Kids to Kids Spring, 2015 Newsletter

Manila, Philippines
Spring 2015
Kids to Kids
American board members in Manila with KTK volunteers and Pastor Mark
Philippine Kids to Kids Update By KTK board member - Doug Scott
The Kids to Kids Ministry (KTK) is a collaboration of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church and Boulder Valley Christian Church, and currently supports 43 students: 22 elementary, 18 high school and 3 college students in the Philippines. Covering the costs of school supplies and other expenses enables them to get an education. Doug and Sally
Scott, and Karen Nielsen just visited Manila during the last week of January and have reported to us that the ministry
is truly thriving. At the Adult Forum held on February 8, 2015, they reported that the ministry is full of Faith, Hope
and Love.
Faith: After much prayer, KTK recently was able to rent a property in Manila to serve as a resource center
where the children and their parents can meet, get tutorials and participate in Bible study. Children in the
program receive not only tutorial assistance, but are also growing in their faith through weekly AWANA
activities, Sunday school lessons, and Bible study. In addition, KTK’s Pastor Mark Cajuaro and another
pastor are teaching two well attended Bible studies to the parents of the kids. Doug, Sally, and Karen re–
port that the presence of the Spirit is very observable in the Faith building activities of this ministry.
Hope: Children supported by KTK must be from families that have little or no income and would not be otherwise able to attend school given the inability to pay for basic supplies, uniforms, and transportation.
Most of the KTK kids come from either the Liveriza or Pandacan slums of Manila. We were able to witness the dire living conditions of these families first hand. Without your support, these children would
have no opportunity to get an education. We are truly providing Hope in the name of the Lord to these
disadvantaged children.
Love: Our Philippine board members - Pastor Mark, his wife Bernadette, Juli Rael (KTK’s long-term employee), and Lambert and Estie Maglanque (along with their daughters Sarah and Hannah) truly love and care
for these children and their families. We were able to attend a Kids to Kids Ministry Family Fun Night
where over 180 of our KTK children and their families got together, sang songs, and enjoyed a meal and
fellowship. The Love flowing both ways between the KTK family and their volunteers was evident at that
gathering. Please know that they also truly appreciate the Love shown by each of you who support this
ministry and thank you for your prayers and financial assistance.
already offered to me though I’m still in my 2nd year in
the university. The KTK tutorial will be a benefit for
This is an excerpt from a card written to the
board by a treasured volunteer in the Philippines. my future. I have witnessed how the KTK board in the
Hi! My name is Hannah. I am 18 years old. I am in USA and in the Philippines work for the Lord, and all of
you are my models to follow on how to take the work of
my 2nd year in the University of the Philippines, taking
the Lord seriously. The Lord has also given me a great
up Special Education.
opportunity to mold my character by working with KTK
Kids to Kids ministry has been a very great blessing to
workers and volunteers, mingling with the parents, and
me. In year 2009, the Lord gave my family a ministry
opportunity in Pandacan (where KTK resource center is dealing with the kids. The ministry hones my skill, imcurrently located) called AWANA. We gather the street proves my values, and strengthens my beliefs.
kids every Saturday and we play games, sing songs, and Thank you for giving so much importance to the kids
here in the Philippines. Even though you don’t get to
study the Bible with them. At first, it’s really hard because most of the kids who come have a very different up- mingle with them regularly, you support them with so
bringing from the way our godly parents have raised us, much love. THANK YOU and also for those people who
support the ministry, extend my gratitude to them.
but God’s grace is sufficient for us to see beyond their
physical characteristics. Since then, I am learning to un- This card never be enough to thank you for letting God
derstand the kids of the KTK ministry. It was last year, use you to bless other people. Thank you, Hannah
2014, that I fully committed myself to be involved in the
KTK ministry, especially in the lives of the kids. I became a part of the KTK tutorial every Saturday morning. By being involved with the tutorial, I’ve already
started my future career. The experience of teaching was
We have been blessed with the opportunity to gain valuable first-hand insight regarding the inner workings of Kids to Kids.
Three members of the KTK board were
able to travel to Manila to see students,
staff and volunteers. Lambert Maglanque
who voluntarily administers the program,
his wife Estie, our board member on the
Philippine side, along with another volunteer, Maria Pueyo, were able to take a side
trip to Boulder while they traveled in the
U.S. They met with the American side of
the board and were able to share their experiences with some of our sponsors, letting us know how God is working through
Through these visits we learned more
about how invaluable the new resource
center is for students as a place to study,
meet for tutoring sessions and have computer access. KTK now includes two outreach areas and more of our parents are
becoming actively involved in programs,
such as the parental Bible studies available
in each area. Although KTK is no longer
headquartered in Manila Baptist Church,
the two organizations still work together,
and our kids benefit greatly from their involvement with the church. Manila Baptist
volunteers continue to pour time and energy into our student’s lives.
We are filled with gratitude to see how our
students are benefitting both educationally
and spiritually because our sponsors provide the support that enables kids to attend
school - their best chance of out of poverty.
Thank you for your generosity. Please
prayerfully consider helping these students
for another school year.
Great thanks, from the Kids to Kids Board.