Preliminary Inquiry no. 13/00840: New 420 kV Transmission Line

Nina Kjeldsen/
+47 23 90 35 14/
+47 474 500 25
Our ref./Doc ID.:
Date: 29.04.2013
Preliminary Inquiry no. 13/00840: New 420 kV
Transmission Line from Ofoten to Balsfjord in Northern Norway
Statnett hereby invites your company to submit a response to this preliminary inquiry for 4 procurement
and construction contracts for a new 420 kV transmission line as specified in this document.
Statnett is Norwegian TSO which operates the 'national highways' of the Norwegian power supply
system, including connections to abroad. It is our responsibility to develop and operate the main network
effectively: this comprises undersea cables, transformer stations and connections. For more information
on Statnett, please see
Purpose and scope of contract
Statnett is currently launching a project for building a new 154 km long 420 kV transmission line and
upgrade 4 substations from Ofoten to Balsfjord in the northern part of Norway. The work included in this
preliminary inquiry comprises 4 procurement and construction contracts for a total of 154 km transmission
line, which has been split in sections as described in the table below:
Kvanndal – Bardufoss
No. of
135 + 8
Bardufoss – Balsfjord
Barduforss - Balsfjord
Ofoten - Kvanndal
h km
2014 – 2015
Contract model
Procurement and construction
Foundations, tower erection, stringing
incl. materials
2014 – 2016
2014 – 2016
Foundations, tower erection, stringing
incl. materials
Tower erection, stringing
incl. materials
2014 – 2015
The altitude for the transmission line varies from about 50 meters to about 1000 meters above sea level.
In the higher areas the terrain can be characterized as rough and mountainous. The transmission line
route is designed to minimize the negative impact will have on people and nature. Consequently, the
execution of work is planned with extensive use of helicopter in order to avoid terrain damages. The
geological survey at the tower sites has only been executed to a limited extent. The split between
foundation types are estimated to 80% rock foundations and 20% soil foundations.
The new 420 kV transmission line shall be installed with Statnett’s internally guyed hot dipped galvanized
lattice steel towers on concrete pad and chimney foundations. The conductors are of type Duplex ACSR
Parrot (766-AL1/97-ST5E), Shieldwire and OPGW are of type AACSR Sveid (127-AL3/134-ST5E). The
fjord crossing over Rombakfjord is Simplex AACSR Teist (1683-AL3/211-ST5E). A part of Ofoten –
Kvanndal of approx. 8 km (of total 50,6) will be conductor type Simplex 471-AL3/1212-AL1/211-ST5E
Statnett SF
Husebybakken 28 B
NO-0379 OSLO
Postal address
P.O.Box 5192 Majorstuen
NO-0302 OSLO
23 90 30 00
Business registration number
NO 962 986 633 MVA
Brief summary of the terrain per section:
Ofoten –
The section includes a 1.5 km fjord crossing over the Rombakfjord. For most of the
section the terrain can be described as rough and mountainous with limited road
access to the line route.
Kvanndal –
The section is characterized with easy terrain and relatively short distance from roads
for the major part of the line route. The main challenge is removal of two existing 132
kV lines, on a 22 km long section. The period allowed for power outage will be limited.
Bardufoss –
The section is characterized with easy terrain and relatively short distance from roads.
In order to maintain a high degree of regularity in the national high voltage transmission line grid, Statnett
has for a number of years made use of a qualification program for critical components. The program
named “Level 2 Qualification” is established in order to ensure that the components to the 420
transmission line, such as lattice steel towers, conductors, OPGW (to mention some), are high quality
products confirming strictly to our requirements and specifications. Details on the “Level 2 Qualification”
equipment applicable for this project will be included in our inquiry.
Administrative terms and conditions
Statnett is in general using the Sellihca Qualification System, the Scandinavian prequalification scheme
for energy supply for which prequalification rules are published in the Official Journal of the European
Community. More specifically this preliminary inquiry has been issued to your company based on your
registration in the Sellihca Qualification System within the category 3.2.10 Overhead Lines.
Please note that Statnett has sanctioned "Ethical requirements for suppliers” and that these will be
included in our inquiry.
Further this procurement procedure is being conducted under the Law on Public Sector Procurement no.
69 of July 16 , 1999 and the Supply Rules of April 7 , 2006 Part 1 and Statnett's Tendering Rules.
Our contact for this inquiry is Nina Kjeldsen, e-mail: Any correspondence
concerning this inquiry must be addressed to our contact.
Response to this preliminary inquiry must be submitted by email to the undersigned by:
Monday 13.05.2013 14:00 hours.
In your response you must state if you want to receive our formal inquiry. Note that Pre-qualification
requirement applies for this inquiry. Companies that have not been pre-qualified for construction work on
Statnett 420 kV transmission line within the latest 12 months, have to fill out the pre-qualification
questionnaire. Exemption from pre-qualification requirements will be made for companies currently
working on other Statnett projects with similar SOW. Required documentation is specified in the prequalification questionnaire and shall make it possible for Statnett to evaluate your competence, capability,
experience, capacity and resources for these future contracts. Statnett will also evaluate your financial
status in relation to this project.
Statnett SF
Husebybakken 28 B
NO-0379 OSLO
Postal address
P.O.Box 5192 Majorstuen
NO-0302 OSLO
23 90 30 00
Business registration number
NO 962 986 633 MVA
Pre-qualification questionnaire can be sent for our evaluation during period: 29.04 – 20.05.2013.
Statnett reserves the right to exclude responses which are submitted after the closing date/time, which
are not in accordance with the terms of the preliminary inquiry or are submitted by persons or companies
other than those to whom the inquiry was addressed.
Site visit Ofoten - Balsfjord
The project will arrange a site visit in week 25, June 17-June 20, to give detail information of the line route
and each section's main challenges, terrain conditions, HMS, environment and transport plan, local
communities and local suppliers. During the site visit, a meeting place for local suppliers / international
construction companies will be arranged. The purpose of such arrangement is to market local
competence, service providers, construction companies etc. The intent is to make it easy and efficient to
match main contractors demand for competence/services/products with the range of supplies offered by
local companies.
In your response to this preliminary inquiry, please also state if you will participate in the site visit.
Schedule for inquiry process
The project has received license approval from the Regulator and Statnett Board has made an
investment decision for the project. Current status is that the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is handling
complaints against the given license. Final approval of the license is expected to be received during
summer 2013. Provided that the final license approval is received as stated, the inquiry process and startup is planned as follows:
Issue preliminary inquiry
Deadline for response to the preliminary inquiry
Deadline for delivery of pre-qualification questionnaire
Statnett latest approval of pre-qualification
Site visit
Issue of formal inquiry
Inquiry period
Contract award
Start-up of construction work at site
17.06 – 20-06.2013
June/July 2013
3 months
Q4 2013
Q2 2014
Yours faithfully
Statnett SF
Nina Kjeldsen
Contracts Administrator
Project Procurement Department
Statnett SF
Husebybakken 28 B
NO-0379 OSLO
Postal address
P.O.Box 5192 Majorstuen
NO-0302 OSLO
23 90 30 00
Business registration number
NO 962 986 633 MVA