant fraction of the average power of
the inputs d o ( t ) and d l ( t ) respectively. In other words,
pk = l / r k is adapted by usiing the following learning rule:
where rPk is a time constant of the pk update which is
chosen to be much larger than ‘rk. Note that equation 16
uses the instantaneous power of both input and output
signal instead of the average power.
Similar to the discrete-time adaptation of FIR and IIR
adaptive filters, the weights wo(t), wl(t), and wa(t) are ad(14) justed according to the following continuous-time gradient
MSE IS computed by using the continuous LMS update rule
MSE is computed by using the continuous LMS update rule
Fig. 6. The solid line depicts the experimental Mean Square Error
of a second order analog single p gamma filters as a function of
b for identification of the filter of equation 19, and the dashed
dot line is the empirical optimal solution of the second-order selfadjusting time constant delay line when the constant fraction R
is set equal to 0.65 with poles found at 13.1 and 6.1.
Fig. 7. The solad lane depzcts the experamental Mean Square Error of
a contanuous-tame thard-order filters as a functaon of the sangle p
for rdentzficatzon of the filter of equataon 20. The dashed dot lane
as the emparzeal optamal solutaon of the thard-order self-adjustzng
trme constant delay lanes when the constant fractzon R as set
equal to 0.7 with poles found at 15.355, 8.998 and 2.05.
descent update [2] [3] [l][6] [8]:
which is modeled by three consecutive follower integrator
filters. The constant fractions R
! of both examples are set
equal to 0.65 and 0.7 respectively.
where rw is a time constant of the weight update larger
than r k , the time constant of each stage.
Based on this signal and time constant relationship, we
first model an analog system with poles located at 15.3564
and 1.5356
H ( s )=
+ 0.5895
+ 16.8920s + 23.5818
by using 2 delay lines with self-adapting time constants.
The solid line in Figure 5 depicts the experimental Mean
Square Error of the conventional second-order single p
gamma filters as a function of p for identification of the
filter of equation 18. The dashed-dot line shows the empirical optimal solution of a second-order self-adjusting time
constant delay lines when the constant fraction R! is set
equal to 0.65 with poles found at 16.99 and 9.5.
Figure 6 and 7 give two more examples that show the
benefit of the MSE unrelated updating scheme. Figure 6 is
the performance surface for a third order filter with poles
located at 15.3564, 2.8793 and 1.5356
0 . 3 0 7 1 ~ ~1.7981s 2.7159
s3 1 9 . 7 7 1 3 ~ ~72.2184s 67.8976
by using two follower integrators to model, while Figure 7
gives the mean square error versus p of another third order
filter with poles at 15.3564, 7.6782 and 1.5356
0 . 3 0 7 1 ~+~4.0089s + 7.2425
+ 2 4 . 5 7 0 2 ~+~153.2814s+ 181.0618
Since r equals CIG where C is the capacitance of an
RC integrator and G is the transconductance of a follower
which is equivalent to
as given in [4]. The relationship between the bias voltage
of a follower and its input signal frequency can be derived
by combining equations 15 and 21:
and as depicted as shown in Figure 9. In equation 21 and
22, IC stands for Boltzmann's constant, T temperature, q
electron charge, n a fabrication constant expressing the effectiveness of the gate in determining the surface potential
for a CMOS transistor, and C capacitance in the followerintegrator circuit.
Figure 8 gives an overview of how a cascade of follower
integrators adjust their own time constants with respect to
the incoming signal do as shown in Figure 4. The upper
plot shows the circuit results when the input do is composed of two frequencies 500Hz and lOOOHz signal for the
time duration Oms to 60ms. The signal changes abruptly to
a single frequency 500Hz signal at 60ms. The lower graph
depicts the learning path of two bias voltages. It is clear
S E L F - G O G P T I N G
2.46 0
0 1 0
9 9 5 . OM
9 9 0 . OM
9 8 5 . OM
se 0 .
9 7 5 . OM
9 7 0 . OM
2 0 . OM
6 0 . OM
e o . OM
1 0 0 . 0 M
100. O M
Fig. 8. Time constant adaptation for a continuous-time two-stage delay line which is similar to the one shown on the right middle portion
of Figure 4. The upper plot shows that the input signal do is composed of two frequencies 500Hz and lOOOHz from Oms to GOms, hut it
changes abruptly to a single frequency 500Hz signal after 60ms. The lower graph depicts the learning path of two bias voltages. It is
clear that when there are two different frequencies in do, the two bias voltages separate so that each of them corresponding to one of the
input frequencies. When the input collapses to a single frequency, the two bias voltages converge to the same value.
that when there are two different frequencies in the do, two
bias voltages separate into two separate values corresponding to the two frequencies. When the input signal collapses
t o a single frequency, the two bias voltages now converge
to the same value. In actual practice, the time constant for
update will be made much longer than what was used in
this example, providing much smoother curves.
Figure 10 shows a schematic of a self-adjusting time constant circuit consisting of three follower-integrators in the
upper portion of the plot and three absolute-value circuits
for computing the instantaneous power of each stage and
automatically adjusting the time constant. This schematic
is a three-tap delay-line version of the circuit shown in the
middle right of Figure 4 which consists of only two delay
lines. Figure 11 shows a detailed schematic of the absolute
value circuit.
In this paper, we introduce a nonlinear delay line where
each stage of the delay line adapts its time constant so that
the average power at the output is a constant fraction of
the average power of the input. There are no problems with
local minima in the search space as long as the fraction 8 is
set to a constant. Figure 12 shows the mean square error
of equation 10 as a function of R. It is clear that when
the number of delay elements increases, the performance
surface of this self-adapting delay lines is nonconvex with
respect to R. Nevertheless, the self-adapting time constant
delay lines still be a favorable choice, since its simplicity
makes it easier to be implemented by CMOS process and
the optimal value of R stays mostly around 0.6 to 0.9 while
the range of optimal p could be ranging from 0 to 1.
Acknowledgments: work was supported by an
NSF CAREER award #MI)?-9502307.
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The relationship between a sinusoidal input and biased voltage of a follower
0 851
Frequency in Hz
Fig. 9. The relationship between bias voltage of the follower integrator and its input signal frequency while changing the constant
C capacitance
fractzon R. I n this figure, kT/(qtc) i s 43 x
Farads and I o is 1 x
of a capacator is 1 x
Fig. 11. A detailed schematic of the absolute circuit.
MSE is computedas a function of ratio values
Fig 10 A schematac of the self-adjustang tame constant czrcuzt whzch
consasts of the three follower-antegrators an the upper portaon of
the plot and three absolute value czrcuzts f o r computang the anstantaneous power at each stage and automatacally adjustang the
tame constant. Thas schematac as a three tap delay-lzne verszon
of the carcuat shown zn the maddle rzght of Fagure 4. The detazied
schematzc of the absolute value carcuat can be found an Fagure 11
Fig. 12. Mean Square Error of equation 10 as a function of R.
Note that the mean square error is calculated by evaluatang [ =
E ( d 2 [ n ] ) WTRW - 2PTW, whale the optamal wezght vector
W * is computed b y solving the Weiner-Hopf equation.