Style-formatting guidelines

Style and Formatting Guide
10th edition (February 2014)!
Please follow these guidelines in preparing final copy for an article in Theological Studies. This will greatly
facilitate our editing process. There are separate guidelines for book reviews/notices in TS.!
A. General Instructions
Please submit your copy in MS Word. Authors from outside North America do not need to submit
hard copies (i.e. printed copies); an electronic copy will suffice.!
Double space all copy without exception: main text, titles, block quotations, footnotes—
everything. Do not include headers/footers. Number your pages at top right.!
Do not add extra space between paragraphs either in the text or in the footnotes, with one
exception: set off subheads by one extra double space before and after your subheads.!
Use one-inch margins all around. Do not right justify your manuscript.!
Use footnotes, not endnotes.!
Use Times New Roman 12-point type only for all text, including block quotations and footnotes.
Do not use bold fonts, except for appropriate subheads. Use italics sparingly where appropriate.!
Italicize titles of books and journals . Do not underline them. In your text, however, reduce use of
italics to an absolute minimum; try to achieve clarity and emphasis by sentence structure and
word order, not by using italics or underscoring. Italicize foreign words, but not foreign
expressions familiar in theological English (e.g., ibid., de iure, prima facie). When in doubt,
consult Webster: in general, if you find the expression in Webster, do not italicize it.!
Eliminate from the body of your text unnecessary bibliographical data or parenthetical references
to sources; such data belong in the footnotes. Exceptions would be references to biblical texts
identified in parentheses, e.g., (Rom 5:12), and paragraph numbers of conciliar documents under
discussed in your text.!
In general follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (2010), unless otherwise instructed.
Note, e.g., that we insist on the "Oxford comma": in a series, a comma appears before the
conjunction, e.g., this, that, and the other thing.!
10. A good guide for spelling is Webster's Third New International Dictionary, or its abbreviated
edition, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition (2003).!
11. A recent issue of Theological Studies will provide an idea of how to format your manuscript,
especially the footnotes.!
12. Length of articles: We do not specify a word limit, but the typical TS article runs ca. 10,000
words. Length of whatever dimension must be justified by the quality and cogency of the article's
content and method.!
B. Titles and Headings
To see how TS handles titles and headings, etc., please consult one of our recent
issues from March 2014 (or later) when we became a SAGE journal. SAGE uses the Gill Sans
Std font for titles and headings. You may use this font or approximate it with some other sans
serif font such as Arial.!
Your main title should be 16-pt, bolded, and left justified in headline style (see CMOS
The Act of
8.155–59). If your your title runs more than one line, double space it. E.g., Faith. !
Your name as author follows after a vertical space, 12-pt, bolded, and left justified.
Under your name comes the name of your institutional affiliation, 10-pt, bolded, and left
You may then include an abstract of your article of ca. 90 words.!
Following your abstract, you may include a list of keywords (up to ten).!
Immediately after this begin your article’s first paragraph (without any subtitle or block citation). A
strong opening is important: avoid weak beginnings such as "It is . . ." or "If a . . ." or "I am , , ,").!
Near the beginning of your article provide a précis of your article. This will help readers
understand the overall thrust of your article. Be sure your introduction clearly states your thesis.
Remember that an abstract of your article will eventually appear just under your name. It would
be unstylish simply to repeat the abstract.!
Major divisions are indicated by a brief caption, headline style, 12 pt, bolded, and left justified.
E.g., The End of the Age!
Minor divisions (subdivisions under the majors) are italicized, headline style, 12 pt, not bolded,
and left justified, bolded and centered. E.g., What Is New in Morality?!
10. Sub-subdivisions are headline style, 12-pt,, regular font. E.g., Nothing New at This Time!
11. As a rule, avoid following a heading directly with a subheading, i.e., two captions in a row.!
C. Block Quotations
To help the printer, indent your block citations one-half inch from the left margin in your text. Do
not indent from the right margin. Always double space your block quotations. Do not ad extra
space after block quotations.!
Quotations set apart in this way should always be long enough to occupy at least four full lines
on the printed journal page. Do not set apart brief quotations, unless they will be the subject of
some discussion and will require extraordinary relief on the page.!
Even longer quotations need not always be set apart. E.g., if a quotation forms the main portion
of a paragraph that otherwise consists of a single sentence introduction and/or conclusion, it
should often be simply run into the paragraph, not set apart.!
