Vol. XX No. 10
MARCH 2012
I]-S- ]-cn-ÿn-Xn-hm-Zn-If
- psS
apJw IqSp-X¬ hnIr-Xa
- m-Ip∂p
""C¥y-bnse BW-thm¿P ]≤-Xn-Iƒ Ipg-∏-Øn-em-°pI F∂ e£y-tØm-
for 2012-13
A Critical analysis
sS, Ata-cn° Bÿm-\amb k¿°m-tc-Xc k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\-Iƒ {]h¿Øn°p∂p. Ah¿ C¥y-bnse h¿≤n® hcp∂ Du¿Pm-h-iy-I-X-sb-°p-dn®pw
C¥y t\cn- S p∂ hnI- k \ sh√p- h n- f n- I sf°pdn®pw ]q¿Æ- a mbpw
\ΩpsS {][m-\-a{¥n {io. a≥tam-l≥knw-Kn-t‚-XmWv Cu hm°p-Iƒ.
Hcp ]t£ Ata-cn-°≥ apX-em-fn-Ø-Øn\v F√m-hn[ A\p-Iqe kml-N-cyßfpw C¥y-bn¬ krjvSn®v Ahsc Nph∂ ]c-h-Xm-\n- hn-cn®v C¥y-bn-te°m-\-bn-°p∂ {][m-\-a-{¥n-bmWv Ata-cn-°-sb- {]-Xn-°q-´n-em°n CØ-cØn¬ {]kvXm-h\ \S-Øn-b-Xv. {][m-\-a-{¥n-bpsS hmZsØ XpS¿∂v At±l-Øns‚ Hm^okv Npa-X-e-bp≈ tI{µ kl-a{¥n hn. \mcm-b-W-kzm-anbpw
cwKsØØn. Ata- c n- ° - b nepw kv I m≥Unt\hn- b ≥ cmPy- ß - f n- e p- a p≈
kzImcy kwL-S-\-Iƒ C¥y-bnse k∂≤ kwL-S-\-Iƒ°v ]Ww \¬Ip∂p-s≠∂pw Xncp-s\¬th-en-bnepw a‰pw {]h¿Øn-°p∂ hnhn[ kwL-S-\Iƒ°v e`n-°p∂ hntZi ^≠n-s\-°p-dn®v tI{µ B`y-¥-c-a-{¥m-ebw At\zjn-°p-∂-Xmbpw At±lw ]d-™n-cp-∂p.
CtX- XpS¿∂v IqS-¶p-f-Øn-\-SpØv \mK¿tIm-hn-en¬ \n∂pw tkm¨s‰Kv
do\¿ sl¿am≥ F∂ P¿a≥ ]ucs\ CtX Imc-W-Øn¬ C¥y-bn¬ \n∂pw
\mSp-I-S-Øp-Ibpw sNbvXp. IpS-¶pfw ]≤-Xn-s°-Xnsc Ct∏mƒ \S-°p∂
ka-c-Øn\v t\XrXzw \¬Ip∂ BW-thm¿P hncp≤ P\-Iob kanXn
I¨ho-\¿ Bb Fkv.]n. DZ-b-Ip-am-dp-ambn ASpØ _‘w ]pe¿Øn-bncp∂ Bfm-bn-cp∂p Cu P¿Ω≥ ]uc≥ F∂ tI{µ GP≥kn-bpsS Is≠Ø-ens\ XpS¿∂m-bn-cp∂p Cu \mSp-I-S-ج \S-]-Sn.
IqS-¶pfw ]≤-Xn-bpsS XpS°w djy≥ kmº-ØnI kmt¶-XnI kl-Ic-W-tØm-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂p. sFIy djy ]n∂oSv XI¿s∂-¶nepw IpS-¶pfw ]≤Xn- bm-Ym¿∞y-am-°p-∂-Xn¬ C¥ym k¿°mcpw XpS¿∂p h∂ djy≥
k¿°mcpw {]Xn-⁄m-_-≤-cm-bn-cp-∂p.
\ΩpsS kwÿm-\sØ sshZypXn {]Xn-k-‘n°pw henb Hc-f-hn¬ ]cnlmcw ImWm≥ DX-Ip-∂X
- m-bn-cp∂p Cu ]≤-Xn. H∂mw-L´w CXn-\Iw Xs∂
IΩo-j≥ sNbvXn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ 133 saKm-hm´v sshZypXn tIc-f-Øn\pw e`n°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. Aßn-s\-bm-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ \ΩpsS kwÿm\w t\cn-Sp∂
sshZypXn {]Xn-k‘n ]cn-l-cn-°p-∂-Xns‚ `mK-ambn Imbw-Ip-f-Øp-\n-∂pap≈ hne-Iq-Snb sshZyp-Xn-bpsS hm߬ Xs∂ Hgn-hm-°m-am-bn-cp-∂p.
kwL-S-\-bpsS ap≥ kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn B¿. aZ-\-tam-l-\≥ ]n≈bv°v sIm√w Pn√m-I-Ω-‰nbpsS
D]-lmcw kwÿm\ P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn Fw.-Pn. kptc-j-Ip-am¿ \¬Ip∂p
Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcØv h\nXmZn\-Øn¬ AhX-cn-∏n® ""C¥y≥ kv{Xo ˛ Hcm-apJw'' \mS-I-Øn¬ \n∂v
Rekha T.R., Dulkifily O., Padmakumar V.P., Satheeshkumar G., Jaleshkumar A.S., AsaT.V. (Sub Editor)
MARCH 2012
Printed at SB Press (P) Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 001. Telefax: 2471904, 2478013
F∂m¬ IqS- ¶ pfw ]≤- X n- b n¬ \n∂p≈
sshZyp-Xn-sse≥ \n¿am-W-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´
{]h¿Ø-\-߃ \ΩpsS kwÿm\Øv Bcw`n-®-t∏mƒ Xs∂ a≤y-tI-c-f-Øn¬ A_-≤-PSn- e - ß - f mb FXn¿hmZ- ß - f mWv I]S ]cnÿnXn hmZn-Iƒ Db¿Øn-hn-´-Xv. BWh \neb-Øn¬ \n∂p≈ sshZypXn sIm≠p-t]m-Ip∂
sse\n¬ \n∂pw BWh hnIn-cWw D≠m-Ipsa∂vhsc Ah¿ X´n-hn-´-t∏mƒ Xs∂ \Ω-f-S°-ap≈ kwL-S-\-Iƒ Cu I]S hmZ-ß-fpb¿Øp- ∂ - h - c psS kXy- k - ‘ - X sb tNmZyw
sNbvX-Xm-Wv. Im‰n¬ \n∂pw sshZyp-Xn-°mbn
Im‰m-Sn-Iƒ ÿm]n-°p-tºmƒ Ah ag-ta-Lßsf Im‰-Sn®v ]d-Øn-°-f-bp-sa∂pw Aßns\
\ΩpsS kwÿm\w ag-bn√m kwÿm-\-ambn
amdp-sa∂pw Cu Iq´¿ ]d-™p-]-c-Øn-bn-cp-∂p.
Hm^o-tkgvkv At m-kn-tb-j≥
‰n.-kn. 25/2969, a≈q¿ tdmUv
Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw 695 035
t^m¨:2462300/^mIvkv: 2472272
E-mail: news@kseboa.org
Website: www.kseboa.org
AXn-c-∏n≈n Pe-ssh-ZypXn, Nota\n Xm]\n-ebw F∂o ]≤-Xn-Iƒs°Xn-scbpw CØc- Ø n¬ k¿°m- c n- X - c - k - ∂ - ≤ - k w- L - S - \ - I ƒ
F∂ apJw-aqSn [cn®v I]S ]cn-ÿn-Xn-hm-Zn-Iƒ
cwKØv h∂n-cp-∂-Xm-Wv.
2012 am¿®v
ARR & ERC for 2012-13
Kurian Sebastian
P\-d¬ sk-{I-´-dn- Fgp-Xp∂p
- I
- f
- n-√mØ ]Wn-ap-S°v
‰n.-sI. Pb-Ip-am¿ 11
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
DØ-c-ta-Jem h\nXm I¨sh≥j≥
IqSw-Ipfw ]≤Xn ˛
]cn-ÿn-Xnbpw kpc-£bpw ˛ inev]-ime
- n-¶ƒ°nSm-thm...
B¿. kpIp 23
IqSw-Ipfw BWh \nebw
LBB Protection in Transformer Panel
F≥. cmPo-hv 26
C.N. Jayarajan
Pn√m P\-d¬ t_m-Un-Iƒ
_-jo¿ Np¶Ød 37
Pn√m hm¿Ø-Iƒ
Indian Power Sector
Lathish PV
t_m¿Uv DØ-c-hp-Ifneq-sS...
\qdv iX-am-\w......
F.- iymw-Ip-am¿
- ƒ
tIc-f-Ønse sshZyp-Xn-]-≤-Xn-Iƒs°-Xnsc
Cu I]S ]cn-ÿnXn auenI hmZn-Iƒ i_vZapb¿Øn-b-Xns\ Ft∏mgpw FXn¿Øv Ah-cpsS
s]mbvapJw kaq-l-Øn¬ Xpd-∂p-Im-´m≥ hfsc-b-[nIw ap∂n-´n-d-ßnb kwL-S-\-bm-Wv \ΩptSXv.
AXn-c-∏n≈n ]≤-Xn-°p-th≠n C{X-b-[nIw
ap∂n-´n-dßn hmZn-®-Xpw, Nota-\n-bnse ]≤-Xn°mbn ]≤Xn {]tZ-iØv h®v Xs∂ P\-kº¿° ]cn-]mSn \S-Øn-bXpw G‰-hp-sam-Sp-hn¬
IqS-¶fw ]≤-Xnsbs®m√n s]mXp kwhmZw
kwL-Sn-∏n-®-Xp-sam-s°, CØ-c-Ønse I]S
]cn-ÿnXn auenI hmZn-I-fpsS X\n-\ndw kaql-Øn¬ Xpd∂p Im´p-∂-Xpw ]pXnb sshZypXn
]≤-Xn-I-fpsS Bh-iyhpw F√m hnt[-\-bpap≈ Du¿P-t{km-X-kp-I-fpsS D]-tbm-K-Øns‚
Bh-iy-I-Xbpw kaq-lsØ t_m≤y-s∏-Sp-ØpIbpw e£y-an-´m-bn-cp-∂p.
C∂v \ΩpsS kwÿm\w t\cn-Sp∂ AXn
cq£-amb sshZypXn {]Xn-k‘
- n°v CS-bm-°nb
kml-N-cy-߃ krjvSn-°p-∂-Xn¬ Cu I]S
(tijw 20-˛mw t]Pn¬)
ARR & ERC for 2012-13
A Critical analysis
Kurian Sebastian
markets at very high rates to meet the
requirements. This results in the weaker financial
position of the Board.
erala State Electricity Board has filed the ARR
& ERC statements for the year 2012-13 before
the Regulatory Commission and public hearing
has been conducted at Ernakulam and
Thiruvananthapuram. The statements show
Aggregate Revenue Requirement of Rs 9638.12
Cr. and total income of Rs. 6397.87 Cr. Resulting
in a huge revenue gap of Rs. 3240.25 Cr. The
revenue gap of this kind should be seen in a
broader perspective considering the financial
position of the utilities all over India. Out of the
44 utilities in India only 11 utilities are operating
without financial loss. The accumulated loss of
the utilities all over India has drastically
increased to Rs. 63210 Cr. by the end of the
financial year 2010-11. These figures are
excluding the subsidy of Rs. 30000 Cr. given by
various Governments. The financial crises of the
utilities are deepening in the light of the power
crisis prevailing in the country.
supplementing each other. The
failure of State Regulatory
Commissions in delivering
statutory responsibilities is also
pushing the sector towards a
crisis. Load shedding and power
cuts are existing in most of the
states. These restrictions curb
the purchase of costlier power so
as to reduce the power purchase
cost. It is to be seen that KSEB
has not introduced any power
restrictions till date but have been
availing power from liquid fuel
stations and from short term
The revenue gap of Rs 3240 Cr in ARR &
ERC submitted by KSE Board is mainly due to
the increase in power purchase cost. At present
60 % of Revenue Requirement is for purchase
of power. Consumption of heavily subsidised
domestic sector has been reached at 48 % of
the total energy consumed. As a result peak
demand is 50 % higher than off-peak demand.
Energy demand in the state is increasing by 7
to 8 % per year. More over increase in cost of
power purchase has not been adequately
compensated through tariff revisions over the
years. Increase in cost of generation in thermal
projects due to dependence on imported coal
as well as phenomenal rise in price of crude oil
and upward revision of tariff norms of central
generating stations by CERC increase the
financial burden on the utilities. New regulations
for sharing of inter-state transmission charges
create adverse impact on KSEB finance. Due
to transmission constraints in Southern grid,
import capability is limited to 1500 MW only.
This has forced KSEB to schedule RGCCPP,
Variable cost of energy from these
stations is about Rs.10.50 per
The expected generation from
the internal stations is 7309.72
MU and by purchase of power is
12041.12 MU to meet a
consumption of 17139.62 MU with
a peak demand of 3504 MW
against consumption 15947.45
MU and peak demand of 3306
MW for 2011-12. Consumption in
this water year so far is more than
1193 MU than last year. Further,
it is more than 510 MU than that
approved by the Commission
MARCH 2012
ARR & ERC for 2012-13
The ARR for 2012-2013
Generation of power
Purchase of power
Rs in Cr
Interest and finance charges
Employee cost
Repair and Maintenance
Administration and
General Expenses
Other Expenses
Sub total
Less: Interest capitalized
Less: Expenses Capitalized
Net Expenditure
Statutory surplus/ROE
The power purchase cost for 2012-13 is Rs
5659 Cr. which is 88.45 % of the ERC. In order
to limit the schedule of power from liquid fuel
stations and to reduce cost of power purchase,
it is proposed to regulate the energy
consumption of all categories of consumers
during 2012-2013. HT, EHT, Bulk consumers and
Railways will be permitted to consume 85 % of
the average energy consumption during previous
one year at the normal tariff. LT -II,LT-IV,LTVI(A),VI(B),VI(C),VII(A),VII(B) and VII(C)
categories of consumers will be permitted to
consume 85 % of the average energy
consumption during the previous one year at
normal tariff. Domestic consumers will be
permitted to consume up to 300 units per month
at the normal tariff. The consumers will be
allowed to consume energy over and above the
ceiling on payment of actual cost of additional
power purchase/ generation from liquid fuel
stations based on marginal cost principle. LT
(V) Agriculture, LT-VI (D) Orphanages and public
lighting will be exempted.
Why are these restrictions necessary?
These restrictions establish the need for internal
capacity addition with in the state. The road
blocks to hydel projects like Athirappilly,
Pooyankutty , thermal projects such as
Cheemeni (Coal from Baitarani) and lack of
natural gas allocation to liquid fuel stations of
Kerala are to be analysed in this context. Road
blocks to transmission projects such as
Thirunelvely-Edamon 400 kV line, MysoreEdarikode 400 kV line etc increase the corridor
congestion. Delay in Commissioning of
Koodamkulam plant is doubly damaging since
a fall in expected availability by 266 MW for
Kerala is deficit. These trends can be
considered as the impact of de-licensing of
generation as per Act 2003. No generator in
the country, either public or private, can be held
responsible under regulatory regime for lack of
capacity addition, only market is answerable.
In view of burgeoning power purchase cost
and provision in the Act to reduce cross subsidy
there is a possibility of tariff shock to certain
group of consumers – especially domestic
consumers. Why the Commission is hesitant
to be guided by policy direction issued by state
government in 2006 ?. We are of the opinion
Commission may take the policy direction
issued by state government in public interest
as a guiding factor. Meeting the entire power
demand through additional power procurement
is likely to result in unmanageable revenue gap
and thus tariff shock to the consumers. Also,
the National Electricity Policy prescribes that
electricity shall be provided to those who are
prepared to pay. Thus the proposal of KSEB to
restrict demand to manageable levels and provide
power as demanded over the restricted quantum
at actual cost Meets the twin objectives of
National policy on avoiding tariff shock and at
the same time providing power who are prepared
to pay. Major industries also have the option of
substantial energy conservation as well as
availing alternate power as deemed open access
consumers. The industrial tariff has remained
the lowest in the country. Due to the low tariff
provided by KSEB, industries in Kerala are not
taking any efforts in controlling energy charges
by way of Setting up hydro projects already
allotted to them such as Palchuram (3.5 MW),
Attle (6 MW), Thuvallar (4 MW), Adakkathode
ARR & ERC for 2012-13
The increase in Power Purchase cost of KSEB is as below
(Source: True up orders, ARR&ERC orders and ARR & ERC filings)
(2.5 MW) to Binani Zinc, Kurishadi (0.75 MW)
Bhoothathankettu (16MW) to Silcal mettallurgic,
Barapole (21 MW) to TCC etc. They are also
not investing in energy conservation
technologies, which have become a global
Interest and financial charges have been
projected as 521.21 Cr against 366.72 Cr. for
2011-12 which recorded an increase of 42.12%
over the previous year. It is mainly due to the
increase in interest on out standing loans and
bonds which increased from 154.71 Cr. to 252.91
Cr. which was caused because of the increased
interest rates. The employee cost increased to
Rs. 2231.46 Cr. in 2012-13 which records an
increase of 16.70 % than the last year. The
increase is reasonable considering the pay
revision implemented in KSE Board. Wage
structure in KSEB not higher than other
distribution utilities in the country. Number of
employees when benchmarked with number of
consumers is low in Kerala. KSEB is the 3rd
largest utility in the country on account of
consumer base. The cost structure of KSEB
needs to be understood in this back ground.
The increase allowed in employee cost while
determining tariff norms by CERC is 50% on
account of 6th pay commission implementation.
Against this the increase due to pay revision in
KSEB is around 20% only. Thus the number of
employees as well as the wage structure in
KSEB is reasonable. The conclusion that the
increase is exorbitant is based on wrong
understanding of the situation.
Hon’ble Commission is in the process of
notifying regulations applicable to KSEB. The
process is in compliance with the orders of
Hon’ble Appellate Tribunal. In the absence of an
adequate regulation and in view of the directions
of Appellate Tribunal Hon’ble Commission has
followed an adhoc methodology prescribed in
MARCH 2012
ARR & ERC for 2012-13
ERC for 2012-2013
Rs. In Cr
Tariff Income
Non- Tariff Income
Total Income
an unrelated regulation for allowing O&M costs
of KSEB like Employee cost, A&G expenses
and R&M expenses for the year 2011-12. Such
pick and choose approach of the Commission
has resulted in huge disallowance of genuine
expenditures. Since the process of notifying
regulations are still incomplete and it is
apprehended that the same inadequate
methodology may be continued for this years
ARR also our submission is that the principles
adopted in approving the O&M costs needs
improvements in light of subsequent
for retail price index and X is the efficiency factor.
Thus the price is not allowed to increase in tune
with inflation. Or in other words, the ‘real price’
of a product reduces over a period. To regulate
various cost components also the same
principles are followed. The regulation is different
from ‘cost plus’ regulations followed in India as
mandated in the National Tariff Policy.
On an analysis of the O&M expenses taking
the base year as 2008-09 it can be seen that
the O&M expenses for 2012-13 has been arrived
taking the efficiency gain ‘X ‘as 6.36%, which
resulted in a reduction of Ps. 7.18/ unit over the
Retail Price Index. Thus, while the Hon’ble
Commission justified the methodology
suggesting that ‘X’ has been taken as zero, in
reality KSEB has already achieved handsome
efficiency gains. The actual efficiency gains were
lost sight off by the Hon’ble Commission due to
inappropriate application of the principles of price
cap regulations. Such inappropriateness has
crept in the order due to the absence of a
properly framed regulation in the State
When a review of order for 2011-12 was
sought by KSE Board the Commission has
explained the rational of the order based on
On the matter of employee cost KSEB
principles of performance based regulations.
out the lower cost in Kerala in
Commission has gone on elaborate the principle
with all the major utilities in the
as ‘RPI-X’ regulation. Further the Commission
the support of authentic data.
has reasoned that the efficiency factor “X” is
discarded the data
taken as zero by the commission and would
an urban nature. It
adequately compensate for increase in business
density in
volume. The assumption of
the Commission that
O&M Expenses – Efficiency gain (Base year 2008-09)
efficiency factor is taken as
Trued Up
Zero is not factual. It
appears that the approach
is overlapping between price O&M cost in Ps/Unit
cap regulations followed in After excluding section 3(1) duty
some mature regulatory to enable benchmarking
regimes with the ‘cost plus with trued up figures of 2008-09
regime’ followed in India.
Increase over base year
Price cap regulations are
followed in some matured Inflation over base year
regulatory systems; was Allowable O&M expenses
initiated in UK. The price of under principles of price
electricity, or any regulated cap regulation (Ps/Unit)
product, is allowed to
increase annually at a rate Efficiency gain – X in %
of RPI-X; where RPI stands Efficiency gain – in Ps/Unit
ARR & ERC for 2012-13
Kerala due to its urban nature could be used
innovatively to reduce employee cost. However,
the data brought out by Shunglu panel suggests
that the customer density in Kerala is lower than
various distribution utilities having a much more
employee cost per consumer. All the data
suggest that the unreasonable cut in costs of
KSEB is only underlining the findings of Shunglu
panel – the failed regulatory institution. The
model regulations accept business volume
(Sales volume) as a factor in allowing different
costs like Employee cost, A&G expenses, R&M
expenses etc. Chairman, CERC has already
endorsed the model regulations and has advised
the SERC’s to follow the same. In view of the
current regulatory practices in India, the Hon’ble
Commission may accept the principle rather
than sticking to an unrelated regulation.
Leveraging on the positive factors of Kerala
system the proposal aims at improving the
services offered by KSEB to the most efficient
levels in the industry through a number of
actions. The critical factor in sustaining and
developing the achievements of Kerala model is
ensuring self sufficiency in power. The major
concern in achieving this critical factor is the
road blocks in developing power projects within
the state and unavailability of cost effective fuel.
A strategy for developing the hydro potential of
Kerala, utilising the coal allocated from Baitarni,
Ensuring natural gas allocation to Kerala and
developing the renewable energy potential of the
state is to be implemented in an integrated
- ‚ v ^≠v klmbw \¬In
_\-h-e‚ v ^≠n¬ \n∂p≈ NnIn’m [\-k-lm-b-amb A≥]-Xn-\m-bncw cq] kwÿm\ h¿°nwKv
{]kn-U‚ v sP. kXy-cm-P\n¬ \n∂pw B¿. a√n-Im-tZhn (A-kn-Â v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b¿)
G‰p-hm-ßp-∂p. XZ-h-k-c-Øn¬ _\-h-e‚ v ^≠v k_vI-Ω‰n sNb¿am≥ hn. kpIp-am-c≥X-ºn, sk{I´dn iymwIp-am¿, kwÿm\˛Pn√m t\Xm-°ƒ F∂n-h¿ k∂n-ln-X-cm-bn-cp-∂p.
tImgn-t°mSv Pn√-bnse kwL-S-\mw-K-am-bn-cns° ac-W-a-S™ Akn-Â v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv
F©n-\o-b¿ {io. eØo-^ns‚ `mcybv°v _\-h-e‚ v ^≠n¬ \n∂p≈ klm-b-ambn Hcp
e£w cq]m \¬In. kwL-S-\-bpsS kwÿm\ sshkv {]kn-U‚ v t_mkv tP°-_v, tI{µ
IΩ‰n AwKw koXm-cm-a≥, Imk¿tKmUv Pn√m sk{I-´dn a[p-kq-Z-\≥, tImgn-t°mSv Pn√msk-{I-´dn lcn-\m-cm-b-W≥, Imk¿tKmUv Pn√-bnse kwL-S-\mw-K-amb Bi F∂-h¿ Xr°nc-∏q-cnse ho´n¬ h®v s^{_p-hcn 15˛\mWv Hcp e£w cq]-bpsS Un.-Un. ssIam-dn-b-Xv.
