CSIP ELA Reading - Bremerton School District

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2015-16
ELA - Reading
30-60 minutes of Reading Foundation Instruction with Leveled
Minimum 60 minutes of English Language Arts activities (reading,
writing, and listening/discussion)
Second core, for Reading Skills Development (Reading Mastery)
Strategic level students will work in reduced-size group model
Daily use of essential components of a reading program as
suggested in reading research
Use of data to identify students who are performing either below or
above their peers and to modify instruction/support
Intentional and continued use of literary and informational text to
build comprehension, vocabulary, and interpretation/analytical skills
Fluency practice in grades 1 – 5
Explicit vocabulary instruction
All students below benchmark assessed at least 1 time per month
Focus on Text-based Questioning and Rigor
Read Well K and Read Well Plus for Kindergarten
Open Court for grades 1 – 5
Reading Mastery
Moby Max, Britannica, Time For Kids, Super Science, Scholastic
News, and Scholastic News +Science, to support reading of
informational text
Safari Montage
FOSS Science Stories
Informational Text Resources/Book Flix and True Flix
Increase small group time with most qualified teachers
Use of instructional assistants to pre-teach, re-teach, and practice
reading skills at each grade level
Title I push-in/pull-out to support our Intensive reading groups
Increase time, as needed, and focus on phonemic awareness,
phonics, decoding skills, vocabulary development, comprehension,
and fluency, using the Tier 1, 2, and Tier 3 Model
Use of cross-age tutors
Integration of Read Naturally, Phonics for Reading, Imagine It, Six
Minute Solution, and Rewards
Continuous/ongoing regrouping of students
Parent Nights focused on ELA support strategies
Web-based games/activities to support reading
Use of Rosetta Stone for ELL students
Summer enrichment reading for Strategic and Intensive students
21st Century Learning Grant before and after school program