Newsletter Dec 2015 - Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School

December 2015
Catholic Secondary School
Principal’s Message
November has been a great month. After having visited nine feeder schools
to talk to grade 8s, I am pleased to report that the class of 2020 is going to
be fantastic. The two Day of the Arts at Holy Cross, November 23 & 24,
were very well received by our elementary partner schools. See the banner
above (by photographer Sarah SzumlanKASSAA Champion Sr. Girls’ BBall on sen- ski). Guys and Dolls is a wonderful
ior night at the Holy Cross gymnasium.
accomplishment. I hope you had a
chance to see it. We also had two
athletic championships to celebrate—Sr. Girls’ Basketball, over
rivals RND, and Junior Boys’ football, over Frontenac. Both sweet
victories. Boys’ volleyball (both
teams top four finishers), girls’ field
hockey (finalists), cross country (top
10 EOSSAA finishers) all speak to
the quality of our coaching and the
efforts and talents of our student-athletes. By press time, the senior boys’
volleyball team, led by Mr. Manion, and the senior girls’ basketball team,
under the direction of Mrs. Dixon, will have competed at OFSSA in Windsor. In short, it’s been a great fall season for the arts and sports.
As we plan for second semester, I wanted to inform parents and students of
a situation: due to high enrolment and two mid-year retirements (Mrs.
Dowsley and Mr. Michalski) second semester timetables for many students
will have to be updated and potentially adjusted. I delivered this information
to School Council on November 11th and at that time your parent representatives on council expressed concerns on behalf of the community
about this state of affairs. The work of balancing classes will begin following
a review of grade 12 enrolment for semester 2, in December. Please know
that our guiding principle is minimizing the disruption to student timetables.
Teachers may change, the periods in which courses are offered may
change, but courses that students are enrolled in now will not change, unless by request. If you have any concerns, please contact us.
As the season of Advent will be upon us by the time this newsletter reaches
you, let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family blessings during this very special time of the year. May your December be full of hope
and happiness.
Ian Stuart, Principal
Visit our website at
December Events
Nov 30—Advent begins - Advent
Collection for Crusader charities
Dec 1— College and University
students: full disclosure day for
applications; Grade 11 Pathway
workshops continue all week -P2 in
our library; Improv Team tryouts
have been postponed until the
week of December 7-11 in the
Drama Room after school
Dec 3—Grade level reconciliation
ceremonies in the library
Dec 8—Crusader Bands—foyer
performance I @ lunch
Dec 9 – Crusader Bands—foyer
performance II @ lunch
Dec 10—Advent School Mass—
Mass Day schedule in effect;
Katherine Splinter Memorial Concert @ 7:00 pm in the cafeteria
Dec 11—Bridges Christmas Bake
Dec 14— Students’ Council sponsored ‘festive’ activities each day of
the week (see the update in this
Dec 15– School date for recommended submission of on-line college and university applications
Dec 16– Coffee House @ 7:00 in
the cafetorium; Advent Collection
for Crusader charities ends
Dec 18 – December non-uniform
day and final day of instruction for
School Council for December
Consider joining our School Council! It is a great way to stay informed and also take part in some decisions that directly effect your children! Come and check it out at our next mee ng on January 13th 6:00 ‐ 7:30 pm in the library. At this mee ng we will be discussing our PRO Grant speaker, Sami Jo Small, former star ng goaltender for the Gold Medal win‐
ning Canadian Women’s Hockey team, our gradua on survey, and suppor ng our Syrian refugee family, the Marees. Our execu ve this year are: Treasurer – Rachel Viens‐Biringer; Secretary – Marcia Pascoal and Michelle White (alterna ng months); Vice‐Chair – Frank Cameron; Chair – Michelle Iliescu; Parish Representa ve – Darlene John‐
son; Community Representa ve – Lisa Lollar and Teacher Representa ve – Vince Stabile. We hope to see you there! Your voice counts. Michelle Iliescu, Chair Athletics Update
Congratulations to the Junior Football team, under the direction of Head Coach Tim Hunter, which captured the KASSAA
Championship on November 14th, by defeating the Frontenac Falcons. If you check the scoreboard, you will see it was a
convincing victory, capped by Carter Bailey’s three touchdown MVP performance. Special thanks to Mr. Rick White and
our community volunteer coaches Ken Bailey, Mike Jefferies, Johnny Sullivan, John McCombs, Tyler Grant, and David
Heroux , as well as our fans who came out to cheer the Crusaders on to victory. This is the fifth straight junior championship
for Mr. Hunter and crew which speaks to the quality of the Holy Cross football program.