MARCH 2012
P\-d¬ sk{I-´-dnFgp-Xp∂p
sXc-s™-Sp∏p ^e-ßfpw
s^{_p-hcn 28\v \S∂ tZiob ]Wn-ap-S°pw
A©p kwÿm\ \nb-a-k-`-I-fn-te-°v \S∂
sXc- s ™- S p∏pw C¥y≥ cmjv { So- b - Ø n¬
henb Ne-\-߃°v Imc-W-am-sb-∂mWv temI
am[y-a-߃ dnt∏m¿´p-sN-bvX-Xv. tI{µ-k¿°mcn¬ am‰-ß-sfm-∂p-ap-≠m-°m≥ Ch- c≠pw CSbm-°n-√. ]t£ Ch C¥y≥ cmjv{So-b-Øn-ep≠m-°p∂ kzm[o\w sNdp-Xm-bn-cn-°n-s√∂v
CXn-\Iw Xs∂ hy‡-am-bn-´p-≠v. ]Øp-tImSn
sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ ]s¶-SpØ ]Wn-ap-S°v, I£n
cmjv{Sob t`Z-an-√msX C¥y≥ sXmgn-emfn
h¿§sØ tbmPn-∏n®p \n¿Øm≥ ]cym-]vX-ambn. AtXm-sSm∏w ]Wn-ap-S-°n-eqsS Db¿Ønb
ap{Zm-hm-Iy-߃ P\-ß-fn¬ kzm[o-\-ap-≠m-°nbn-cn-°p-∂p-sh∂v sXsc-s™-Sp∏p ^e-Ønepw
{]I-S-am-bn. aWn-∏q¿, DØ-cm-J≠v kwÿm-\ß- f n¬ tIm¨{Kkpw, tKmh- b n¬ H‰°pw
]©m-_n¬ AImenZ-fns‚ kJy-I-£n-bmbn
_nsP- ] nbpw A[n- I mc- Ø n- s e- Ø n- b n- ´ p- ≠ v .
F∂m¬ kwÿm\ßsf∂ t]cn- \ - ∏ pdw
tZiob cmjv{So-b-Øn¬ henb kzm[o-\-sam-∂pap-≠m-°m≥ Cu sNdp-kw-ÿm-\-߃°v Ignbn-√. bp.-]n.-bn-em-Is´ Cu c≠p-I-£n-Iƒ°pw
- n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. D≈-kzm-[o\w Xs∂ \jvSs∏´v Imcy-amb CS-s]-S-sem∂pw \S-Øm≥ IgnbmØ \ne-bn-te°v Cu tZiob ]m¿´n-Iƒ
amdn- b n- c n- ° p- ∂ p- s h- ∂ - X mWv DØ- c - { ]- t Ziv
\¬Ip∂ Nn{Xw.
cmlp¬ Km‘n- b psS amkv a - c n- I - X - b n¬
Fs¥ms°tbm kw`-hn-°m≥ t]mIp-∂p-sh∂v
{]Xo-£n-®p-sIm≠v bp.-]n.-bn¬ sXc-s™-Sp∏p
tKmZ- b n- e n- d - ß nb tIm¨{K- k n\v Ign™
temIv-k-`m -sX-c-s™-Sp-∏n¬ km[n® t\´wt]mepw \jvS-am-bn. Hcp ImeØv _n.-sP.-]n.bpsS {][m-\-tIm-´-bm-bn-cp∂ bp.-]n.-bn¬ CØhW Ah¿ aq∂mw ÿm\-tØ°v X≈-s∏-´p.
kwÿm\w `cn-®p-sIm-≠n-cp∂ ambm-h-Xn-bpsS
]m¿´n°v Ah-cpsS `c-W-\-b-߃Xs∂ hn\bm-bn. as‰mcp km≤y-Xbpw e`y-a-√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬
kzm`m-hn-I-ambpw ^ew kamPv hmZn-]m¿´n°v
- n¬ ]d-™X
- p-t]mse t\cn´v tI{µk¿°m-cns\ _m[n-°p-∂-X√ sXc-s™-Sp∏p
^e- ß - s f∂v ]d- b m- s a- ¶ nepw XrW- a q¬
tIm¨{Kkv AS-°-ap≈ LSII£n-I-fpsS
apdp-ap-dp∏v h¿≤n-∏n-°m≥ CXv CS-bm-°n-bn-´p≠v. dbn¬th _P-‰p-ambn _‘-s∏-´p-≠mb
\mSIw CXns‚ XpS¿®-bm-Wv. {ioe-¶-s°-Xncmb bp.-F≥.-{]-tabw Bbp-[-am°n Un.-Fw.sI.bpw CS- ™ n- c n- ° p- ∂ p. tI{µØn¬
HcnS°me sXsc-s™-Sp-∏n\v If-sam-cp-ßp-∂Xn¬ FXn¿∏n-s√∂ \ne-bmWv kamPv hmZn
]m¿´n-°p-≈-Xv. bp.-]n.-bn¬ ]pXp-Xmbn e`n®
kzm[o\w ^e-{]-Z-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-°m-sa-∂mWv
Ah¿ ImWp-∂-Xv. ]pXn-sbmcp cmjv{Sob GIoI-c-W-Øn\v Hdo- -bnse _nPp P\-Xm-Zƒ {iaam-cw-`n-®n-´p-≠v. F≥.-Un.-F. LS-I-I-£n-Iƒ°v
hncp-s∂m-cp°n tIm¨{Kkv CXn-s\-sbms°
{]Xn-tcm-[n-°m-\p-ff {ia-Øn-em-Wv.
CØ- c - Ø n- e p≈ cmjv { So- b - t Ncn- a m- ‰ - ß sfm∂pw cmPy- Ø ns‚ ASn- ÿ m\ {]iv \ ߃°v ]cn-lm-c-am-In-s√∂v P\-߃ a\- nem-°p-∂p-≠v. F∂m¬ P\-Iob cmjv{So-bØ
- n\v
apJw \¬Ip∂ \ne-bn¬ ^e-{]-Z-amb Hcp
cmjv{So-b-_-Z¬ cq]w sIm≈p-sa∂ {]Xo-£bmWv \ap-°p-≈Xv. Ign™ temI-k`m sXscs™-Sp-t∏msS AwK-_-e-Øn¬ Zp¿_-e-am-sb¶nepw CSXp ]£-Øn\v Cu kml-N-cy-Øn¬
\n¿Æm-bI DØ-ch
- m-Zn-Øß
- ƒ \n¿∆-ln-°m-\mIpw. AXmWv C¥y≥ cmjv{Sobw ImØn-cn-°p∂-Xv.
P\-d¬ sk{I-´-dn- Fgp-Xp∂p
t_m¿Uv ]p\:kwL-S\
sshZypXn t_m¿Uv ]p\: kwL-S\ kw_‘n®v Ign™ s^{_p- h cn 22\v t_m¿Uv
sNb¿am≥ hnfn-®p-Iq-´nb kwL-S\m {]Xn\n[nIfpsS tbmK-Øn¬ \ΩpsS kwL-S-\bpw
]s¶-Sp-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. sshZypXn t_m¿Uv
ISpØ sshZypXn {]Xn-k-‘nbpw kmº-ØnI
{]Xn-k-‘nbpw t\cn-Sp-I-bm-sW∂pw CXn\v
]cn- l mcw ImWp- ∂ - X n¬ kwL- S - \ - I - f psS
Iq´mb kl- I - c Ww Bh- i y- a m- s W∂pw
sNb¿am≥ Bh-iy-s∏´p tI{µ k¿°m¿ ]≤Xn-I-fn¬ \n∂v tIc-f-Øn\v A¿l-amb hnlnX- ß ƒ t\Sn- s b- S p- ° p- ∂ - X n\v t_m¿Uv
]p\:kwL-S\ ]q¿Øn-bm-hm-ØXv XS- -amsW∂pw At±lw A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. ]p\:kwLS\ ]q¿Øo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xn\v kwL-S-\-I-fpsS
kl-I-cWw A`y¿∞n-°p-I-bmWv tbmK Dt±i- s a∂pw At±lw ]d- ™ p. t_m¿Uns‚
s]mXpÿnXn kw_-‘n® Hcp ss…Uv {]kt‚-j\pw \S-Øp-I-bp-≠m-bn.
sshZypXn t_m¿Uns\ H‰ ÿm]-\-ambn
s]mXp-ta-J-e-bn¬ \n¿Øp-I-sb∂ {]Jym-]nX
e£y-Øn¬ hn´p-hogvN sNømsX ]p\:kwLS\ ]q¿Øn-bm-°p-∂-Xn¬ hntbm-Pn-∏n-s√∂
\ne-]m-SmWv \mw tbmK-Øn¬ kzoI-cn-®X
- v. Poh\- ° m- c psS tkh- \ - t h- X \ hyh- ÿ - I ƒ,
s]≥j≥ AS-°-ap≈ B\p-Iq-ey-߃ F∂nh-sb√mw kwc-£n-°-s∏-S-Ww. AXn-\p-X-Ip∂
\ne-bn¬ Poh-\-°m-cp-sSbpw Hm^o-k¿am-cpsSbpw kwL-S-\-I-fp-ambn Icm¿ D≠m-°-Ww.
s]≥j≥ ^≠mbn Ct∏mƒ I≠n- c n- ° p∂
XpI XnI®pw ]cn-an-X-am-Wv. k¿°m-cn-te°v,
ASpØ ]Øp h¿jw AS-t°-≠n-h-cp∂ Uyq´nbn¬\n∂pw e`y-am-°p∂ 2500 tImSn cq], hm´¿
AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS IpSn-»nI Fgp-Xn-Ø-≈nb hIbn¬ k¿°m¿ \¬Ip∂ 524 tImSn cq], 2000
tImSn-bpsS t_m≠v F∂n-ßs\ BsI 5024
tImSn cq]-bpsS s]≥j≥ ^≠mWv Dt±-in°p-∂-sX-∂mWv tcJ-I-fn¬ \n∂v a\- n-em-°p∂-Xv. C∂sØ \ne-bn¬ Imem-\p-k-cWw ]cnjv°-cW߃ \S-∏m°n apt∂m´p t]mIm≥
Cu ^≠v XnI®pw A]-cym-]vX-am-Wv. BIvNq-
dn- b ≥ hmep- t h- j ≥ \SØn Cu XpI
]p\:\n›-bn-°-Ww. h¿jm-h¿jw CXv hmepth-js‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ ]pXp-°n, Ipd-hpIƒ ]cn- l - c n- ° m≥ hyh- ÿ - I - f p- ≠ m- I - W w,
s]≥j\v k¿°m¿ Kymc- ≠ n- b p- ≠ m- I - W w,
Ct∏m-gsØ Poh-\-°m-tcm-sSm∏w C\n ÿm]\-Øn¬ \nb-an-°-s∏-Sp-∂-h¿°pw s]≥j≥
AS-°-ap≈ F√m Ah-Im-i-ßfpw D≠m-bn-cn°p-sa∂v Dd-∏m-°W
- w F∂p≈ Ah-iy-ßf
- mWv
\mw tbmK-Øn¬ Db¿Øn-b-Xv.
sshZyXn {]Xn-k-‘nbpw kmº-ØnI {]Xnk-‘nbpw c≠mbn ImtW-≠-X-s√∂pw H∂v
as‰m∂ns‚ XpS¿®-bm-sW∂pw \Ωƒ hy‡am-°n. sshZypXn ]≤-Xn-Iƒ Gs‰-SpØp \SØp-∂-Xn¬ i‡-amb \ne-]mSp kzoI-cn-°m≥
Cu kml-N-cy-Øn¬ t_m¿Uv Xøm-dm-I-Ww.
sshZypXn t_m¿Un\v e`y- a m- b n- ´ p≈ hensbmcp \n[n-bmWv ss_X-cWn I¬°-cn-∏m-Sw.
75000 tImSn- cq]bn-e-[nIw hne-a-Xn-°p∂ Cu
kzØv IqSn I≠p sIm≠p thWw kmºØnI {]Xn-k-‘nsb hne-bn-cp-Øp-hm≥. CXv
^e-{]-Z-ambn D]-tbm-K-s∏SpØm≥ \S-]-Sn-bp≠m-I-Ww. CtXm-sSm∏w Xs∂ Du¿÷m-kq-{XW-Øn¬ D≠m-Ip∂ ]mfn-®-Iƒ Xncp-Øm≥
t_m¿Uv amt\-Pvsa‚ v Xøm-dm-I-W-sa∂pw \mw
Ign™ k¿°mcns‚ ImeØv sshZypXn
t_m¿Uns‚ ]q¿Æ-tbm-K-Øn¬ sXmgn-em-fn-˛Hm-^o-k¿am-cpsS kwL-S\
- I
- t- fmSv N¿®- \-SØn
Xocp-am-\n-®m¬ aXn-sb∂v ]d-™p -am-‰n-sh®
hIp-∏p-Xe {]tam-j≥ kan-Xn-Iƒ bmsXmcp
N¿®bpw IqSmsX \S-∏m-°m≥ Xocp-am-\n®
t_m¿Uv amt\-Pvsa‚ v \S]-Sn-bnse {]Xn-tj[hpw \mw tcJ- s ∏- S p- Ø n. (Cu DØ- c hv
t_m¿Uv ]p\:kwL-S-\-°p-tijw Cd-°m-am-bncp-∂p-sh∂v A`n-{]m-b-s∏´ F©n-\o-tb¿kv
At m- k n- t b- j s‚ kao- ] \w tbmK- Ø n¬
]s¶-SpØ F√m-h-tcbpw A¤p-X-s∏-Sp-Øn.)
{]tam-j-\p-Iƒ \S-°m-Ø-X-S°w Hm^o-k¿amcp-sSbpw Poh-\-°m-cp-tSbpw AXr-]vXn°v ImcW- a m- I p∂ t_m¿Uv \S- ] - S n- I - f n¬ \ΩpsS
- °
- p≈ {]Xn-tj[w IqSn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn(tijw 34˛mw t]Pn¬)
MARCH 2012
- n-{X-Ønse
- I
- f
- n-√mØ ]Wn-ap-S°v
2012 s^{_p-hcn 28
‰n.-sI. Pb-Ip-am¿
sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ henb Bth-i-Øns‚ AeI-S¬ krjvSn-® Cu h¿jsØ G‰hpw
henb kw`hw ˛ hnhn[ t{SUv bqWnb-\p-I-fn¬ am{Xw AwK-ß-fmb ]Øv
tImSn-bn¬ ]cw sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ,
tI{µ kwÿm\ Poh- \ - ° m¿,
_m¶v Poh- \ - ° m¿, hnhn[
hn`mKw Hm^o-k¿am¿, hym]m-c-kaq- l w, Akw- L - S nX taJ- e - b nse
tImSm-\p-tImSn sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ, X߃
hniz-kn-°p∂ sImSn-I-fpsS \ndw ad∂v
2012 s^{_p-hcn 28\v tI{µ k¿°m-cns‚
BtKm-fo-I-c-W-˛-sXm-gn-emfn hncp≤ \b߃°v ISpØ Xm°oXv \¬In-sIm≠v
H∂-S¶w ]Wn-ap-S-°n. cmPysØ ]Xns\m∂v tI{µ-t{SUv bpWn-b-\p-I-fpsS
kwbp-‡-k-anXn apt∂m-´p-h® ]Øv ap{Zm-hmIy-߃ cmPysØ alm-`q-cn-]£w hcp∂ P\ßfpw s\t©-‰p-hmßn, ]Wn-ap-S-°n\v sFIyZm¿Vyw {]Jym-]n-®p. Aßs\ kzX{¥ `mcXw
I≠ G‰hpw henb ]Wn-ap-S°pam-bn.
C¥y-bpsS kp{]-[m\ kmº-ØnI˛K-Xm-KX˛hyh-km-b˛k¿∆okv taJeIsfm-s°- \n-›e-am-bn. temI P\-kw-Jy-bpsS aq∂mw ÿm\w
Iøm-fp∂ Ata-cn° (31.3 tImSn) bpsS ]IpXn-bn¬ IqSp-X¬ P\-߃ Cu ]Wn-ap-S-°Øn¬ IÆn tN¿∂p. hnI-knX apX-em-fnØ
cmPy-ß-fmb P¿Ω\n (8.17 tImSn) {^m≥kv
(6.53 tImSn) bp.sI (6.2 tImSn) Bkvt{S-enb
(2.28 tImSn) XpS-ßnb cmPy-ß-fpsS apgp-h≥
P\-kw-Jy-bpsS aq∂pw \mepw Cc-´n-bn-e-[nIw
sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ Cu ]Wn-ap-S-°-Øn¬ ]s¶SpØv temIØv Xs∂ kam-\-X-I-fn-√mØ Hcp
]WnapS°mbn amdn, 2012 s^{_p-hcn 28teXv.
hne-°-b‰w XS-bp-I, sXmgn¬ kwc-£Ww
Dd-∏m-°pI ˛ sXmgn-emfn hncp≤ sXmgn¬ \nba- ß ƒ Xncp- Ø p- I , {]Xn- a mk an\naw
thX\w ]Xn- \ m- b ncw cq]- b m°n
Db¿Øp- I . s]mXp- t a- J - e - b psS
kzIm-cy-h-XvI-c-W-hpw, Hml-cnhn¬∏-\bpw Ah-km-\n-∏n-°p-I,
kmaqly kpc£ ]≤-Xn-bpw,
t_mW- k v , s]≥j≥˛]≤- X nIfpw km¿∆-{Xn-I-am-°p-I, t{SUv
bqWn-b≥ Ah-Im-ihpw ˛ ka-cmh-Im-ihpw kwc-£n-°pI XpS-ßnb
ap{Zm-hm-Iy-߃ C≥Uy≥ P\-X-bpsS
99 iX-am-\Ø
- ns‚bpw Ah-Im-i{- ]-Jym]-\-am-bn- am-dn. 99 iX-am\w F∂ ap{Zmhm- I y- a p- b ¿Øn ]n¥n- c n- ∏ ≥ kmºØnI \b-߃s°-Xnsc Ata-cn-°-bn¬
\S-°p∂ hmƒkv{So‰v ]nSn-s®-Sp-°¬ ka-cw,
bqtdm-]y≥ cmPy-ß-fn¬ Ae-b-Sn-°p∂ sXmgnem-fn-h¿§-ap-t∂-‰ß
- ƒ F∂n-hb
- psS ]›mØeØn- e mWv s^{_p- h cn 28s‚ ]Wn- a p- S - ° tØbpw ImtW-≠-Xv.
1990-I-fn¬ cmPyØv Bcw-`n® \h-en-_-d¬,
BtKm-fo-I-cW \b-ßsf i‡-ambn ]n≥XpW- ® - h ¿, kmº- Ø nI taJe i‡n- s ∏- S pw,
hymh-km-bnI apt∂‰w D≠m-Ipw, sXmgn¬
taJe hf¿® {]m]n-°pw, Fs∂ms° ]d™v
{]N-cn-∏n-®-h¿t]mepw Cu ]Wn-ap-S-°-Øn¬
Bth-i-tØmsS ]s¶-Sp-Øp. sF.-Fw.-F-^v.Dw
temI _m¶pw apt∂m´p h® Uu¨ sskknwKv, tKmƒU¨ lm≥Uv tjIv, lb¿ &^b¿,
F∂o- B[p-\nI hnj-hm-°p-Iƒ ]pXnb cq]Ønepw `mh-Ønepw \ΩpsS kaq-lØnte°v
IS- ∂ p- h ∂v PohnX kml- N cyw Zp - l - a m°nbtXmsS kz¥w \ne- \ n- e v ] n- s \- X s∂
tNmZyw sNøp∂p F∂ Xncn-®-dn-hmWv aqh¿Æ11
s°m-Sn-tb-¥nb sXmgn-em-fn-I-fpw, Imhn-s°m-Sntb-¥nb sXmgn-em-fn-I-fpw, sNs¶m-Sn-tb-¥n-bh¿s°m∏w AWn-\n-c∂ Cu Ncn{X alm-k-acw. Poh- \ p‰ Cu sFIy- \ n- c °v Hcp
ImcWhimepw apdn-th¬°m≥ ]mSn-√. sFIyØns‚ IÆn-Iƒ GsX-¶nepw Xe-ß-fn¬ apdn™n-´p-s≠-¶n¬ AXv hnf-°n-t®¿Øv Pohn-°m\p≈ Ah-Im-i-Øn-\mbn sXmgn-emfn `n∂-XIƒ ad∂v H‰ ico-c-ambn amdmw.
sshZypXn t_m¿Unepw, a‰p taJ-e-bn¬
F∂-t]mse sFIy-Øns‚ ]pXnb Ncn{Xw
cNn®p sIm≠mWv sXmgn-em-fn-I-fpw, Hm^ok¿amcpw ]Wn-ap-S-°n¬ Bth-i-tØmsS ]s¶Sp-Ø-Xv. Ign™ Ime-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw hyXyÿ-am-bn, sXmgn-emfn kwL-S-\-Iƒs°m∏w
ka-c-Øn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ t\m´okv
s^{_p-hcn 13\v \¬In sIm≠v Hm^o-tkgvkv
Atkm-kn-tb-j\pw kwbp‡ {]hr-Ø-\-ßfn¬ kPoh km∂n≤yw Dd-∏n-®p. sXmÆqdv iXam\w sshZypXn t_m¿Uv Poh-\-°m-cpw, Hm^ok¿amcpw ]¶p-tN¿∂ Cu ]Wn-ap-S-°n¬ Hcp
F≥Pn-\o-b¿ kwLw am{X-amWv amdn-\n-∂-Xv.
F≥Pn-\n-tbgvkv Atkm-kn-tb-js‚ tI{µ
kwL-S-\-bm-b, ]h¿ F©n-\o-tbgvkv s^Utd-j\pw ]Wn-ap-S-°n¬ ]¶m-fn-bm-bn´pw Ft¥
tIc-f-Øn¬ F©n-\o-tbgvkv Atkm-kn-tbj≥ am{Xw amdn \n∂p? kwL- S - \ m- t \- X m°ƒ°mbn-s√-¶nepw, B kwL-S\bnse AwK߃ kzbw H∂p- Nn-¥n°Ww {][m\ ap{ZmhmIy-ß-fmb s]≥j≥ kwc-£n-°pI, t_mWkv
{Km‰p-hn‰n ]cn[n FSp-Øp-I-f-bp-I, s]mXp
taJebpsS Hml- c nhn¬∏\ Ah- k m- \ n- ∏ n°pI Ch--c psS AwK߃°pw _m[-I-at√?
tN¿∂v \n∂p- s Im≠v
kz¥w Imcy- w t\- S nsbSp°m\pw, ka- c °msc
X≈m\p- a p≈ {iaw
Atß-b‰w A]-e-\o-bam-Wv. sFIy-Øns‚ ]XmI Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn-®psIm≠v tI{µ-k¿°m-cns‚ \h-en-_-d¬ \b߃s°-Xnsc H∂n-°m≥ Imew Htcm-cp-ØtcmSpw Bh-iy-s∏-Sp∂Xv I≠ns√∂v \Sn®v
ImWn-I-sf-t∏mse amdn-\n¬°p-∂Xv `qj-WamtWm?
temIw Ct∂hsc I≠ G‰hpw henb
sXmgn-emfn sFIy-tØ-bpw, ]Wn-ap-S-°-tØbpw, AtX A¿∞-Øn¬ ImWm\pw, dnt∏m¿´v
sNøm\pw \ΩpsS ]e am[y-a-ßfpw Xøm-dmbn-√ F∂Xpw \mw ImtW-≠-Xp-≠v. Cu henb
sXmgn-em-fn-ap-t∂-‰sØ \nkm-c-h-XvI-cn-°m≥
C¥y-bnse am[y-a-߃ t_m[-]q¿∆w {iahpw
\S-Ønbn-cp∂p F∂Xv tJZ-Ic
- a
- m-Wv. Zn√n-bnse
cmweoe ssaXm-\n-bn¬ _m_m- cmw-tZhv \rØ
kXym-{Klw \S-Øn-bm¬ AXv {][m-\-hm¿Øbm-Ipw, kv{Xoku-µ-cysØ hn¬∏\®c-°m°p∂ kuµ-cy-a-’-c-߃ _lp-h¿Æ-Nn-{X-ßtfmsS ap≥t]- P n¬ Xs∂- { ]- Z ¿in- ∏ n- ° pw.
