Summer 2014 PD: Exploring Science in K-­‐8 Classrooms NGSS Next Generation Science Standards July 16 & 17, 2014 NGSS for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Workforce: *  Through a collaboraJve, state-­‐led process managed by Achieve, new K–12 science standards have been developed that are rich in content and pracJce, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internaJonally benchmarked science educaJon. The NGSS is based on the Framework for K–12 Science EducaJon developed by the NaJonal Research Council (NRC). M4: Model
M1: Make sense of problems and
S1: Ask questions and
with mathematics
persevere in solving them S2: Develop & use models
define problems
M2: Reason abstractly &
S5: Use mathematical &
S3: Plan & carry out investigations
computational thinking
S4: Analyze and interpret data
M6: Attend to precision
E2: Build a strong base of
M7: Look for and make use
S6: Construct explanations &
knowledge through content rich texts
of structure
design solutions
E5: Read, write, and speak
M8: Look for and make
grounded in evidence
S8: Obtain,
E6: Use
use of regularity in
evaluate, &
technology &
repeated reasoning
arguments and critique
digital media
reasoning of others
strategically &
S7: Engage in argument E3: Obtain, synthesize,
from evidence
and report findings clearly
M5: Use appropriate
and effectively in response
tools strategically
to task and purpose
E1: Demonstrate independence in reading complex
texts, and writing and speaking about them
E7: Come to understand other perspectives
and cultures through reading, listening, and
STEM STARTS HERE LBUSD BTSA InducJon Office 1 Summer 2014 PD: Exploring Science in K-­‐8 Classrooms July 16 & 17, 2014 Three Dimensions to understanding NGSS 1.  Scientific and Engineering Practices 2.  Crosscutting Concepts 3.  Disciplinary Core Ideas Dimension 1: Scientific and engineering practices 1. 
Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking 6.  Constructing explanations and designing solutions 7.  Engaging in argument from evidence 8.  Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information LBUSD BTSA InducJon Office Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts 1.  Patterns, Similarity, and Diversity 2.  Cause and Effect 3.  Scale, Proportion, and Quantity 4.  Systems and Systems Models 5.  Energy and Matter 6.  Structure and Function 7.  Stability and Change 2 Summer 2014 PD: Exploring Science in K-­‐8 Classrooms July 16 & 17, 2014 Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas • Physical Sciences (PS) • Life Sciences (LS) • Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) • Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science (ETSI) How to read the NGSS System Architecture Title 3 key words to think about… 1. Performance 2. Foundations 3. Coherence Performance Expectations Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Concepts Crosscutting Concepts Connections to •  Other science disciplines at this grade level •  Other disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) for older and younger students •  Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and Language Arts LBUSD BTSA InducJon Office 3 Summer 2014 PD: Exploring Science in K-­‐8 Classrooms July 16 & 17, 2014 Performance Expectations Foundation Boxes Parking Lot Connection Boxes LBUSD BTSA InducJon Office 4 