Glenville M - Glenville State College

Glenville M er CUrY
Student Newspaper Glenville State College
"J"¥enty4our students are doing
t.helr practice teaching during this
'term of the 15econd semester. These
students, all in secondary educa-~
'tion, are doing their work in the
:Pres. Harry B. Heflin gave the
h'1gb sdbools at Troy, Burnsville, keynote address ·h ere Friday, at the
Gran!tsville, TaDDer, Sand Fork, eerltrQl west Virginia Supervisor 's
and Glenville.
Oonference. This conference, comIn Troy are Charles H . Ad&mS, posed of educational leaders from
blology and social studies; Vandall central WeSt • 'Virginia, was held
B. Bingman, biological, geneMl , and 1 pMmarly to .p romote educational
physical science; and Andrew stand'ards throughout this area of
Mingyar, physical education and .(lhe sta'te.
soc~~r=~~lor and Mary Frances co~~c~n
Band Fork high school
Hall, ~ial
Physical education,
I)Dd eluded wibh a s ummary by Clar- Hardman and Robert Conley, a..nd
Herbert I D. ence M. Young, director o! teacher William Hanlin will perform a tap
Pay~e' Tharpe is overall director
and a dvisor of the production with
Ra lph F1azio ass1stant Fun~ der~ve? wili be. used for bhe purchase
of Jackets for members of tlhe o -
Gene Boggs, matlhematics and phy- Prof. Fleck Is Chosen
To Attend Science Meet
WSSF Lauds Doners;
;:fc,.f':~!TI:;~:':;csKang,~i;, Prof. Byron Fleck has been Textbooks Wanted
chosen by Dean Edwin P . Adkins to
represent Glenville ~tate colleg~
education and biology; Sara.h Jane oh a. conunittee appom,ted by t11e
Elliott, home economics and bi- State Board o~ Ed.ucat.on to reology ; Ralph Fazts. physical edu-~ v::.f!lP the . soc1al. scvmce courses.
cation and social studies; William ~ comun'ttee will me~ on March
D . Hanlin, biology and physical 9, m Charleston.
T>he World Student Service Fund,
in closing the drive for money for
the disp'laced student h ere, wish to
11hank all who 'have contr ibuted. If
anyone has t'8tled to m ake a contrlbution they are asked to see Prot.
~~f':~.;,.t<(;~n an~c::io~c::;· ~: Tu·n Pro{s. Attend
~": ~=gn~n;:f. ~~donE!~;
· 1
di/s~lcaCh~~~ ~~
::..,:c~~a~!'.e~i~:~ :::~
buildings on the campus and althouglh no fol"Dlal inspection groups
11r0 planned. the public is Invited
ito visit the buildings, In which
guides will be stationed to con'd uct
With an open iDvlt&tion t.o the
pubUc, Glenville State coller;e
will hold a n anniversary tea,
Thursday, Feb. 19, from 2:30
to 5 p. m . In the Louis Beanet.t
Lounce, accordlng to Pres. Barry
B . Rerun.
I!C the wea'tlher permits, bus
transpor'te.ticm. will be furnished to
!the college farm, located one mlle
northwest of town, for inspection:
AB, JJS Plan
of the farm ./buildings and the 're· .
cently completed cot·
·Refreshments !will be served durling the a-fternoon in the lounge of
Is Approved
'Louis Bennett hall. Pres. and Mrs.
Heflin, faculty members, and students will be pr esent to welcome
With 'this maturity, Cyet young
hpprova of the proposed plan tor
will feature a number of spectal acts o'Mering bachelor of science and <enough to be invigorating virife)
Among the lat ter will be vocal sel- bachelor of arts degrees without a the college today stands a symbol
ections by J oanne Nash and Caro- tteaching field was given in the Ito those tlhat could foresee a cen-
line Boyd, with Claudette Hefner,
~experienced teacller?" A group of accompan\.s't.
teachers .answered these questions
Boone Waldo will act as Jnterfrom their own experiences in the locutor, while the four end menteaohing fields.
r.;h~ will be dressed in colorful cosThese teachers and tl\e schools 'f.rumes in 'a'ccordance with the
11hey represented
were: Phyllis 9how-willlbe James Marsh, Stlrn.wJohnson Oak Grove · Mable Given berry, Edmonds Janiszewski, SunServia· ' Carrie Bailey Roanoke.' shine; Dan Rengers, Wa.termelon,
'8nd B~tlh Darnall. Buckhannon.
' •and WiUiams Luzader, 1949-, graduThe conference began fWoith group ate, SunShine., under bhe supervision of
O't her feature acts will include
Shuner. J)h}'5ical educa'tron and ltrain~ng and field service at Qonsocial studies, and Harold WUson, cord college.
phys' eduoation
an~ social . This meeting, which was an allstudies. .
day afifair, proved very successful.
ar!~:;~e:U ~~~:. h~~l~~~~ :~~n~~~e one is being plannt:ll
phySical, and general science, B illY
Anniversary Tea Will
Be Held In LBH Lounge
8 BID Harpe
Music anl comedy in ~e 0 - Club
manner IW11l coD.St1tute the organization's annual m.tnstrel when ·i t is
presented to GSC students and,
residents of GlenvUle a t 8 :15 p. m .
'Ilhursd!!Y· Feb. 23, 1n . the Pioneer
·eudltonum, Ralph -'FaZlo, president,
has announced.
Rehearsa·l s have been Jn IPl'Ogress
durlng the past week, and expecta.tions are Vhat this will ,be one of
tlhe most elaborate extravaganzes
yet produced by the club.
The minstrel wUl be 1n the tradk
Oran Mary Louise Lewis. and was oon- a black crow routine by Robert
an invitation to all who wish
to visit the college at this
Open house will be held at all
~~uS:.~:t;:Y~ ~~~a~fb~:;~cea::Jl~~=~~s.l~~
Henry teach commerce at BurnS- bas supervision 'helped me during
ville high school in the atlternoon, m y 'teactring career?" and, "In
'8.nd in the morning Alfreda teaches w-hat respect has supervision !.ailed
EngliSh and Mary Frances teaches ·to aid me \is a beginning or as an
physical education in Glenville
high school. Also
teaching in
Burnsville high school is Robert
Wiant, music and English.
Doing his practice teaching in
mathematics and general science
is William M. Myers, who is 1n
Gnmtsville high school.
M'arg8ret Jane ¥iller is teachdng . home econom1cs and social
stud1es at the T!anner high school.
