defending against energy draining attack in ad

Universe of Emerging Technologies and Science
Volume I Issue VI – November 2014
ISSN: 2349 - 655X
Impact Factor: 0.272
Mrs. Roshani Sahare Chandekar1, Prof. Vinod Nayyar2
Student, MTECH (CSE), Abha Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
Professor, CSE, Abha Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
from Vampire attacks implies that this ratio is 1. Energy use
by malicious nodes is not considered, since they can always
unilaterally drain their own batteries
Ad-hoc wireless network is an innovative research
direction in pervasive computing and sensing. In this area
1.1 Vampire Attack
we mainly focused on security, denial of service at the
We can define it as the composition and transmission of a
routing and in access level. This paper elaborate energy
message that causes more energy to be consumed by the
draining attack which widely known as “Vampire Attack”.
network than if an honest node transmitted a message
It is resource depletion attacks found at the routing
of identical size to the same destination.
protocol layer, which permanently disable networks by
quickly draining node’s battery power.
We measure the strength of the attack as follows:
These “Vampire” attacks are not relying on specific to any
Ms= Network Energy / Malicious Case
protocol, but rather rely on the properties of many popular
classes of routing protocols. We find that all examined
Vampire attacks are not dependent on any protocol i.e. they
protocols are susceptible to Vampire attacks, which are
do not rely on any specific protocol i.e. link-state, distancedevastating, difficult to detect, and are easy to carry out
vector, sourcing routing, and geographic and beacon
using as few as one malicious insider sending only
routing. Since vampire use protocol-compliant messages,
protocol-compliant messages. In the worst case, a single
these attacks are very difficult to detect and prevent.
Vampire can increase network-wide energy usage by a
They are called vampire attacks, since they drain the life
factor of O (N), where N is the number of network nodes.
from networks nodes. These attacks are distinct from
We discuss methods to defend against energy draining
previously discussed Denial of service.
attack i.e. Vampires using EWMA.
In case of vampire network, Re-charging batteries will not
Keywords: Wireless Network, Battery Power,
These “Vampire” attacks are not relying on specific to any
EWMA, Resource Deplication etc.
protocol, but rather rely on the properties of many popular
classes of routing protocols. We find that all examined
protocols are susceptible to Vampire attacks, which are
Ad-hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs) will be integrate
devastating, difficult to detect, and are easy to carry out
new applications in the future, such as ubiquitous onusing as few as one malicious insider sending only protocoldemand computing power, continuous connectivity, and
compliant messages.
instantly deployable communication for military and first
Vampire attack constitutes of two different types of attacks
responders. Such networks always measure environmental
conditions, performance. It is become more and more useful
to the everyday functioning of people, organization and
Stretch attack and
Carousel attack. These two
Due to their ad hoc organization, wireless ad hoc networks
are particularly vulnerable to denial of service (DOS)
attacks. We define a Vampire attack as the composition and
transmission of a message that causes more energy to be
consumed by the network than if an honest node transmitted
a message of identical size to the same destination, although
using different packet headers. We measure the strength of
the attack by the ratio of network energy used in the benign
case to the energy used in the malicious case, i.e. the ratio of
network-wide power utilization with malicious nodes
present to energy usage with only honest nodes when the
number and size of packets sent remains constant. Safety
Vampire attack can be define as the composition and
transmission of a message that causes more energy to be
consumed by the network than if an honest node
transmitted a message of identical size to the same
destination. We measure the strength of the attack by the
ratio of network energy used in the case to the energy used
in the malicious case. Safety from the vampire attack
implies that this ratio is 1. Vampire attacks are not protocolspecific i.e. they do not rely on any specific protocol, but
rather exploit general properties of protocol classes such as
link-state, distance-vector, sourcing routing, and geographic
and beacon routing. Since vampire use protocol-compliant
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Universe of Emerging Technologies and Science
Volume I Issue VI – November 2014
messages, these attacks are very difficult to detect and
They are called vampire attacks, since they drain the life
from networks nodes. Re-charging the batteries also will
not help unless the vampire attacks are more resource
constraint than the honest nodes. Vampire attack constitutes
of two different types of attacks called Stretch and
Carousel attack. These two mainly focuses on reducing the
energy of the nodes.
