Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy
Country Overview
Last updated: 20 February 2016
This country overview complements
the "Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy – European Report 2016".
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1. Who
Institutions that apply behavioural insights to policy
Public institutions
Czech Ministry of Finance
Research institutions
Charles University
LEE (Laboratory of Experimental Economics),
University of Prague
Other institutions (private and non-profit)
Level of implementation
Czech Republic
Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy (BIAP)
2. How
Level of use of behavioural insights
Behaviourally-tested initiatives: initiatives explicitly tested, or scaled out after an initial
ad-hoc experiment.
Behaviourally-informed initiatives: initiatives explicitly based on previously existing
behavioural evidence.
Behaviourally-aligned initiatives: initiatives that, at least a posteriori, are implicitly
aligned with behavioural evidence.
Methodologies used
Literature review
3. What
Policy areas where behavioural insights are applied
Examples of policies using behavioural insights
Increasing organ donations (behaviourally-aligned initiative). The Czech Republic has an opt-out or
presumed consent system, whereby individuals are by default organ donors unless they object to
this. This initiative implicitly relies on people's tendency to stick to the default option and to fail to make
active choices [Desk research1]
Czech Republic
Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy (BIAP)
4. Where
Institutional structure and capacity
In the Czech Republic, there is no formal structure, team, or person in charge of, applying behavioural insights
within the government, at any administrative level.
Knowledge base
A recent Impact Assessment on Gambling, produced by the Czech Ministry of Finance, takes behavioural
insights explicitly into consideration. However, it is not yet clear what type of policy initiatives will be taken,
as some argue that reducing the negative social impacts of compulsive gambling may bring about a reduced
tax base [Source: Survey].
University courses in behavioural sciences and related fields have been identified in the following universities:
University of Economics, Prague;
the Institute for Behavioural and Economic Studies (INBES).
Networks and collaborations
Are you aware of any new or missing information?
If so, please provide us here with your contribution!
Zúñiga-Fajuri, A. (2014). Increasing organ donation by presumed consent and allocation priority. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation,
vol. 93, pp. 199–202