Bullying Prevention Week
As part of our Students’ Council response to the challenge of educating students
about the impact of bullying behaviours, councilors left positive messages on all student
lockers. This reminder- to enjoy our time together here at school, and to know that you
are never alone – was timely and important. On the final Friday of Bullying Prevention
Week, students and staff were encouraged to accessorize their uniforms with pink, as a
visible act of support for those who suffer as a result of bullying behaviours.
Students and parents are encouraged to report any and all incidents. Together, we
can control the negative impact of bullying in our school community. We just have to
work together.
We The West
Students gather in the Holy Cross gym to record a video message for our Senior Girls’ Basketball and Senior Boys’ Volleyball teams as they travel to Windsor to compete at OFSSA
Community Clean Up
Every year, in the spring, the students of Holy Cross, led by our
Green Team, participate in a community clean up. Students volunteer their time to pick up trash and debris on our property and on the
surrounding properties. One of the issues that
arises without fail, is garbage along Woodbine
Road, discarded as students travel to and from
the local restaurants at Bayridge Drive and Princess Street. Other problem areas are the local parks at Lancaster and at Dunham Street along the walking paths. Holy Cross is a Gold Certified Eco school and we do everything we can to control waste on
our site. Students are encouraged, while off campus, to follow the same environmentally sound practices
they do while here at school. Please be mindful of our neighbours and keep up our neighbourhood
Graduation Survey
As promised last month, our graduation survey is
available for your input. You may use the link below to
access it. Please be advised that we are simply gathering information for our graduation committee.
EQAO Math Assessments will be written on Tuesday, January 19th and Wednesday, January 20th. Parents
are asked to ensure that their children are available to write these Provincial Assessments on these days. Last
year, 69% of our students working at the applied level achieved the provincial standard on this assessment.
82% of students working at the academic level achieved the standard. These are excellent results.
The ‘Blood Bus’ as it is known, has come to Holy Cross. This program, officially
called the Life Bus and popular among high schools, provides transportation for
senior students who volunteer to give blood. The bus arrives before lunch, picks
up, and then returns students once they are finished at the blood bank. It’s a
great cause and complements the One Match program also available at Holy
Cross. Thanks to Mackenzie Curran for getting this started and if students and
parents are interested, there are dates in the new year, January 7th and February 25th: just sign up in the main office.
Contact Us
Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School
1085 Woodbine Road, Kingston, Ontario,
K7P 2V9 (613) 384-1919
As always, see also for
any information you might require about life
at Holy Cross. Thanks to Mr. Pat Murphy
who manages the site for us.
Looking Forward to January
Jan 4 — First day of classes for the new year
Jan 7— Life Bus visits HC
Jan 11 — Semester 1 field trip moratorium begins
Jan 13 — Department Heads meeting #5 after
school; OUAC application deadline for equal consideration; Grade 11 Vocal Music Concert
Jan 14 — January School Mass - farewell to retiring
teachers from semester one
Jan 20 — EQAO Provincial Assessment of Mathematics Grade 9 Day 1; Wellness Wednesday #5
Jan 21 — Culminating Activity and Examination
Preparation and Review Day 1
Jan 22—Culminating Activity and Examination Preparation and Review Day 2; EQAO Provincial Assessment of Mathematics Grade 9 Day 2
Jan 25—Culminating Activity and Examination Preparation and Review Day 3
Jan 26—Culminating Activity and Examination Preparation and Review Day 4; Final instructional day of
semester 1; Textbook return begins
Jan 27- Exam Day 1; Jamaican Mission Trip meeting @ 2:00 pm
Jan 28—Exam Day 2
Jan 29—Exam Day 3
Feb 1—Exam Day 4
Feb 2– Exam Day 5
Staff News
With a mixture of joy and sorrow, we announce
the retirement of Mr. Andrew Michalski, who
came to Holy Cross in 1991 to teach in the special education department and subsequently
moved to the religion department. Mr. Michalski
has been a mainstay in our senior religion classrooms for many years. His wisdom and institutional knowledge will be sorely missed by students and staff, yet we also celebrate with him
as he moves to this new phase in his life. He
joins Mrs. Michele Dowsley, who announced
earlier she will be retiring in January. We will
miss these two faithful servants of the Holy
Cross community.
