Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship Application

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate
Scholarship Application
Phone: 780.492.3499 Fax: 780.492.0692
Application/Nomination Information
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research assigns each eligible graduate department a nomination quota
for the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships—both at the master’s level and at the doctoral level (if
Based on these quotas, individual graduate departments are responsible for selecting both
master’s and doctoral QEII nominees.
Your department may use this application form or require other documentation for selecting
QEII nominees. Contact your department for details about the department selection process
and internal department deadline. FGSR does not require this application.
Following the department-selection process, nominees will be sent to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and
Research. The FGSR will approve nominees who meet all eligibility criteria and notify winners directly.
Master’s Eligibility
Doctoral Eligibility
To be considered a student:
To be considered a student:
• Should have a GPA equivalent to 3.5 or greater on the
UofA grading scale
• Should have a GPA equivalent to 3.5 or greater on the
UofA grading scale
• Must be admitted to a master’s degree program or
have been recommended for admission to a master’s
program by the department
• Must be admitted to a doctoral degree program or
have been recommended for admission to a doctoral
program by the department
• Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident at
the time of nomination
• Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident at
the time of nomination
• Must be registered full-time in the first, second, third,
or fourth year of a master’s degree program during
the tenure of the award
• Must be registered full-time in the first, second, third,
fourth, fifth, or sixth year of a doctoral degree
program during the tenure of the award.
• Must not be registered as a Qualifying student or on
academic probation during tenure of the award
• Must not be registered as a Qualifying student or on
academic probation during tenure of the award
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Application Notes:
(1) Complete your application by typing in the grey fields, then print and sign the declaration below. It is your
responsibility to ensure that the application is complete.
(2) Make sure you enter your full name in the field located on the top right-hand corner of each page.
(3) Parts 1-3 (personal info, academic record and research outline) are required.
Complete Parts 4-6 (publications, presentations and evidence of scholarly/creative achievement) or check the
not applicable box.
(4) Use consistent formatting when listing publications, presentations etc. in Part 4 & 5 of this application. Here is
sample formatting:
Joseph A. Student and Janet S. Student, Writing an Application. In How to Apply for a General Award (FGSR
2007), 2007. (8 pages)
Janet S. Student and Joseph A. Student, Application Writing. