TITLE (bold, 11 pt, capital letters) For further information please visit

Instructions for the authors
Manuscripts in 3 printed copies and electronically in a packed document file (*.zip) on
CD/DVD or by email up to 7 Mb should be sent to Szilárd SZABÓ
(szszabo@delfin.unideb.hu). The papers will be sent to two reviewers for supervision.
Papers should be arrived until 31th of August in each year.
Manuscripts should be prepared as follows:
All text must be typed with Times New Roman type (maximum in 15 pages).
TITLE (bold, 11 pt, capital letters)
AUTHORS (9 pt, capital letters)
Abstract (bold, 9 pt)
The text of the abstract (9 pt). 10-20 lines.
Keywords: maximum 5 (9 pt)
The text body:
- it should be typed with 11 pt letters;
- recommended to use the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Materials and
methods; 3. Results; 4. Conclusions typed with bold.
- all the references should be cited in the text;
- figures should have subscribe, tables should have title typed with italics and
should be referred in the text;
- Figures and photographs should be in digital form (tiff, jpeg or bmp). In special
cases when the figure is vector type it can be pasted in a document but it is
recommended to send a raster type (in the above mentioned formats) as well. The
journal will be printed in greyscale so please take care of the colours.
- All tables must be attached in separate and native (xls) formats.
- Journals:
Name, A. – Name, B. – Name, C.D. (2004): Title. Name of journal Volume (Issue): pages.
Books, book chapters:
Name, A. – Name, B. (2006): Title of chapter. In: Editor, Z. (ed.): Title of book, Publisher, City
of publishing Pages.
Web pages:
It is recommended to find the printed version of these documents. If it is necessary please try to
find the author(s). These references have to contain the date of downloads.
For further information please