AØcw hm¿Ø- I ƒ°v Aan- X - { ]m- [ m\yw
\¬Ip∂ \mS≥ ]{X apX-em-fn-am¿°v ]Wn-apS-°ns‚ {]m[m-\ysØ Dƒs°m-≈m≥ Ign-™n√- F-¶nepw km{am-Py-Xzm-\p-Iqe A¥¿tZ-iob
hm¿Øm GP≥kn- I ƒ t]mepw C¥y- b n¬
\S∂ tZiob ]Wn-ap-S-°n\v henb {]m[m-\yamWv \¬In-b-Xv.
Zn thmbnkv Hm^v Ata-cn° ap≥t]-Pn¬
Xs∂ ""C≥Uy-bnse tZi-hym-]I ]Wn-ap-S°v
kmº- Ø nI \b- ß sf e£yw sh°p- ∂ p.
sXmgn-emfn hncp-≤-\-b-ß-fn¬ {]Xn-tj-[n®v \SØnb ]Wn-ap-S-°n¬ C≥Uy-bnse aq∂v kp{]MARCH 2012
kam-\-X-I-fn-√mØ ]Wn-ap-S°v
[m\ taJ- e - I ƒ
kvXw`n-®p. sXmgn-emfn- I - f pw, Poh- \ °mcpw ]Wn-ap-S-°nb-Xn-\m¬ KXm-K-X,
t]mì k¿∆o-kpIƒ
cmPy- X - e ÿm\Øpƒ∏sS
tIm¨{Kkv \bn°p∂ a≥tam- l ≥knwKv k¿°m- c ns‚ \b߃°p≈ Xncn-®-Sn- Iq-Sn-bm-Wn-Xv. {][m-\-a-{¥nbp- t S- b pw, a‰- [ n- I m- c n- I - f p- t Sbpw \nc- ¥ c
A`y¿∞-\-Iƒ X≈n-bmWv sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ
]Wn-ap-S-°n-bXv'' F∂n-ßs\ \√-co-Xn-bn¬
]Wn-ap-S°v hm¿Ø -Ah¿ dn-t∏m¿´v sNbvXp.
A¬P-kod dnt∏m¿´p sNbvXXv t\m°p-I,
""C≥Uy-bnse tImSn-°-W-°n\v sXmgn-em-fnIƒ, sXmgn¬ kpc£ Dd- ∏ - m °p- ∂ - X n- \ pw,
sXmgn¬ Ah-Imi-߃ kwc-£n-°p-∂-Xn-\pw,
hne-°-b‰w XSbp∂Xn\pw F∂pw a‰p-ap≈
ap{Zm-hm-Iy-ß-fp-b¿Øn 24 aWn-°q¿ ]Wn-ap-S°n.''
P°m-¿Ø t•m_v dnt∏m¿´v sNøp∂p ˛
""sXmgn¬ \nb-a-߃ kwc-£n-°p-I, an\naw
thX\w ]Xn-\m-bncw cq]-bm°n Db¿Øp-I
F∂o Bh- i y- ß ƒ t\Sn- s b- S p- ° p- ∂ - X n\v
th≠nbp≈ cmPy- h ym- ] I ]Wn- a p- S °v
C≥Uy≥ kn‰n-Isf B™-Sn-®p. tImSn-°-W°n\v sXmgn- e m- f n- I ƒ ]Wn- a p- S - ° n¬ ]¶ptN¿∂p.''
ªpw s_¿Kv hm¿Øm GP≥kn- b psS
dnt∏m¿´n¬ ""Zi- e - £ - ° - W - ° n\v C≥Uy≥
sXmgn-em-fn-Iƒ \S-Ønb ]Wn-ap-S-°n¬ _m¶pIƒ ]q¿Æ-ambn AS-™p-In-S-∂p, s]mXp-K-XmKXw kvXw`n®p'' F∂pw dnt∏m¿´v sNøp-∂p.
F∂nßs\ C≥Uy-bn¬ \S∂ ]Wn-ap-S°v
G‰-hpw- h-enb hm¿Ø-bm°n temI hm¿Ømam-[y-a-߃ {][m\ Xe-s°-t´msS dnt∏m¿´v
sNøp-I-bp-≠m-bn. ChnsSbmWv \mw ]Ww
sImSpØp hmßn -hm-bn-°p∂ Chn-SpsØ ]{XKSEBOA News
߃ F{X- a m{Xw
\tΩmSv ImWn- ° p∂Xv F∂ kXyw
Xncn- ® - d n- t b≠Xv.
cmwtZ- h pw, Bƒ
ssZh hyh- k m- b ßfpw {]Io¿Øn-°s∏-Sp-tºmƒ, 99 iXam- \ - Ø ns‚ kac
sXmgn-em-fn-h¿§ {]t£m`ßfpw Xa-kvI-cn-°s∏-Sp-∂p.
C≥Uy≥ sXmgn-em-fn-h¿K kac sFIyw,
{]I-S-am-°nb Cu ]Wn-ap-S°v kzIm-cy-hvX-Ic- W - Ø n- \ pw, Nqj- W - Ø n\pw hne- ° - b - ‰ apƒ∏sSbp≈ P\- t {Zm- l m- [ n- j v T n- X , kmºØnI \b- ß ƒ°psaXnsc AXn- i - ‡ - a mb
_lp-P-\-k-acambn amdp-∂p. bp]nF k¿°mcns‚ \h-en-_-d¬ kmº-ØnI \b-߃s°Xn-sc-bp≈ i‡-amb Xm°oXm-WnXv.
bqdnb Dƒ∏- s S- b p≈ cmk- h - f - ß - f psS
k_vknUn FSp- Ø p- I - f ™v I¿j- I sc
ho≠pw Bfl-l-Xy-bn-te-°v Ah¿ \-bn-°p∂p.
sdbn¬th Nc-°p-Iq-enbpw bm{Xm-Iq-enbpw
s]t{Sm-fnbw DXv]-∂-ß-fpsS hnebpw ho≠pw
h¿≤n-∏n®pw, hne-°-b‰w krjvSn-°p-∂p. Hmlcn-hn-‰-gn®v s]mXp-kzØv apX-em-fn-am¿°v Xp—hn-ebv°v ssIam‰w sNøp∂p. temIw I≠
lnam-e-b≥ Agn-a-Xn-Iƒ \n¿_m[w XpS-cpI
F∂ clky AP≠ Ah-km-\n-∏n-°m-\pw,
s]mXp-_-P‰neqsS P\-ß-fpsS ta¬ A[n-`mcw
ASn-t®¬∏n°mw F∂ Xocp-am-\ß
- f
- n¬ \n∂pw
]n≥Xn-cn-bpI F∂ ktµiw IqSn-bm-Wv Cu
s]mXp-]-Wn-ap-S-°v k¿°m-cn\v \¬Ip-∂-Xv.
Cu ]Wn- a p- S °v Db¿Ønb sXmgn- e mfn
sFIyhpw apt∂-‰hpw ImWmsX apt∂m´p
t]mbm¬ \ΩpsS cmPyØv 99 iX- a m\w
Db¿sØ-gp-t∂¬°pw, s^{_p-hcn 28s‚ kacm-·n- ho≠pw B-fn-∏-S-cpw F∂p am{X-a√ B
A·n- P zm- e - b v ° p ap∂n¬ c≠mw bq.- ] n.- F .
k¿°m¿ ap´p-a-S-t°-≠n-hcpw C≥Uy≥ sXmgnem-fn-h¿§w D®-Øn¬ {]Jym-]n-°p-∂p.
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
km¿∆-tZ-iob h\n-Xm-Zn-\-w
am¿®v 8 \v sI.-Fk
- v.C
- .-_n. Hm^otkgv k v Atkmkn- t b- j s‚
h\nXm k_v IΩn-‰n-bpsS B`nap- J y- Ø n¬ sshZypXn `h\w
]cn- k - c Øv sXcphp \mS- I w,
Ihn-Xm-em-]\w XpS-ßnb ]cn-]mSn-I-tfmsS BN-cn-®p. 75 h\n-XI-f-S°w \qdn-tesd t]¿ ]s¶Sp-Øp. ]cn-]m-Sn-bpsS DZvLm-S\w
]me- ° mSv Pn√m ]©m- b Øv
sshkv {]kn- U ‚ v {ioa- X n.
kpss_Zm Ck-lm°v \n¿∆-ln®p. tbmK-Øn¬ tI{µ-I-Ωn‰n AwKw F.-kn.
Iaew A≤y£w hln®p. kwÿm\ `mchmln {]kmZv amXyp, Pn√m sk{I-´dn Pn. hnP-
DZvLm-S\w : {ioa-Xn. kpss_Zm Ck-lm°v
b- I p- a m¿, h¿t°gv k v Atkm- k n- t b- j ≥
kwÿm\ sshkv {]kn-U‚ v {io. hn.-hn. hnPb≥, sI. kpNn{X F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn-®p.
Xriq¿ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ ap≥
tab¿ s{]m^-k¿ B¿. _nµp
h\n-Xm-Zn-\m-N-c-W-tØm-S-\p-_‘n®v sshZypXn `h\v ap∂n¬
\S∂ tbmKw D¬Lm- S \w
sNbvXp. B¿. cRvP\m-tZ-hnbpsS A≤y- £ - X - b n¬ \S∂
tbmK- Ø n¬ sI.- F - k v . C.- _ n.
h¿t°-gkv Atkm-kn-tb-j≥
Pn√m I¨ho-\¿ {ioa-Xn. Fw.hn. tim`\ kzmK-X-hpw, kwLS-\-bpsS tI{µ -I-Ω‰n AwKw
Fw.B¿. kp\nX \µnbpw ]d™p.
DZvLm-S\w : s{]m^-k¿ B¿. _nµp
Cu h¿jsØ km¿∆ tZiob h\n-Xm-Zn\w
Pn√- b n¬ h¿t°gv k v At m- k n- t b- j \pw
Hm^otkgvkv At m-kn-tb-j\pw kwbp-‡ambn am¿®v 8˛\v BN-cn-®p.
- p-_‘
- n®v kn.
tcmln-Wn, F.-kn. imc-Zm-tZ-hn
F∂n-h¿ tN¿∂v "apt∂m´v' F∂ eLp-\m-SIhpw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.
Hm^o-tkgvkv At m-kn-tb-j-\n¬ \n∂v 63
AwK-߃ Dƒ∏sS 150-Hmfw t]¿ ]cn-]m-Sn-bn¬
MARCH 2012
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
Pn√m h\nXm k_v IΩn-‰n-bpsS
t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ 2012 am¿®v amkw 8˛mw
XobXn A¥m-cmjv{S h\nXm Zn\w
kap-Nn-X-ambn BtLm-jn-®p.
]Ø- \ w- X n´ \K- c - k `m _kv
Ãm‚ v A¶- W - Ø n¬ cmhnse 11
aWnbv°v Ah-X-cn-∏n-® eLp \mSIw, AhnsS HØp-Iq-Snb \m´p-ImcpsS A`n- \ - µ - \ - ß ƒ°¿l- a m- b n.
h¿Ø-am-\-Ime bmYm¿∞y-߃°v
t\sc ]nSn® IÆm-Sn-bmbn ImWn-Iƒ
\mS-IsØ hne-bn-cp-Øn. Fkv. Pb¥n, Fkv. Zo], sI.-]n. aWn, F≥.
Xpf-ko-[-c≥, Pn. {ioIp-am¿, _meN-{µ≥ F∂n-h¿ hnhn[ thj-߃
CXn-\p-tijw A_m≥ B¿t°Un¬ h®p \S∂ h\nXm Zn\ ktΩf\w {KŸ- i mem kwLw Pn√m
{]kn- U ‚ v {ioaXn sI.B¿.
kpioe DZvLm- S \w sNbvXp.
Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ kwÿm\ kanXn-bw-Kw sI. {ioIe A≤y-£-bmbn-cp∂ tbmK-Øn¬ {iotZhn hnjbm-h-X-cWw \S-Øn. IqSmsX, sI.sP. ssja, Fkv Zo] XpS-ßn-bhcpw kwkm-cn-®p.
tlm´¬ A¿t°-Un-b-bn¬ sh®v
km¿h-tZ-iob h\nXm Zn\-Øns‚
`mK-ambn sI. kpP-bpsS A≤y-£X-bn¬ h\nXm ktΩ-f\w \S-∂p.
amdn-h-cp∂ Ime-L-´-Øn¬ h\n-XIƒ t\cn-Sp∂ hnj-bsØ°pdn®pw
kwL-S-\-sIm≠v i‡-cm-tI-≠p-∂Xn-s‚bpw Bh-iy-IXsb°p-dn®pw
DXvLm-SI {ioaXn hn.-sI. Pb{io
(F≥.- P n.- H . bqWn- b ≥ tIm´bw
Unkv { SnIv ‰ v sshkv {]kn- U ‚ v )
Hm¿an-∏n-®p. kwL-S-\-bpsS tI{µ-IKSEBOA News
DZvLm-S\w : {ioa-Xn. hn.-sI. Pb{io
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
Ωn‰n AwKw hn.-kn. Panen BtKm-f-h-XvI-cW
Ime-L-´-Øn¬ h\n-X-Iƒ t\cn-Sp∂ {]iv\-ßsf-°p-dn-®p≈ hnjbw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. Pn√m
{]kn-U≠v {_nPvem¬ hn., sk{I-´dn kn.-sI.
kptc-{µ≥, kwÿm-\I
- Ω
- ‰
- n-bwKw ]n.-hn. {]Zo]v
F∂n-h¿ Biw-k-I-f¿∏n-®p. Bim tPymXn,
hn≥kn amXyp, KncoPm _n. ]Wn-°¿, euen
Ipcy≥ XpS- ß n- b - h ¿ B\p- I m- e nI hnj- b ßsf°pdn-®p≈ kvIn‰v Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p-.
teJ Fkv. \mb¿, ao\ kn., Da hn.-F≥.
F∂n- h ¿
N¿®- b n¬
]s¶- S p- Ø p.
caWn AΩmƒ H.- F ≥.- h n- b psS "ag' F∂
IhnX Be-]n-®p. ap∏-Øn-b©v h\n-X-I-f-S°w
\m¬∏-Øn-bmdp t]¿ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. kmPΩ sP.
]q∂q¿ kzK-Xhpw Bi tPymXn IrX-⁄Xbpw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn.
h\nXm Zn\-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v am¿®v 8˛\v
Be-∏pg {_tZgvkv tlm´-en¬ h\n-X-I-fpsS
I¨sh≥j≥ kwLSn∏n-®p. h\nXm k∫v
IΩn‰n I¨ho-\¿ F≥.-Pn. ssee A[y£w
hln® tbmK- Ø n¬ Fw.
Cµp, Xow t]∏¿ Ah-X-cn-∏n®p. F. {]k-∂-Ip-am-cn, apJy
{]`m- j Ww
\S- Ø n.
kwÿm\ sshkv {]knU‚ v sP. a[p- e m¬ sI.
cmtP-jvtam≥, hn. cm[m-IrjvW≥ \mb¿ F∂n- h ¿
kwkm- c n- ® p. ]s¶- S pØ
F√m h\n-X-Ifpw N¿®-bn¬
]s¶-Sp-Øp. Pn√m sk{I-´dn
Fkv. cmtP-{µ≥ kzmK-Xhpw {]kn-U‚ v hn.
AtimIvIpam¿ \µnbpw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn. ]Xnaq∂v h\n-XI
- f
- S- °w Ccp-]Øn A©p-t]¿ ]s¶Sp-Øp.
Pn√-bnse h\n-Xm-Zn\ ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ am¿®v
8˛mw XobXn ]´w sF.-C.-Sn.C lmfn¬ sh®v
Bcm-[y-bmb Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw tab¿ {ioa-Xn.
sI. N{µnI DZv L m- S \w sNbv X p. tIcf
kwÿm\ h\nXm IΩo-j≥ ap≥ A≤y£
PÃn-kv. Un. {iotZhn "kv{XoIƒ t\cn-Sp∂
sh√p-hn-fn-Ifpw ]cn-lm-c-am¿§-ßfpw' F∂
hnj-b-Øn¬ {]`m-jWw \S-Øn. Xs‚ {]`m16
j-W-Øn¬ PÃnkv Un. {iotZ-hn, X\n°p
ap∂n- s e- Ø nb `qcn- ` mKw kv { Xo P∑- ß fpw
ZpcnX P∑- ß - f m- b n- c p- ∂ p- s h- ∂ pw, ssZ\yX
\nd™ ]e apJ- ß fpw Ct∏mgpw a\ n¬\n∂pw ambm≥ Iq´m-°p-∂n√ F∂pw ]d™p. `qcn-`mKw tIkp-I-fnepw hn√≥ aZy-amsW∂pw A®-S-°-ap≈ B Iyqhns‚ \ofw Ipdbp-sa-∂p≈ {]Xo£ X\n-°n-s√∂pw A\p-`MARCH 2012
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
DZvLm-S\w :
Bcm-[y-bmb tab¿ sI. N{µnI
{]`m-jWw :
PÃnkv Un. {iotZhn
e`n-t°≠ \nba ]cn-c-£sb-°p-dn®pw t_m[-h-Xn-Ifm-I-W-sa∂pw Blzm\w
sNbvXp sIm≠mWv Xs‚
Zo¿L- a mb {]`m- j Ww
PÃnkv Ah-km-\n-∏n-®-Xv.
imen\n kndnƒ, kn\ntPm¨, A\nXm t]mƒ,
A\n-X, {ioI-e, tj¿fn
F∂n-h¿ tN¿∂v "C¥y≥
kv{Xo ˛ Hcm-apJw' F∂
ß-fpsS shfn-®-Øn¬ PÃnkv Iq´n-t®¿Øp.
"tIc-f-Ønse ]pcp-j-∑m¿ Icp-Xp-∂Xv Rm\h¿s°-Xn-cm-sW--∂mWv'˛ Hcn-°-ep-a-√. ]t£,
a\p-jy-ar-K-ßsf Rm≥ shdp-°p-∂p F∂ AhcpsS hm°p-Iƒ kZ- nse kv{XoI-fp-tSXv IqSnbm-bn-cp-∂p. h\nXm IΩo-js\ kao-]n-°p-∂Xv
]mh-s∏´ {KmaoW h\n-X-Iƒ am{X-a-s√∂pw
D∂X DtZym-K-߃ hln-°p∂ hnZym-k-º-∂cmb kv{XoIƒ t]mepw PohnXw hgn-ap-´p-tºmƒ
IΩo- j s\ kao- ] n- ° p- ∂ p- s ≠∂pw PÃnkv
Hm¿Ωn-∏n®p. ]pcp-j≥ arK-ambn amdp∂ tIc-fØnse C∂sØ Ahÿ ]cn- l - c n- ° m≥,
\ΩpsS B¨Ip-´n-Ifpw s]¨Ip-´n-Ifpw hgnhn´v k©-cn-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥, ZrV-amb IpSpw-_‘-ßfpw kam-[m-\hpw kzÿ-X-bp-ap≈ IpSpw_m-¥-co-£hpw krjvSn-°-s∏-S-W-sa∂v PÃnkv. {iotZhn A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. kv{XoIƒ kz¥w
Ah-Im-i-ß-sf-∏-‰nbpw Ah l\n-°-s∏-´m¬
eLp-\m-S-I-hpw, IqSmsX kwL-Km-\hpw AhX-cn-∏n-®p. kp[m-tZhn A≤y-£-bmb NS-ßn¬
h\nXm k_vI-Ωn‰n sNb¿ s]gvk¨ Un.-kn.
sj¿fn kzmK-X-hpw, I¨ho-\¿ ‰n.-B¿. tcJ
IrX- ⁄ - X - b pw tcJ- s ∏- S p- Ø n. kwÿm\
IΩn‰n AwKw ‰n.-hn. Bi Xowt]-∏¿ Ah-X-cn∏n-®p.
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
fn¬ IqSp-X-embn hf¿∂v hcp-∂p.
hnizmkw \√- X m- s W- ¶ nepw A‘
hnizm-k-Øn-te°v t]mI-cp-Xv. AXv
kv { XoI- f psS Bflhnizmkw XIcm\pw Ah-cpsS {]Xn-I-c-W-tijn
Ipdbm\pw CS-bm-°p∂p F∂-Xm-Wv
hkvXp-X F∂pw Ah¿ Hm¿an-∏n-®p.
h\nXm k_v IΩn‰n Pn√m
I¨ho- \ ¿ F.- F ≥. {ioem- I p- a mcn
km¿h tZiob h\nXm
IÆq¿ Pn√m IΩn-‰n-bpsS
]m¿°≥kv HmUn-t‰m-dn-bØn¬ skan-\m¿ \S-Øn.
skan-\m-dns‚ DXvLm-S\w
IqØp]dºv ap\n- k n- ∏ men‰n sNb¿ t]gvk¨
kzmKXw ]d-™p. h¿t°gvkv Atkmkn-tb-j≥ kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn {ioaXn. ]n.-]n. kpPb A[y-£-X h-ln-®p.
kwL-S-\-bpsS h\nXm k_v IΩn‰n
sNb¿ t]gv k ¨ Dj Sn.- F . Xow
t]∏¿ Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. Pn√m sk{I-´dn
kn. PK-Zo-i\pw h¿t°gvkv Atkm-kntb-j≥ h\nXm k_v IΩn‰n Pn√m
I¨ho-\¿ {ioaXn jmln-Zbpw A`nhmZyw sNbvXp.
AUz-°‰v ]flP ]fl-\m`-≥ \n¿h-ln-®p.
h\nXm IΩo-j\v PpUo-jytem tIzmkn-˛Pp-Uo-jytem Bb A[n-Im-c-߃ C√m-Ø-Xn\m¬ IΩo-js‚ DØ-c-hp-Iƒ ]e-t∏mgpw \S∏m-°m-≥ _p≤n-ap´v A\p-`-h-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v. ^e{]-Z-amb a[y-h¿Øn F∂-\n-e-bn¬ ]e-t∏mgpw
IΩo-j\v {]h¿Øn-t°-≠n- h-cp-∂p F∂pw
h\n-X-Iƒ°v cmjv{Sob kmº-ØnI kmaqly
kzmX{¥yaps≠¶nte hnI-knX kaq-l-sa∂p
]d-bm≥ ]‰q. kmwkvIm-cnI Po¿ÆX kv{XoI18
IÆq¿ sshZypXn `h\v ap∂n¬
h\nXm k_v IΩn- ‰ n- b psS t\Xr- X z- Ø n¬
eLp \mSIw Ah- X - c n- ∏ n- ® p. jΩn, {]oP,
jm\m jmlp¬, eX Sn.-sI., F∂n-h¿ \mS-IØnse IYm-]m-{X-߃°v Poh≥ \¬In. (hoUntbm Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ sh_v ssk‰n¬
(www.kseboa.org) e`y-am-Wv).
At∂ Znhkw sshIp- t ∂cw 3.30\p
h¿°nßv hna≥kv tIm˛-Hm¿Un-t\-j≥ IΩn‰n-bpsS B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \S∂ h\nXm Zn\ ]cn]m-Sn-bnepw kwL-S\
- b
- psS h\nXm k_v IΩn‰n
\mSIw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.
MARCH 2012
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
Fd- W m- I qfw h\nXm
k_v IΩ-‰n-bpsS B`n-ap-JyØn¬ h\nXm Zn\m-N-cWw
am¿®v 8 \v If- a - t »- c ns{]mU-Iv‰n-hn‰n Iu¨kn¬
lmfn¬ \S- ∂ q. tbmKØn¬ Pn√m {]kn- U ‚ v
Fkv . - _ n. kptcjv IpamdmWv A≤y-£-\m-b-Xv. kn.kn. saº¿amcmb sI.-B¿.
kp\nXbpw F.- F . do\bpw kwkm- c n- ® p.
kwÿm\ sk{I-´-dn- apl-ΩZv Imknw, Pn√m
sk{I-´-dn- -kp-\n¬ kn.-F-kv, lpkv\m apwXmkv
apX-em-b-h¿ Biw-k-Iƒ
t\¿∂p. khn- X , kp[,
jo_ F∂n-h¿ N¿®-bn¬
]s¶- S pØp kwkm- c n- ® p.
an\n-hm-kp-tZ-h≥, an\n, Pn.
