7th SAEA National Conference July 29-31, 2016

Save the date!
7th SAEA National Conference
July 29-31, 2016
Hosted by
University of California Santa Cruz,
Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems
With major support from the
University of California Global Food Initiative
Co-Hosted by
UC Davis, UC Berkeley, UH West O’ahu, Cal Poly SLO and Swanton Pacific Ranch,
ALBA, and Merritt College
Join us to explore this year’s conference theme:
“The Ecology of Food Systems: Engaging Interdisciplinary and Applied Education
for a Just and Sustainable Agriculture”
Join us in summer 2016 for the 7th National Sustainable Agriculture Education Association (SAEA) conference, co-hosted by UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, University of Hawaii – West O’ahu, Cal Poly San
Luis Obispo, Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA), and Merritt College. Major support
for the conference has been provided by the University of California Office of the President’s Global Food
Initiative. The conference will be held in Santa Cruz, California on the UCSC campus, with field trips to
regional sustainable agriculture education projects such as Cal Poly’s Swanton Pacific Ranch, on the
northern Santa Cruz coastline, and the Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA), in Salinas.
This year’s theme — “The Ecology of Food Systems” — highlights the growing demand for inclusive and critical approaches to sustainable agriculture and food education at the postsecondary level. SAEA has a strong
tradition of focusing on interdisciplinary and experiential learning from a systems thinking perspective. In
2016, the conference will emphasize issues of social justice and equity. For more information about the SAEA
and past conferences please visit SAEA’s website.
The conference invites participants from across the agriculture and food system who are engaged in adult
education: students, teachers, trainers, and faculty, independent scholars; farmers, cooks, and community
organizers; professionals in health, business, the arts, law, and the media. Participants will represent colleges,
universities, farmer training organizations, and a range of professional and civil society organizations. To encourage flexible and interactive learning, the format will be highly participant-driven, featuring Open-Space
sessions, workshops, panel discussions, and diverse presentations.
The UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) is hosting this event, providing opportunities to visit the center’s 30-acre campus farm and gardens and learn about CASFS’ world-renowned academic programming and Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture. For more about the host
location, watch this video overview of CASFS by Mark Bittman, journalist, author, and columnist for the NY
We will be reaching out again in the coming weeks with a presentation submission invite, registration details, and conference schedule. Until then, please save the date and spread the word!
Have questions? Contact: saea2016conference@ucsc.edu
Please distribute widely!