Minstrel Rehearsals
Underway This Week
Practice To Trainees
B y !Barb¥& Fulks
An Anniversary
~iii t,n~cld from 2:30 to 5 p . m.
Single Copy 6 Ceata Sunday, Feb. 19 at Glenville State college. The p urpose of the
tea is to acquaint the people of central West Virginia with
the college and to enable alumni t o see recent changes.
Marking the 78th anniversary of the founding of Glenville State college, President H ar ry B. Heflin is extending
Student Teachers Commence ANNUAL G..CLUB
Work In Training Schools SHOW PLANNED
Tri-County Area Gives
Anniversary Tea For General Public Will Be
Held From 2 :30 To 5 p. m. Sunday In LB Lounge
Published Weekly
Glenville, W. Va~ Tue., F eb. 14,,1950
Vol. XXI. No. 15.
College Will Celebrate
78th Anniversary Sunday
Farm Club Meetinll
White, or Graee Holcomb.
eocial .sctence; and Nellte Lee
W . S . s. F. plans to collect old
Wenzel, h ome econmolcs and social
'Thvo coue&e professors attended textbooks for students abroad where
the meeting of the F'arm women's books are very scarce. Anyone who
club Jan. 26, in Grantsv'Ule. Prof. has any old text books which they
'Lilllam Chaddock spoke to the !10 longer want or cannot sell or
Women on "Designs of fa-brics to tf tlhey have any books at home
be used in quilts and qu1lt destgn~." 'that are not needed bheir contribuProf. Julia Nutter gave a t-alk on lltl..?n wili be 'alppreciated. W. S . S . F.
"Dolor to be used in quilts."
Will put a box in the hall of the
The meeting was an all-day at- administration buiJ.dtng where these
fair with tlhe tall.ks at 11 a. m. In
may be placed.
the afternoon a workshop was h eld
T ext books for any gi'ade from
at which were exhibits of hi'Y.)k first through college are needed.
rugs, woolen rugs, and qu1its, The W . S . S. F 'COmmittee will see
donated by Mesdames Hallie Jone:!'i, that they are shipped to New York
Ralph Bennett and Mable SmH,h. 1 where they will be distributed.
Yo Sho don't won't to m1ss the
Annual G-club minl.strel which will
meeting of the State Board of Education held Jan. 18 and 19.
As Will be outlined in the new fall
bulletm , '\\hldh Will be available by
'tihe end of thlS tE!fm, a bachelor O'f
arts p.egree can be earned w1th a
major in English or history. A
bachelor of science degree will be
given with majors in biology, ohem'istry, mathema'tics, and physical
New Class Offered
Organ Pipe__s Built
Preparation is underway for the
new course in electricity an ::l.
magnetism w.h.ich will be offered
next semester. An inordinating
motor has been mounted and a
generator and model dynamo have
been set up.
Another new addition in the sci-ence departm ent is t he construction bv Prof. John w ·agner of an
oassembly of five organ pipes made
of wood with adjustable corks. The
pipes are rectangular in shape
a.bout 2 in. by 3 in. wide and 4
long. ~Y using an air compressor
the p1pes will give five different
tones with separate downbeats.
Prof: Harold Orendorff of the
muSlc department has aided Professor W-agner with the organ pipes.
'tral West Virginia college Whioh
devote' itself primarily to train.l.c.g
Glenville No:rmaJ school owes its
existence to an act passed by t he
legislature, Feb. 19, 1872, providing
for the establiShment a.t Glenville
of a nonne.l school branching from
Marshall, on the condition that t he
citizens of the town would furnish
buUdings withou t e>ij)ense to the
School Opened In Courthouse
According to the 1905-06 catalogue pending the purchase of a
build'ing, the school Was opened in
the old courthouse and not untU
Jan. 14, 1873, under the direction
of T . M . Marshall. a'Cting principal,
was G lenville Normal first opened
Ito receive students.
h-fr. Ma rshall, who was then taking a language course at Marshall
college, was appolnt ed to take
Dormitories To Be Open
For All Day Inspection
Glenville State dormiioriesVerona Maple HaJJ, Louis Benn et Hall and Ka.n awba .B allwill be open for inspection all
day, and a special bus will run
from the science hall tO the
coller;e farm. New improvemea.&a
on the campuS to be n oted a:re
new offices for the cleans, repainting an9 n:vamishinc of
floors," new walkway between
sclenre hall and other points of
the eampus, the n ew addition
to the a u ditorium, as well as
improvements a t the farm.
Final Plans, Bids
Will Be Approved
Final working plans will be ap-
·prov~ 81lld bids will be sent out for
t he new Ph Y'Sical-healtlh building
on thte Glenvnle State college cam-1 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . J
rpus at a meeting of the state lxrard charge or the school, but was not •
of education March 14 and 15 in given the title of principlal, pro...
~~e~nirefl~ording to Pres. ~~~~~~~s:t o~~~i~~th. He WJt
Information taken from the 1911
Kanawachen, college -annual, shows
·that the first appointed prlncipal
was the Hon. Louis Bennett, who~
at this time was committee clerk. in
Five organlzations have alread y •lihe state senate and that he took.
announced t hat they will award charge of he normal school durtng
- -scholarships to Glenville State col- April of 1873.
l~ge next year, Prs. Harry B. He!- $5000 Is Appropriated
lm declared.
In 1885 the legislature appropriare earning, which 'brings to mind
These will include : renewal of a ~~';;! t~~~d ~~~rJ!C::~h~=~~t
tile question, will they be more susceptible to social legislation?"
The R epublicans say 'bhe Democrnrts are not enforcing the Taft- ~len ville; f1v~ t uition scholarShips, propriated. $20,000 for an additional
Hartley law, 'the democrats are f anawha Um~I!- Bank of Glenville ; l building to be joined to the old one
second guessing tJa.x cuts, and they our-year t Uition scholarship t o to accommodate growing needs.
During 1911 the administration
are only making a token showing ~d~ of Elizabeth high school,
on tlhe civil rights bill; While, ta:J.e ~ 1 h Lion club; tuition soho- functioned with. 12 faculty memP. ,C alhoun County Bank, and bers tlbat instructed approximately
rtlhe other hand, the Democxa•ts are 1
accusing T&flt and Hoover, Republi- ~~: ~~1~~Y~~~~h~ ~Ygr~~~
(Contmued on Paee ;;,
oans, of manufacturing a crisis in
Formosa, saying the Republican Law of Clarksburg.
Scholarships To Be
Awarded Next Year
::n=~~!':. ~:b~~eg~c~~;!l: 'Local Editor Returns To A lma Mater
omc~a~s of the club.