Djm-Ip-amcn F∂n-h¿ IhnX-Iƒ Be-]n-®p. sI.-B¿.
kp\nX, F.-F. do\, DjmIp-am-cn, kn\n-tamƒ, sdPn
F∂n-h¿ tN¿∂v eLp-\mSIw Ah-X-cn-∏n®p. 50 h\nX-I-fpƒs∏sS 80 t]¿ ]s¶SpØ tbmK-Øn¬ KncnP kzmKXw Biw-kn°p-Ibpw sa‰n¬U \µn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw
CSp°n Pn√m h\n-Xm-Zn\m-tLmjw am¿®v 8˛\v aqea‰w P\- t d- j ≥ k¿°nƒ
Hm^o-kn\p apºn¬ h\nXm
k_vI-Ωn‰n I¨ho-\¿ sI.
Cµn-c-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬
\S- ∂ p. Akn. F©n- \ ob¿am-cmb kpep-ta-cn-kmw,
Irjv W ≥, eoe F∂n- h ¿
tN¿∂v eLp-\m-SIw Ah-Xcn-∏n-®p. A≤y£ {]kw-K-Øn¬ Pn√m-{]-knU‚ v Ppssae _ohn {KmaoW kv{Xo im‡oI-c-W-Øns‚ Bh-iy-I-Xbv°v Du∂¬ \¬In
kwkm-cn-®p. At m-kn-tb-j≥ AwK-ßfpw
hnhn[ kwL-Sm-\m-Kß
- f
- p-aS- °w 50-˛tXmfw t]¿
]s¶-Sp-Øp. CXc kwL-S-\mw-K-ß-fpsS ]¶mfnXzw Gsd {it≤-b-am-bn. IqSmsX Ah-X-cW-Øns‚ anIhp sIm≠v \mSI IYm-]m-{X߃ Gsd N¿® sNø-s∏-´p.
h\nXm Zn\w ˛ am¿®v 8
k¿∆-tZ-iob h\n-XmZn-\amb am¿®v 8 \v D®°v
1.15 \v - t Imgn- t °mSv
sshZyp-Xn `h≥ A¶-WØn¬ Hm^o- t kgvkv
Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ h\nXm-I-Ωn-‰n-bpsS B`n-apJy-Øn¬ h\n-Xm-Zn-\m-NmcWw \S-∂p. Pn√m h\nXm k_v IΩn‰n Iho-\¿
Xr]vXn e£v- a - W ≥ kzmK- X - a m- i - w kn®
tbmKØn¬ h\nXm IΩn‰n sshkv sNb¿
t]gvk¨ sI.-]n.- koa A≤y£w hln®p
kwkm-cn-®p.- Xp-S¿∂v hSIc doP-W¬ HmUn‰v
Hm^okdpw- t-- Imgn-t°mSv h\nXm IΩn‰n sNb¿
t]gvkWpamb tim`-\-Ip-amcn GImwK \mSIw
Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.- tI{µ IΩn‰n AwKamb -t{]-a≥
]mºncn-°pv cNn® hyXykvX taJ-e-I-fnse
h¿Ø- a m- \ - I me kv { Xo PohnXØnte°v
shfn®w hoip∂ kv I n‰v hfsc {it≤- b ambncp∂p. kwL-S-\-bpsS tI{µ IΩn‰n AwKw
-F≥.-F-kv.- _nµp Xow t]∏¿ Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.
kw-ÿm\ P\-d¬ sk{I´dn F
- w.-Pn.- kp-tc-jvIpam¿ A`n-kw-t_m-[\ sNbvXp kwkm-cn®p.
h\n-Xm k_v IΩn‰n sNb¿ t]gvk¨ sI.B¿.- eX \µn- {]-I-S\w \S-Øn.
I]-S- ]-cn-ÿn-Xn-hm-Zn-If
- psS apJw.....
]cn-ÿnXn hmZn-Iƒ hln-® ]¶v hf-sc-bmWv
F∂v Ct∏mƒ s]mXpkaq-lhpw Xncn-®-dn-bp∂p.
cmPyØv D≠m-Ip∂ hnI-k\-{]-h¿Ø-\ßsf Xpc¶w hbv°pI F∂ e£y-tØmsS
\nk-lm-b-cmb P\-k-aq-l-Øns\ sX‰n-≤-cn∏n®v hntZi GP≥kn-I-fn¬ \n∂pw klmbw
]‰n \S-°p∂ Hcp hn`m-K-Øns\°pdn-®p≈
kqN-\-Iƒ \Ωƒ ]e-t∏m-gmbn kaq-l-Øn¬
N¿® sNbvXn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv.
cmPy- Ø ns‚ hnI- k - \ - Ø n- s \- X ncmbn
(3-˛mw t]Pns‚ XpS-¿®)
\n¬°p∂hscbpw, AXn-\mbn klm-b-[\w
\¬Ip∂hscbpw, AXv ssI∏‰n kaq-lsØ
sX‰n-≤-cn-∏n®v cmPysØ Ccp-´n-te°v \bn°p∂ i‡n-I-sfbpw \Ωƒ IqSp-X¬ Xncn-®dn-tb-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Ah-cpsS apJw Ct∏mƒ
IqSp-X¬ hnIr-X-amb coXn-bn¬ kaq-l-Øn\v
ap∂n¬ A\m-h-cWw sNbvXn-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv.
AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ Ahsc kaq-lØn¬ H‰s∏-Sp-tØ-≠Xpw Bh-iy-am-Wv. AXn-\m-bp≈
{]h¿Ø-\-߃ \ap°v IqSp-X¬ i‡n-s∏-SptØ-≠-Xp≠v.
MARCH 2012
DØ-ct- a-Jem h\nXm I¨sh≥j≥
b-Ww- . Hcp cmPy-Øns‚ apJyk- º Øv Ahn- S psØ P\- ß fmWv. AXp-sIm≠p Xs∂ P\ß-fpsS t£a-Øn¬ Du∂nb
{]h¿Ø-\-ßfneq-sS, AYhm
- t- a-Je
- b
- nse {]h¿Ø\-ßf
- n-eqsS am{Xta kmº-ØnI
amµyw ]cn-lc
- n-°m-\mIq F∂pw
- m-tZhn ]d-™p.
Xr iq¿,
]me- ° mSv , ae- ∏ pdw, IÆq¿,
Imk¿tKmUv, tImgn-t°mSv, hb-\mSv F∂o
Pn√I-fnse h\nXm {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS I¨sh
≥j≥ 2012 s^{_p-hcn 25\v tImgn-t°mSv sI.F- v.‰
- n.-F. lmfn¬ sh®p \S-∂p. kn.-sF.-‰n.bq
AJn- t e¥ym sk{I- ´ dn tUm. tla- e X
I¨sh≥j≥ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. DZvLm-S\
- {]-kw-K-Øn¬, temI-ØmsI Db¿∂p-h-cp∂
Itºm- f - h - X v ° - c - W - Ø ns‚ {]Xym- L mXw
kv{XoI-sf Fßns\ _m[n-®n-cn-°p∂p F∂v
khn-kvXcw {]Xn-]m-Zn-®p. C¥y-bnse ]Wn-sbSp-°p∂ h\n-XI
- f
- n¬ sXmÆqdv iX-am-\Ø
- n-tesdbpw Akw-LS- n-Xt- a-Je
- b
- n¬ BsW∂pw Chcn-te-sd-t∏cpw Ccp-]Xp cq]-bn¬ Xmsg am{Xw
Znh-k-th-X\w ssI∏-‰p-∂-h-cm-sW∂pw Ah¿
]d-™p. "Bim' h¿°¿am¿, ]mN-Is
- Xm-gnemfn-Iƒ, ho´p-tPm-en-sN-øp-∂-h¿ XpSßn AkwL-Sn-X-ta-J-e-bn¬ tPmen-sN-øp-∂h\n-X-Isf
kwL-Sn-∏n-bvt°≠ Bh-iy-IX
- bpw tUm. tlaeX hnh-cn®p. XpS¿∂v P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn Fw.Pn. kptc-jvIp-am¿ BapJ-{]kwKw \S-Øn.
XpS¿∂v kwÿm\ sshkv
{]kn-U‚ v Pn. {ioIp-amcn AΩ,
kmº-Øn-I-ta-J-e-bn¬ aqe-[-\w, Dul-°-®-hS-Øn\v hgn-am-dn-bX
- ns‚ Xn‡-^e
- ß
- ƒ hni-ZoI-cn-®p. km[m-c-W-°m-cs‚ PohnXw IqSp-X¬
- q¿Æ-am-°nb hne-°b
- ‰
- h
- pw, Dul-°®
- h-SØ
- n-t‚bpw Ah-[n-hym-]m-cØ
- n-t‚bpw krjvSnbm-Wv F∂pw Hm¿an-∏n-®p.
N¿®-bn¬ hnhn[ Pn√-If
- n¬ \n∂p≈ {]Xn\n-[n-Iƒ kwkm-cn-®p. N¿®bv°p adp-]S- n-bmbn
P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn Fw.-Pn. kptc-jI
v p-am¿, aqe-[\-Øns\ ]ªn°v Ft∂m ss{]h‰v Ft∂m XcwXn-cn-b°
v m\m-hn√ F∂pw aqe-[\
- Ø
- ns‚ tI{µoIr-Xa
- mb Ahÿ kaq-lØ
- n¬ F∂pw AkaXzw krjvSn-b°
v pIbmIpw sNøpI F∂v ]d™p. kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn ]n. jo_ sXmgnse-Sp-°p∂ h\n-XI
- f
- psS \ne-hn-ep≈ ÿnXn
- n-®p. I¨sh≥j-\n¬ kwÿm-\h
- \
- nXm
k_v IΩn‰n sNb¿t]-gk
v ¨ ‰n.-F. Dj A≤y£w hln-®p. tI{µ-IΩ
- n-‰n-AwKw F≥.-Fk
- .v _
- nµp
- pw, kwÿm\ I¨ho-\¿ sI. Cµnc
\µnbpw ]d-™p.
"BtKm- f - k m- º - Ø n- I - a mµyhpw h\n-XI
- fpw' F∂ hnjb-Øn¬ sI. cRvP\m tZhn
kwkm-cn-®p. BtKmf kmº-ØnI-amµyw ]pØ≥ kmº-Øn-I\
- b- ß - f p- s S
krjv S nbm- W v .
AXns‚ Icm-fl
- kvXw \ΩpsS
kmwkv ° m- c n- I , kmº- Ø nI
- nepw ]S-cp-∂Xv Xncn-®d
- nKSEBOA News
IqSw-Ipfw ]≤Xn ˛ ]cn-ÿn-Xnbpw kpc-£bpw
Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw Pn√m IΩ‰nbpsS B`n-ap-JyØn¬ ""BW-h-\n-ebw: ]cn-ÿn-Xnbpw kpc£bpw ˛ IqSw-Ipfw ]≤-Xn-bpsS ]›m-Ø-eØn¬'' F∂ hnj-bsØ Bkv]-Z-am°n 2012
s^{_p- h cn 18 \v Xncp- h - \ - ¥ - ] pcw {]kv
¢∫n¬ h®v inev]-ime \-S-∂p. IqSw-Ipfw
BWh \ne-b-Ønse {]apJ imkv{X kmt¶XnI hnZ-Kv≤cmb ]n. F. ]n≈, kptcjv Ipam¿
]n≈, tkma≥ tXma-kv, sI.hn. tKm]n-Zm-kv,
hn.-]n. kp\n¬, AIvkm- tPm¨, kRvPo-hv
F≥. \mb¿ F∂n-h¿ ]s¶-SpØ inev]-im-ebn¬ sI.-F-kv.-C.-_n. Hm^o-tkgvkv Atkmkn-tb-js‚ kwÿm\ {]kn-U‚ v _n. {]Zo]v
BapJw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.
IqSwIpfw \ne- b - Ø ns‚
\n¿Ωm-W-Øn\v th≠n \S-Øn-bn´p- f f ]T- \ - ß ƒ, πm‚ ns‚
{]h¿Ø\ coXn, \ne-b-Ønse
kpc£m {Iao-I-c-W-ß-ƒ, \nehn¬ {]h¿Øn- ° p- ∂ Xpw A]ISw kw`-hn-®n-´p-f-f-Xp-amb a‰p
\ne-b-ß-fp-ambn Dff Xmc-Xay
]T\w apX- e m- b h hni- Z - a mbn
{]Xn- ] m- Z n- ® psIm≠p- f f Hcp
]∆¿ t]mbn‚ v A[njvTnXamb
Ah-X-c-W-amWv IqSw-Ipfw \neb- Ø n¬
imkv { X˛kmt¶XnI hnZ- K v ≤ ¿ \S- Ø n- b - X v .
BWh hncp≤ {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS ]e teJ-\ßfpw hmbn®n-´p-≠m-bn-cp-∂X
- n-\m¬ inev]imebn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Ø-h¿ Ah-cpsS Bi-¶-Iƒ Cu
hnZKv≤cp-ambn ]¶-ph-bv°p-Ibpw Bi-¶bv°p
hI-bn-√mØhn[w Ah-cpsS kwi-b-\n-hm-cWw
\S- Ø p- I bpw sNbv X p.
tXmdnbw F∂
BWh C‘-\-Øns‚ e`y-X-bn¬ temIØv
H∂mw ÿm\Øv \n¬°p∂ C¥y (A-ta-cn°-bpsS IW°p {]Im-cw)-A-Xns‚ aq∂p L´
BW- t hm¿÷ ]≤- X n- b p- a mbn apt∂m´v
t]mIWw F∂ \ne- ] m- S ns\ ]n≥Xp- W bv ° p∂ {]Xn- I - c - W - a mWv inev ] - i m- e - b n¬
]s¶-Sp-Ø-h-cn¬ \n∂pw e`n-®-Xv.
dnt∏m¿´v :
F≥. cmPohv
MARCH 2012
- n-¶ƒ°nSm-thm...
\√ tImafØm-ac
- ∏
- q-thm...
""Hma-\-Øn-¶ƒ InSmthm..... \√ tIma-fØm-a-c ]q-thm... ]qhn¬ \nd™ a[p-thm.....''
F∂ Cc-bn-Ω≥ Xºn-bp-sS -h-cn-Iƒ aqfmØ
ae- b mfn ImWn- √ . Cu hcn- I ƒ a\- n¬
DW¿Øp∂ hm’eyhpw Hma-\Øhpw BkzZn-°mØ ae-bm-fnbpw ImWn-√.
DÆn- h mthm s]m∂p- Æ n- h mthm F∂p
XpSßn ]memgn apgp-h≥ s\©n-te-‰n Xs‚
DÆn°p \¬Ip∂ AΩ aqtemIw apgp-h≥
Dd-ßm-\mbn Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ AXpw F√m
AΩamcp-sSbpw Bh-iy-ambn \mw I≠p.
""Xmcm´p ]mSn-bmte Dd-ßm-dp-≈p.... Rm≥
s]m∂pΩ \¬In-bmse DW-cm-dp-≈p..... IYsbm∂p tI´mse DÆm-dp-≈p.... Fs‚ ssIbv
hnc¬ Xpºp ]nSnt® \S-°m-dp-≈p....'' F∂p
ssIX-{]w ]mSp-tºmƒ \ma-dn-bmsX s]m∂pΩ
\¬In, IY ]d-™p, ]m¬°p-dp°p \¬In,
hnc¬ ]nSn®p \S∂ Ip™ns\ Hm¿Øp
\n߃ Xmtem-en-t®m-a-\n®p hf¿Ønb
s]mt∂m-a-\sb sXcp-hn-ep-t]-£n-°p-∂Xv
Ht∂m¿Øp t\m°p....
s\‰n Npfn-bp-∂p-thm.....
Xmcm-´p-]m-´ns‚ CucSn aqfn a\- ns‚
GtXm Hcp tImWn¬ Dd- ß n- ° n- S ∂ B
ss\¿a-ey-Xsb X´n-bp-W¿Øn-bn´v Akz-ÿX-bp-sS-Iq-c-ºp-Iƒ Føp-∂p-thm......?
\nß-fn¬ Dd-ßn-°n-S-°p∂ B ss\¿a-eykmº-ØnI {]X-nk‘n: {Kokn¬ t]m‰m-\mImsX Ip™p-ßsf hgn-bn¬ Dt]-£n-°p∂p.
"F\n°v Chsf t]m‰m≥ Ign-hn√' F∂-Ipdn-s∏-gpXn GX≥knse hgn-bn¬ Dt]-£n°s∏´
Ip´nsb Ign-™- Zn-hkw Is≠-Øn.
\mep-h-b-kp-Imcn A∂sb kvIqfn-em-°n-,
AΩ Hcp Ipdn-s∏-gpXn Ah-fpsS ssIbn¬
sImSpØp. ""C∂v sshIp-t∂cw A∂-sb Iq-´nsIm≠p t]mIm≥ Rm≥ hcn- √ . Ahsf
-˛B¿. kpIp
Xsb H∂p- W ¿Øm- \ mWp Cu Xmcm´p
]m´ns‚ Cuc-Sn-Iƒ ChnsS Ipdn-®-Xv. \Ω-sft∏mse k¿°m¿, A¿[˛k¿°m¿ ÿm]-\ß- f n¬ tPmen sNbv X v sa®- s ∏´ iºfw
hmßn am\y-ambn IpSpw_ PohnXw \bn®
At\Iw Bƒ°m¿ X߃ emfn-®pw, sIm©n®pw, Xmcm´p ]mSnbpw hf¿Ønb s]mt∂m-a\-Isf {Koknse GY≥knse sXcp-hp-I-fn¬
Dt]-£n-®n-t´m-Sn-t∏m-bn, As√-¶n¬ H∂n-®m-fllXy sNøp-I-tb-bp≈p am¿§w. ImcWw e`n®p-sIm-≠n-cp∂ B\p-Iq-ey-߃ IpØs\
sh´n-°p-d-®p. In´p∂ ]Ww sIm≠p Hcmƒ°pt]mepw Pohn-°m-\mIp-∂n-√. Cu thZ-\-bpsS
Iqc-ºp-Iƒ G‰p ]nS-bp∂ Ch-cpsS PohnXw
hnh-cn-°p-tºmƒ Akz-ÿ-Xtbm-sS-b-√msX
]ns∂-ßs\ ]d-bm-\mIpw....
hmbn-°p∂ \n߃°pw....
hf¿Øm- \ p≈ ]Ww F\n- ° n- √ . Ahsf
t\m°n hf¿ØWw. tkmdn.'' Ipdn-∏v I≠v
A∂- b psS So®¿ sR´n- s Ø- d n- ® p- t ]m- b n.
GX≥knse B¿°v Hm^v Zn thƒUv bqØv
sk‚dns‚ hmXn¬∏Sn-bn¬ \mep Ip´n-I-sfbmWv amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ Dt]-£n®p t]mb-Xv. \hPmX iniphpw CXn¬ s]Sp-∂p. c≠p hb-kpIm-cn \Sm-jsb ssIam-dn-bn´v AΩ HmSn-t∏mbn.
tPmen t]mb A\-kvXm-knb F∂-bp-hXn
Xs‚ F´p-h-b-kp≈ acnb F∂ aIsf hgn23
bn¬ Dt]-£n®p If-™p. ASp-Øp≈ ]≈nbn¬ \n∂p-In-´p∂ `£Ww sIm≠m-bn-cp∂p
Ign™ Hcp h¿j-ambn B AΩbpw aIfpw
Ign- ™ n- c p- ∂ - X v . Ct∏mƒ Hcp It^- b n¬
tPmen t\m°p∂ B AΩbv°v shdpw ]Xn\mdv ]u≠v -am-{X-amWv Znhk thX-\w. aIsf
t\m°m≥ AXv -Xn-I-bn-√. AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂
cm{Xn apgp- h ≥ Ic™v AΩ- b psS k¶Sw
Xo¿°p-∂p. \qdp-I-W-°n-\p- t]-cmWv Ign™
h¿jw Ip´n- I sf Dt]- £ n®p t]mb- s X∂v
thƒUv bqØv sk‚dns‚ Ub-d-IvS¿ ^m.
At‚m-Wn-tbm ]m-\n-s°m-fmhv ]dbp∂p.
]W-tam, hotSm, Blm-ctam C√m-Ø-Xn\m¬ Ip´n-Isf Dt]-£n-°p-∂p-sh-∂mWv ]eam- X m- ] n- X m- ° fpw ]d- b p- ∂ - X v. kmºØnIÿnXn tami-am-b-tXmsS cmPy-sØ -an-°h-cp-sSbpw ÿnXn IjvSØn-em-bn. Zmcn{Zyw
aqew Ip´n-Isf sXcphn¬ Dt]-£n-°p-∂Xp
hsc-sbØn Imcy-߃. bqtdm-bpsS ]X\w
Hcp cmPysØ ]pXnb Xe-ap-d-sb- Xs∂ IjvSØn-em-°p-∂-XmWv {Kokn¬ ImWp-∂-Xv.
ISpØ kmºØnI {]Xn- k ‘n aqew
{Koknse c£n-Xm-°ƒ Iq´n-Isf Dt]-£n-°p∂-Xmbn sUbven-sa-bn¬ dnt∏m¿´v sNøp-∂p.
Ip´n-Isf hf¿Øm-\p≈ sNehv Xmßm≥ Ignbm-ØXp aqe-amWv Dt]-£n-°m≥ c£n-Xm-°ƒ
\n¿_-‘n-X-cm-Ip-∂p-Xv. Ign™ Hcp h¿jØn\n-S-bn¬ \qdp-I-W°n\v Ip´n-I-sf-bmWv
X߃ Gs‰- S p- Ø - s X- ∂ v ^mZ¿ At‚m- W ntbmkv ]d-™p. _m¶nMv taJ-e-I-f-S-°-ap≈
s]mXp- t a- J - e - I - f n¬ Aan- X - a mbn kzIm- c yh¬°- c Ww \S- ∏ m- ° n- b - X mWv Ct∏m- g sØ
{]Xnk‘n-bpsS apJy Imc-Ww.
{Koknse k¿°m¿ {]Jym-]n® sNehp Npcp°¬ \n¿t±-i-ß-f-S-ßnb _n√ns‚ AwKo-Im-cØn-\m-bp≈ thms´-Sp∏v \S-°p-∂-Xn-\n-sS-bmWv
]pdØv P\-ß-fpsS {]Xn-tj[w Ae-b-Sn-®-Xv.
cm-PysØ {][m-\-s∏´ c≠p sXmgn-emfn bqWnb-\p-I-fpsS t\XrXzØn¬ \S-°p∂ ]Wn-ap-S°n¬ Pbn¬ Km¿Up-I-fpƒs∏sS an°-hm-dpw
F√m- hn-`mKw sXmgn-em-fn-Ifpw ]s¶-Sp-Øp.
sNdp-In-S hym]mcn-Ifpw I®-h-S-°mcpw IqSn
ka-cØn\v ]n¥p-W- {]-Jym-]n-®-tXmsS ]Wnap-S°v ]q¿Æ hnP-b-am-bn. BX≥kn¬ \S-∂dm-en-bn¬ c≠p-e-£-tØmfw t]¿ AWn-\n-c∂p. a‰v {][m-\- \-K-c-ß-fnepw ]Xn-\m-bn-c-߃
]s¶-SpØ dmen-\-S-∂p. sNdp-InS hym]m-cn-Ifpw
I®-h-S-°mcpw BZy-am-bmWv ka-c-Øns‚ `mKam-b-Xv. Fb¿ {Sm^n°v I¨t{Sm-f¿am¿ 12 aWn°q¿ kacw {]Jym-]n-®-Xn-\m¬ \q‰º-tXmfw
hnam-\-ß-fpsS k¿hokv d±m-°n. Xoh-≠n-˛-_kvk¿ho-kp-Ifpw ]q¿Æ-ambpw kvXw`n-®p. Xpdap-J-˛-I-∏¬ \n¿amW sXmgn-em-fn-Ifpw ka-cØn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. \nb-a-a-{¥m-e-b-Øns‚ ap∂n¬ \S∂ {]I- S - \ - Ø n¬ \qdp- I - W - ° n\v
Pbn¬ Km¿Up-am-cmWv ]s¶-Sp-Ø-Xv. kmºØnI {]Xn-k-‘n-sb- a-dn-I-S-°m-s\∂ t]cn¬
{Kokv IØp∂p, ]Wn-ap-S°v ]q¿Æw
k¿°m-cns‚ sNehp Npcp-°¬ ]≤Xn-s°Xnsc Bcw-`n® 48 aWn-°q¿ tZiob ]Wn-ap-S°n¬ {Kokv \n›-e-am-bn. Xe-ÿm\ \K-c-amb
BX≥kn¬ ka-c-°mcpw t]meokpw G‰p-ap´n. t]meo-kns\ I√pw ]pI-t_mw-_p-sa-dn-™v
t\- c n´ ka- c - ° m¿°p- t \sc IÆo¿ hmXI
ISpØ kmº- Ø nI {]Xn- k - ‘ n- b n- e mb
MARCH 2012
sIm≠p-h-cp∂ sNehv Npcp-°¬ ]≤Xnbn¬
s]mXp- t a- J - e m- P o- h - \ - ° m- c psS iº- f hpw
s]≥j\pw sh´n-°p-d-bv°-¬, B\p-Iq-ey-߃
FSp-Øp-am-‰¬, \nIp-Xn-h¿≤n-∏n-°¬ XpS-ßnb
\n¿t±-i-ß-fm-Wv D≈-Xv. Cu \n¿t±-i-߃
km[m-c-W-°m-cs\ sR°n-s°m-√p-∂-Xm-sW∂mWv sXmgn-emfn bpWn-b-\p-I-fpsS Btcm]Ww.