As noted elsewhere
in our newsletter, our Senior Girls’ Basketball won KASSAA gold and look forward to the OFSAA championship in Windsor as the 14th seed. Senior Boys’ Volleyball also will be
attending the AAA OFSAA championship in Windsor as the 17th
seed. The Junior Boys Football captured their 10th KASSAA championship in 12 years, besting the previously undefeated Frontenac
Falcons. Kiley Rodrigues and Emily Calder advanced to play in
the OFSAA Girls' Golf Festival at
the Roseland Golf Course in Windsor. In the 18 hole final, Kiley posted an 82 and finished in 25th place
overall. The cross country team
congratulates Meaghan Jefferies
and Max Taylor for representing
Holy Cross so well at OFSAA
cross country in Collingwood. Despite the challenging course, both
finished in the top 80! In the photo above, Noah Steele signs his
letter of commitment to Sam Houston State. Noah will be attending
on a full golf scholarship in September and we wish him well. The
Badminton season is almost underway. Singles, Doubles and Mixed
Doubles have all been represented well at KASSAA and EOSSA.
This year will be no exception! Tryouts will begin the first week of
December. Practices are at 7am, a sign up meeting will be held by
Mr. D. Roberts in 216. Check the announcements carefully!
The Senior Boys’ Basketball
team tipped off the season at the
Crusader Classic Tournament in
the Holy Cross gym. Here, Coach
DeMelo instructs the team during
a timeout in their victory against
E.L. Crossley from Niagara.
The Holy Cross Arts Department will present the Katharine
Splinter Memorial Christmas Recital on Thursday, December 10 at 7:00pm in the Cafetorium. Performances by the
Holy Cross Jazz Ensemble, Gr. 11 Vocal Class, and Holy
Cross Symphonic Band will include works by Mackey, Hazo,
Morales, and Holsinger. Tickets can be purchased at the
door the evening of the recital. There will also be a Silent
Auction Fundraiser for the student musicians' April 2016 trip
to New York City starting at 6:00pm in the Library.
Bridges to Community Annual Christmas
Poinsettia Sale Update
Orders will be delivered on December 9th
Thank you for your support of the Holy Cross
Bridges Program
The Advent Season has arrived. And with the “Jubilee Year of Mercy” beginning on December 8th, we
will be focusing on the “Corporal Works of Mercy” over the coming weeks here at Holy Cross. Each
week of Advent will see a different “Work of Mercy” highlighted. This should provide us with a meaningful way to fulfill Pope Francis’ call to
share God’s mercy with others
during Holy Year. For the first week
of Advent we will reflect on
“Sheltering the Homeless”. This
“Work of Mercy” connects us with
our Refugee Sponsorship Campaign which has us partnering with
St. Paul the Apostle Parish and our
feeder schools to house and support the Maree’s, a refugee family
from Syria. We are also raising
money to do a House Build in Kingston, Jamaica during our upcoming Mission Trip. For the second
week of Advent, we will focus on
“Feeding the Hungry” as we raise
money to support the St. Vincent
de Paul Society’s efforts to help the
poor right here in Kingston. And
during the third week we will focus
on “Clothing the Naked” as our
school collects coats and other
items to give to the Hotel Dieu
Hospital’s “Christmas Coat Collection”. On December 3rd our students will gather by grade level in
the Library to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation. On December 10th we will celebrate our Advent School Mass. And throughout
December we will continue to take
students to visit local retirement
homes, hospitals, and one of our
local soup kitchens to bring joy to
those in need around us. Let’s
make this Advent Season a wonderful experience of God’s peace through the “Corporal Works of Mercy”. And the coming year a meaningful celebration of God’s love by entering fully into this Holy Year of
May the peace and joy of God be with you this Advent Season.