With "News Of The Day" Chapel Address
year's blacki'ace show will be big-~
ger and better than ever before.
By Bill Harper
Alexander Jokay is becoming one
The Chinese tmbroglio, I)<)Htlcal
of Glenville's most popular speak- disputes, government economy
~1'5. tie addressed members of the
Woman's Club last nl.gbt at their measures, State department m oves,
e.nnual Valen'tine covered dish din~ and o'tlher naltiona.l an'd. tntemuner.
ltional issues make up "The News eof
·Student6 who are intereSted tn t he Day," Linn B. Hickman, editor
Where smte or tlhe food for the of tlhe Glenville Democrat, ·told studining hall comes from may do so den'ts ~d faculcy members in au
Sunday when buses will .be run to address at :weekly dbwpel Thursday
•nd from the odllege farm.
dn GSC auditorium.
Overheard Gossip: A f'rtenki or 1M r. Hiclm:nan, who 1s a graduate
Doris CUnningham '1\"b
In@', "Mter 19 mont.hs,
tell you." And na>tu"'li,Y·
She W&s referring to
::-ll'iss tlh!rd finler, lett hand wh'ich
minus an enp.geme.Dt rina.
lt.h~~ women : Mrs. Marsl;lall 1s
:l.~ of expelling bar pet cat,
V.erona, fJvm the c1onn for good..
;:m~as ~h Verona had a date
er ~ ~ kept the poor
ll ..U night. .
Prof Harold ~e ~eet. go to
heard stat· of GlenvWe state college and !onn- party has stopped the eivil rights
·J>OOr Doris er Instruc~r of D>glish end bill, and they are putting economy
journ:allsm, said the ma jor issue 1.1~
il>he news today Is that of the com·munl~ drive ~gain'st Na~onalist
Chin•. He outlmed in bnef the
lblackground of this drive, and
brought the war up to the present
sltuatton involvill&' the defense of
Ponnosa, 'the present s tronghold or
Ute Nat:id~lists. "lbe speaker went
on to pOint o.ut tlbe effect the
Ohlnese problem was haVing on the
tbo8e Unft.ed St&.tes, al'l'd the
=.~keep tbe crowd en~ opiOlttlieal disputes which h risen
lis free, tree, I
I ~e
~~~t~~d sg~~~~~:fm~ a~=~shst~f ~~~tr~~~n ~~11~~~1:~
~~ pmea_ 'lbey ai-
~~-kiiow tb&t 008ch
,- . : ; .,.; viCtim ol
Jllc*' lpb1""'
a tech·
i'pDIII:r -Tbe..;._.~pmr>,
(dii,llliued OD 31 you
'lbe ne~ aUJo noted
!the trend at social legisla.tlon under
!'!'!i"'~\ administration, and tile
·.....--tions of oueh action. "Ae·
~.,unc !<;> sta't1stlcs," he aid, "one
or the le ot t.he UD!ted
ere ~ more than: they
ahead of nwt10nal welfare. These
are some o! the· accusations and
Librarian Installs
New Card Indexes
Mrs. Marshall Is
Ub Guest Speaker
iLlbrary of Congress
questions the two major political
be'ing ins'talled in th
Robert p
;parties 1\re wrangltng over a.nd
Mrs. Hazel K. Marshall was the Kddd lib
~lhich are capturing news head- I guest speaker at the Home Econmry, according to Floyd
lines, Mr. Hickman sbated.
omtcs club on Feb. 1, tn the home Miller. assistant librarian. These
otting many other n ews high- -economics department. Her topic =~~.f~~ ~~co!
Jights. tlhe well mown speaker was "Home economics as a career."
These cards will provide general
..closed h is address by quoting from She pointed out that sharing is uniformity throughout the cat&a current song hit, "I love those everyon~•s responsibility; that home logue. They will contaln suc:b iD·
dear ·h eart.6 and gentle people, who e;:nom1cs people were trained to 1be formation as: name, date, and
live in my hometown::
a e to share 1n home Ute and a.dd birth of aut.hor
01 tete title 1m·
1P rot. E. lB. Elder of bhe joUJ'Dial- to the community by their know- , .print and cOOHf~or:' of matena.L
ism and English d~ent In· ledge ol housing, child care, food, This 'tyope of cldwcation ellmlnlt:roduced t.he speaker, and _ Dr. and clothing. She also read seyeral ates grouping of individual llbrarBarry B. Heflin announced tlhe e.n- ~ems.
Jtans and takes the form of a noted
niveroary of the _78th blrthda.y of Sbirley Osborn Is the P!'OIP'am authority on book classlficatlon
Glenvrue State oolleie, to be cele- chal!lman and me !ntrociuced - ~ These ca- give other
'bnl.ted talis -mooth. Pro!. Bem!e guest. Refreshments were aerved that tbe onllnary card would ell·
Boyd Bell ...,.. ·. of the 1>J'O- The next meeting >will be held minate. yet they >will be arro.ncecl
Mereh 1.
110 tbat confusion w111 be m.i:nimllecl.
Women Hal.'e Some Explaining To Do
Well, girls, you'll just have to explain it. The Glenville
.State college male public must know why you are "bobbing"
.your respective heads of hair.
There is no use to deny it. You are following a trend
which seems to be sweeping the CQuntry, particularly on college campuses. We base the latter part of this statement on
.authority of several well known publications, and the former
_part can be borne out by facing yourseves in the mirror.
Please don't misunderstand, ladies. We're not waging a
campaign against your new-ofd style of hairdos. Its just nice
to know what lies in back of such radical ~hanges. MaY'be you
are anticipating a heat wave of long duration. No. what then?
Is this recurrence of the "flapper" period an omen of
hard times? Are women going to come to the fore in reform
movements similiar to those of Carrie Nation? If the short
haircut is a jorerunner of such, let us know. We must prepare
ourselves, we ·poor defenseless males.
Perhaps men should grow long beards and long hair, as
well as other facial adornments to show that they can also
be radical in fashions. Don't take offense, men, it was only
an obsertation, not a proposal.
There is certainly great value in the "bobbing'' of the
hair trend. Why, it might well make a topic for conversation
and discussion for several months, depending on how far the
members of the fairer sex carry the trend. However, it might
be well to observe this cutting and hacking of the hair should
stop at a point short of utter baldness.
We repeat, this is not a n argurr;ent on the part of the befuddled male. Jt is merely a query, stemming from wonder
and curiosity.
We hope the limb we have go~e out on does not break.