CtX kabw _m¶p-Isf c£n-°m≥ \SØp∂ {ia-ß-sfm∂p hnPbw I≠n-√. IqSpX¬ ]W-sam-gp-°msX Imcy-߃ t\sc-bmhn√ F∂p Xs∂-bmWv ÿnXn. {Kokns\ c£n°m≥ 130 _ney¨ bqtdm kam-l-cn-°m-\p≈
{ia-ßfpw ^ew I≠n-√. CXn-\mbn ]cn-{i-an®
P¿Ω-\n°pw IqSp-X¬ apt∂m´p t]mIm-\mhmØ cmjv{So-b-Im-em-h-ÿ-bm-Wv.
sNehp Npcp-°¬ aqew ^m¿a-kn-I-fn¬
Bkv]n-cn≥ t]mepw In´m-\n-√m-Ø -ÿn-Xn-bmsW∂v Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. Kh¨sa‚ v
acp-∂p-I-fpsS hne Ir{Xn-a-am-bn -Ip-d®p \n¿Ønbn-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. AXp-sIm≠p Xs∂ acp∂p
Iº-\n-Iƒ a‰p cmPy-ß-fn¬ hn‰v ]Ww t\Sp∂p. {Koknse ^m¿a-kn-I-fn¬ acp-∂p-Iƒ In´m\n-√.
{Kokns‚ IS-_m-[yX samØw B`y-¥c
DXv]m-Z-\-Øns‚ 162 iX-am-\-ambn h¿[n®
kml-N-cy-Øn¬ ISpØ kmº-ØnI \S-]-SnIƒ kzoI-cn-°-W-sa-∂mWv A¥m-cmjv{S \mWb-\n-[nbpw bqtdm-]y≥ bqWn-b\pw Bh-iy-s∏Sp-∂X
- v. [\-°Ω
- n-bn¬ KWy-amb Ipd-hp-hc
- p-Ønbm¬ am{Xta kmº-Øn-I-c£m ]mt°Pv A\ph-Zn-°m≥ Ign-bp-I-bp≈q F∂pw A¥m-cmjv{S
[\- I m- c y- ÿ m- ] - \ - ß ƒ hyh- ÿ - s h- ° p- ∂ p.
F∂m¬, k¿°m¿ kº- ∂ - h n- ` m- K - Ø n- \ p≈
B\p-Iq-ey-߃ \ne-\n¿Øn km[m-c-W-°ms‚
ta¬ ISp-Ø_
- m-[y-XI
- ƒ ASn-t®-ev∏n-°p-∂p-sh∂m-Wv {]t£m-`-I-cpsS Bt£-]w.
Statement of Ownership and other Particulars
about the Newspaper
KSEB Officers Association News
Form IV (See Rule 8)
1. Place of Publication
2. Periodicity of publication
3. Printers Name
4. Publishers Name
5. Editors Name
6. Name and Address
of the individual who
owns the newspaper
and partners and share
holders, holding more than
one percent of total capital
M.G. Suresh Kumar
K.S.E.B. Officers House,
Malloor Road, Vanchiyoor,
M.G. Suresh Kumar
K.S.E.B. Officers House,
Malloor Road, Vanchiyoor,
J. Mohammed Siyad
K.S.E.B. Officers House,
Malloor Road, Vanchiyoor,
K.S.E.B. Officers Association,
Malloor Road, Vanchiyoor,
I, M.G. Suresh Kumar, hereby declare that the particulars given
above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sd/20th March 2012
M.G. Suresh Kumar
Cu km∂n[yw
A[n-\n-thiw sNdp-°m-\p≈
- a
- m-Wv
F≥. cmPo-hv
IqSw-Ipfw BWh \nebw
]cn-ÿn-Xnbpw kpc-£bpw
13,600 tImSn cq] sNe-hn¬ Bbncw saKm hm´ns‚ c≠p P\-td-‰d- p-Iƒ Dƒs∏-Sp∂ IqSw-Ipfw
- n-ebw {]h¿Ø-\k
- ÷
- a- m-Ip-∂X
- ns‚ Ah-km-\L
- ´- Ø
- n-em-Wv. Cu ]≤-Xn-s°-Xnsc Ct∏mƒ
Db-cp∂ hnhm-Zß
- f- psS ]›m-ØeØn¬ BW-h\
- n-eb
- ß
- f- psS kmt¶-Xn-Ihpw kpc-£m-]c- h
- p-amb
- ƒ hni-Ie
- \w sNøp-Ib
- mWv Cu teJ-\Ø
- n¬.
am\-h-cmin Du¿÷-Øn\v th≠n G‰hpw IqSpX¬ B{i-bn-°p-∂Xv t^mkn¬ C‘-\-sØbm-Wv. F∂m¬ `qan-bn¬ e`y-amb t^mkn¬
C‘-\-Øns‚ 60 iX-am-\-tØmfw Ign™ 200
h¿jwsIm≠v D]-tbm-Kn®p Xo¿Øp. C\n
Dt±iw 45 h¿j-tØ-°p- am{X-ap-ff FÆ-bpw,
60 h¿j-tØ°v am{X-ap≈ {]IrXn hmX-I-hpw,
200 h¿j- t Ø°p am{X- a p- f f I¬°- c nbpw
BWv `qan-bn¬ e`y-ambn-´p-f-f-Xv F∂v IW°m-°s∏Sp-∂p. cmjv{S-ß-ƒ XΩn¬ Du¿÷Øn-\p-th≠n IqSp-X¬ X¿°-߃°pw D]-tcm[-߃°pw hgn-sbmcp°p∂ Hcp hkvXp-XIqSn-bmWnXv. hml-\-ß-fnepw ^mIvS-dn-I-fnepw
a‰p hyhkm- b - ß - f nepw t^mkn¬ C‘- \ Øns‚ AanX D]-tbmKw ImcWw A¥-co-£Øn-te°p hnSp∂ lcnX Krl hmX-I-߃,
{][m-\-ambpw Im¿_¨ ssU˛HmIvsskUv,
aqew BtKm-f- Xm-]-\hpw Imem-hÿm hyXnbm-\hpw kw`-hn-°p-∂p. t^mkn¬ C‘-\Øn\v _Z- e mbn ]cn- ÿ n- X n°v tZmjw
sNømØ ip≤-amb as‰mcp C‘-\-Øn-te°v
amtd≠ kml- N - c y- Ø n¬, BWh C‘- \ 26
Øns‚ kpc-£n-X-amb D]-t`mKw t{]m¬kmln-∏n-t°≠XmWv. C¥y-bn¬ \ne-hn-ep-ff
Du¿÷ Dev]m-Z-\-Øns‚ 3% am{X-amWv BWthm¿÷w D]-tbm-Kn®v Dev]m-Zn-∏n°p-∂-Xv.
Xangv\m´nse Xncp-s\¬then Pn√-bn-em-Wv
\n¿±njvS IqSw-Ipfw BW-h-\n-ebw ÿnXn
sNøp-∂Xv. IqSw-IpfØp \n∂pw I\ym-Ip-amcn°v Dt±iw 25 Intem-ao-‰dpw Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cØn\v Dt±iw 100 Intem-ao-‰-dp-amWv tdmUp
am¿§-ap≈ Zqcw. aq∂mw Xe-apdbnse 3 Pn+
a¿± Pe-dn-bm-IvS¿ IpSpw-_-Ønse dnbm-IvS-dpI-fmWv AhnsS D-]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂Xv (2 x 1000
saKm-hm´v). Cd-°p-aXn sNøp∂ kºp-jvSo-Icn® bptd-\nbw C‘-\-ambpw, km[m-cW-Pew
tamU-td-‰-dmbpw D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p.
Hcp BWh \ne-b-Øns‚ {]h¿Ø-\sØ
Ipdn®v a\- n-em-°p-hm≥ AW-ph
- n-`P
- \
- hpw (\yq¢n-b¿ ^nj≥) irwJem {]h¿Ø-\hpw (sNbn≥ dnbm-£≥) F¥m-sW∂v a\- n-em°mw.
Hcp ]c-am-Wp (B-‰w) -hn¬ Ce-Ivt{Sm¨,
t{]mt´m¨, \yqt{Sm¨ F∂o LS-Iß-fp-≠v.
MARCH 2012
IqSw-Ipfw BWh \nebw
Ch-bn¬ t{]mt´mWpw \yqt{SmWpw ]c-am-Wphns‚ \yq¢n-b-knepw Ce-Ivt{Sm¨ \yq¢n-b n\p Np‰p-ap≈ Hm¿_n‰pI-fn-ep-am-bmWv \nesIm-≈p-∂-Xv. CXn¬ t{]mt´m-Wp-I-fpsS am{Xw
FÆsØ At‰m-anI kwJy F∂pw \yq¢n-b n-ep≈ BsI t{]mt´m-Wp-I-fp-tSbpw \yqt{SmWp- I - f p- t Sbpw FÆsØ At‰m- a nI `mcw
F∂pw ]d-bp-∂p. Hcp aqeI-Øn¬ Htc At‰manI kwJy D≈Xpw F∂m¬ hyXykvX At‰manI `mc-ap-≈-Xp-amb ]c-am-Wp-°ƒ Ds≠-¶n¬
Ahsb sFtkm-tSm-∏p-Iƒ F∂mWv ]d-bp-∂Xv. 92U233, 92U 235, 92U 238 F∂n-h -bptd-\nbw
F∂ aqe- I - Ø ns‚ sFtkm- t Sm- ∏ p- I fm- W v .
CXn¬ 92 kpNn-∏n-°p-∂Xv bptd-\n-b-Øns‚
At‰m-anI kwJy-tbbpw 233, 235, 238 F∂nh
hyXykvX At‰m-anI `mc-ß-tf-bp-am-Wv.
Hcp ]c- a m- W p- h ns‚ \yq¢n- b - ns\ Hcp
\yqt{Sm¨ sIm≠n-Sn-∏n®v c≠mbn hn`-Pn-°p∂- X ns\ AWp- h n- ` - P \w F∂p ]d- b p- ∂ p.
CtXmsSm-∏w ct≠m aqt∂m \yqt{Sm¨ IWnI-Ifpw H∏w 200 MeV Du¿÷hpw D≠m-Ip∂p. C{]-Imcw hn`-Pn-°-s∏´ Cu \yqt{Sm-WpIƒ ho≠pw AWp-hn-`-P\w \SØp-∂p. CXv
Hcp XpS¿ {]{In- b - b mbn {]h¿Øn- ° p- ∂ Xv
sIm≠v CXns\ irwJem {]h¿Ø\w AYhm
sNbn≥ dnbm-£≥ F∂p ]d-bp-∂p.
AWp hn`-P\w \S-°p-tºmƒ D≠m-Ip∂
\yqt{Sm- W p- I - f psS thKX Ipd®v IqSp- X ¬
AWp hn`-P-\-Øn\v kml-Ncyw Hcp-°p-∂-Xn\v
Hcp tamU- t d- ‰ ¿ Bh- i y- a m- W v . km[m- c W
sse‰v hm´¿, slhn hm´¿, {Kmss^‰v apXemb-h-bn¬ GsX-¶nepw H∂mWv tamU-td-‰¿
Bbn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. AXp-t]mse AWphn- ` - P - \ - Ø n- e p- ≠ m- I p∂ \yqt{Sm- W p- I - f n¬
GXm\pw FÆ- Ø ns\ BKocWw sNbv X v
AWp-hn-`-P\w \nb-{¥n-°p-∂-Xn\v t_mtdm¨
As√-¶n¬ ImUvanbw \n¿ΩnX I¨t{Smƒ
tdmUp-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p. AWp-hn-`-P\w
aqe-ap-≠m-Ip∂ h¿≤n® Xmt]m¿÷w, sh≈w
Bhn-bm°n am‰p∂ t_mbn-e-dp-I-fn¬ FØn°p-∂-Xv dnbm-IvSdnepw t_mbn-e-dnepw IqSn
k¿°p-te‰v sNøp∂ Iqf‚ v hgn-bm-Wv. sse‰v
hm´¿, slhn hm´¿ F∂n-h-bn-te-sX-¶nepamWv
km[m-cW Iqf‚ v Bbn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv.
C{]-Imcw Ãow t_mbn-e-dn¬ \n∂p hcp∂
\ocm- h n- b m- W v P\- t d- ‰ ¿ ss{Uhv sNøm≥
th≠n-bp≈ Ãow S¿ss_≥ {]h¿Øn-∏n-°p∂-Xv. S¿ss_≥ {]h¿Øn-∏n-®-Xn\p tijw
]pd-tØbv°p hcp∂ \ocmhn Is≠-≥k-dn¬
h®v as‰mcp t{kmX- n¬ \n∂pw Is≠-≥k¿
hgn k¿°p-te‰v sNøp∂ Pew D]-tbm-Kn®v
XWp-∏n®v sh≈-am°n ho≠pw \ocmhn D≠m°m-\mbn t_mbn-e-dn-te°v Xncn-®p-hn-Sp-∂p.
sse‰v hm´¿ dnbm-IvS-dp-I-fn¬s∏´ {]jssdkvUv hm´¿ dnbm-IvS¿ BWv IqSw-Ipfw
- neq≈-Xv. dnbm-IS- d
- n¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂
C‘\w kºp-jvSo-I-cn® bptd-\n-bw 235 BWv.
sse‰v hm´¿ BWv tamU- t d- ‰ ¿ Bbpw
Iqf‚mbpw D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. \n¿e-h-Wo-Icn® IS¬ sh≈w BWv S¿ss_≥ {]h¿Øn∏n-®-Xn\v tijw ]pd-Øp-h-cp∂ \ocm-hnsb
XWp-∏n-°p-hm-\mbn Is≠≥k-dn-eqsS IS-ØnhnSp- ∂ Xv . t_mtdm¨ Im¿ss_Uv BWv
dnbm- £ s\
\nb- { ¥n°p∂
I¨t{Smƒ tdmUp-I-fmbn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv.
km[m-cW bptd-\n-b-Øn¬ 0.7% am{Xta
GXp- th-K-X-bn-epapff \yqt{Sm¨ D]-tbmKn®pw AWp hn`-P\w \S-°p∂ bptd-\nbw
˛235 (92U 235) sFtkm-tSm∏v D≈q. J\\w
sNbvsX-Sp-°p∂ 100 {Kmw bptd-\n-b-Øn¬ 0.7
{Kmw bptd-\nbw-- 235 Dw _m°n 99.3% Uþ238
(92U238)Dw BWv AS-ßn-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. CXn¬
U-238 F√m kml-N-cy-ß-fnepw hn`-Pn-°p-hm≥
]‰p-I-bn-√. F∂m¬ U-238 s\ Hcp ^nssk¬
sFtkm-tSm-∏mbn am‰p-hm≥ km[n-°pw. AXn-\m¬ U-238 Hcp s^¿ss´¬ sFtkm-tSm∏mWv.
sNbn≥ dnbm- £ ≥ \ne- \ n¿Øp- h m≥
km[m-cW bptd-\n-b-tØm-sSm∏w slhn hm´¿
tamU-td-‰-dmbn D]-tbm-Kn-t°≠n hcpw. As√¶n¬ Ir{Xn-a-ambn U-235 s‚ Afhv Iq´n kºpjvSo-I-cWw \S-Ø-Ww. kºp-jvSo-I-cn® U-235
s\msSm∏w sse‰v hm´-dmWv tamU-td-‰-dmbn D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. ]h¿ dnbm-IvS-dp-I-fn-te°v 4%
hsc kºp-jvSo-I-cn® bptd-\n-b-amWv D]tbmKn-°p-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ AWp-hm-bp-[-߃°mbn
IqSw-Ipfw BWh \nebw
90% ¬ IqSp-X¬ kºpjv S o- I - c n® bptd- \ n- b amWv th≠-Xv.
C¥y- b psS aq∂p- L ´
BW-thm¿÷ ]≤Xn
BWh Du¿÷-Øn\mbn bptd-\n-b-Øns‚
sFtkm- t Sm- ∏ p- I - f mb
U 233 , 92 U 235 , 92 U 238
F∂n- h bpw tXmdnbw
Th 232 , πqt´m- W nbw
Pu239, F∂n-h-bp-amWv
D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. Chbn¬ U-233, U-235, Pu-239 F∂o sFtkm-tSm∏pIƒ -am{Xta dnbm-IvS-dp-I-fn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂p-≈q. F∂m¬ Th-232, U-238 F∂o sFtkmtSm-∏p-Iƒ Hmtcm \yqt{Sm-Wns\ BKn-cWw
sNøp∂-Xn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘-ambn bYm-{Iaw U-233
(92U233), Pu-239 (92Pu239) F∂nh D≠m-Ip-∂p.
Cu {]{InbbmWv C¥y-bpsS aq∂p L´ BWthm¿÷ ]≤-Xn-bn¬ BhnjvI-cn®ncn-°p-∂-Xv.
C¥y-bn¬ e`y-am-bn-´p≈ bptd-\n-b-Øns‚
Afhv hfsc Ipd-hm-Wv. CXv GXm≠v 60,000
S¨ hcpw F∂mWv IW-°m-°p-∂-Xv. (A-tacn-°-bpsS FÃn-ta‰v {]Imcw Bkvt{S-en-bbnepw Ata-cn-°-bnepw D≈-Xn-t\-°mƒ IqSpX¬ tXmdnbw Unt∏m-kn‰v C¥y-bn-ep-≈-Xmbn
IW-°m-°p-∂p. CXv Dt±iw 2,90,000 S¨ apX¬
6,50,000 S¨ hsc-bm-Wv).
C¥y-bn¬ e`y-amb km[m-cW bptd-\nbw
C‘-\-ambn D]-tbm-Kn®v H∂mw L´-Ønse
dnbmIv-S-dp-I-fn¬ Du¿÷w Dev]m-Zn-∏n-°mw.
C{]-Imcw D]-tbm-Kn®p Ign™ C‘-\-sØ
do˛t{]mkkv sNbvXv πqt´m-Wn-bhpw bptd-\nbhpw th¿Xn-cn®v FSp-°p-∂p. Ch c≠pw D]tbm-Kn®v c≠mw L´-Ønse ^mÃv {_oU¿
dnbm-IvSdp-Iƒ {]h¿Øn-∏n-°mw. Cu C‘\tØm-sSm∏w tXmdnbw Ih-N-ambn D]-tbm-Kn®m¬ apI- f n¬ ]d™ {]Imcw {_oUnwKv
{]{In- b - b n- e qsS Th-232 s\ U-233( 92 U 233)
B°n am‰mw. C{]-Imcw e`n-°p∂ U-233 Hcp
^nssk¬ C‘- \ - a mWv F∂v apI- f n¬
kqNn∏n®n´p- ≠ v . aq∂mw L´- Ø nse ^mÃv
{_oU¿ dnbm-IvS-dp-Ifn¬
U-233 C‘-\-ambpw Th-232
ªm¶- ‰ m- b pw- D- ] - t bm- K n®m¬
tXmdn- b - Ø n¬
\n∂pw IqSp- X ¬ U-233
{_oUnwKv {]{Inb hgn
km[n°p-∂p. Cu kmt¶XnI hnZy C¥y-bpsS aq∂v
L´ BW-thm¿÷ ]≤Xn°mbn Zo¿L- I m- e m- S nÿm-\-Øn¬ hI-kn-∏n-s®Sp-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Hcp L´Øn¬ D]-tbm-Kn®v Xo¿∂
C‘\w ASpØ L´-Øn¬ C‘-\-ambn D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂p.
Cu ]≤Xn hnI-kn-∏n-®m¬
C¥y C‘\ kzbw ]cym-]vXX ssIh-cn-°psa-∂Xn\m¬ hnI-knX cmPy-߃ (\yq¢n-b¿
kssπ-tbgvkv {Kq∏v) C¥y-bpsS Cu aq∂p L´
BW-thm¿÷ ]≤-Xn-sb F{X-am{Xw ]n¥pW-bv°p-sa∂ ktµlw \ne-\n¬°p-∂p.
IqSw-Ipfw \ne-b-Ønse
kpc£m {Iao-I-c-W-߃
Bg-Øn-ep≈ {]Xn-tcm[ am¿§-ß-fmWv Cu
\ne-b-Øn¬ Ah-ew-_n-®n-´p-≈-Xv. tdUntbm
BIvSohv C‘-\-Øn¬ \n∂pw A¥-co-£-Ønte°v hnIn-cWw D≠m-ImsX, Np‰p-]mSpw D≈
P\- ß ƒ°pw, \ne- b - Ø nse At¥- h m- k nIƒ°pw, ]cn- ÿ n- X nbv ° pw, kpc- £ n- X Xzw
\¬Ip-∂-Xn-\p-th≠n ]e-a-Sßv {]Xn-tcm[w
BWv krjvSn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. CXn¬ ^yqh¬
sa{Sn-Ivkv, ^yph¬ ¢mUv, ss{]adn Iqf‚ v
_u≠- d n, Ão¬ sse≥Uv ss{]adn
Iss≠≥sa‚ v (120 sk.- a o. L\- Ø n¬
tIm¨{Io-‰n¬), sk°‚dn Iss≠≥sa‚ v (60
sk.- a o. L\- Ø n¬ tIm¨{Io‰n¬) F∂o
A©p Ih-N-ßfpw IqSmsX 1.6 Intem-ao-‰¿
Np‰-f-hn¬ Hcp \nb-{¥nX taJ-ebpw Dƒs∏-Sp∂p. dnbm-IvS-dns‚ Cu cq]-I-ev]\ ]Xn-\mbncw h¿j- ß - f n¬ Hcn- ° ¬ am{Xw hcm≥
km≤y-X-bp-ff ]c-am-h[n Xo{hX IW-°m-°nbn-´p-ff `qI-º-Ønt\m, kp\m-an-t°m, Npg-en°m-‰nt\m, As√-¶n¬ Hcp hnam-\-an-Sn-®n-d-°MARCH 2012
IqSw-Ipfw BWh \nebw
ent\m XI¿°m≥ ]‰mØ _e- Ø n- e mWv
\n¿Ωn- ® n- c n- ° p- ∂ - X v . A¥m- c m- j v { S BWthm¿÷ GP≥kn bptSbpw C¥y≥ BWh
\nb-{¥W t_m¿Un-t‚bpw am¿§-\n¿t±-i-߃
Ah-ew-_n-®mWv \n¿ΩmWw ]q¿Øn-bm-°n-bncn-°p-∂-Xv.
