prep11geogebra: Turning a Geometric activity into an Applet with

prep11geogebra: Turning a Geometric activity into an
Applet with release 40
Creating an Applet with GeoGebra 4.0
Verified with releas e 3.9.162
This document s hows how to create an applet with GeoGebra. We as s ume that we are working with GeoGebra 4.0, the
current vers ion. We s tart by as s uming that you have an activity that you want to s ave as an applet. We us e the application
that finds the inters ection of the three perpendicular bis ectors of a triangle.
In the file menu, s elect export, then “Dynamic Works heet as Webpage”
This brings up a window as king for a title along with s ome text above and below the applet
We fill in thos e boxes with text we can identify later.
Click on the advanced tab.
The tab gives you a lis t of choices , which we do not need to unders tand at this point. The s ection to pay attention to is titled
"Us er Interface". It s pecifies the s ize of the applet window and determines if the toolbar, menubar, and input bar are put in
the applet.
Click on export. This brings up a s ave dialog box. Create a new folder called MyApplets s o you know where the new file is
going. Give the applet page a name and click Save. (I am calling it TriangleApplet.)
Note that the applet opens in a brows er.
In your brows er, you can “view s ource” to s ee the html code. We want to look at the block of code that s tarts with <applet>
There are s ome lines to particularly notice in that block of code.
The codebas e=" tart/4.0/" line indicates that the geogebra.jar file will be downloaded from the
main GeoGebra s ite.
The firs t "param" line is an encoding of the ggb file.
There is a pair of lines that s pecify the jar files that are needed for running the applet and the vers ions that are us ed. There
is als o a block of lines corres ponding to the options we ignored in the advanced tab.
Looking at the folder, we s ee one html file, the s ource file we s aw above with "view s ource".
This method of creating applets us es a s ingle file that requires a connection to the Internet to run. It is als o very us eful for
putting applets in a cours e management s ys tem, like Blackboard.
A note for advanced users – Running applets locally.
We could als o create the files in s uch a way that we can run them locally, without an Internet connection. (You are warned
that this is for advanced us ers .)
Practically, there are two things that we want to do differently:
Ins tead of us ing the main GeoGebra s erver, the web page calls local jar files .
Ins tead of us ing the ggbBas e64 encoding in the hmtl file, we us e a ggb file.
Start by creating the web page as before (for this example we called this new html file "TriangleAppletLocal.html"), or by
creating a copy of the exis ting html file.
Now s ave the activity as a ggb file in the s ame folder (Us e "Save" or "Save As ...", not "Export").
Now we want to make local copies of the jar files that our web page retrieved from tart/4.0/
That location actually redirects in a number of different directions , depending on the variety of GeoGebra that is being us ed.
We will go to tart/4.0/unpacked/
Here we find copies of the 10 jar files referred to in the html page, along with a vers ion file and one jar file we did not us e.
Save each jar file to the MyApplet folder.
From a practical point of view this means that there are now 12 files to deal with, 10 jar files and two more that are s pecific
to our particular activity.
Next we need to alter the applet tag of the new html file.
Find the codebas e line and change the line
codebas e=" tart/4.0/uns igned/" (your vers ion might differ s lightly - one of the features of a
vers ion s till under development)
codebas e="./"
Next replace the line that s tarts
<param name="ggbBas e64" value= (followed by lots of coded characters , which encode the applet)
<param name="filename" value="TriangleApplet.ggb"/>
(Make s ure you replace all of the original tag, including the clos ing "/> at the end of the long s tring of encoding.)
Finally, remove the line
<param name="image" value=" tart/loading.gif" />
The following s creen capture s hows the res ult of thes e changes .
The multiple file method lets you run without the Internet. It is obvious ly a has s le and s hould only be us ed when being able
to run without the Internet is worth that has s le. It als o makes it eas ier to modify either the web page or the ggb cons truction
without having to re-export the applet from GeoGebra.
It s hould be noted that the GeoGebra activity is encoded in the "param name="ggbBas e64" " line, s o that line can be copied
and pas ted from one html file to another to move an applet between html pages .
Except where otherwis e noted, content on this s ite is licens ed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 licens e, Mike May, S.J. maymk@s
This page is als o available as a pdf file
CreatingApplet40.pdf and a word document