If a quotation makes a new point and deserves attention as marking an advance in the argument,
it is natural to set it apart. But a whole string of citations that are mainly confirmatory of points
already made can often be advantageously run together in a paragraph or two without
typographical separation.!
When material is omitted from a quotation, if the omitted material falls in the middle of a
sentence, the omission should be signaled by three double-spaced periods. If the omitted
material comes at the end of a sentence, it should be signaled by four double-spaced periods.
Ellipsis points are rarely to be used at the beginning or at the end of quotations. The convention
". . . [T]he etc." is normally replaced by "The etc." NOTE: The Chicago Manual of Style
(hereafter CMOS)does not use Microsoft Word's auto-ellipsis feature, which results in no space
between dots (...), but rather calls for a space between dots (. . .). Also note that one is allowed
to change the case of the first letter of a quotation without bracketing it: "This is the
day" not "[T]his is the day."!
Omit quotation marks at the beginning and end of block quotations. But change single quotation
marks to double quotation marks for all quoted words within block quotations.!
D. Footnotes
Double space all footnotes and format in Times New Roman 12 pt., just as for the body of the
The first line of each footnote should be indented like a normal paragraph, and each footnote
should begin with a superscript number. E.g., 1 See Elizabeth Johnson. . . . Note that the
superscript is followed by one space here, but in the text the corresponding superscript is not
preceded by a space.!
Give complete bibliographical information the first time a work is referenced in your text. For
information to be included in notes and for the proper format, see CMOS) , 16th edition, chaps.
16 and 17. Please give author names as they appear in the work(s) cited. Also helpful as a guide
is a recent issue of Theological Studies, because we make minor changes to CMOS, e.g., no
punctuation before page numbers at the end. E.g.: . . . (New York: Cambridge University) 25-28.!
If your first reference to an article in a journal or a collective volume refers to a specific page,
give first the opening and closing pages of the whole article, then the specific page(s) referred to.
E.g., 187–99, at 192. The dash is an "en-dash" (in Word simultaneously strike Ctrl-dash).!
Within a footnote, if you are quoting or referring to a source, give your reference or comment
first; then, at the end of the sentence, within parentheses, cite the source of the quote or
reference. E.g.: Bultmann believed that such was the case (History of the Synoptic
Tradition 79-101).!
Give an individual footnote for each detail to be documented. Do not cluster six or seven small
quotations within a paragraph and then provide one footnote, referring to a whole section or
chapter, to indicate the pages (e.g., 190–95), within which all the quotations can be found only by
diligent searching. At times, several references may be clustered within one footnote (see CMOS
Spell out the full names of periodicals and series on their first occurrence. If the same periodicals
and series are mentioned often in your article, standard abbreviations should be used after the
first occurrence.!
If the same article or book is mentioned often in the notes, decide on a brief, clear abbreviation
for use after the first occurrence, but avoid ugly acronyms. E.g., Bultmann, Synoptic Tradition, is
much better than Bultmann, HST.!
Follow the conventions of each language cited regarding upper and lower case in titles. For
French and Spanish titles see CMOS, chap. 11. To divide titles from subtitles (in any language),
use a colon (:); always capitalize the first word of the subtitle. E.g., "Fetal Neural Transplantation:
The Ethical Debate."!
10. In giving publication data, generally omit the words "Press, Verlag, Editions, Publication, Ltd.,
etc." When several places in the same country are given, mention only the first; e.g., New York:
Paulist (not Mahwah). When several cities in different countries are listed on a book's title page
(e.g., New Haven/London: Yale University) give only the place of publication in the United States:
e.g., New York: Oxford University. Use postal abbreviations for states. E.g., NJ, WI, etc., but in
the text spell out the names of states.!
11. In giving page numbers, TS streamlines CMOS by omitting p., pp., or any punctuation such as a
colon or comma between the title and the pages. E.g., Theological Studies 56 (1996) 95–111; or
Bultmann, Synoptic Tradition 216–19.!
12. Similar streamlining takes place in reference to numbers within documents or to notes on pages.
E.g., Lumen gentium no. 5; Theological Studies 54 (1993) 100 n. 19.!
13. Note that numbers are usually connected by an en-dash, not a hyphen: 216–19 [Ctrl-dash], not
14. Do not double space between sentences. Since the dawn of word processing, CMOS has
abandoned that typewriter convention.!
10th edition (February 2014)