2004 Unkw-_¿ 26-˛¬ kpam{X `qI-º-Ønt\m-S-\p-_-‘n-®p-≠mb kp\m-an-bn¬ IqSw-IpfØv km[m-cW kap{Z \nc-∏n¬ \n∂pw 2
ao‰¿ hsc Db-cØ
-- n¬ sh≈w Db¿∂n-cp-∂p.
F∂m¬ IqSw- I pfw \ne- b - Ø ns‚ hnhn[
\n¿Ωm-W-߃ kap{Z \nc-∏n¬ \n∂pw 7.5 ao‰¿
apX¬ 13.5 ao‰¿ hsc Db-c-Øn¬ \n∂p-amWv
XpS-ßn-bn-´p-≈-Xv. CXn-\¿∞w Xncp-s\¬thenbpw I\ym-Ip-am-cnbpw sh≈-Øn-\-Sn-bn-em-bXn-\p-tijw am{Xta kp\m-an°v Cu \nebsØ sXmSm≥ ]‰p-I-bp≈q F∂t√???
C{X-sbms° kpc£m \S-]-Sn-Iƒ D-s≠¶nepw Hcp ASn- b - ¥ nc L´w h∂m¬
FSpt°≠ ap≥ Icp-X-ep-Ifpw Cu \ne-b-Øn¬ k÷o-I-cn-®n-´p-≠v. ASn-b-¥nc L´-Øn¬
CØcw \ne- b - ß ƒ°v BZy- a mbn th≠Xv
dnbm-IvS-dns‚ {]h¿Ø-\w \n¿ØpI F∂p-≈Xm-Wv. AXm-bXv GsX-¶nepw Imc-W-h-im¬
dnbm-IvS¿ tIm¿ A-[n-I-ambn NqSm-bm¬ DS≥
sNbn≥ dnbm-£≥ XS- -s∏-SpØn dnbm-IvSdns‚ {]h¿Ø\w \n¿ØWw. XpS¿∂v
{]h¿Ø\w \n¿Ønb dnbm-IvS-dn-s\ XWp-∏n°Ww. tdUn-tb-j≥ ]pd-tØ°v t]mIm≥
CXn- s \√mw th≠n c≠v Xc- Ø n- e p- f f
kwhn-[m-\-ßfmWv ChnsS k÷o-I-cn-®n-cn-°p∂- X v . AXn¬ H∂m- a sØ hn`m- K - a mWv
BIvSohv knÃw. AXm-bXv {KnUn¬ \n∂pw
]h¿ D]-tbm-Kn®v {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-h. 220 sI.hn.bpsS c≠v hyXykvX t{kmX- n¬ \n∂pff ^oU-dpIfpw 400 sI.-hn.bpsS \mev ^oUdpIfpw ChnsS e`n-°p-∂p-≠v. {KnUn¬ \n∂pw
D≈ ]h¿ \ne-®m¬ ChnsS ÿm]n-®n-´p≈
Uok¬ P\-td-‰-dp-I-fn¬ \n∂pw D≈ ]h¿
e`n°pw. kap{Z \nc-∏n¬ \n∂pw 9.3 ao‰¿ Dbc-Øn-emWv Uok¬ P\-td-‰-dp-Iƒ ÿm]n-®n-
IqSw-Ipfw BWh \nebw
´p-≈-Xv. CXp IqSmsX 24 aWn-°q¿ hsc ]h¿
e`n-°p∂ tÃj≥ _m‰-dnbpw D≠v.
c≠m- a sØ hn`m- K - a mb ]m ohv knÃØn¬ ]pdta \n∂v ]h¿ H∂pw IqSmsX
{]h¿Øn- ° p- ∂ - h - b m- W v D≈Xv . {Kmhn‰n,
Ct\¿jym, I¨sh-£≥, apX-emb XXz-ßfn-e-[n-jvTn-X-am-bmWv CØcw {]h¿Ø-\-߃
km[y-am-°p-∂-Xv. Ch-bn¬ ]h¿ t]mbm¬
{Kmhn‰n°[n-jvTn-X-ambn hogp∂ (C-eIvt{Sm
am·-‰m-¬ Db¿Øp∂) I¨t{Smƒ tdmUpIƒ, ]h¿ t]mbm¬ Iqf‚ v ]ºns‚
Ct\¿jym- aq-e-ap≈ {]h¿Ø-\-Øn¬ dnbmIvS-dn-te°v X\nsb C≥PIvSv sNø-s∏-Sp∂
t_mdnIv BknUv, \ne-b-Øn¬ Xs∂-bp≈
ip≤-Pe kw`-c-Wn-I-fn-ep≈ sh≈w D]-tbmKn-®p≈ XWp-∏n-°¬, sX¿tΩm ssk^-WnMv,
kzm`m- h nI hmbp {]hmlw F∂nh
sIm≠p≈ XWp-∏n-°¬ kwhn-[m\w F∂nh
CXn-s\-√m-a-∏pdw AUzm≥kvUv ]m ohv
tk^v‰n ^ot®-gvkpw ChnsS D≠v. GsX-¶nepw
Hcp L´-Øn¬ dnbm-Iv-S¿ tIm¿ Dcp-Ip∂ Hcp
kml-Ncyw D≠mbm¬ tdUntbm BIvSohv
C‘- \ sØ DƒsIm- f - f m≥ ]‰nb ‘tIm¿
Iym- ® ¿’ kwhn- [ m- \ - a m- W v CXn- e p- ≈ Xv.
tImdns\ XWp- ∏ n- ° m≥ Bh- i y- a mb Pew
Iss≠≥sa‚n-\p-≈n¬ Xs∂ k÷o-I-cn-®n-´pff ip≤ -Pe kw`-cWn-I-fn¬ \n∂pw e`n-°p∂p. CXn-s\√mw ]pdsa dnbm-IvS-¿ _n¬UnwKn¬ Xs∂ D≠m-Im≥ km≤yX-bp-ff ssl{UPs\ shf-f-am°n am‰p∂ ]mkohv ssl{UP≥ dow Iwss_-t\gvkv F∂ kwhn-[m\hpw
Dƒs∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. kn¿t°m-Wnbw \n¿ΩnX
^yqh≥ ¢mUv , tImdnse sh≈- h p- a mbn
{]h¿Øn-®p-≠m-Im≥ km≤yX-bp-ff ssl{UP≥, kvt^mS-\-Øn-\p- hn-t[-b-am-ImsX HmIvknP-\p-ambn Iq´n-tN¿Øv sh≈-am°n hnSp∂
{]h¿Ø- \ - a mWv ssl{U- P ≥ doIw- s s_t\gvkn¬ \S-°p-∂-Xv.
IqSw- I qfw \ne- b - Ø nse ta¬]- d ™
kpc£m kwhn- [ m- \ - ß - s f√mw Ip‰- a - ‰ - X msW∂pw temI- Ø n¬ \ne- h n- e p≈ as‰√m
BWh \ne-b-ß-tf-°mƒ Db¿∂ \ne-hm-c-Øn30
ep-≈Xp Xs∂-bm-sW∂pw \nebw t\cn¬
I≠p ]cn-tim-[n®p Xr]vXn-s∏´ ap≥ cm-jv{S]Xn tUm. F.-]n.-sP. A_vZpƒ Iemw P\-ßtfm-Smbn {]Jym-]n-®n-´p-≠v. ap≥ BW-thm¿÷
IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ {io. Fw. B¿. {io\nhm-ks‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn-ep≈ hnZKv≤ kan-Xnbpw
CtX A`n- { ]mbw Xs∂- b mWv Xan- g v \ mSv
Kh¨sa‚ns\ Adn-bn-®n-´p-≈-Xv.
C{Xbpw Zo¿Lho£W-tØmsS, AXn-kqjva-amb LS-I-߃ hsc IW-°n-se-SpØv
imkv{X-km-t¶-XnI hnZ-Kv≤¿ cq] Iev]\
sNbvXv, tbmKycm-b-h¿- AwKo-Imcw \¬In,
cmjv{S-Øn\p ka¿∏n-°p-hm≥ Xømdm°nbncn°p∂ Hcp ]≤- X n- s b, kaq- l - Ø n- t \m- t Sm,
cmjv { S- Ø n- t \mtSm {]Xn- _ - ≤ - X - b n- √ mØ,
imkv{Xob ⁄m\-an-√m-Ø, Nne i‡n-Iƒ
hna¿in-°p-Ibpw AXn-s\-Xnsc {]NmcWw \SØp-Ibpw sNøp-∂Xv XnI®pw \n¿`m-Ky-I-c-amWv. Xmc-X-tay\ hnZym-`ymkw Ipd™ a’y
sXmgn-em-fn-I-tfbpw Nne -{Km-a-hm-kn-I-tfbpw
Cu {]Nm-c-W-Øn-eqsS kzm[o-\n®v, Ahsc
Bbp-[-am-°n-bmWv cmPy-Xm-ev]-cy-Øn\v hncp≤- a mb CØcw \S- ] - S n- I - f n- t e°v C°q- ´ ¿
imkv{X kmt¶-XnI hnZy-bpsS t\´-߃
kaq- l - Ø ns‚ hnI- k - \ - Ø n\pw \∑bv ° pw
th≠n hn\n-tbm-Kn-°p-hm-\p-≈-Xm-Wv. Cu DØc-hm-Zn-Xz-am-Wt√m \ΩpsS imkv{X-⁄-tcbpw
a‰p kmt¶-XnI hnZ-Kv≤-tcbpw \mw Fev]n-®ncn-°p-∂-Xv. Ah¿ AXv ka¿∞-ambn \nd-th‰n,
AXns‚ ^ew kaq-l-Øn\p ka¿∏n-°p-hm≥
Hcp-ßp-tºmƒ AXns‚ \∑ A\p-`-hn-t°-≠h- c n¬ Xs∂ Nne¿ AXns\ FXn¿Øp
tXmev]n-°p-hm≥ {ian-®m¬ AXns‚ \jvSw
B¿°v !!? AXp-sIm-≠p-≠m-Ip∂ _m≤yX
hln-t°-≠-h¿ Bcv !!?
rajiv.nair67@gmail.com, 9446008761
HT 3P 4W Meter Connections and Border Meters
F∂ teJ\w hcpw e°-Øn¬ {]kn-≤o-Icn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.
MARCH 2012
LBB Protection in Transformer Panel
Some Thoughts and Suggestions
C.N. Jayarajan
equipment in a substation
is transformer. Therefore,
transformers in the
substation requires most
There are different
relays functioning based on
electrical and mechanical
parameters for the
protection of transformer. All these relays
operate to open Circuit Breakers on either side
of the transformer.
Normally, power flow through the
transformers inteneded for distribution of power
is from HV side to LV side as sources are situated
at HV side for . In the case of power transformers
in large substations, these transformers are
having sources on HV and LV sides.
This note discusses about the importance of
LBB protection to transformer and some
suggestions to modify transformer panels
(a) Uniqueness of Mechanical protections
Protections provided for transformer are of
both mechanical and electrical types. In a
substation, for feeder protection, there are no
mechanical protections.
Mechanical protections may or may not carry
fault currents. For example, a winding
temperature very high fault condition may not
carry very high fault currents. Similarly Buchholz
relay trip may be or may not be associated by
differential protection tripping. Differential
protection tripping is very fast and buchholz
operation is comparatively slow. Therefore,
simultaneous operation of both protections or
operation of buchholz protection alone show that
the occurrence of sufficient fault current along
operation to operate
the differential relay
may not be there or the
fault current may be
reaching to the
threshold level after a
delay. Thus it cannot be
expected operation of
an electrical relay
working based on fault
current along with
mechanical faults of the transformer.
The mechanical protections of transformer
also operate the circuit breakers on the source
sides. If the circuit breaker of the transformer
fails to operate, the fault cannot be sensed by
the relays provided in the feeders as those are
sensing electrical parameters. So the fault will
be aggravated until it turns out to be an electrical
fault and then only the incoming feeders clear
the fault electrically.
(b) Faults on the 11KV LV side (in substation
transformers used for distribution )
11 KV feeders are fed through the transformer
whose LV side is not having normally any source
but radial feeders. If any fault occurs on the 11KV
side, the fault current will be fed from the HV
side of the transformer. Up to the 11KV cable
end, the protection is through Restricted Earth
fault protection and Differential protection.
These are unit protections provided to get
instantaneous fault clearance in order to
minimize the damage. When these relays act, it
will trip HV side breaker to isolate fault portion
from the source.
If the HV side breaker fails to trip, this fault is
to be cleared by the relays provided on the
feeders. EHV feeders are provided with distance
relays and directional relays which are looking in
forward direction and not to the transformer side.
There are some distance relays with reverse
LBB Protection in Transformer Panel
looking zone. This will be set with a delay of
around 1 second. Besides it, this reverse zone is
supposed to protect the bus and its reach will not
cover the LV side of the transformer. Therefore,
the distance relays provided on the remote ends
of the feeders will not sense the fault on the LV
side of the transformer at local ends. If there is
any IDMT relay on the feeder, it may sense the
fault. However, the delay for fault clearing will
be depending upon the source impedance.
Therefore, even if the fault is cleared, it will be a
delayed action.
(c) Operation of breakers:
The feeder breakers trip during faults in lines
as most of the feeders are of overhead type
irrespective of the voltage level. Trippings of
feeders upto the voltage level 220KV are not rare.
At the same time, trippings of transformer
breakers are very rare. Because, transformer
breakers are supposed to operate for the faults
in the transformer, lightning arrester, LV (or other
) side feeder upto next bus and also as back up to
the faults in the bus on the LV (or other) side bus
and on the feeders from that bus. These
equipments are located well within substation
area and are protected by sufficient clearances,
lightning shields etc. This means the tripping of
the transformer breakers are rare.
Similarly, the switching on and off operations
of transformer breakers are also rare as it
requires only during maintenance periods which
are normally done by station authorities.
Thus it can be seen that the transformer circuit
breakers are least operated circuit breakers.
Sometimes, this leads to less
attention to these breakers.
There have been occasions
where transformers have
been charged with fuses on
source side as the circuit
breakers on the respective
side became faulty. Such bad
methods have not been
adopted so far in the case of
There have been occasions
where the transformer circuit
breaker controls became faulty due to
mechanical reasons, trip coil failures, absence of
DC supply etc. One of the main reasons for the
lack of proper maintenance of breaker is due to
non availability of shut down of transformers as
those are carrying at full load condition during
day periods.
Suggestion for LBB protection:
LBB (Local Breaker Backup) protection can be
used to extend the tripping to the transformer
Circuit Breaker to the other breakers which
comes as back up to the transformer breaker
with an additional delay of 100 to 250 milliseconds.
The LBB shall have two trips. First one with delay
of 100 milliseconds shall issue trip to both trip
coils of the same circuit breaker and second trip
with delay of 250 milliseconds shall be issued to
trip upstream side feeders.
Following are some modifications shall be
incorporated suitably in the tranformer LBB
1. Provide a separate DC supply from charger to
the LBB protection. Otherwise, failure of the
dc supply in the transformer panel due to fuse
blowing off etc. may block operation of not
only the relay, master trip relay and circuit
breaker but also operation of LBB.
2. NC contacts of DC supervision relays of
Breaker panels shall be wired to energize LBB
protection to operate LBB when DC supply
fails in transformer panel when the
transformer is in service.
In this case, there is a risk of unwanted tripping
of upstream side breakers
and complete loss of supply
for a DC fuse fail inside
transformer panel. This
becomes critical when the
substation is large.
Therefore, a fault
sensing condition may be
added in series with the DC
supervision NC contacts.
The numerical relays like
Areva make P642 type have
both differential and back up
overcurrent and earth fault
MARCH 2012
LBB Protection in Transformer Panel
protection. So this relay may be programmed for
back up overcurrent and earth fault protection
too. Install an electro mechanical overcurrent
and earth fault relay like CDG 31 and connect its
one contact to trip the transformer breaker and
connect another contact to trip the upstream side
feeder breakers in series with NC contact of DC
supervision relay. The electro mechanical relay
will operate even when there is no DC supply in
panel as the relay does not require power supply.
3. LBB may programmed in the numerical relay
like P642 to incorporate mechanical
protections like buchholz relay trip in LBB
scheme to trip upstream side feeder breakers
after a delay if the transformer breaker does
not open within the prescribed time delay. In
this case, the DC supply to the LBB is same as
used for the numerical relay and therefore
the proposal given in item
(1) above cannot be
satisfied. So, if panel DC
fails, this LBB scheme will
not be effective. At that
time the electromechanical
relay in series with NC
contact of DC supervision
will take care of tripping HV
side breakers as mentioned
in item (2) above.
Simultaneous occurrence
of panel DC failure and
buchholz trip operation are
very rare and such a chance
can be neglected.
4. Normally, lock out relay or
trip relay (86) is used to
initiate LBB. Failure of this
86 relay will lead to non
operation of not only circuit
breaker but also LBB.
Therefore, each individual
relay contacts shall be
wired to LBB.
5. Wiring of individual relays
to LBB relays may
sometimes be very difficult
as it requires a lot of
Therefore the suggestion provided in item 4
above may be difficult to implement.
Healthiness of 86 relay can be supervised by
supervision circuit. Similarly, an additional 86
relay may be connected in parallel with which
the problem of non tripping due to failure of
coil of 86 relay can be avoided.
Cost Implication:
Compared to the transformer relay panels
now available, there is no additional relay
requirement if a numerical relay like P642 type
are used along with electro mechanical
overcurrent and earth fault relays are used in
the panel. Therefore, additional cost is not much
due to the modification work for additional wiring
to trip upstream side feeder breakers.
1. In KSEB, most of the transformer panels are
not having LBB protection. The
LBB protections shall be
provided for transformer CBs
and the LBB scheme now
existing in the transformer
panels may be modified as
proposed above to make it
reliable in the adverse
conditions which may affect
smooth of operation of LBB.
Two trip coils of circuit
breakers are to be wired to
separate DC sources or to the
single DC supply with separate
At Kalamassery 220 KV
substation, 10MVA, 66/11KV
transformer became damaged
years ago due to non
operation of HV side breaker.
Similarly, 11 KV panels at
Vaikom 110KV substation
were burnt out for cable end
box fault in 11 KV incomer
which was not cleared by
operation of HV side breaker.
In these situations presence
of LBB with external power
supply or programming of
LBB Protection in Transformer Panel
numerical relay like P642 as described above
, use of electro mechanical back up
overcurrent and earth fault relay along with
extending trip to upstream side breakers
through DC supervision NC contacts,
duplication of 86 relay and supervision of 86
relay might save these precious equipments
and would avoid huge revenue loss to KSEB.
4. As pointed out earlier, the transformer faults
which leads to operation of Buchholz trip or
Winding Temperature High trip may not
sometimes carry sufficient fault current to
operate differential, REF or back up
overcurrent or earth fault protection.
Sometimes, buchholz relay may operate when
the transformer is charged at no load.
Therefore, if HV side breaker fails to operate
during Buchholz operation, the LBB
protection may fail to operate due to absence
of sufficient fault current or LBB protection
will act delayed after the fault was developed
into more severe one which is having sufficient
fault current. Therefore, as mentioned
above, numerical relays may be programmed
to operate upstream side feeder breakers in
such cases too.
5. In stations like Kalamassery we have a
situation where the 10 MVA 110/11 KV
transformers are fed through large capacity
220/110 KV transformers and other 110 KV
lines which are operated in parallel most of
the time. Failure of the 110 KV breaker of
these 10 MVA Transformers will not initiate
back up relay tripping of the 220/110
Transformers as its full load current settings
are above maximum fault current through
10MVA transformer and have to be cleared
by remote end of 220 KV feeders. This has
been reported as occurred at least twice . The
10 MVA transformers were literally exploded
causing wide spread damage to nearby 110
KV equipments and even the bushings of 220
KV transformers which are quite far away. This
shows the importance of LBB protection in
such situations.
P\-d¬ sk{I-´-dn- Fgp-Xp∂p
s°m-≠mWv \ΩpsS Ah-X-cWw Ah-km-\n∏n-®-Xv.
kwL- S - \ - I ƒ Db¿Ønb {]iv\- ß ƒ
k¿°m-cns‚ {i≤-bn¬ s]Sp-Øm-sa∂pw Un.]n.-kn. DØ-chv ac-hn-∏n-°m-sa∂pw sNb¿am≥
adp-]Sn {]kw-K-Øn¬ kqNn-∏n-®p. t_m¿Uv
C∂-`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p∂ {]iv\-ß-fn¬ \ΩpsS
kwL-S-\-bpsS A`n-{]m-b-߃ IrXy-ambn AhXcn∏n°m\pw C°m-cy-ß-fn¬ s]mXp-{i-≤-t\Sm\pw \ΩpsS CS-s]-S-ep-Iƒ°v Ign-™n-´p-≠v.
t_m¿Uv ]p\:kwL-S\ kw_-‘n®v tIcfw
apt∂m´p sh®n-´p≈ _Z¬ kao-]\w kwc-£n°-W-sa∂ ktµ-i-amWv s]mXphn¬ tbmKØn¬ Db¿∂p-h-∂-Xv.
kv{XoIfpw Ip´n-Ifpw {Iqc-ambn ]oVn-∏n°-s∏-Sp∂ h¿Ø-am\ kmaq-lym-h-ÿ-bn¬
Hfn-t®m-Stem Iog-Sß
- tem A√, kwL-Sn-Xa
- mbn
(10-˛mw t]Pns‚ XpS¿®)
sNdpØp \n¬°-emWv A\n-hm-cy-sa∂v {]Jym]n-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p km¿∆-tZ-iob h\n-Xm-Zn\
]cn-]m-Sn-bn¬ \ΩpsS h\nXm {]h¿Ø-I¿
Ah- X - c n- ∏ n® sNdp- \ m- S - I - Ø ns‚ ktµ- i w.
kwÿm-\Øv ]Xn-s\m∂v tI{µ-ß-fn-emWv
CØ-hW kwL-S-\-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ h\nXm-Zn-\m-tLmjw \S-∂-Xv. CXn¬ Hº-Xn-SØv
sNdp-\m-S-I-߃ Ac-tß-dn. \m¬]-tXmfw h\nXmw-K-߃ A`n-t\-Xm-°-fmbn cwK-Øp-h-∂p.
Xow t]∏¿ Ah-X-c-W-a-S°w hnhn[ DØ-c-hmZn- Ø - ß ƒ Gs‰SpØv Aº- t Xmfw h\nXm
{]h¿Ø- I ¿ thsdbpw thZn- b n- s e- Ø n.
kwÿm-\-sØm-´msI \m\q-dn-tesd h\n-Xmw-K߃ ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fn¬ ]¶m-fn-I-fm-bn. ]cn-]mSn
apt∂m´p sh® ktµ-i-Øns‚ Kmw`o-cy-tØmsSm∏w Nn´-bmb kwLm-S-\hpw IqSnt®¿∂
t∏mƒ h\n-Xm-Zn-\m-tLmjw ^e-{]Zhpw anIhp-‰-Xp-am-bn. kwL-S-\-bpsS tijn hnfn-t®mXnb {]h¿Ø-\w. F√m h\nXm {]h¿Ø-Itcbpw A`n-\-µn-°m≥ Cu kµ¿`w D]-tbm-Ks∏-Sp-Øp-∂p.
MARCH 2012
Pn√m P\-d¬ t_m-Un-Iƒ
s^{_p-hcn 14\v ae∏pdw ]mekv HmUn-t‰mdn-b-Øn¬ Pn√m {]kn-U‚ v Sn.-Fw. APnØv
Ipam-dns‚ A≤y£-X-bn¬ tN¿∂ ae-∏pdw
Pn√m P\- d ¬ t_mUntbmKw kwÿm\
h¿°nwKv {]kn-U‚ v sP. kXy-cm-P≥ DXvLmS\w sNbvXp. XpS¿∂v Pn√m sk{I-´dn C.
cta-i≥ Pn√m-I-Ωn‰n dnt∏m¿´v Ah-X-cn∏n-®p. N¿®-Iƒ°v kwÿm\ t\Xm-°fmb ]n. jo_, _n. lcn-Ip-am-¿ F∂nh¿
adp-]Sn ]d-™p. P\-d¬ t_mUn-bn¬ 82
AwK-߃ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. kwÿm\ IΩn‰n
AwKw chn- sIm-S-°m-SØv \µn tcJ-s∏Sp-Øn.
