Electric Field Simulation Activity: https://phet.colorado.edu/en

Electric Field Simulation Activity: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/electric­hockey Go to this site and try to score a goal! Click on Field to visualize the electric field­ does this help? http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/charges­and­fields Look at the electric fields of the following situations and sketch what you see here: a. two objects of the same charge b. two objects of opposite charge c. one large + charge with one small ­ charge d. a line of + charges parallel to a line of ­ charges http://www.falstad.com/vector3de/ Try these sites­ they all have different ways of characterizing electric fields around sources that you can create or choose. Notice the similarities and differences in the way that E­fields can be represented Notice what types of source charges have field lines leaving/entering the source. Summarize what you have observed in these demonstrations. Is it possible to create a constant electric field­ if so, how? Write down two additional questions that are related to electric fields that you find interesting. 