Jaattee and Cumdllcham
Since we have had so many requests that two young men's namea
hit t.his eol\mm, we dedicating
this weeks ON THE OAMPOS to
Paul and Andy Mlngyar.
Girls, you noticed what bas
hit tihe campw5? Nothing elee but
~~~ear's , shU]>-Shooting Harry
college will
(continued from page l )
wonder why he h:as not been dat-
ling-•tnlt that little number Which
bers w'ho
ment of Mt students.
Wben Dr. Harry B. lleflln ,...
IDa'UIUl'tecl as presldl!llt of Olen.We .state coU~e on Thursday,
.Jian. 15, 19t8, be .,... Invested with
the duties as tbe s~teenth preatdent Iince the Bon. Louis Bennett
~~ =~ noted. that Prof. T .
M. Marshall, acUDc principal In
=.;:! ':;:
:!!:nJ;.J;;.H;, ~;
'that no app,._.tJon was made
fur tile ochool, thus, at tlmoo, tbese
...., tn.structors durand earrted the
one- BeTIUiri Poole Is
iDc at Cowen hich .ehool.
F't'B.nk Lee, graduate of GlenvWe Meadows, a former .t'lldeDi ef
It Is wondered Why Jim M&nh state conege ,Is naw teaching In Gtearille Slate coDece.
couldn't hit even the banking ~e EUzabetjb elementary schools,
WUUam R.amaey, former Gltm•board at a recent game. It oould be Wlrt county
ville student 1s now w6rt1Dc wJiib
lthat Audrey swtcer was sitting ,on
A fotmer. student at Glenville !the ~en't of Public Asl!st-
tlhe sides lines.
One of our new couples on the
campw~ Is Hel1bert Sblmer and
J osephine WbyseU.
If anyone 1s curious as to why
Delmar Atklnson .Js nett seen around
Glenvllle, Leona :Frymter could be
the answer.
Seen la'tely together at the local
places ls Worthy Husk
and Vir-
ginla OWens.
Harold "Kitty" W!l!'on was overheard •ytng that. buying too malty
rings will break any man. He must
be referring to class rlngs.
some of tile cauples ~een at the
Big Freshman Dance were: Wan:ta
Burkh-ammer and Lawrea\cc Ccoper, Ann Martin
and Bill
E'onel Poling and Ernest Raybur: t ,
Mary Giles
and Edsel Robinson,
'Lois Hanlin and Frank Pultlneer,
Is out of Ibis world'
position lor 81!Veral _ . .
Joe T-blnc ID Florida to
we can Understand why
Bokovttz went to tbe ctar.ce stag.
That way he dancec:l wta1 everyone.
Wihat could/ be the matter with
the Elkview herd - t they are
not seen out wtth G8C girls? Surely Jesse lJlly didn't tnfluenee tbem
;,~:!~n~~~= ~~
..,...,. and for the wtallo.llon of
oo~e tmrn, tt -
al !fe~
u 1t>e-
Campua Calender For Week
Tue., Feb. 14 Pioneers s. Tech- --------------- 8:00p.m.
Wed., Feb. 14 W. A. A. -------------------- 6 :15p.m.
Thur., Feb.16 M.A. A.---------------------- 6:30p.m.
Thar., Feb. 16 AMembly ------------•----- 10:lll a. m.
Fri., Feb. 18 G. H. S. ve. Jane Lew----------- 8:00p.m.
Sat., Feb. 19 Pioneers ve. Salem ------------ 8:00 p. m.
San., Feb. 30 Analvenary T• --------------- 3-5 p. m.
blm 1o Ule
~ ...:!~
o - . N. C. He wu
Greta ...........,, or Weo& 1aort7
reoords reveals t111rt fast-llallu
Dlsbauol bolda the unique - -
Weirton Flash
Dishauzi Holda
Unique Honor
~·on or being the oat:y -~
pltcber ever to wiD llhfte tlve gameo In 11he state IJllll besebal1 playoffs.
By Bonnie Bolllna
'B all-ha-.,.. ' Steve "The Bye"
Dlsba.uzl the only on the
White wa... traveling squad and a
former Weirton ~h 'IOOJI<Ier boy,
ba.s stolen ........,..,. a tlnmder In recent Pioneer entanglements; and
Steve pulled 1alls trnn._ Ill the apr1Dc of 1945 wllen he lOG&
from Tro!> Bill. -
~..~ ~ ~
third atrlb. His )lbenomenal burllns 1i>o Bed
IRiders Into tbe cbumed c:bullpkm.
In last
Bobcat l>rawt Steve sblp clrcle
:"tr.!:tt~ :'~eel stove, Steve Is ~eel to vl"*us Ear
'lbis one-man onataught by port- ~uzt. slmpot:y female . . . . . _
skier Dlahauol ~st the Melllo- of lbe Pine Bar, 080 dlst movement
the rftung union.
al>out -
;,::ta;:=t'=""~ Pres. Heflbt To Attead
the Tabbies't anylblng to SEA Meet In Charleston
write home olooUt.
Pres. :m.rr:v B. Heflin w111 Dribbler Dl!heuzl came to Glenville In hls SOPhomore y...,. after a a meeting or 1i>e stint lilt. Stubenv!Ue college In Oblo A!ooclatlon Peb. 17 and 11 ID OIIRwhere he """' play-maker and le&'llc>IL
for the Buclr.eyo, State Big as
z:-·. =
Dlsbausl Ia Barler
to:r:e ~ITo;s ::s~ ~~:: Ia~ 'To'.=~'-h.-=
mond· acgregaUon and wa.s alao a thk:I<Mt - .
..Uual>le replacement on the var-----sity _., clomldn&tloa.
A ...,.S , _ OOD from
A clooe scrunlty of WelrliOn hlcll 100 to :100 llleep a dlt,y.
Member of West Virginia Inter-Uegiate
__ _ _........... Cole-..~~
SuiMcrlptfn• Per Y- · p
All communications should be acldreued to The Editon,
The Glenville :Mercury, Glenville, W.Va.
Student Weekb' NeWIIPIIPft of GleD.ole State Callp
~vtlle, Weet V~
Jobnaon to be
to bls home knm. Kal'l>e Bernice
~ldh~tllb~ Heal
Entered aa Second Class matter Noye,nber 23, 1929, at t1la
Poatoffiee at Glenville, W.Va., under the Act of lruda 1,.
omel'llntr fivm !Ill -.e1orvn~. 1879. Published each Tuesday during the academic 7ea1' 11 - t rllbt, UJ?
cept on holidays by the claaaea In jourtaliam at GleD..SU.