Mr. Chris Forster, Chaplaincy Leader
School wide Composting Program including Vermi-composting
November saw the start of a new composting program at Holy Cross on a huge scale. From now until Christmas team members will collect organic, 'appropriate compostable' waste from the students eating lunch in the hallways. Garbage bins in the
cafeteria will be re-labelled to encourage proper disposal of organic waste and the staffroom, workrooms and classrooms will
be equipped with containers to collect waste if food preparation occurs there. We are also in contact with the City of Kingston and are arranging curb-side pickup to start over the winter months. In the meantime a vermi-composter has been initiated and the worms are doing the composting for us and will prepare excellent fertilized soil which we can use in the Holy
Cross garden in the spring.
Pictured with the Green Team's 'Composting' members
is the newest addition to the parking lot - an ALL Electric car, a BMW's i3, property of the Green Team moderator, Mrs. Hulse. Check it out as it travels around
Kingston - it’s the way of the future! Below is a group of
Crusaders at the
Robinson Farm
completing a community outreach
project harvesting
The Holy Cross
Green Team
Tired of Christmas shopping? Why not drop by Holy Cross on Friday, December 11th and Saturday,
December 12th, for the Archbishop Spence - Junior Boys' Basketball tournament in our gym. Special
thanks to coaches Rob and Joanna Besselink for their commitment to Holy Cross basketball.
SHSM Toronto Field Trip
Are you interested in the Secondary Schools High Skills Major program? On Wednesday, December 2, 2015,
the SHSM group will be touring Ryerson University's Image Arts program where they will learn about photography & film production. They will also meet with HC SHSM graduate & Skills Ontario gold medalist for being
the best student photographer in the province, Claudia Pawlak who is in her first year at Ryerson in Photography. And, finally,
SHSM students will tour Rogers' Center Dome Productions, peeking "Behind the Scenes" at the Video Master
Control Room and Jumbotron operations. They will be led by Stephan Gagnon, HC Com Tech graduate (class
of 1996), Ryerson Radio and Television graduate, and Dome Productions Chief Engineer. If you are interested
in photography and film production, SHSM at Holy Cross is for you.
The 8th Annual Holy Cross Christmas Bake Sale will be held in the main foyer on Dec. 11th during lunch. You won’t want to
miss out on the large selection of homemade Christmas treats made by students in Mrs. Coombs’ Life Skills classes. All
proceeds will go towards the Christmas Hamper Campaign.
TechFest 2015 A Great Success
With over 150 attendees, supported by an army
of volunteers, including many senior students
from Holy Cross, the Algonquin and Lakeshore
Catholic District School Board presented TechFest 2015 at Holy Cross on November 14th.
Keynote speaker D.J. Cunningham kicked off
the day with an entertaining account of how
technology supported his learning and helped
him achieve at school despite his learning disability. Presenters ranged from teachers, administrators, Board Office IT personnel and other
solution providers from the private sector, such
as Apple, Microsoft, SMART Technologies, Nelson Learning, Scholastic and Fresh Grade. Plans are already
being made for TechFest 2016. Above: Jacob Mathieson, grade 12 student at HC, works the registration table.
Anthony Pacheco, as Sky
Masterson, backed by assorted guys and dolls, sings Luck
Be a Lady, in the recent Holy
Cross Arts Department production of Guys and Dolls.
Thanks to all those who
came out to enjoy the show.
December Students’ Council Events
Wednesday December 2nd: Spirit Wear Sales 5pm-8pm
Thursday December 3rd and 4th: Spirit Wear Sales at lunch
Friday December 11th: Christmas Edition Movies at the Cross
Wednesday December 16th: Spirit Wear Sales 5pm- 8pm
Christmas Spirit week- Mon. December 14th- Friday December 18th
Monday December 14th: Christmas or Crusader Spirit Hat Day
Christmas Music played from 8:15-8:30
Tuesday December 15th: Gingerbread house making contest (lunch)
Christmas Music played from 8:15-8:30
Wednesday December 16th: Christmas Karaoke in Cafeteria (lunch)
Hot chocolate will be provided
Christmas Music played from 8:15-8:30
Thursday December 17th: Tacky Christmas Sweater Day
Pictures with Santa in main foyer (lunch)
Christmas Music played from 8:15-8:30
Friday December 18th: Pyjama Day! (Non-uniform)
Christmas music Played between classes
Student Council Delivers candy canes to period 1 classes
Wellness Team’s “Fit Friday” Jingle bell walk
Christmas Cartoons and cereal breakfast in cafeteria before school and during
Holy Cross Leadership student Hayley Maloney
presents to the St. Patrick’s Napanee Parish
Council.Hayley was on hand, on behalf of the Kingston to
Kingston Jamaican Mission Trip, to update Parish Council on
this valuable opportunity for any student who attends Holy
Cross. For more information about this service learning trip,
please see the Pastoral Update in this newsletter.
