health and safety consultation and communication

Latest Revision
July 2016
Next Revision
July 2017
Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996.
Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
Associated Policies
All H&S section policies
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
2. Implementation
2.1 Quarterly Group Health & Safety Meeting
2.2 Monthly Service Health & Safety Forum
3. Records of Meetings & Communication
4. Local Objectives of Consultation & Communication
5. Individual Requirements
6. Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations
7. Communication Functions of the Safety Representative
8. Principles of Consultation & Communication
9. Monitoring, Audit & Review
Reviewer: H&S Mgr.
There is a duty on employers to consult, either directly or through elected representatives, with
employees who are not union members. This is contained in the Health and Safety (Consultation with
Employees) Regulations 1996.
Options is committed to providing workplaces with consultative arrangements that allow employees to
contribute to decisions that impact on their health and safety.
It is recognised that workplace health and safety performance benefits significantly from effective
consultation, with employees often best placed to identify health and safety hazards and issues within the
Options recognises the value of consultation and communication with employees in promoting a health
and safety culture and in achieving the objective of reduced accidents and ill-health.
This policy applies to all employees, service users, visitors and contractors.
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Issue No: 2
Issue Date: January 2016
Options strategy for achieving a consistent and effective means of communication and consultation on
Health, Safety and Welfare matters is achieved by;
Quarterly Group Health and Safety meetings
Monthly Service Health and Safety Forum
Quarterly Group Health & Safety Meeting
The main forum for employee consultation will be through the quarterly Group Health and Safety meeting.
This meeting will aim to identify, discuss & communicate health, safety and welfare matters including;
Group initiatives
Changes in legislation
Good practice to be adopted or shared
Changes in company policy
Health and Safety performance
Attendees include as a minimum:
Chief Operating Office
Health and Safety Manager
Heads of Service for a specific services
Regional Facilities Managers from each service
Can also include:
Chief Executive Officer
A representative of the Board of Directors
A representative from each Service
A representative from the education team
Elected Health & Safety representatives (trades union)
Business Development Director
Quality and Improvement Manager
Learning and Development Manager or Training Manager
Cost Efficiency and Contracts Manager
Monthly Service Health & Safety Forum
Local forums chaired by the Head of Service or their representative, shall support the Group Meeting by
ensuring that information, policy and practice resulting from the Group Quarterly Meeting are discussed &
consulted with at Service level, and to ensure the implementation of agreed Policy, practice or initiatives
are incorporated within each Service effectively.
The local forum will also serve as a valuable tool to improve safety & health awareness and improve the
culture within the organisation. Local issues and areas of importance regarding safety, health or welfare
of all those who may be effected at that Service will be discussed with suitable outcomes agreed.
Records of Meetings & Communication
Minutes of all meetings are to be taken which will identify the topics discussed, action required and by
who. These actions are to be reviewed at each following meeting to ensure the satisfactory completion.
Minutes of meetings are made available to all staff either electronically for satellite sites or by use of the
Health and Safety notice board.
Communication from the company will be by a variety of methods including the health and safety policy
available at each Centre and on the Options online Portal System, use of health and safety notice boards,
verbal and written advice from the Health and Safety Manager and, where appropriate, provision of
Copyright © Options Group, 2004. All rights reserved.
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Issue No: 2
Issue Date: January 2016
publications from the Health & Safety Executive and other authoritative sources. Additional local
communication will also be through team meetings.
Local objectives of Consultation and Communication
Options fully encourage staff involvement in all Health and Safety matters with an emphasize on staff
involvement in writing and completing risk assessments, with this in mind, Services will meet their
commitment to Health and Safety by consulting with health and safety representatives and employees so
far as is reasonably practicable when making any decision or change in relation to their health and safety
in the workplace including the following;
Identification of workplace hazards
Assessment of the risks associated with workplace activities and hazards
Decisions made in relation to measures taken to eliminate or control workplace risks
Review of workplace risk assessments
Introduction of, or alteration to procedures for monitoring workplace risks
Decisions made in relation the adequacy of workplace facilities
Proposed changes to the work premises, systems of work, plant or substances used at the
Decisions made in relation to changes in job responsibilities.
Decisions made in relation to consultation procedures, and any legislative requirements.
Staff with concerns over any health and safety matters should first raise them with their immediate line
Manager to try and resolve locally. Further advice and guidance is available by the Health & Safety
Manager. Non urgent matters or concerns can be raised for discussion at the local Health and Safety
Forum. Accident, incident and near miss reports are an important means of communication and staffs
are encouraged to use them, these are discussed at the local monthly meetings with a view to assessing
whether any measures need to be taken to prevent a recurrence.
Individual requirements
Options employees, visitors and contractors are required to:
Consult and cooperate with Management on matters related to health and safety
Openly communicate any instances of hazards or incidents in the workplace
Provide feedback to Management on the effectiveness of established consultation and
communication arrangements.
Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (SRSCR) 1977
Where a service recognises a Trade Union, those members have the right to elect a Health and Safety
representative under SRSCR 1977 to represent the group or groups of employees they represent.
Members of these groups of employees may not be members of a trade union. For further information
regarding recognised Trade Unions, refer to the Human Resource Department.
Communication Functions of the Health & Safety Coordinator
The Health and Safety Coordinator will:
Coordinate and arrange the monthly site H & S meeting
Arrange for minutes to be taken and distributed
Receive reports and agenda items and ensure that the agenda is circulated to forum members
well in advance
Attend in the absence of the Head of Service/Registered Manager the Group H & S quarterly
meetings if required
Maintain the H & S notice-board, ensuring that the latest H & S meeting minutes are displayed
and any appropriate information Forum
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Issue No: 2
Issue Date: January 2016
Principles of Consultation & Communication
Involves two way processes
All employees are valued equally (accepting that across the service there are clear variations in
levels of accountability and responsibility)
All sectors are of equal status
Should involve internal and external stakeholders
Should be informed by appropriate levels of information presented in an open way
Should inform a process of evaluating, developing and improving service delivery
Outcomes should be explained and shared
The purpose of consultation should be clear
The process should be transparent
Consultation should be representative of all interests
Procedures should ensure that participation is encouraged.
Monitoring, Audit & Review
The ongoing implementation of this policy will be monitored by Senior Managers and the Health & Safety
Manager during annual audits.
This policy will be reviewed as part of the regular cycle of reviews, unless changing circumstances require
an earlier review.
Copyright © Options Group, 2004. All rights reserved.
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Issue No: 2
Issue Date: January 2016