F. inh-Zm-k\v bm{X-bb∏v \¬In. kwLS-\-bpsS Pn√m sshkv {]kn-U‚ v sI.sF. cLp-hns‚ A≤y-£-X-bn¬ kn.-sF.Sn.bp. Pn√m {]kn-U‚pw ap≥ Fw.-F¬.F.-bp-amb {io. hn. iin-Ip-am¿ bm{X
bb∏v tbmKw DXvLm-S\w sNbvXp. kn.sF.-‰n.-bp. Pn√m sk{I-´-dn- {io. tPm¿÷v
sI. B‚-Wn,- {io. inh-Zm-k\v D]-lmcw
\¬In-. NS-ßn¬ Sn.-sI. jmP≥ (sI.-Fkv.-C.-_n. Uªn-bq.-F), Sn.-sI.-P-b-Ip-am¿,
Pb≥Zmkv kp{]nbm sI.-F≥. cho-{µ-\mYv, jo_, kptc-{µ≥ a¶-S, _jo¿ Np¶-Ø-d,
tkma-cm-P≥, _n. lcn-Ip-am¿, lmPn-d F∂nh¿ kwkm-cn®p. XpS¿∂v sI.-F. inh-Zm-k≥
adp-]Sn {]kwKw \S-Øn. NS-ßn¬ h¿t°gvkv
Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ t\Xmhv F. {]Imiv \µn
P\-d¬ t_mUn-°p-tijw kwL-S-\bpsS ap≥ kwÿm\ {]kn-U‚ v {io. sI.-
CSp°n Pn√m P\-d¬t_mUn s^{_p-hcn
8\v aqe-a‰w F®v.B¿.-kn. lmfn¬ tN¿∂p.
Pn√m {]kn-U‚ v Ppssaem _ohn-bpsS A[y£- X bn¬ tN¿∂ tbmK- Ø n\v sk≥{S¬
IΩ‰n AwKw tPmPn tPm¿÷v amXyp kzmKXw
sk_m-Ãy≥ dnt∏m¿´v Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.
Pn√m sk{I- ´ dn N{µ- t _mkv sI.- ] n.
{]h¿Ø\ dnt∏m¿´v Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. kwÿm\
IΩ-‰n°p th≠n kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn Ipcy≥
19 h\n-X-Iƒ Dƒs∏sS Fgp-]-Xp- t]¿ P\d¬ t_mUn-bn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. Ipamcn kpeptacn kmw \µn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn.
Pn√m {Sj-d¿ cPo-{µ≥ \mb¿ hchv sNehv
IW°v Ah-Xc
- n-∏n-®p. kwL-S\m t\Xm-°f
- mb
sI. Cµn-c, sI.-sI. t_mkv, apl-ΩZv Imknw
F∂n-h¿ P\-d¬t_m-Unsb A`n-hm-Zyw-sNbvXp.
Pn√m P\-d¬ t_m-Un-Iƒ
`-ßsf-°p-dn®pw a‰p ]cn]m-Sn-Isf°pdn®pw hni-ZoI-cn-®p. s]mXp-N¿®-bn¬
Db¿∂p- h ∂ hnj- b - ß ƒ°v tkmW¬ sk{I´dn Ipcy≥ sk_m-Ãy¬
hni- Z o- I - c Ww \¬In.
{Sj-d¿ ]n.-F≥. tkma≥
Ah- X - c n- ∏ n- ® p. 94 t]¿
tIm´bw Pn√m P\-d¬
t_mUn s^{_p-hcn 14\v
tlm´¬ B¿t°- U n- b bn¬ sh®v Pn√m {]knU‚ v hn. {_nPvem-ens‚
A≤y-£-Xbn¬ tN¿∂p.
kwÿm\ sshkv {]knU‚ v a[p- e m¬ sP.
DXvLm- S \w sNbvXp.
BIvSnwKv sk{I-´dn kn.sI. kptc- { µ≥ Pn√m
kwÿ-m\ `mc-hm-ln-I-fmb t_mkv sI.-sI,
Fw.-F. _m_p, ]n.-hn. {]Zo]v F∂n-h¿ kwLS\ Gs‰-SpØp \S-Øp-hm≥ t]mIp∂ {]t£m-
tbmK-Øn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. _n. _n\p kzmK-Xhpw
F.-Fw. {ioIp-am¿ IrX-⁄-Xbpw tcJ-s∏-SpØn.
Imk-d-tKmUv Pn√m P\-d¬t_mUn tbmKw
s^{_p-hcn 3\v Im™-ßmSv ]n.-U-ªyp.-Un.
sdÃvlukn¬ sh®v \S-∂p.- Pn√m {]knU‚ v
\µ-Ip-am¿ ]n.-]n.-bpsS A[y£- X - b n¬ tN¿∂ tbmKØn¬ Pn√m sk{I-´dn a[pkq-Z\
- ≥ ]n.-hn. dnt∏m¿´v AhX- c n- ∏ n- ® p. kwÿm\ `mchmln {]kmZv amXyp
\S- Ø n.
kwÿm\ sk{I- ´ dn F.
taml-\≥ N¿®-Iƒ°v adp-]Sn ]d-™p. Bi
Sn.-]n. kzmK-Xhpw ctajv H.-hn. \µnbpw {]Imin-∏n-®p.
MARCH 2012
_-jo¿ Np¶Ød
bm{Xm hn-h-cWØns‚ Ah-km\ `mKw
alm-k-ap-{Z-Øn-\SnbneqsS e≠≥ \K-c-Øn¬
]mco-kn¬ \n∂pw e≠-\n-te-°p≈ bm{XmIm-eØv 7.30 aWn°v XpS-ßn. ]mco-kns‚ \Kc
{]m¥-ßfpw IqSn ]n∂n´v Ign-™-t∏mƒ hnf™p-In-S-°p∂ {^©p hb-ep-Iƒ I≠p XpSßn. hnim-e-amb hb¬ ]c-∏p-I-fpsS ImgvN
c≠v aWn-°q-tdmfw \o≠p-\n-∂p. hnim-e-amb
\mev hcn-∏m-X-bmWv ]mco-kv, e≠≥ sslth
_ v \q‰n-bn-cp-]Xv Intem-ao-‰¿ thK-Øn¬
bqtdm-∏n¬ k©-cn® \Kc {]tZ-i-߃
- Øms° Irjn-bn-Sß
- ƒ I≠n-cp-∂p.
]t£ Hcn-SØpw aÆn¬ Cd-ßn-\n∂v ]Wn
sNøp∂ Hcp Irjn-°m-c-t\tbm I¿jIsØm
gn-em-fn-tbtbm ImWm≥ Ign-™n-√. Iptd Zqcw
]n∂n-´t- ∏mƒ hb-te-eI
- ƒ°n-Sb
- n¬ Hcp sIm®p
h\w. hb-ep-Iƒ apdn®v IS∂v t]mIp∂ Sh¿
sse\p-Iƒ ˛ \Ωƒ tIc-f-Øn¬ ]e-bn-SØv
sNbvXn-´p-≈Xv t]mse U_nƒ k¿Iyq´v Sh¿
sse\n¬ Hcp `mKØv IqsS am{Xw kn¶nƒ
k¿Iyq´v sse≥ hen®v adp-`mKw Hgn-®n-´n-cn°p∂ Sh¿ sse\pw H∂p c≠n-SØv I≠p.
Ip∂p-Iƒ°v apI-fn-embn \ncØn ÿm]n®n- c n- ° p∂ Im‰mSn b{¥- ß ƒ°v apI- f n¬
\n∂pw IrXy- a mb CS- t h- f - I - f n¬ an∂¬
{]Imiw {]Xy- £ - s ∏- S p- ∂ Xv bqtdm- ∏ y≥
kpc£m \nb- a - Ø ns‚ `mK- a m- b n- c n- ° - W w.
cmhnse ]Xn-s\m-∂c aWn-tbmsS {^m≥kns‚
AXn¿Øn-bnse Imeokv F∂ ÿe-sØ-Øn.
{^m≥kn-\pw {_n´\pw CS-bv°p≈ kap{Z
`mK-amWv Cw•ojv Nm\¬. 38 Intem-ao-‰t- dmfw
\of- a p≈ Cu IS- e n- S p°v \o¥n- ° - S ∂
hoc∑mcn¬ \ΩpsS C¥y- ° m- c s‚ anln¿
sk∂ns‚ t]cpw D≠v. bqtdm-∏y≥ kmt¶-XnI
]cn-⁄m-\-Øns‚ A¤p-X s∏-Sp-Øp∂ Hcp
amXr- I - b mWv {^m≥kn- t \bpw {_n´- t \bpw
_‘n-∏n-°p∂ Nm\¬ SW¬. Cw•ojv Nm\¬
F∂ kap{Z `mK-Øns‚ ASn-Ø-´n¬ \n∂pw
At\Iw ao‰¿ Xmsg-°qSn \n¿Ωn®ncn-°p∂ aq∂v
SW-ep-Iƒ {^m≥knse Imeokv sXm´v {_n´\nse t^mIvtÃm¨ hsc \o≠p-In-S°
- p-∂p.
50.5 Intem-ao-‰¿ \of-ap≈ SW-ens‚ 37.9
Intem-ao-‰¿ Zqcw kap-{Z-Øn-\-Sn-bn-emWv c≠v
SW-ep-Iƒ. 25 ASn hymk-Øn¬ c≠v `mK-tØ°p-ap≈ s{Sbn≥ KXm-K-X-Øn\v D]-tbm-Kn°p∂ 30 ao‰¿ AI- e - Ø n- e mbn Cu c≠v
sabn≥ SW-ep-Iƒ°v CSbv°v 16 ASn hymkØn¬ aq∂m-a-sXmcp SW¬ IqSn-bp-≠v.
CXv sabn‚-\≥kv, kpc£ F∂o Bhiy- ß ƒ°mbn am{X- a p- ≈ - X m- W v . Cu
k¿∆o- k nwKv SW- e n¬ \n∂pw c≠v
sabn¬ SW-en-te°pw _‘-s∏-Sp-Øp∂- X n- \ mbn 11 ASn hymk- Ø n¬
At\Iw SW-ep-Ifpw D≠v.
1996 ¬ Ata-cn-°≥ knhn¬ F©n\n-b¿amcpsS skmssk‰n B[p-\nI
temIsØ Ggv A¤p-X-ß-fn¬ H∂mbn
sXc-s™-Sp-Ø-Xv, Cu Nm\¬ SW¬
kwhn- [ m\sØbmWv.
\n¿ΩmWw Bcw-`n®v 1994 ¬ ]q¿Ønbm-°nb Cu SW-ens‚ \n¿ΩmW thK-
...e≠≥ \K-c-Øn¬
Xbpw Hcp A¤p-X-am-bn-cp-∂p. SWens‚ G‰hpw Xmgv∂ `mKw kap-t{Zm]-cn-X-e-Øn¬ \n∂pw 75 ao‰¿ XmsgbmWv. bqtdm-∏y≥ bqWn-b-\n¬ Hcp
cmPyØv \n∂pw as‰mcp cmPytØ°v IS- ° p- t ºmƒ Imcy- a mb
sN°nßv H∂pw Fhn-tSbpw D≠mbn-cp-∂n√ F∂Xv t\csØ kqNn∏n-®n-cp-∂-t√m.
F∂m¬ {_n´-\n-te-°p≈ {]thi\w Aßns\ Bbncp∂n√. hnkbpsS Imcyhpw Aßns\ Xs∂-bmWv. bqtdm-∏y≥ bqWn-b-\nse F√m
cmPy- ß ƒ°pw IqSn Hcp hnk.
{_n´\v am{Xw thsd hnk FSp-°Ww.
Fb¿t]m¿´p- I - f n¬
hntZ- i - t Ø°v
t]mIp∂ Hcp bm{X-°-mc\v th≠ coXn-bn-ep≈
AtX Kuc-h-tØm-sS-bp≈ F√m ]cn-tim-[-\Ifpw Ign-™nt´ Nm\¬ SW-en-eqsS t]mIp∂
s{Sbn-\n-te°v {]th-i\w In´n-bp-≈p.
Nm\¬ SW- e n- e qsS Imeo- k n¬ \n∂pw
t^mIvtÃmƒ hsc k¿∆okv \S-Øp∂ j´n¬
s{Sbn- \ n¬ bm{X- ° m¿ t\cn´v Ib- d p- I - b √
sNøp-∂-Xv. tdmUv hgn FØn-t®-cp∂ hml-\ß-fmWv bm{X-°m-tcm-sSm∏w s{Sbn-\n-te°v Ibdp-∂-Xv. Hmtcm t_mKn-bnepw 3 _ p-Iƒ hsc
Ib-‰m≥ kuIcyw D≠v ˛ Rß-fpsS _ pw
Rß-tfm-sSm∏w s{Sbn-\n\v AI-Ømbn.
kap-{Z-Øn-\S- n-bn-eqsS \S-Øp∂ B s{Sbn≥
bm{X-bn¬ \ap°v {]tXy-I-X-I-sfm∂pw Xs∂
A\p`hs∏-Sp-∂n-√. sNss∂ sdbn¬th tÃj\n¬ \n∂pw s{Sbn≥ Ib-dp∂ Hcmƒ ASpØ
tÃj- \ n¬ Cdßn t\m°ptºmƒ AXv
sImftºm BsW-¶n¬ AXn-\¿∞w IS¬
IS∂v t]m∂n-cn-°p-∂p F∂v hniz-kn-t°≠n
hcp-∂Xv t]mse Hcp A\p-`hw am{Xw.
Imeo-knepw t^mIvtÃm-Wnepw sdbn¬th
tÃjs‚ ASp-sØm∂pw A√ IS¬. kap{Z
`mK-amb 37.9 Intem-ao-‰¿ Ign™v Bdv In-temao-‰-dn¬ Gsd Zqcw Ic-bn-te°v Ib-dn-bmWv
Ccp `mKØpw SW¬ Ah-km-\n-°p-∂-Xv. Ac38
a-Wn-°q-dn-t\-°mƒ A¬∏w IqSp-X¬ kabw
FSp-Øp-Im-WWw R߃ Cw•ojv Nm\¬
IS∂v {_n´-\n-te°v {]th-in-®p. kap-{Z-Øn-\Sn-bn-eqsS s{Sbn≥ IS∂v t]mcp-tºmƒ F√mhcpw _ n¬ \n∂pw Cd- ß n. hnim- e - a mb
s{Sbn≥ t_mKn-bn-eqsS Np‰n \S-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p. t^mIvtÃm-Wn¬ FØn-b-t∏mƒ F√mhcpw _ n-\-I-tØ°v Xs∂ Ib-dn. _ v
Rßtfbpw Iq´n s{Sbn-\n¬ \n∂pw Cdßn
tdmUn-eqsS bm{X XpS¿∂p.
D®-tbmsS e≠≥ \K-c-Øn¬ FØn. \√
hni-∏p-≠m-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ BZyw I≠ (sI‚°n) ss{^Uv Nn°≥ Ãmfn¬ Ib- d n. Hcp
IjWw s]mcn® tImgnbpw {_Uv t]mep≈
c≠v Ij-W-ßfpw hmßn hni-∏-S-°n.
Rß-fpsS ]mt°-Pns‚ Hcp t]mcmbvI
e≠≥ ]´Ww ImWm≥ A[nIw kabw D≠mbn-cp-∂n√ F∂-Xm-Wv. F\n°v AXn-t\-°p-dn®v
th≠{X [mcW D≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. kl-bm-{XnI-cn¬ Iptd-t]¿ Hcp ]Xn-\m-bncw cq] IqSn
IqSp-X¬ apS°n Hcp Znhkw IqSn e≠-\n¬
Xß-Ø° hn[w Sn°‰v Atd©v sNbvXn-cp-∂p.
D®°v XpSßn cm{Xn- t bmsS Ah- k m- \ n- ®
GXm≠v Ggv aWn-°q¿ am{Xta F\n°v e≠\n¬ Id-ßm≥ kabw In´n-bp-≈p. ]t£ ]cnNb kº-∂-\mb Hcp tem°¬ ssKUns\
{Smh¬kp-Im¿ G¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬
In´nb ka-b-Øn-\p-≈n¬ {][m\ ÿe-ßMARCH 2012
...e≠≥ \K-c-Øn¬
tXm∂n-bn-√. _n√v In´n. 7.65
]u≠v GI- t Ziw A™qdv
sf√mw H∂p t]mbvIm-Wm≥ Ign-™p-sh∂v
Ncn{X {]kn- ≤ - a mb e≠≥ {_nUv P v ,
_°nwKv lmw ]me-kv, shÃv an\n-ÿ Xu_n,
_nKvs_≥, e≠≥ sF, sXwkv \Zn, lukv
Hm^v tIma¨kv XpS- ß nb tI{µ- ß - f n¬
F√mw FØn. F√m-bn-SØpw sN∂n-d-ßp-I,
A¬∏ kabw H∂p ImWpI Ipd®v t^mt´mIƒ FSp-°pI aSßpI Aßs\ Xnc°v ]nSns®mcp \Kc {]Z-£nWw.
cm{Xn 7 aWn-tbmsS C¥y-°m¿ [mcmfw
D≈ shwªn F∂ ÿeØv tlm´- e n¬ ˛
AhnsS cm{Xn `£Ww D≠m- b n- c p- ∂ n- √ .
`£Ww tXSn H‰bv°v ]pd-Øn-dßn Iptd Zqcw
\S-∂p. cm{Xn tdmUn¬ henb Xnc-s°m∂pw
I≠n-√. ]t£ ]ªn°v _ p-Iƒ CS-bv°nsS
t]mIp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. shwªn-bn¬ Xnc-°n-√mbn-cp∂p F¶nepw e≠≥ \K-c-Øn¬ CXn\v
apºv t]mb at‰-sXmcp bqtdm-∏y≥ \K-c-tØ°mfpw Xnc°v A\p-`-h-s∏-´p.
C¥y≥ dtÃm-d‚ v F∂v t_m¿Uv I≠t∏mƒ Ib-dn. C¥y≥ `£Ww F∂p ]d-bmhp∂ H∂pw In´n-bn-√. sa\p t\m°n t]cpsIm≠p sNdnb ]cn-Nbw tXm∂n® c≠n-\߃ Hm¿U¿ sNbvXp. henb cpNn-sbm∂pw
`£Ww Ign™v shwªnbpsS as‰mcp `mK- t Ø°v
H‰bv°v \S-∂p. Hcp I¨kyqa¿ tÃm¿ I≠-t∏mƒ Ib-dn
Ipd®v ]g-ßfpw a‰pw hmßn.
F√m-Øn-s‚bpw hne I\-ØXm-bn-cp∂p F∂mepw e≠-\n¬
\n∂pw hmßn-b-Xm-sW∂v ]dbm-at√m F∂v IcpXn Ipd®v
km[- \ - ß ƒ t]cn\v hmßn.
Fs‚ bqtdm- ∏ y≥ kµ¿i- \ Øns‚ Ah- k m\ cm{Xn
shwªn-bnse {Ia≥ _lp \ne
sI´n- S - a mb
shwªnbn¬ Bbn- c p∂p. ]nt‰∂v ImeØv
aS°bm{X XpS-ßn. {]kn-≤-amb lo{Xp hnam\-Øm-hf
- Ø
- n-te-°p≈ bm{X-bn¬ \√ {Sm^n°v
D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. \Kcw Ign™v Ipd®v A[nIw
Zqcw t]mcWw hnam-\-Øm-h-f-Øn-te°v. hgntbm- c Øv I≠ {_n´ojv `h- \ - ß ƒ°v Hcp
{]tXyI `wKn tXm∂n.
lo{Xp hnam-\-Øm-hfw AXn hnim-e-amWv.
\ΩpsS _kv Ãm≥Un¬ _ p-Iƒ \nc-Ønbn-´n-cn-°p-∂X
- p-t]m-se-bm-bn-cp∂p hnam-\ß
- f
- psS
\nc. FÆhpw hfsc IqSp-X¬ tXm∂n-®p.
hnam\w ]d-∂p-bp¿∂-Xn\p tijw P\-eneqsS Fb¿t]m¿´ns‚ Hcp ]Sw FSp-Øp. aS°- b m- { Xbpw tZml hgn Xs∂- b m- b n- c p- ∂ p.
cmhnse 10.30 \v e≠-\n¬ \n∂pw ]pd-s∏´v
JØ¿ Fb¿ shbvkns‚ hnam-\-Øn¬ tZmlbn¬ FØp-tºmƒ {]mtZ-inI kabw cm{Xn
7.30 Bbn-cp-∂p. DS≥ Xs∂ Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw
^vssf‰v In´n. ]nt‰∂v ImeØv 5.30 aWn°v
Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cØv Cdßn. Xte Znhkw 10.30
\v ]pd-s∏´v ]nt‰ Znhkw 5.30 \v FØn-t®-cptºmƒ IS∂v t]mIp-∂Xv 19 aWn-°q¿ BWv.
F∂m¬ A{Xbpw aWn-°q¿ \Ωƒ bm{X \SØp-∂n-√. hnam\ bm{X-bn¬ AXpw Hcp IuXpI-Icamb A\p-`hw BWv.
Pn√m hm¿Ø-Iƒ
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃn\p≈ ]cn-io-e\w
Pn√m IΩn-‰n-bpsS B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv Fgp-Xp-∂-h¿°mbn Hm^o-tkgvkv
lukn¬ h®v ¢mkv \S-Øn. A°u-≠≥kn, kssπ BIv‰v F∂o hnj-b-ß-fn-emWp ¢mkv \S∂-Xv. sI. apl-ΩZv Pm^¿ (Pn√m sshkv {]kn-U‚ v) at\m-l-c≥,.-_n.-]n. (ko-\n-b¿ kq{]≠v ˛
dn´tb¿Uv) F∂n-h¿¢mkv \bn-®p.
Du¿P kwc-£-W-¢mkv
ssIX-h\ kulr-Z-hm-b-\-im-ebp- t Sbpw klr- Z b dkn- U ≥kv
Atkm-kn-tb-j-t‚bpw B`n-ap-JyØn¬ I¨kyq-a¿ ¢n\n°v Du¿P
kwc- £ - W - ¢ mkv kwL- S n- ∏ n- ® p.
Du¿P kwc-£-Ww, sshZyp-Xnbpw
ho´-Ωbpw, sshZypXn kpc£ F∂o
hnj-b-ß-fn¬ Akn-Â v F©n-\ob¿am-cmb Fkv. at\mPv Iqam¿,
cmtP-jvtam≥, teJ, kp\n¬Ip-am¿ F∂n-h¿ ¢mkv FSp-Øp. hm¿Uv Iu¨kn-e¿ Fkv. Ac-hnµm-£≥ ]cn]mSn D¬Lm-S\w sNbvXp.
F¬.-Un. kµ¿i\w
Be-∏p-g Pn√m Iƒ®-d¬ k∫v IΩn-‰n-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ If-a-t»cn temUv sUkv]m®vsk‚-dn-te°v ]T-\-bm{X \S-Øn. am¿®v 6 \v \S-Ønb ]T-\-bm-{X-bn¬ 23 t]¿ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. Pn√bn¬ kwL-S\ \S-Øp∂ Du¿÷ kwc-£W ¢mkp-I-fn¬ hnj-b-߃ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p∂h¿°p≈
]cn-io-e-\-Øns‚ `mK-am-bmWv bm{X \S-Øn-b-Xv.
temUv sUkv]m®v sk‚-dns‚ {]h¿Ø-\-sØ-°p-dn®pw s]mXp-hnse sshZypXn ÿnXn-sb-∏‰nbpw knÃw Hm∏-td-j≥ No^v F©n-\o-b¿ {io. kn.-hn. \µ≥, FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b¿amcmb k¿∆{io _o\ _ohn, B\µv, Akn. FIvkn. F©n-\o-b¿ amb Fkv. \mb¿, Akn- v
F©n-\o-b¿, kndmPv F≥.-F-kv., sk_n≥ tPmbn F∂n-hcpw hni-Zo-I-cWw \S-Øn. IΩyq-Wnt°-j≥ Unhn-js‚ {]h¿Ø-\hpw kwLmw-K-߃ kµ¿in-®p a\- n-em°n.