State Oollep
- . . . . - . of IIWIY com-
:""~to= =-~:X=
wvu1d -
o. -
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Radio Meebanlcs
Nov. 1!1 &t George WUhlnl'ton UD1P!c. AlVin Glenn B ush, Jr., son verstty's f9.ll convocatton.
Commander Young Ls a Glenvllle
state college alUDlDUS and for aevera! years ba.s been with lbe t1. 8.
Ooast_Guard. Be lUll& graduated 1D
1937 from the Coast Guard aDd atIter a loq tour of dUtJ' eDterell
George Wtlsb.lnwton UnJventty to
earn tlbe degree of bad:lelor of aw.
He is DOW' at&t1oned at U. 8. 00&H
student at Glenvtlle state college Guard headq\arter& in WtaabiDI·
lr't the tJme of h1s enlistment.
Teacblng at the Cre.:ton school
Georwe 0 . ~. a or
in Wtrt cou.aty are Mrs. lwaJ'I-3.1 Glanville state colleae 1n 1114. aDCl
McOQuley and Mnl. H. D. b lngm•n. now of Glendale, W . Va .. p i - to
of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bush of near
Glenville, bas been seleotecl tor in~
struc'tor duty In ra.dio mechanics
at SCo1lt Atr Porce Base. Ill. He recently W!a6 graduated wit.b honors
from the radio mecban.Jcs scbool
tthere amd will be entered 1n special
ltraiatng. BU!b la a graduate of
GlenvWe higt1 school aDd waa a
Orlpe: 8IDc:e thlo Ia
ance tn &itton.
Alumau ID Cout . G..,..
ILt.-oom. Ma)'DIU'd Young, ocm of
Atty. Guy B. Younil and the late
Mrs. Young of Glenville, was &IDODI'
the group of yollDg men ~tat
Dr. Howard ~ o. lFnDk St&De'ricb
"ObU<Ir." pn1121, Iormor Glen'V111e er GleDollle Slate - . Is JKbreak down and date .ome of tbe man,. is tbe coacb at
ftder el Field 8enlee a& tile ...,_
rtrlo on the campus wbo tblllk he hlKb scbool. "Ohuck" bas held this ... c-a.... .._,
that way.
Who says tbat GSC doesn't get
all of the material? Juat take a
look at What moved 1n from Georgia, Taytor Plllllips.
Jim W,.CW!f does not Hke to
spend the weekends beno. But wily
must be ao all the way to Pen.nsylvania?
Mallrarel McCartney pulers Tanner boY6 to the one's here, or 1B 1t
bi!CIIIUSe of Vlrg!l WUson?
Betty Sprinrdon thlnlla Sand
da...torles. Six bet.hrooms were pro- Fork would be a 'Wonderful place to
v:ided. for the use of members of
~era_-ust be referrlnc to
the sobool. l!laCh IndiVIdual ba.d •1i>e
Not only girls lllte to baft c:urt:y
privilege of a Dathroom one bour hair but also do boys. Just look at
a =~ts who 81PP11ed tor a.dmls- Don Toni's are really tt.
slon In those early yean were ex~d ~:=,~~eo~
pected to have completed aome Hubert Taylor 'With Robert flb&rll.
practical aritlu:netlc,
elementary That way Bob could tell Hubert
EngliSh gremmar, to oh&Ne a Dow- the calories tn tbe food.
ledge of g0011J'811lby and history and
Two young men 011 the _ . .
to be able to write legiblY &ncl ape11 who have been evading th18 oOlUIIlll
and read oorrectly. ·
by elating town girls are Lowell
cle~:~~r~~:,S~87:; 7~!d Clay Sampson and Kent King.
to approximately 100 degrees ..,.nt- m!::~d:; ;.hat~~: ~
ed In 11141H9. According to the 1ng up a buclm of suds?" Oouldn't
::t~ b~~lntt,:~=~~~~
~ = ? b y heart trouble could
single student, - t being Louise
That's a ml&h'ty sbary ctgw.rette
A. LinD, c~us
llt!ihter----. Pu1b
~fo~ /:~forb&~ na~ent
State 1s Ethel Cheuvront, 'Wbo 1s
lteachtnc in Wirt county.
Tho principal of Sutton high
scbcol Is J. 0 . McLaugbJID, wllo Is
a tormer student of GlenvWe.
Former Studeot In
Evelyn Burkhammer and Glendale ,Both bave attended Glenvtlle Sta!e attend commencement tbl8
(Clontlnued from 11
in _.,. with his Charles Atlaa
'that CD&Cheo do lose tlbelr tempera. cos~· ~--h
With llbe De&n'a list out, tbe
- e ~ Ra-f doeo not perDIIIJlber of students lw'ho made the' mit tile boys lo attend parilu or
~"de II a ...,.S IDdlcation b t clances beflore pmea, wbat wll1 they
Gten>ille autdenta ...., doing oome- doc:O/:.~Irlllo~t,!':'::...,. :1 ~--'lbtnr besldel fiiiDtr 11hetr ttnger- AUdiUI to lbeY_.,...ID ..;......,..
u~ ,..,-ou ~ _,,.
make the · st.atement about
...., counes were (lven, the normal
-·covo. period
of 111ft> years. Bo&nl ,...
at 12.50 to tli.OO per week
IIDd tullloD ran !rom $10 to 120 a
term 1n 1105-08.
In 1108-(1'1, a aum of olooUt
.,....,,..,... IMt...,.,IIOumt.
..:hth;xpr.:;s ev~
~:..:ue~en~e '::'!.ow~
too students, wlleroas today there
ue I!WJJProldmately 40 faculty mem-
finger; blit ode thing that didn't
miss tlhe eyes of the students wa.s
'her boy friend.
It Is thought 11bat Joe Riddle Is
a h1l.Ddsome lad and aome people
The Wind Keeps Busy In 11his Rapid World
The winter wind has a hundred voices. lt can scream, it
can bellow, it can whisper, and it can sing a lulla;by. It can
roar through the lafless oaks and shout down the hillside,
and it can murmul' in the white pines rooted among the granite ledges where lichen make strange noises.
It can whistle down a chimney and set the hearth-flames
to dancing and on a s unny day it can pause in a sheltered spot
and breathe a promise of spring and violets.
In the cold of a lonely night it can rattle the sash and
stay there (,guttering of iC!! and snowbanks and deep-frozen
Sometimes the winter wind seems to come from the
farthest star in the outer darkness, so remote and so impersonal is its voice. That is the wind of a winter dawn, in the
half-light that trembles between day and night. It is a wind
that merely quivers the trees, its force sensed 'but not seen,
a force that might almost hold back the day if it were so
Then the east brightens and the wind relaxes-with the
stars, its source, grown dim.