Crusaders in the News
Holy Cross grade 12 student Mackenzie Curran lays
the “People’s Wreath” at the City of Kingston’s service
of Remembrance held at the Cross of Sacrifice, City
Park, on November 11th. Mackenzie was given the
honour of laying the People’s Wreath (accompanied by
Jayan Anpalahan) by virtue of being the recipient of the
Mayor’s Youth Volunteer Award for 2015. In related
news, Mackenzie is also a regional semi-finalist, selected from a field of 4,300 applicants, to be considered for
a prestigious national Loran Scholarship. We wish her
well as she enters the regional stage of this competition.
Looking for a Job or Volunteer Hours…
Students are reminded to listen to check the volunteer/job board for opportunities.
Course Changes for Semester Two
Students intending to make changes in their Semester Two time-table are asked to do so by Friday, December 11th.
College/University Applications
Post-secondary application workshops and information sessions have concluded. Although the deadline for applications to
OUAC (University) is January 13th and OCAS (College) is February 1st, the Holy Cross recommended date is December
15th All PIN numbers for university applicants have arrived, and students should have stopped by Student Services to pick
up theirs. PIN numbers are not required for college applications; however, stu-dents do require their OEN number which can
be found on their report card.
House of Commons Page Program
Grade 12 students accepted to a university in the National Capital Region with an academic average of 80% are eligible to
apply to the House of Commons Page Program. Work begins in late August 2016, and the work schedule will be coordinated with their university schedule. Students must also speak fluent French to be eligible. For more information please go to The deadline to apply is Thursday December 7th 2015.
Honour Roll 2014-2015
This year’s Honour Roll Ceremony was held on Wednesday, November 4th, during Period One in our cafetorium.
It was a wonderful celebration of academic achievement. 350 students were honoured for achieving an average
of 80% or higher during the 2014-2015 school year. As well, the Math Contest winners in each grade were
awarded their medals and certificates. The culminating moment was the announcement of the student in each
grade who achieved the highest average. Our congratulations to Olivia Lynch (gr.11), Naomi Gazendam
(gr.10) and Jacob Laframboise (gr.9). Finally, the audience was treated to a preview performance of this
year’s dramatic production Guys and Dolls. Overall it was a lovely celebration and a proud moment for us all.
