LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1

LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Dear Students & parents,
On behalf of all teachers and
administrators at Laude San Pedro
International College, we wish you
are very warm welcome back to
school for a new exciting year.
As you know, we are celebrating the
school’s 10th anniversary this year. We
have lots of events and celebrations
lined up for you to enjoy and feel
proud of your school, which is now a
well known landmark for academic
excellence in the local community.
We wish you all an enjoyable and
successful year!
Mr. C. Marchand – Head of Secondary
My name is Sarah Shuttleworth and I
am the Key Stage 3 coordinator for
this academic year, I will also be
teaching Science and Mathematics in
KS3 this year. In this newsletter I will
regularly give you any up to date
information and up and coming
activities as well as including
contributions from the students in my
Key Stage.
One of the new initiatives I will be
introducing is Year 9 students
participating in a mentoring / prefect
role, helping students in KS3. Many of
these students have been in Laude for
Year 7, 8 and now 9 and have
experienced the difficulties faced by
our new students. They will also begin
charity work and help with younger
students in primary under the
supervision of Mrs DeComarond,
listening to them read and other tasks
that she feels are appropriate.
work collaboratively on a project with
people from different year groups to
I look forward to meeting you over
the year, whether it is at Parents/
teacher meeting or one of our many
social events, such as the Charity Gala
and May Fair.
It is with great enthusiasm and pride
that I undertake this role and am
really looking forward to this
Kind regards
Mrs. S. Shuttleworth – KS3
This section of the newsletter will
detail some of the fantastic
experiences our students have in
Years 10 and 11. I am sure you will
agree the first few weeks at Laude
have flown by, but a lot has
happened. The Laude Development
Award has started. It is a programme
in which students complete a
designated number of hours in each
of our 4 development areas;
Citizenship, Skills, Physical/Adventure
and Service and Organisation. The
Vertical Tutor Programme has also
started across the entire school,
allowing students to interact and
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
For our first Key Stage 4 student
experience we have Arthur Vilenskiy
who travelled all the way to
Massachusetts to attend Harvard
University for the summer. Arthur a
keen Scientist, Mathematician and all
round learner studied a variety of
different information and took part in
workshops, lectures and problem
solving tasks. He had a real taste of
American College life and we can
safely say he loved it! So much so
Arthur has set his sights on attending
Harvard when he leaves to go to
University in Year 13, we are
confident he can do anything he sets
his mind to.
Mr. C. Smith – KS4 Coordinator
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Year 9 Maths students have been
building on their skills learnt in Year
8 regarding Algebra. Students have
mastered the art of expanding
brackets and factorizing expressions,
and have used these methods to solve
linear equations. They have also
applied this technique in order to
solve problems in Science that involve
Formulae. In preparation for their
exam students prepared revision
posters, demonstrating the use of
Effective Communication.
dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP for
short) to calculate the vitamin C
concentration in a range of fresh fruit
compared to their equivalent
The class discovered that there was
indeed a significant difference in all
three of the fruits tested - Grapefruit,
It just goes to show, nothing beats a
freshly squeezed glass of fruit juice for
boosting our vitamin levels!
This week, Year 3 students have been
using our topic of rainforests as
inspiration for poetry. Below is one of
the poems, written by a very talented
young poet!
Ms. C. Middleton – Year 3 teacher
Magical Rainforest
Miss C. Gaukrodger – Head of Science
I wonder what kind of things are in
the rainforest?
Mrs. S. Shuttleworth – Maths
Massive raindrops spitting,
Immense trees swaying,
This week our A level biology
students have been testing the
hypothesis: "Is drinking juice from a
carton just as good as eating fresh
fruit to maintain high levels of
The group had to use a titration
technique and a chemical called 2,6-
On Friday 26th September, students
and staff at Laude San Pedro
celebrated the annual European Day
of Languages.
After a general assembly for both
Primary & Secondary aimed at
celebrating the cultural & linguistic
diversity of our school community,
students from year 4 to year 9 were
invited to attend a Language Fair.