And sometimes the winter wind ia so intimate that you
know it came only from the next hill, a little wind that plays
with leaves and puffs at chimney smoke and whistles like
a little boy with puckered lips.
It makes the little trees sway as with delight. It shadowboxes with the weathervane. It tweaks an ear, and whispers
laughing words about crocuses and daffodils, and nips the
nose and dances off.
But you never know, until you hear its voice, which wind
is here 'today. or, more important, which will be here tomorrow.
tlbat ha.s on.d
eyes of the student.s is the dlamood on Rutlh Ann Davi!lon's
EDITOR -------------------------------- Du . . . . .
BU81NBSS :MANAGER ------------------ s -.,._
SPORTS --------------~---------------- . . . . . . . . . .
CIRCULATION :MANAG~ ------------- . . . . . . 1'11111
SOCIETY ----------- :oart.
c-..,..... .,..._
-------·-------~--------- &
.. -
ay, February 14, 1950
lVff!do And Groveb
Pioneers Humble Battlers
But Senators Clip G-men
~~uooks" Sizzles for 26
Remain lmbeaten
Hardwood Highlights
By Ronnie Rolllns
GlenV'Ule's high-geared cage ar-
tists, who are up a.nd down more
than an elevator operator or a
baby sitter, have this jejune sports
It has narrowed down to a. 1'17wo
boss" mara.tbeon in the MAA dribble derby with untamed stallions
Groves and Waldo being the nags
to circle on your racing forms.
Groves and Wa ldo have swept
througtt all apposition encountered
ltftlus !'8.1' and
unless darkhorse
Megna or some other upst art loop
Golden Bears
Here Tonight
Salem's Hapless Tigers
Show Here Saturday Eve
By Ronnie Rol.l.iD!:
White Wave Topples A-B • - - - - - - - - - - - - writer as baffled and mesmerJzed
Tech's skidding Bears, who sur·
60-49; Brown's Cagers
count was soon at
~ ~ri~~~;e ~h~~st%;;Y~J'
~r~ ~rt~~~t~~e~et~~of~~;,~; prised more people t han HST With
~i:t~ 0~~':ontn;r-n~but~~ f~::~:ns ~s:um~aJt~~~t s~~~. in~ f~eaei~u=ishing
Clip White Wave, 81·65
SultanB~f a;~; :;~"Hooks" ::n.i~:r,~ ~~ = ~~~:;tf~~ out to be a banner season.
Hardman, GlenvUle's strtng-be6n- wit1h the Ra'tlifofmen on top, 37-33. !i;:io~~~e:Ski=~~~u;ll n~: ~y~
tab smootl'iie who was hotter 1lhan
Rambling Rader • GSC's sharp- linders. after they rebounded nicely
a floor walker·s bunion, whtpped eyed forward, sank Pltwo field goals from their heartibreaking 65-62, loss
1D 26 !pOints here last Saturday Ito launch bbe Pioneers in whirl- to Morehead's rangy rifiemen, and
Jligh't but his unoa.nny marksman-,· wind !faShion as the tlhird quarter Caribs' .cagers had rival
abip •a lone wasn't enough as Davt.S- started but uneerlng Carl Payne, coaches chain-smoking as
D -E's amazing team-1)layer, begin posted a 4-2 loop record .
oto shred 1lhe stnn~ and, along
A- B Lowers Boom
Elkins' sha.J!PShoo'ting Senators outlasted Glenville's !tiring Pioneers
81-65 wtth a last quarter 27-point
surge that ena'bled the congression-
their complete reversal of form
had lit- this season, and Salem's cellar·
dwelltng Tigers headl1ne the home
tie ef.feot on the standings. Waldo cage card for the off-again-on~~~~~ee~~bh~nh~o~ic::, f~:!; again GlenVille S t ate floonnan bbis
Keeney, while
Kiddy downed week, and the G-men will have to
have more bounce than a preThomas in the other tussle.
Waldo and Groves both own girdle if they expect to halter these
riw.l fives.
Identical 7-0 r ecords.
Tech's potent but inactive Bears
flip the week's lid off tonight at
game average melt away, Steve Dls- 8 o'clock in the college gymnasium,
h auzl has taken the hint and has While the oft-tamed Tigers from
beeh firing wll1h bath banells ~ Salem ma'tch fast breaks with the
here Saturday evening.
r~ea~~esw~~~g~~nsivetburUcn !or locals
Pre-season threat T ech was off,
Hke Ha ley's comet at the sound of
~:!:trn~;: ~~stfo~';~· tlh~h~~ 'the first whistle this season, breez.
19 counters against Morris Harvt:y's ing into the n ine early wins, while
<Con tinued on page 4 )
title-bound Eagles and his 2S point
, , ............................ ;
splurge ag3.inst Wesleyan las•. w•:ek
·was his peak performance for the
Drink, And Be Merry :
cage camp~tr.:;....- z Shines
with hmnan-crane Hap Huey, !J>rod.M 'ter a 1o-polnt spanking of
ded Elkins into a 49-44, bulge.
Tech's latent Bears in the irlZ7.IY
&le ~!;'
s~~ ~~lck of bat- ~. rn~~:~ded~d~~~gg ~~tnH~:; guys' own den, Rex Pyles' trnvt>l'll
tng A -B parsons blew into town to
~ j ~~~t :~~n~eSl~~~o~astlb~~~: IR'S.tliffmen
lower the boom on the bewildered
and even the high wat·
s reetrricak~
. t..,?'guna~d ""'
leadp.u shed into a 54-51, tdlird er couldn't stop the Baptist breth·
ren th-at fatef ul night.
plaY.-making 11he first 'half was sen·
Smooth-functioning Senators
Instrumental in th e losing· skein
really hft tlh.eir stride in the decld- which is harassing
the Pioneer
,_The rdmtull houh
se wdatc:heddgangthl- : ingtire lbclta
s~ qbarrua.r'tellsr asouothelny fbeglnt62t.o cord-clippers is the off-form dis&U& Ha
un er un er
boards tor 1l'ayups, dunk in neat 56, Vhe scrappy congressional clan Hardman.
'Ilhis gives bhe pistol from the
one-banders from side court, and h it for ten straight digits to r ace
As one ~n .put it, "As Hardman panhandle a 19.2 game avera~!! for
Glenville, W- Va.
aon~;m!~n~~u~-5~~~= goes,
so goes the team" This may or ~~~a;_~:~~h ~~~s r~~~h~s :
may not be t rue, but Bobby's tn~ ............... ,_,,_,.. .... ,, ... , ........ !
