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List of publications
Paula Femenías, Architect MSA, PhD in Environmental Sciences and Architecture. Department
of Architecture, Sub-department Built Environment and Sustainable Development. Chalmers
University of Technology, Tel: +46 (0)31 - 31 772 2458
E-mail: femenias@chalmers.se
Reports/Books etc.
Femenías Paula (2004) Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building: Towards a Strategy for
Sustainable Development in the Building Sector based on Swedish and Dutch Experience. Dissertation.
Department of Built Environment and Sustainable Development. Chalmers University of Technology.
Femenías, Paula (2000) Learning from Buildings – A Strategy for Environmental Design: Discussions from
a case study of the sustainable building project GWL-terrain in Amsterdam. Licentiate Thesis. Department
of Built Environment and Sustainable Development. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg.
Femenías, Paula (1999) Holländsk ekoguide: En vägvisare till uthålligt byggande i Nederländerna. Svensk
Byggtjänst. Stockholm. [guide-book to sustainable building in the Netherlands published by Svensk
Femenías, Paula (1999) Nationalpaketet bostad: Nederländernas norm för uthålligt bostadsbyggande.
Rapport 1999:5. Department of Architectural Design, Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg.
[translation of the Dutch National Sustainable Building Package for Housing 1996]
Femenías, Paula (1999d) “A Study of Puerto Jubiley: Buildings and Resources in an Old Village in the
Sierra Nevada”. Department of Architectural Design. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg.
Femenías, Paula (1994) Ekobyggen i Göteborg med omnejd, ByACTH 1994:3, Department of Building
Planning, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg.[guide-book sustainable building in west of
Gluch, Pernilla & Femenías, Paula (2002) ”Communicating Sustainable Building: The Image Conveyed by
Media”. In Mistra Sustainable Building: Experiences From a Cross-Disciplinary Research Programme.
Department of Building Economics and Management/ Department of Built Environment and Sustainable
Development. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg. pp 77-90.
Reviewed conference papers
Femenías, Paula (2005) ‘Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building: Towards a Strategy for
Sustainable Development in the Building Sector’. To be published in Proceedings from Sustainable
Building 2005 International Conference in Tokyo September 2005.
Femenías, Paula (2002) “Accepting the Challenge: Interpretation and Implementation of Sustainable
Building in the Swedish and the Dutch Building Sectors”. I Proceedings of Sustainable Building 2002
International Conference – “The Challenge, The Knowledge, The Solutions”, September 23-25 2002.
Olso, Norway.
Femenías, Paula (2001) “What, and in what way can we learn from demonstrations projects?” In
Proceedings from NORDCONF01 Göteborg 23 – 24 April 2001. Göteborg
Gluch, Pernilla & Femenías, Paula (2002) ”Discursive Features of Sustainable Building in Media”. In
Proceedings of Sustainable Building 2002 International Conference – “The Challenge, The Knowledge,
The Solutions”, September 23-25 2002. Olso, Norway.
Other conference papers
Femenias, Paula (2005) “Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building – What’s in them for utility?” In
Proceedings from SBE2005, Pretoria June 22 – 24, 2005
Femenías, Paula (2004) “Demonstration Projects – An Effective Strategy for Sustainable Building?” In
Proceedings from the Regional Central and Eastern European Conference on Sustainable Building
(SB04), 27-29 October, Warsaw.
Femenías, Paula (2004) “The Built Example as Design Tool for the Making of Sustainable Architecture” In
Proceedings from The International Conference Architectura 3000, 30 June – 2 July 2004. Barcelona.
Femenías, Paula (2000) ”Environmental design strategies - Learning from buildings”. In Proceedings from
SB2000 conference in Maastricht October 23-25 2000. Maastricht.
Femenías, Paula (2000) ”Learning from buildings – A discussion on how knowledge can be gained from
case studies of sustainable design”. In Proceedings from TIA - Teachers of Architecture, conference in
Oxford 9 –12 July 2000. Oxford.
Femenías, Paula (1999) ”Bergsjön an Ecological district” In Proceedings from CIB W69 meeting in
Gothenburg June 4-8 1998. CIB Proceedings Publication 243. Rotterdam.
Femenías, Paula & Hal, Anke van (2003) ”Innovating for Sustainable Building: Guidelines for the Making
of Demonstration Projects”. Paper in preparation for the 11th International Conference of the Greening of
the Industry Network: “Innovating for Sustainability”, October 15-17 2003. San Francisco
Gluch, Pernilla & Femenías, Paula (2002) ” Communicating Sustainable Building - The Image Conveyed
by Media”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Greening of the Industry Network:
“Corporate Social Responsibility – Governance for Sustainability”, June 23-26 2002. Göteborg.
Popular research articles
Femenías, Paula (2004) “Zweedse hout”. (In Dutch) Puur Wonen. Aeneas. Best, The Netherlands.
Femenías, Paula (2002c) ”Demonstrationsprojekt som förmedlare av hållbart byggande” In Mistra Bygg:
Ett forskningsprogram om uthålligt byggande 1997-2002. Department of Building Economics and
Management, Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg.
Femenías, Paula (2002) ”Byggsektorns aktörer talar ut: Förtydliga hållbart byggande”. Formas tidning
Miljöforskning, December 6/2002. Stockholm.
Femenías, Paula & Liane Thuvander (2000) ”Framtidsstudier av fönsterbyten i miljonprogrammets
flerbostadshus”. Bygg & Teknik 8/00 Tema: fasad och Fönster. Stockholm.
Femenías, Paula (2000) ”Lust och Förnuft”, Arkitektur Vol 6, Stockholm
Femenías, Paula (1998) ”Överskattad växthuseffekt”, Arkitektur Vol 7, Stockholm
Femenías, Paula (1997) "Ekologiskt byggande i Nederländerna". Ekoteknik 1/97, Göteborg
Femenías, Paula (1997) ”Energi och energisnålhet, grundbultar i holländskt byggande”. Energimagasinet,
3/97, Halmstad
Femenías, Paula (1997) ”DUBO- Duurzaam Bouwen” EkoArk 2/97, Stockholm.
Gluch, Pernilla & Femenías, Paula (2002) ”Medias bild av ’hållbart byggande’”. Formas tidning
Miljöforskning, December 6/2002. Stockholm.