Students were able to take part in a
variety of games, challenges &
competitions centered on the theme
of languages. Everyone involved had a
great time and we look forward to
announcing the winners of our
language competitions in our next
Mr. C. Marchand – Head of MFL
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
Miniscule mosquitoes pinching,
Enormous orangutans swinging,
Beautiful buttercups growing,
Speedy lizards scuttling,
Amazing birds fluttering,
Yummy chocolate tree swaying,
Golden leopards panting.
They could be hiding but nobody
By Evie Russell Symons, Year 3
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Year 2 students have been learning
all the number bonds that make 10
and 20. To help us remember our
number bonds we have been busy
making number monsters. When you
pull a number on the monster's leg,
he lifts up his other leg to give you the
correct number bond to make 10 or
20. The children have taken these
home again and are using them to
help with their homework!
Mrs S. Adams and Miss A. Symons Year 2
Year 12 Travel and Tourism students
have started their course by looking
at why good customer service is
essential in such a competitive
investigating at the needs of various
customers; both leisure and business
and asking themselves, what are their
needs? They have been looking at one
sector of the Travel and Tourism
Industry, such as hotels, and finding
out how local, national and
international hotels satisfy the needs
of their customers. The next part of
their study involves role playing
various scenarios such as working in a
Travel Agency, Tour Operators and for
the National Trust, as well as how to
deal with customer complaints.
Mr. R. Ellis – Humanities Department
Year 9G have been learning how to
say Thank you in lots of different
languages as part of the “Thought for
the Fortnight” which was COURTESY.
Hey made posters to put around their
tutor room. Well done Year 9G.
Mrs. S. Shuttleworth – KS3
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
The new Digital Media Suite prepares
our students for the future of creative
technology. As part of the Laude
investment this year, a new Digital
Media suite has been purposely built
and equipped with the latest
technology. The imacs and state of
the art projector will enable students
photography and media design. Ms
photographer has joined our team to
give our students the best experience
and opportunities in the field of
photography. An exciting and creative
new academic year awaits our
Mr. D. Maloney – Head of Arts
Last weekend over 40 of our students
volunteered for the Ser Humano
charity. They not only helped collect
vital food for the charity but they
helped unpack and stack of the food
that they collected. It was a fantastic
experience for the students as they
have seen two of the processes that
are critical for this charity to function.
In the next few months the students
will be taking part in more charity
work and continuing our link with Ser
Humano. This volunteer charity work
forms a valuable part of our students’
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Development Award. A special
mention must go to Miranda Estradas,
Selin Sarayli, Jade Henry and Elizaveta
Beroeva as they volunteered for over
7 hours, well gone girls!
below is a summary of his thoughts
and experiences at Bredon:
“I really liked the fact that the school
had a lot of trees, with lots of open
space and fields. The other students
were nice and friendly but I did not
like the weather! I also liked the food
but it was not as good as in Laude San
Pedro, I am happy that I went because
I learnt a lot of English and feel better
using it now back in Spain.”
Mr. C. Smith – KS4 Coordinator
By K. Pozón – Year 9B
Primary students, this week, have
been focusing on Poetry during their
English lessons as part of our Poetry
Day. During our Friday assembly,
some children performed poems they
had written, both in English and
Spanish, a Year 5 Drama group
performed a choral poem and a group
of Year 6 students performed a poem
using props and sound effects. It was
a lovely celebration of the poetry
from throughout the week and
demonstrated the confidence the
children are developing through their
English, Drama and Public Speaking
lessons. One student has even
videoed themselves rehearsing their
performance of the Michael Rosen
poem "Strict". You can watch him on
Mrs N. de Comarmond – Head of
In Year 4 we have been learning
about the life and works of Pablo
Picasso, one of the greatest and most
influential artists of the 20th century.
We had lots of fun making our own
portraits in the style of Picasso,
combining bright colours, interesting
shapes and distorted lines.
Mrs. O. Marshall – Year 4 Teacher
As part of our family topic we, in
Early Years, invited parents to come
in for a ‘Tea Party’.
