International Collaboration Particle Physics

International Collaboration Particle
Patricia McBride!
29 April 2015
Particle Physics in 2015
• “Pursue the most important opportunities wherever they are,
and host unique, world-class facilities that engage the global
scientific community.”!
McBride I AAAS
Particle Physics Science Drivers
Use the Higgs boson as a new tool for discovery!
Pursue the physics associated with neutrino mass!
Identify the new physics of dark matter!
Understand cosmic acceleration: dark energy and inflation!
Explore the unknown: new particles, interactions, and physical
McBride I AAAS
Some background
• Particle physics has a long history of international
collaboration - the physics goals fave demanded accelerators
with increasing energy and intensity; experiment apparatus
gained in complexity (and size).!
• A brief and abbreviated timeline !
- 1950s - experiments done on campus, with small groups !
• European Laboratory CERN started in 1954!
- 1960-1970s - accelerators were at national/regional facilities;
collaborations grew to be 10s of people!
• Fermilab started in 1967; first experiment (1972)!
• 1st experiment was a US - Russian collaboration!
- 1980s - Large international collaborations!
• Large experiments at colliders - SppS, Tevatron, LEP!
• International collaborations: 100s of scientists!
• China/Japan built world-class accelerator facilities
McBride I AAAS
Discovery of the Top quark - Fermilab 1990s
2 large international
collaborations (CDF and D0)!
with about 450 scientists each
using data collected at the
Tevatron collider at Fermilab
Participating Institutions: Acad. Sin. Taiwan●los Andes●ANL●Arizona●BNL●Bologna●Brandeis●Brown
Columbia●Delhi●Duke●Fermilab●Florida State●Frascati●Harvard●Hawaii
Hiroshima●IHEP/Protvino●Illinois●Illnois/Chicago●Indiana●Iowa State
IPP (McGill/Toronto)●Johns Hopkins●KEK●Korea● Kyungsung●LBL●Maryland
MIT●Michigan●Michigan State●Moscow State●Nebraska●New Mexico●New York
Northeastern- Northern Illinois● Northwestern●Notre Dame●Osaka City●Padova
Rutgers●Saclay●Seoul●SSCL●SUNY/Stony Brook●Tata●Texas A&M
Texas/Arlington●Texas Tech●Tsukuba●Tufts●Wisconsin●Yale
“A Little Bit of the Gods” - Chris Quigg
McBride I AAAS
Fermilab international partners - 2010s
McBride I AAAS
Discovery of the Higgs Boson - CERN and the LHC
• CERN and the LHC - particle physics at the energy frontier !
- built by CERN with contributions from other regions: a step
towards a global science facility!
- LHC: 27 km accelerator; now starting up after 2 year shutdown!
- Large global collaborations: nearly 10000 scientists work at
CERN from nearly 100 countries from around the world.
McBride I AAAS
Governance of large collaborations and facilities (LHC)
• The host lab manages the
infrastructure: accelerator,
civil construction, etc.!
• The scientific collaborations
manage the experiments.
LHC: ~3000 scientists/expt
The Governance of CERN
The CERN model is based on the separation of the
governance of the infrastructure (Host Lab) and of the
Two complementary governance constructs are
Formal Treaty Organization, to run the infrastructure
Flexible organization, based on best effort (through
MoUs stipulated among the Funding Agencies and
CERN as Host Lab) to run the experiments.
Experiments are NOT a legal entity and are NOT owned
by the Host Lab.
McBride I AAAS
Global Planning in Particle Physics
• Strategic plans are national or
regional but in a global context!
• Americas: national strategic planning!
- US: High Energy Physics Advisory Panel to
DOE/NSF (HEPAP) and P5 - Particle Physics
Project Prioritization Panel!
Illustration by Sandbox Studio, Chicago
“Particle physics is global. The
United States and major players
in other regions can together
address the full breadth of the
field’s most urgent scientific
questions if each hosts a unique
world-class facility at home and
partners in high-priority facilities
hosted elsewhere.” (P5 report)
McBride I AAAS
• Asia: national strategic planning !
- ACFA:Asian Committee on Future Accelerators!
• Europe: CERN / ECFA!
- European Strategy updated every 5 years!
• Global discussion forum: !
• ICFA - International Committee on Future
Accelerators (started in 1976)!
- Working Group of IUPAP - International Union of Pure
and Applied Physics
Neutrinos go global into the 2020s
DUNE experiment 750 scientists from 23 countries
• Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) - A Global Next
Generation Facility for Neutrino and Underground Science!
- an intense beam of neutrinos produced at Fermilab in Illinois are sent to the
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Sanford Underground
Research Facility in South Dakota.!
- for the first time in its history the U.S. will host a large scale science
facility that is international (global) from the start
McBride I AAAS
Global neutrino experiment
• We are moving into an era of projects where substantial cost
sharing on the facility is required. One country can no longer
control the design and provide all the resources.!
• The LBNF governance is inspired by the CERN model with
bilateral agreements between countries for the facility
infrastructure and a scientific collaboration model for the
detector. These discussions of governance have began
before the design is final. !
• Our objective is to be a good host for a world leading long
baseline neutrino experiment. What do we need to do to be a
good host and a good partner?
McBride I AAAS
Particle Physics global partnerships
• Challenge of large projects: Build a global science program
while maintaining national expertise and individual creativity.!
• Governance is key !
- Scientific Collaborations: working well !
• Particle physicists have had many years of experience in particle
physics and have developed complex management structures!
- Governance of a global facility: a challenge!
• multiple governments and agencies, multi-year time scales, different
project management models, etc. !
• CERN has been a successful model for international collaboration in
Europe. !
• US will build on the CERN model to plan the future neutrino program.
McBride I AAAS
Some Issues for discussion
• Large science projects take time to plan and construct. How
do we build successful partnerships on large facilities within
the constraints of the annual budget process?!
• How do we balance national interests with enabling successful
global collaboration?!
Visas !
Intellectual property !
Export controls!
Computer security !
• How will we make the decision to join an international science
partnership in another region? What if there are competing
McBride I AAAS