Grade 9 Honour Roll 2014-2015
Hannah Aikman, Jack Anson, Carter Bailey, Carolyn Baribeau, Mitchell Beaubien, Madeline Bertoia, Jillian
Bracken, Hanna Brady, Emmett Bravakis, Noah Cabral, Emily Calder, Ami Calthorpe, Joey Cantarutti, Jay Collins, Alexander Correia, Elleigha-Brinn Crosby, Christopher DaSilva, Gabriel DePaul, Katie Dowling, James Elliott, Kalysta Gates, Claire Gazeley, Tristan Gervais, Hannah Gibbons, Sarah Glenn, Nikki Godin, Cole Gouveia,
Noah Grobben, Aimee Hale, Stephen Harper, Tyler Healey, Alea Henshaw, Robert Heyman, Harley Hinch, Conner Howes, Ayrton Hunt, Evan Hunt, Christian Ibanez, Tyler Ignazzitto, Daniel Jang, Melanie Janiuk, Kaylie Jansen, Gracie Knapp-Hermer, Jacob Laframboise, Xavier Langevin, Jacqueline LeBlanc, Brielle Leman, Michelle
Lindsay, Jack Little, Faith Lollar, Serenity Lovett-Mishell, Marie Lynch, Andre Machado, Meghan MacPherson,
Pedro Marques, Brigette Matthias, Kaeli McDonald, Jared Migneault, Rachel Mojsiuk, Mikaela Moore, Cassidy
Neill, Rachel Norman, Ty Norman, Jared Nuttall, Tristan O'Brien, Alexis Pascoal, Karan Patel, Natalie Pawlak,
Brynn Pearson, Connell Pelow, Tommy Pendergast, Reine Rosangel Peruelo, Jacob Randall, Colin Rebelo,
Madelynn Richard, Kiley Rodrigues, Cole Rooks, Madeline Rosebery, Liam Ryan, Katie Salamone, Patrick Sammon, Rebekah Scott, Phyllis Scully, Cicilin Siju, Emma Smith, Clara Sonnemann, Laurenio Sousa, Taylor Sutton, Clayton Taylor, Max Taylor, Amberlee Tennyson, Kayla Tigchelaar, Katrina Tozer, Jacqueline van Herpt,
Briar Vandenberg, Bailey Wagner, Kacy-Lynne Walker, Logan Wisteard, Gavyn Witjes, Shaelyn Wong, Julianna
Yates, Hannah Yeatman-Michaud
Award winner for best overall average: Jacob Laframboise
Grade 10 Honour Roll 2014-2015
John An, Alyssa Anglin, Arjun Augustine, Benjamin Bach, Chase Badalato, Kaliah Barker, Danielle Benton, Mary
Elizabeth Besselink, Taylor Bickerstaffe, Emily Binkley, Cierra Blundell, Jakob Brahaney, Lillian Breau, Taylor
Breeze, Derek Broekhoven, Allicia Burelle, Duncan Cameron, Chanlor Card, Taylor Carlyle, Nicolas Case, John
Chase, Jacob Cleysen, Kort Clifford, Emma Coleman, Drew Cooper, Alex Daicar, Adam Dantes, Riley Day, Gabrielle Deodato, Emily Deszpoth, Jessi DiRocco, Karlee Donovan, Sara Doyle, Alexander Drewniak, Owen Dutra, Emily Fawcett, Rachel Flynn, Sydney Gauthier, Naomi Gazendam, Reid Gervais, Decker Golemiec, Paige
Gorry, Anna Greentree, Taylor Hagerman, Kyle Hancock, , Mack Hancock, Katrina Hartmann, Holly Hebert, Jarryd Herron, Julia Hickey, Halen Hinch, Bobby Horth, Kathryn Jalink, Stephen Johnston, Aidan Joyce, Devin
Kane, Keira Kelly, Roddy Kimmerer, Devon King, Jaime Knights, Kaitlyn Kobayashi, Brittany Kring, Amanda
Lalonde, Abbey Lanzo, Jennika LaPierre, Jack Lawrence, Lillian Low, Heather Lumb, William Macdonald, Justin
MacGregor, Lexiana MacLean, Amanda Manti, Victoria Martins, Jennifer McCann, Molly McKeown,
Olivia McKeown, Megan Medeiros, Mackenzie Melim, Jared Mezzatesta, Claudia Murphy, Marissa Murphy, Michael Nichol, Samantha Nichol, Alyssa Ollivier, Tomisin Olutunda, Owen O'Neill, Jennifer Onwuemeodo, Grace
Ottenhof, Jacob Paquette, Brooklyn Parlane, Jacob Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Timothy Petric, Sam Pierson,
Emily Pilcher, Andrew Power, Dawson Reid, Travis Reid, Anna Rhines, Allie Robertson, Ashley Sagan, Mallory