Children made invitations and
bookmarks to give to their families,
and they also prepared all the food
for the party.
Kike went to study at another Laude
school in the United Kingdom for
some weeks during the summer term
2013/2014. He wanted to improve his
use of English language and immerse
himself in this environment. Bredon
School is a day/ boarding School and
is in Gloucestrshire. We spoke to Kike
when he came back to Laude and
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
It was a fantastic afternoon; children
were so happy to see parents in their
classroom and it gave us all an
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
opportunity to get to know each other
a bit more.
A big thank you to all the parents for
coming and taking part.
Miss A. Sanz – Early Years Teacher
The illustrious Laude 6th form has
got off to a flying start with all the
students well and truly focused on
making this year a highly successful
one. With the outstanding success of
the GCSEs and the AS levels, the year
12 and 13 students respectively have
started their AS and A level studies
with a vengeance and it is already
noticeable the high academic
standards that are being reached.
Coupled with this is the starting up of
the school Tuck shop, a business
venture run by the 6th form, which has
been an instant success.
Mr. M. Woolley – Head of 6th Form
This last fortnight the AS English
Language students have been
analysing why writers use particular
words in a range of texts. As part of
the course the students need to
examine the formality or informality
of written and spoken texts, such as
newspaper articles, poems and
speeches. The students have been
exploring why novelists might try to
imitate speech and how speechwriters try to get an audience to
believe what is being said. The class
looked at modern novels and a very
topical speech about the Scottish
Referendum. The students have also
begun trying their hand at producing
their own texts, writing short stories,
letters and reviews.
The AS Language course is part of the
expanded A level offer this year at
Laude San Pedro. The students are
enthusiastic about the content of the
course and they have already begun
to plan their own writing portfolios, in
which they will display some of their
best pieces. The photograph shows a
dotty wall display produced by the
class to highlight some of the key
terms they are starting to use in their
Mr. T. Barnett – Head of English
Congratulations to AIR this week,
who take the lead in the race for
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
“House Points” with an impressive
627 points already!
Well done to everybody who has
earned a house point. Keep working
as hard as you can to earn even more!
Mr. E. de Comarmond – Maths
Our History subject profile on
Facebook has been running for
almost 2 years now. Students can find
links to materials used in class such as
materials such as podcasts and useful
websites will be posted prior to
exams. Keep calm and study history!
Mr. F. Marcos – Humanities
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Mr. F. Marcos – Humanities
Marbella city council historians Juan
Carlos García Romero and Calixto
Rodríguez visited our school today.
They introduced our Year 7 students
to the wonders of archaeology and
the sites which can be found near our
school. These are the Roman villa of
Río Verde, the Roman baths of Las
Bóvedas and the Paleochristian
basilica at Linda Vista.
Our year 8 Geography students have
been asked to create a blog or
website presenting the work they
have been doing in class about the
coast of Newquay, in the English
Dexter Trower has created the
following blog entirely on his own.
Well done Dexter!
Mr. F. Marcos – Humanities
Our students had the chance to see
and touch some archaeological
remains from more than 5,000 years
ago and they asked the archaeologists
many questions about their work and
the things they have found.
Our Year 7 history students will have
the chance to visit the remains of the
Roman baths next week and discover
more about life in San Pedro 2,000
years ago.
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Primary Stars of the
3rd October 2014
Lucia - for trying her best in
every lesson and approaching
things with enthusiasm.
Beatriz - for her hard work
writing recounts
Ander - for his excellent
Archie - for the super
attitdue and great focus on his
presentation about his cactus
and working hard on handwriting learning.
Antonio - for his fantastic
effort in all subjects
Daniel - for his excellent
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
Arturo - for being so kind and
helpful, and trying hard to
complete all tasks.
Arina - for always being ready
to listen and learn a new
Adrián - for his super,
detailed English class work and
LAUDE School Magazine Thursday 9th October– Volume 4, Issue 1
Valeria - for being a
thoughtful, caring friend
Maxim - for his positive
attitude and always smiling!
Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand - Head of Secondary
Polina – for always listening
and working hard.