:!Pug~t f~!d:!Y ~:ghtwi~m:Z~ 1:
~~~d :~~e d:~~~~- ra~k ;~i;em:~
G-men flounder around
Invaders covered bobbing Bobby 1 Well-g roomed Senators grew
'llk:e a fishnet in the second ha1! st,ronger in 11he final stages of the
BDd gallant
Oa.Ptain Hardman t game a.<nd were puUing '3/9.-ay from
cooled off and could mesh only ~ix lbhe batbtling locals when the final
more markers for a healthy 36- hom sounded. Browns basketeers
point performance.
ou't..poin'ted tlhe Wavemen 27-14 in
s enators gt1a.b bed a 5-0, lead in •the tim1l chapter.
~~~~i~e:lngd~ cet~;~n~ig~~~ I, - - -<Co
_ n_t_ln_u_e_d _o_n_ P_•g_e-
4)- - - :
C.efinftely afected the team's output and showing.
Against West Liberty's, l'ugge(,
HiUtoppers, agile Hardman C'luld
Groceries and Meats
glean .only 11 potnts and· the o - men
were kayoed , 70 _48; pitted ag~in~~
Glenville, W. Va.
Wesleyan's Bobca'ts, "Hooks" drop~a!~'bac~~~ :u:u.:e~~ ~~s~e~:d~ ;\~~ ~~~~~r; ped in only nine points and the I '------------~
after the lead had changed hands Hardman in t he scoring for Glen- ~~~-~ ~. the sad st'lry. ,.. ................................... _ .............. ;
Watch Repairing
Glenville, W. Va.
OO&ch Red
Brown's eagers tat-
He~~'!:~:~~~~ ~:S~re
Joe R ader came up with
punch of
~~~tr:'U: ;!t ~~::!~~ ~~H:;":n!i!s~~g~lntsPea~~ ~~ c:o::~e~; ~~:eo~e ~~~~P:~;~
Buy Some!
and it looked as if llhe loop-leaders 'tween 'llhem While whirling dervish ~:~e~':~::!'b~ ~~~ :e aesn:fc~ :
were out to verify their press clip- Ceravola arched in 17.
and clever as a one-anned boot- ,
Soore by qllilrters:
black boy.
Ad~~=·::~~ ~kit~: g~~~~~.::::::::: ~: ~ ~~ ~t:::~
Popular & Hillbilly
Chattaooop Shoe Shine Boy
F. Sinatra or BW O.unell
Suru F - Rae
BW Dan1dl
lohnoon Rar-God's Couolry
J~ Doney
Blue Ribbon Gal
Ten Pretty Flowers
Jerry Wayne
A D...-.n HoUday-Envy
The Old Maaler PaiDier
Lotot In The Sian
F. SlDatra
Save A LIUle Sunbeam
Mama What'll I Do
Dorts Day a Couins
t Can Dream, Caa't J
A Little Love, A Little K..t.
TODI Arden & Wlnterhaalter
Dear Heart. & Gentle People
Speak A Word Of Love
DiDah ShOft
Qulc:ksllver-Croeodlle Tean
Doria Day & Couslns
Not Tonlpt--Sat. Nlcht Fish Fry
P. Bailey & J . Mobley
New Wildwood Flowers
Wlllk Uchtly, You're SlepJJin&' On
Boddy Starcher
A llleeplo At The Foot Of The 1'111 In Lon Up To My Ean
LIUie Jlmlny Dick.,..
As Bobby
:ll.S per ,
,''''''''''''''''''''"'"• :
Try some from the
: Kanawha Bakery :
Pool - Soft Drinks
: :_._._._.. .,._._._._. ...
Glt:nville, W. Va.
CoaCh Oarlos Ratliff'6 Pioneer
proteges, wbo have taken a. full 10 :
count six 'times ·t his season , .p roved :
'that 11he" sttll had ., lot of fight In
'em last Tuesd11y nl&'ht atop wind y
tT hptiSt knob In PhUippi when they :
lambasted a highly-regarded A-B
aggregation 60-49, In the most
scathing upset registered since ;
Ponder captured bhe Run for tthe
1 C· •ntlnu~d on ~e 4)
Most Modern Tavern
.! '------------.J
, .......... _................................ ..
.................... , ......................... ;
•: A 10% discount will be giv-:•
: en on all purchases if we
: cash your GI l.nsurance di•
yjdend check.
Glenville, W. VL
: No Purchase l'o Sma:ll For
:......------------' :
Our Bonus To You
f ....................... .................; •
An Ideal Pl>U:e To Eat
Weber's Dairy
Weston, W. VL
Phone 3551
: t .................
, ...... _, .. ____ .. _,.~
Pasteurized and
Homogenized Milk
: Coffee Cream, Whipplllg :
: Cream, Cottage Ch- :
Chocolate Milt
• Use milk sealed with the :
Metal Ca.p for your
......................................... ~
M7 8oul ShaD Ll•e On
Chad<. waron Gaoc
Buy bond8 and ''
Ask for iJ <ilh<r way .• - Hllo
lrade--lu m<an tire SIUII< lllint.
keep them
For A Good Job
·Glenville, W. Va.
Glenrille, W. VL
Ia Huilltoa, New York, lhe faworite gathering
opol of otucleab at Colpte Uaivenity ia the
Cuap1111 Store becaue it ia a cheerful place-faD of friendly collegiate atmosphere.. ADd
when the gans satlaera around, ice-cold
Coca-Cola Sebl the call. For here, u in collese
lwuota everywhere-Coke
eom. ..... MIIMOIIJY\ Of' 1'Hf COCA-COlA
Coca·Cola BottUnc Works,
Coai'M« l'f
s,-, W.
.o lt4,. . . c-.c. c....-,
Golden Bears
Dean Adkins Speaks To
PTA Meeting At Tanner
<Contlnued trom pqe 3)
Mentor. Lewis' coaching ...........d II
"'bout as uopresslve as the one complied by v - r prep but th 1 moon-
Dean Edwin P. Ad·ldns
lllhe Tanner Parent-Teacher as- roommate of Prank Leabys, afi'er
socla'tlon Feb. 13. His topic for. dls- t heir fW of ""'nderlust DeGroot.
cusslon ,'WaS: "The proper function
Dud, w<ho was Just bhat 1n his
of the PJLrent-Teacher association second year at the helm of MounIn tlhe community.
lta.lneer athletics, had been fllrtlng
'wtth name universities all along
skids under the hustling Bears, the
<the Golden 0oost for quite some
Golden Boys fell _.-t at llbe ,
, 'time and When he .p acked rup hls
15eams and toppled out of tlbe up-~
(Continued from Pace 3)
I gear and left Morgantown, he was
per divls1on.
uncanny eye, these two trigger tin- \ about as popular as e. ease of Roct:y
Hugh Bo
tUl gered forwards will really bav~ thP. mountain spo'tted. fever.
s1ey s
Ys are s
nets smoking.