MARCH 2012
Pn√m hm¿Ø-Iƒ
GI-Zn\ inev]ime
A≤y-£-X-bn¬ Pn√m IΩn‰n
tbmKw tN¿∂p. Pn√m sk{I´dn lcn-\m-cm-b-W≥ kn.-F≥.
Pn√m dnt∏m¿´pw kwÿm\
P\- d ¬ sk{I- ´ dn Fw.- P n.
kptc- j v I p- a m¿ kwÿm\
dnt∏m¿´pw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p.
tImgn-t°mSv Pn√m IΩn‰n AwK-߃°mbn
s^{_p-hcn 10\v tImgn-t°mSv Fc-™n-°¬
henb XpcpØn ]pg-tbmcw dntkm¿´n¬ GIZn\ inev]-ime kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. Pn√m IΩn‰n
AwK-ß-fpw, `mc-hm-ln-Ifpw kwÿm\ t\Xm°fpw Dƒ∏sS 48 AwK-߃ inev]-im-e-bn¬
]s¶-Sp-Øp. F√m AwK-ßfpw kzbw ]cn-N-bs∏-Sp-Ønbpw kwL-S-\-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ Ah-cpsS
ImgvN-∏m-Sns\°pdn®pw kwkm-cn-®p. "sFkv
t{_°nwKv' skjt\mSv IqSnbmWv ]cn-]mSn
Bcw- ` n- ® Xv . kwÿm\ sshkv {]kn- U ‚ v
t_mkv tP°_v Cu skj\v t\XrXzw
\¬In. XpS¿∂v Pn√m {]kn-U‚ v H. ]pjv]s‚
XpS¿∂v dnt∏m¿´p-Is
- fbpw,
sXc-s™-SpØ A©v hnj-bßsfbpw (kwL-S-\bpw kaql-hpw, kwL-S-\bpw ÿm]-\-hpw, kwL-S-\bpsS i‡n Zu¿_ey-w, apgp-h≥ Hm^o-k¿amscbpw Fßs\ kwL-S-\-bpsS AwK-ß-fm°mw, kwL-S-\bpw k_v IΩn‰n {]h¿Ø-\ßfpw) ASn-ÿm-\-am-°n {Kq∏v N¿® \S-Øn.
DØc taJem sk{I-´dn C. at\mPv hnj-b߃ Ah-X-cn-∏n®v kwkm-cn-®p. hnhn[ {Kq∏pIsf {]Xn- \ n- [ o- I - c n®v taml- \ ≥ sI.,
Aa¿\mYv ]n.-_n., Sn. {]Zo-]vIp-am¿, t{]a≥ Fw. kn. kp{_-“-Wy≥ F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn®p.
inev]-im-e-bn¬ C. iio-{µ≥ kzmK-X-hpw,
]hn-{X≥ \µnbpw ]d-™p.
IÆq¿ P\-d¬t_mUn
IÆq¿ Pn√m P\-d¬
t_mUn tbmKw s^{_phcn 2 \v tlm´¬ kvssI
]me- k n¬ h®p \S- ∂ p.
sI.- F - k v . kPohv kzmKXw ]d™p. Sn.- P n.
_metKm]m-e≥ A≤y-£\m-bn-cp-∂p. Pn√m-I-Ωn‰n
dnt∏m¿´v Pn√m sk{I-´dn
PK-Zo-i≥ kn. Ah-X-cn-∏n®p. P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn Fw.Pn. kptcjv Ipam¿ kn.-kn.
dnt∏m¿´nwKv \S-Øn. k¿ho-kn¬ \n∂pw dn´-b¿ sNbvX Akn-Â v F©n-\o-b¿ sI. h¬k-e\v
bm{X-b-b∏p \¬In.
Power Sector
Lathish PV
5 states accounted for 80% of total discom loss
Rating agency Fitch said the losses of power distribution
companies in five states contributed to 80% of the total
losses in the sector during 2009-10. "Losses of
Distribution companies [discoms] in the five states -- Tamil
Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Haryana, constituted 80% of the
total losses of all discoms in the country in financial ended March 2010," Fitch said in a statement.
The weak financial profile of discoms is the primary cause of stress for state power utilities. They
posted Rs 29,500 crore worth of losses in fiscal 2009-10 against Rs 7,000 crore in fiscal 2005-06.
Tata Power looks for higher tariff from Mundra UMPP
Even though Tata power cannot legally get a higher tariff above the lowest tariff bid of Rs 2.26
a unit , they started campagning in the corridors of central Government for a higher tariff
citing price increase of Indonesian coal. Tata Power has said the flagship 4,000-MW Mundra
UMPP could become a "non-performing asset" if no decision is taken on increasing tariffs for
electricity from the plant. Tata Power bagged the Mundra project in 2007 on the basis of the
lowest tariff bid of Rs 2.26 a unit, but they argue that a change in the coal pricing policy in
Indonesia has disturbed the cost structure of this project. Other private developers are also
started asking for higher tariff on the lines of Tata. But, many critics in power sector feels that
private companies like Tata and Reliance are undrequoting to get big power projects like UMPP,
where the Governments will provide tax incentives. By under quoting they can outbid public
sector companies. Later, they have the power to get higher tariff by some means. As per UMPP
bid agreement fuel cost will not be reflected in power tariff. Now, when the project is nearing
completion, these private companies are asking tariffs higher than those quoted by NTPC during
the original bid process. Any increase in power tariff will burden the common man's money as
it will be passed to them immediately.
Delhi - Private discoms seek steep hike in power tariff
The sky seems to be the limit for Delhi's private power distribution utilities who have now
demanded hefty hikes in tariff for the financial year 2012-13 in their annual revenue requirement
petitions to the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission. While the north Delhi discom, Tata
Delhi Power, has sought a hike of 18%, BSES Rajdhani wants a hike of 20% and BSES Yamuna
has asked for a 27% increase. And this is not the end as these hikes are not inclusive of past-year
dues, which DERC had already conceded to the power companies.
MARCH 2012
Indian Power Sector
Odisha CM seeks central aid for private discoms
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik requested the Centre to sanction
financial assistance under Restructured Accelerated Power Development and
Reform Programme (R-APDRP) to the State-run Central Electricity Supply Utility
(Cesu) and other private distribution companies (distcoms) in the State. The
aid will improve their power distribution and transmission systems, he said.
Though the Centre introduced the R-APDRP scheme during the 11th Plan
with the objective of upgrading the sub-transmission and distribution network,
including energy accounting in urban areas having a population of over 30,000
each, the assistance is not available to private utilities, Naveen said.
Odisha, encouraged by the new economic policy of 1991, was the first in the country to privatise
the power sector. As part of the reforms, the State Government unbundled the Orissa State
Electricity Board by separating generation, transmission and distribution. Though the World
Bank and the DFID in the initial period assisted the private distribution companies, they later
stopped financial capital projects. The distribution companies thereafter could not mobilise
investment. Therefore, the objective of substantial reduction of Aggregate Technical and
Commercial (AT&C) losses could not be achieved.
Delhi - Tata Power wants consumers to pay reliability charge
North Delhi power distribution company Tata Power Delhi proposes to levy a
new "reliability charge" on commercial and industrial consumers who use more
than 600 units in a month. According to the average revenue requirement (ARR)
petition filed by the discom, the extra fee is in return for better service and
augmented supply as high-end consumers no longer need to depend on expensive
alternatives such as diesel gensets.
In the ARR petition, the discom asked Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) to allow
them to charge a reliability fee as a "separate component of tariff." The discom said that highend consumers should be asked to pay an extra fee as the company has managed to cater to
the city's growing demand for power and made it possible for high-end consumers to almost
do away with gensets.
Rinfra make good profit from lucrative electricity business
At a time when most infrastructure companies have reported losses, Reliance
Infrastructure has managed to show a profit growth in the December 2011
quarter thanks to its steady and lucrative electricity business. Going ahead with
the policy of passing on any rise in fuel prices to consumers via tariff hikes
would help the company maintain its margins in the electricity business. The
company reported a marginal growth of less than 1% in net profit for on a
year-on-year basis. Revenues from electricity business were bolstered by a hike in power tariffs.
The 22% hike in tariffs in Delhi from September 1, 2011 helped it clock a 20% rise in revenues YoY.
Besides this, the company got a clearance to collect accumulated dues of Rs 2,316 crore.
Tata Power's Mundra UMPP-Unit 1 achieves full load operation
It was a momentous occasion for Tata Power, India's largest Integrated private power utility
when its wholly owned subsidiary Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL) which is setting up
India's first Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) in Mundra, Gujarat achieved full load on country's
first 800 MW sized super critical Unit 1 on 25th February 2012. Unit 1 was synchronized with the
national grid on 8th January 2012. The Commercial Date of Operation of the unit will be
declared shortly.
For more Indian power sector news, visit our web site - www.kseboa.org/news
t_m¿Uv DØ-c-hp-Ifneq-sS...
k¿∆okv IW-£\pIƒ°v ]pXp-°nb am¿K \n¿t±-iß
- ƒ
BO (FM)(Genl)No:224/2012 (DPC1/C-Gl/31/2003) Dtd.Tvpm.28.01.2012
CeIv{Snkn‰n BIvSv 2003, CeIv{Snkn‰n kssπ-tImUv 2005, tIcf tÉv Ce-Iv{Snkn‰n IΩo-j-s‚bpw tIcf Kh¨sa‚n-t‚bpw hnhn[ am¿K \n¿t±-i-߃ F∂nhbv°v A\p-k-cn-®p≈ am‰-߃ Dƒs°m-≈n-®p-sIm≠v k¿∆okv IW-£-\p-Iƒ \¬Ip∂-Xn-\p≈ ]pXp-°nb am¿K\n¿t±-i-߃ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-®p.
Zmcn{Zy tcJbv°v Xmsg-bp-≈Xpw 500 hm´vkn¬ Ipdhv IW-Iv‰Uv temUv D≈-htcbpw IW-IvSUv temUv 1000 hm´vkn¬ Ipdhv Bh-iy-ap≈ Fkv.kn/Fkv.‰n hn`m-Kß-ƒ°v IW-£≥ \¬Ip-∂-Xn\v t_m¿Un\v Nne-hm-Ip∂ bYm¿∞ XpI AS-bv°p∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw Hgn-hm-°n. CXn-\p-ap-I-fn¬ IW-IvSUv temUv D≈ ta¬∏-d™ hn`mK-Ønse Km¿lnI IW-£-\p-Iƒ, imco-cnI sshI-ey-ap-≈-h¿, Iym≥k¿ tcmKn-Iƒ
F∂n-h¿°v sdKp-te-‰dn IΩo-js‚ A\p-a-Xn°v hnt[-b-ambn kvs]jy¬ kvIoan¬
Dƒs∏-SpØn kuP\yw \¬Ip-∂Xpw ]cn-tim-[n-bv°pw. H.-ssh.-C.kn \n¿Ø-em-°pI,
sse≥ Zo¿Ln-∏n-°m≥ tPmen-Iƒ Ign-hXpw B¿.-Pn.-Pn.-hn.-ssh, B¿-˛-F.-]n.-Un.-B¿.]n
]≤-Xn-Iƒ {]Imcw sNøpI, ]h¿ Asem-t°-j≥, an\naw Kymc≠n F∂nh \n¿Øem-°pI XpS-ßn-b-hbpw Cu DØ-c-hn-ep-≠v.
t_m¿Uv Poh-\-°m¿°pw s]≥j≥Im¿°pw \¬In-h-∂n-cp∂ k¿∆okv IW-£\p≈ {]tXyI ap≥K-W\ ]p\x-ÿm-]n-°p-hm\pw Xocp-am-\-am-bn-´p-≠v.
]ªn°v Iw^¿´v tÃj-\p-If
- psS Xmcn^v
BO (FM)(Genl)No:5/2012 (DPC1/C-Gl/13/2011) Dtd.Tvpm.03.01.2012
Nmcn-‰-_nƒ skmssk‰n BIvSv {]Icw cPn-ÿ sNbvXn-´p≈ skmssk-‰n-I-fpsS
\nb-{¥-W-Øn-ep≈ ]ªn°v Iw^¿´v tÃj-\p-I-fpsS Xmcn^v LT VII A bn¬ \n∂pw
LT VI B Bbn ]p\¿ \n¿Æbw sNbvXv DØ-c-hm-bn.
kºm-: am[-h≥ \ºq-Xncn
MARCH 2012
\qdv iX-am-\w......
U¬ sk£≥ F∂p tI´m¬ Nnescms° s\‰n-Np-fn-°p∂ Cu ImeØv \mep
sk£-\m-^o-kp-I-fp≈ sIm√-Øns‚ Ing°≥ h\-tbmc taJebnse A©¬ k_v
Unhn- j \nse Ipf- Ø q- ∏ p- g , Icp- t Im¨,
A©¬ shÃv, A-©¬ F∂o \mep sk£\nepw 100% If£≥ F^njy≥kn.
- b
- psS Pn√m sshkv {]kn-U‚mb
\n- m¿ BWv A©¬ k_vUn-hn-j≥ Akn v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b¿. A©¬
shÃn¬ XpS¿®-bmbn aq∂p XhW 100% If£≥. AhnsS Akn- Â v F©n- \o-b-dmb
_k¥v kwL- S - \ - b psS Pn√m tPmbn‚ v
sk{I-´-dn-bm-Wv. G‰hpw {it≤-ba
- m-bXv IpfØq-∏pg sk£≥ Cu t\´w ssIh-cn-®X
- n-emWv. kwL-S\mwK-amb A\q_v BWv AhnsS
Akn-Â v F©n-\o-b¿.
BZn- h m- k n- t °m- f - \ nbpw {ioe- ¶ ≥ A`bm¿∞n-t°m-f\
- nbpw a‰p ]nt∂m-°°
- mcpw [mcmf-ap≈, h-\`- q-an-bm¬ kar-≤a
- mb Ipf-Øq-∏pg
sk£-≥ Hm^o-kn¬ \S-Øp∂ k¨ ssdkv
ao‰nwKn¬ Ign-™ Znh-ksØ h¿°v, 11 sI.hn
v a‚pw a‰v hnj-bß
- fpw F√mw N¿®m
hnj-bw. \√ Imcy-߃ sNbvXh
- ¿°v {]iwk. A∂sØ h¿°v πm≥sNbvXv kpc-Ivjm
{]Xn-⁄-bpsaSpØv ]ncn-bp-∂p. CsX√mw
_p°n¬ tcJ- s ∏- S p- Ø p- ∂ p. Hmh¿slUv
k¿∆okv AS°w Ime-Xm-ak
- a
- n-√msX Poh-\°m¿ Xs∂ sNøp-∂p. CXn-s\√mw t\XrXzw
GI k_v F©n-\o-b¿. Akn.-FI
- vkn.F-©n-\o-b¿ Imcy-߃ Xnc-°n th≠
\n¿t±-i-߃ \¬Ip-∂p. AtXt]mse ko\n- b ¿ kq{]≠pw
Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw sNtø≠ Imcy߃ ]d- ™ p- sIm- S p- ° p- ∂ p.
F√m-hcpw Djm¿, ka-b¢
- n-]vXX
- bpsS Imcy-Ønepw tPmen-bpsS
Øn¬ I¨kyq-a¿ \º¿ Xnc°n Adn-™v
sNs∂-ØnbXv Poh≥ \ne-\n¿Øm≥ \m´p-Im¿
`£Ww \¬Ip∂ hr≤ Zº-Xn-If
- psS IpSpw_- Ø n¬. a°ƒ henb \ne- b n¬, ]t£
Xncn™v t\m°p-∂n-√. A∂-Øn\v hI-bn-√mØ
Ch¿ Fßs\ Id≠v Nm¿÷v AS- ° pw.
{]Xo£ ssIhn-SmsX Np‰p-]m-Sp-ap≈ sNdp-∏°msc I≠v \qdp-iX
- a
- m\w F∂ B{Klw ]d™p. Ah¿ kt¥m-jt- ØmsS AS-b°
v m-sa∂v
kΩ-Xn-®p. Ahn-Sp∂v t\sc ASp-Øb
- n-Sw. AXv
sF.-F≥.-‰n.-bp.-kn-bpsS Hm^o-kmWv. I≠-bpSs\ {]kn-U‚ v Imcyw Xnc-°n. 100% Imcyw
Ahn-sSbpw ]d-™p. AXn-s\-¥m, Fs∂ H∂p
t\c-sØ hnfn-®p ]d-™m¬ aXnbmbn-cp-∂t√m.
- n¬ ad-∂p-t]m-bX
- m, Ct∏mƒ Xs∂
v mw. ASpØ I¨kyq-a¿ \º¿ \√ ]cnNbw. Ipf- Ø q- ∏ pg t]meokv k¿°nƒ
C≥kvs]-ISv d
- psS Izm¿t´gvk.v t\sc k¿°nƒ
C≥kvs]-IvSsd t]mbn I≠p. AhnsSbpw 100% B{Klw ]d-™p.
^≠n-√, ^≠p-hc
- s
- ´. km¿ ^≠v
sshIp-sa-¶n¬ R߃ AS-t®ms´. ^≠v hcp-tºmƒ X∂m¬ aXn.
AXp-th≠, Rm≥ C∂p-Xs∂ ASbv°mw. AXpw icn-bm-bn.
hniz-kn-°m≥ ]‰mØ 100%
Ipf-Øq-∏p-g-bn¬. Hcp henb
v b
- psS hnP-bw. Ipf-Øq∏p-gb
- n¬ BIm-sa-¶n¬ Iq´mb
{ia-tØmsS \ap°pw BImw.
Hcp Hmh¿ko-bdpsS t\Xr-Xz-
F.- iymw-Ip-am¿
HSp-hn¬ BImihpw ]Ip-sØ-Sp-°m≥ [mc-W-bm-bn. BImiw Bcp-tS-XmWv?
kwÿm\ hyh-kmb hIp∏v A¿∞i-¶°nSan√mØ hn[w {]Jym]n®ncn-°p-∂p.
k¿°m-cmWv BIm-i-Øns‚ DS-a-ÿ-sc-∂v. CXns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ sIm®n°mb-en-\p-ap-I-fn¬ BIm-i-\-Kcw ]Wn-bm≥ btimdmw C≥{^m sUh-se-t∏gvkv F∂
kzImcy Iº-\n°v A\p-hm-Zhpw \¬In.
“Imb¬ s]mXp-kz-Øm-Wv. AXv Hcp kzImcy Iº-\nbv°v hn¬°mt\m ]m´Øn\v sImSp-°mt\m H∂pw
Xs∂ k¿°m-cn\v A[n-Im-c-an√ Imb¬ kwc-£n-°m-\p≈ DØ-c-hm-Zn-Xz-am-Wv k¿°m-cn\p≈Xv.”
s{]m^: Fw. sI. {]kmZv
“BIm-i-\-Kcw F∂Xv BIm-i-Øp-\n∂pw Xq°n-bn-Sp-I-sbm-∂p-a-√. Imb-ens‚ ASn-Ø-´n¬ \n∂v ]Wn-Xpb¿Øp-I-bm-Wv sNøp-∂-Xv. 1986 se ]cn-ÿnXn kwc-£W \nb-ahpw 2011se XÆo¿ XS-kw-c-£W \nbahpw ewLn-°-s∏-Sp-I-bmWv Cu ]≤-Xn°v A\p-aXn \¬Ip-∂-XneqsS sNøp-∂-Xv.”
tUm.-kn.-Fw. tPmbn
]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I≥
“Ipf-ßfpw hb-ep-Ifpw XÆo¿ XS-ßfpw \in-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv Hgn-hm-°n-s°m-≠p≈ hnI-k-\-amWv C\n Bhiyw. t\csØ FIvkv{]kv sslth sIm≠p-h-∂-t∏mƒ P\-߃ F¥p-sIm≠v FXn¿sØ∂v Ct∏mƒ a\- nem-bn.”
a{¥n Fw.-sI. ap\o¿
“eoKp-Im¿ ssIøn¬ In´nb hIp-∏pIƒ D]-tbm-Kn®v Bcw-`n® I®-h-S-Øns‚ `mK-amWv BIm-i-\-Kcw ]≤Xn. AXv GXm\pw t]¿°v [\n-I-cm-Im-\p≈ Ffp∏ hgn-bm-bn-cn-°mw. AXn-\mbn Cu \mSns‚ aÆpw sh≈hpw
hmbphpw hn¬°m≥ A\p-h-Zn-°cp-Xv. ”
Fkv. Pb-N-{µ≥ \mb¿
]{X {]h¿Ø-I≥
“tIc-f-Ønse {]ap-J-cmb B¿°n-sS-°v‰p-Ifpw Unssk-\¿amcpw Akw-_‘w F∂v hne-bn-cpØn X≈n-I-f™-XmWv kvssIkn‰n ]≤-Xn. kvssIkn-‰n-bpsS hc-thmsS sIm®n-bnse KXm-KX°p-cp°v Ipdbpw F∂Xv
Imcy-߃ ]Tn-°m-sX-bp≈ {]kvXm-h-\-bm-Wv. hml\ _l-f-Ønt\ kvssIkn‰n Imc-W-amIq F∂Xv Hcp
H∂mw h¿j Unssk-\nßv hnZym¿∞n-°p-t]mepw a\- n-em-hp-∂-tX-bp-≈q,”
tUm. ca Fkv. I¿Ø
FUn-‰¿ C≥ Nm¿Pv, Unssk-\¿ ˛ B¿°n-sSIvN¿ amknI
MARCH 2012
h\nXm Zn\m-N-cWw Fd-Wm-Ipfw ˛ kZ v
\qdp-i-X-am\w If-£≥ F^n-jy≥kn t\Sn-b-Xn\v kwL-S-\-bpsS A`n-\-µ-\w
Ipf-Øq-∏pg Akn-Âv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b¿ \nkm¿, Akn-Âv F©n-\o-b¿am-cmb A\q-]v,
_k-¥v, AP-bI
- p-am¿ F∂n-h¿°v P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn Fw.-Pn. kptc-jvIp-am¿ D]-lmcw \¬Ip-∂p.
sF.- S n.
kv I qƒ kwL- S n∏n® Be- ∏ pg
Pn√m B\n-ta-j≥
^nenw s^Ãnsh
en¬ anI® Ne-®n{Xw, kwhn-[m\w,
FUn- ‰ nßv ]pc- k v I m- c - ß ƒ t\Snb
Fkv. lcn-Ir-jvW≥ (I-eh
- q¿ Kh¿W-sa‚v
lb¿ sk°-≠dn kvIqƒ). Fkv. F¬. ]pcw
Ce-Iv{Sn-°¬ sk£≥ Akn-Âv F©n-\ob¿ Sn. eo\-bp-tSbpw hn.-B¿. kpIp-am-ct‚bpw aI-\m-Wv.
tIc- f - b q- W n- t h- g v k n‰n bqØv
s^Ãn- h - e n¬ IhnXm cN- \ °v
H∂mw ÿm\w t\Snb [\ym-Zm-kv.
No^v F©n-\o-b¿ (F-kv.kn.Fw)
F.-F-kv. Zmk-∏-t‚bpw ]n.-hn.
tPymXn-e-£-an-bp-tSbpw aI-fm-Wv.
- ‚v ^≠v
hnZym-`ymk Ahm¿Uv
\nJn¬ F¬.-B¿.
10th CBSE
cmP{io ]n.-B¿.
- k
- v., Icp-hm‰
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DØ-c-ta-Jem h\nXm I¨sh≥j≥ ˛ tImgn-t°mSv
DZvLm-S\w: tUm. tla-eX ˛ kn.-sF.-Sn.-bp. AJn-te¥ym sk{I-´dn
Printed and published by M.G. Sureshkumar, General Secretary, K.S.E.B. Officers’ Association (Reg. No. 365/90), TC 25/2969, Malloor Road, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 035
Editor: J. Mohammed Siyad Phone : 2462300. E-mail:news@kseboa.org/ info@kseboa.org; Visit us: www.kseboa.org. Fax: 2472272