Shoniker, Anna Siju, Nicole Skolnick, Marissa Sloboda, Thomas Stathopoulos, Curtis Stewart, Kate Sulley, Loren Tackaberry, TJ Taylor, Cole Terpstra, Matthew Thompson, Maxwell Tinline, Lucas Tulk, Nicolas Varey, Lauren Walker, Colin Watts, Jack Weighell, Katie Wensing, Bryce Westbury, Kelly White, Molly Wyatt, Enid Yu,
Benjamin Zarichny, Derek Zhang, Katherine Zlatanovski
Award winner for best overall average: Naomi Gazendam
Grade 11 Honour Roll 2014-2015
Jessica Abercrombie, Francesca Amarante, Michael An, Emily Anderson, Shannon Anderson,
Philip Bourque, Brianna Bowes, Maya Brett, Noah Cabral, Adrian Cachaco, Brendan Cameron, Cassandra Cantarutti, Maggie Cantarutti, Kyle Chambers, Nicholas Chesebrough, Madison Chiasson, Sofie Chodkowski, Chad
Coleman, Jesseka-Dawn Cowick, Mackenzie Curran, Brittany Da Silva, Emily Dennie, Angeline DeSousa, Alexander Du Bois, Shannon Dunphy, Bailey Fenwick-Vanduinen, Owen Ferguson, Sam Field, Adam Flisikowski,
Jacob Flisikowski, Philippe Gagnon, Melissa Gallagher, Jacob Gazeley, Turner Gazeley, Karen Gladstone, Jared Griffith, Evan Grypma, Mark Guanzon, Priya Gupta, Danielle Harper, Sage Hartmann, Madeline Healey, Steven Hearn, Carlos Hernandez, Donya Hojabr, Julian Huang, Jonathan Humber, Joshua Hunter, Peter Iliescu,
Urla Javier, Amber Johnson, Emma Johnson, Logan Joyce, David Kubik, Rachel Lackey, Amanda Lanteigne,
Devin LeBlanc, Maddy LeBlancq, Simon Lewis, Rachel Long, Olivia Lynch, Rylee MacDonald, Selena MacKenzie, Brooke Madigan, Lexa Mahoney, Isabelle Makula, Sarah Mallen, Hayley Maloney, Katrina Marshall, Thomas Martin, Andrew Martins, Celina Medeiros, Alex Melo, Jaimison Mills, Nicole Mojsiuk, Robert Neely, Courtney
Norman, Anthony O'Brien, Isaac Osborne, Anthony Pacheco, Natalie Palma, Franklin Parkes, William Parkes,
Ashley Pascoal, Julia Pascoal, Caleigh Patterson-Mahoney, Kyle Penney, Alexis Perin, Angelica Peters, Dylan
Pinho, Melodey Planetta, Sydney Przontka, Nicholas Raposo, Brandon Robbins, Jamie Robertson, Jamie Sammon, Tessa Seguin, Lucas Sheridan, Heather Siemonsen, Rebecca Simms, Lindsay Simourd, Holly Smith, Skylar Smith, Gregory Soudant, Kayla St. Jean, Anna Stafford, Mary Stickland, Sarah Szumlanski, Stephany Taylor,
Colin Tonge, Sammy Tse, Ashley Turcotte, Mackenzie Tye, Micheal Valiquette, Julia van der Merwe, Cortney
Vandenberg, Jessiya Vandenberg, Coen vanZevenbergen, Katie Vincent, Noah Vinet, Hunter Waddell, Laura
Walker, Katarina Wilson, Connor Wolfram, Alasdair Worrall, Lynn Yan, Keyana Yeatman-Michaud, Jessica Yoo,
Jason Zhang, Joey Zheng, Wendy Zhou
Award winner for best overall average: Olivia Lynch
Provincial Math Contest Winners were also recognized at the Honour Roll Ceremony.
Wendy Zhou received a Certificate of Distinction and a School Medal for the 2014 Fermat Math Contest. Brendan Cameron, Joey Zheng, Olivia Lynch Lynn Yan and Alasdair Worrall received a Certificate of Distinction for the 2014 Fermat Math Contest. Wendy Zhou, Brendan Cameron and Joey
Zhang were the Quinte-St. Lawrence Zone Champions. Joey Zheng received a School Medal and a
Certificate of Distinction for the Canadian Senior Math Contest. Lynn Yan received a Certificate of Distinction for the Hypatia Math Contest. Arjun Augustine received a Certificate of Distinction and a
School Medal for his performance in the 2014 Cayley Math Contest and Arjun also won a Certificate
of Distinction and School Medal for the Galois Math Contest. Jacob Laframboise received a School
Medal and Certificate of Distinction for his performance in the 2014 Pascal Math Contest. Jacob also
won a School Medal and a Certificate of Distinction for the Fryer Math Contest.