J!t was small wonder that the
dangerous, what ,:;v111h veterans like
Raft, Harry Smith one once~brty Mounties had a Rop'U ashy Franlde Lemine, A1 "Stoco" or tJhe most promising pivot-mCn m .perc or a arld sea.aon .past tall.
Martin, Louie Yauknlch and BW 'the state, has returned to GlenvUle While t he Gold and Blue boys sld.dSohds in uniforms
stete a.tter another stlnt w1th he ded out of the nationa.l ra:ttngs, De·
feahered flock a 'Morris Huvcy. Groot hauled out hll field glaases
Pioneers defeated the Tech out- Harry stands 6 • 5 ., tlalt-footed. and a-nd scanned the horizon tor a aew
flt earlier in the year ~own at As one tough cook:ie undei' the abode.
Mon~mery 71-61, but the chaps 'bOards. Around these ,p a.rts Smitty DeGroot Blasted
wi~ tlhe coonskin caps wUl have to as known as the "peepul's cherce " I On f' 1 n
at bar
hit their stride tonight 11' they ex:seat of culture in this ,no~n- , to
~~ You
~t 1>o make It two tor the ·sea;on
·state WVU had a
ltih ~
over_tbe invaders.
head coach la~ week 1n the ~:r~ ~~dr~ ot underJ.:m:!lo;~
Ernie Smallwood Is about bh• sonage of Art "Pappy" Lewis trans- me you wW ..~-yo be Just' "bird
only net-banger on COach Dong 1 t ed M ' '1 s1 1 lin
BOOne's outfit who will bear watch- ~ an .
lSS s PP
e cone'h who lbr:aln." 'nle pun we.s intentional.
lng tlhis saturday night.
stepped into the cleated shoes left ................................................
Fiery Sma llwood pitched in 19 Vl:.cant by rank-haippy Dudler S .
points when the Glenville gang DeGroot.
eeked paSt the T igers 61-60 in the
Lewis was a SlmPrise catch an:l
first clash between the arch-rivals, he will be busier than a one-arme:i
but Sma llwood has a feeble sup- jnggler in rebuilding the M.mnporting cast.
ts.ineer football machine that, was
The home lumber should make ellowed to degenerate undt!' the
... ........................................, ........
t he difference-O-men by ten t'Ll"'telage of the departed docror.
::~~~, .., ...., .., .., ....,
A Complete New Line Of
Main St. Glenville
The OlenvUle five tbat took to Ratliffmen w1tb their
'tihe &ptlst boards laet Tuelday ~ryl:l~~ey ~ ""
nlg'hlt was " far _,.. from tlbe . . , . A-B boun~ ~ 1ID ~e that swapped shotS Witlh rtbe Y1stt1ng W&nmen a.t
A-Bs Sllpplng Battler• here eviler 1nla)e, U - 11
but the - . . , .
'in the year.
I denied Ploneera rtllbed r.
Thll. rangy Pioneers, wllo bad .1li-IO, last frame edge _ , Iced 11101
been walk>pped, ooundly their 1ut 1looue.
rthree times oUt end wbo were
Rex Pyles' preaahen bad cooJed
groary frun, were a oool, Oflt 8CJIIleWbat &lnce their fila
oonftdent bunch aa they Jwaded in- meeting when U:ley routed t:be
'to the pla.)'1ng pat1IOilS and the G- IJocals in the O-mena' own biM:k
men's delt.ber&.te pme payed oft yard. B&Jttlers could hit for onb' 17
Witlh a much-needed 11-point trt• shots out of 57 taken from tlhe fteJIL
~Glenvale's candlda&e far
·~yn<> thelr improved Styte or honors, •B obby "HooD' llardmUl,
'P y, 'lllle GlenvWe gang still had ,._mod hiB 1011t polae 110 tine tbe
lits ·banda fUll 1n a b81l pme tllat 1bell tor 19 JJllU'Ur1s wblJe ..-rdwas tichter than a weight ll11ter's Skl:ney Adelsberg contr1buted 14 tiD
ankle bracelet.
'tlhe twtnner-'a cause.
'I'he lead changed hands more Soon!: ttY quarters:
ltltmes than en A...oomb secret In Gleovtlle' ••••• . .•• , 15 17 11 lS--80
1:be tense flret period Which ended A-B • . . . . • . • • . .. • . • 15 II U !G-Ill
= =;,,......,,..,,......,,,,....,. ,,,,,....,,..
For Good Food At The
Right Price Visit
CContlnued -
addressed ~~ef~~ak~ :O~~~r~~ =~~w:O::d~~ln
rival conference coaches mopped
their prespir1ng broW& and looked
Bears Fade Fast
But after Potomac State's teuaclous Catamounts greased tlbe
Pioneers Hrunble
,~,:i' ~',;;;hi;''"''"'•••1
Come In and See Our New l 1
!f'"''"'ifEN'ONLY"."1 i
Oar:• :' ,_. . ... .___....
: !
: ,
: For Expert Work Try
Tonsorial Artists
. Barber Shop
Glenville, W. Va.
............................................................... . . ...........................................................................
" ' " ' - ' ' ' ' ' '___
! Put War Bonds on:
: your shopping list :
: <and remember that when
: you need a small cash loan
• you can depend upon thill
: bank for personal consid: eration. All are treated
with confidence
- - -:,
!, Glenville Banking :
& Trust Co.
: Friendly, efficient eervtee :
~ ............................................. J
Fa11o1s Gonzaga alu•nus, says:
"Smoke MY cigarette.
MILD,E R Chesterfields."
Great N- liNG CIOSIY
SHOW Ewry WedllftCiar
lhe entire CIS Nefo
Used Car Bargains
Moto1r- ~ales, Ine.
warlc-9.3Q , P~ E.& T.-
8,30 P.M.c.$.1'.-7130 , ,.,._
M.U.-~0 P:M. ,.S.T•
. . Atitbot!Zed Deater
Glearille, "- VIL