1.1.1 Carousel attack:
In this attack, an adversary composes packets with
purposely introduced routing loops. It is called carousel
attack. It targets source routing protocols by exploiting the
limited verification of message headers at forwarding nodes,
allowing a single packet to repeatedly traverse the same set
of nodes. The reason for this large standard deviation is that
the attack does not always increase energy usage, the length
of the adversarial path is a multiple of the honest path,
which is in turn, affected by the position of the adversary’s
position of the adversary in relation to the destination, so
the adversary’s position is important to the success of
this attack.
1.1.2 Stretch attack
In this attack, also targeting source routing, an adversary
constructs artificially long routes, potentially traversing
every node in the network. It is call this the stretch attack,
since it increases packet path lengths, causing packets
to be processed by a number of nodes that is
independent of hop count along the shortest path
between the adversary and packet destination.
2.1 Network Configuring Phase:
The goal of this layer is to establish a shortest routing path
from source to destination in the network. Basically we
mainly focused balancing the load of the nodes and
minimizing energy consumption for data communication
and resource sharing.
Working of this phase is as follows:
When any node reached to threshold level energy that node
called as attacked node. It sends ENG_WEG message to all
its surrounding nodes. After receiving the ENG_WEG
packets the surrounding nodes sends the ENG_REP
Impact Factor: 0.272
message that encapsulates information regarding their
geographical position and current energy level. In this
ENG_REP message all node gives the rout i.e. shortest path
to reach at destination from the source. Hence the attacked
node reached.
This part focused on the design of proposed protocol
EWMA. Where energy of a node rich at threshold level it
plays an important role by defending against denial of
service attack. This pattern based on the energy levels of the
Here we define two phases of Energy Weight Monitoring
2.1. Network configuring phase
2.2. Communication phase
ISSN: 2349 - 655X
Fig- 1: Energy Weight Monitoring Algorithm
Above process represent how securely we communicate
with node and forwarded the packet from source to
destination. Above algorithm gives prime importance to
achieve load balancing in the network. The perfect and
suitable node will be assigned as a forwarding node has a
capability to efficiently handle attacked or malicious node.
In this way we achieve shortest distant to bound damage
made by vampire attack.
Energy weight monitoring algorithm avoids the collision by
dropping in the network. The load balancing basically
depends on capacity of a node. In this way we achieve load
Online Available at | 2014-UNIETS-November-0012
Universe of Emerging Technologies and Science
Volume I Issue VI – November 2014
ISSN: 2349 - 655X
Impact Factor: 0.272
G. Vijayanand, R. Muralidharan, “Overcome Vampire
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By Using Distance Vector Protocols”, G. Vijayanand et
al, International Journal of Computer Science and
Mobile Applications, Vol.2 Issue. 1, January- 2014, pg.
Aggregation is the process of copying the content of the
packet and copied content compare with data packet if
transmitted packet is same the node stops the data packet
Sharnee Kaul, Helen Samuel , Jose Anand, “Defending
Against Vampire Attacks In Wireless Sensor
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Engineering Applications-IJCEA , Vol 05, Article
C084; March 2014.
In this way it avoids the redundant packets transmitting
through the same node again and again and protects the
depletion of batteries and send the required data packets
through the establish node safely to the destination from the
K.Sivakumar, P.Murugapriya, “Efficient Detection and
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2.2 Communication Phase:
The main job of communication phase is to avoid packets
send through the same node redundantly to deplete the
batteries vastly and leads to network death because of
vampire attacks.
The redundancy is eliminated by aggregating the data
packets within the forwarding node and sends the remaining
packet using shortest route to the destination.
In this paper, One energy draining attack was defined which
known as Vampire attack. This is a new form of attack
which consumes life and energy from the node present in
the network. It includes some types of vampire attack such
as Stretch attack, Carousel attack. Also to defend against
vampire attack one method introduces EWMA method.
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International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
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Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007
Certified Organization) Vol.2, Special Issue 1, March
10. K.Vanitha,V.Dhivya, “A Valuable Secure Protocol to
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Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Volume 3, Special Issue 3, March 2014
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Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 5,
August-September, 2014.
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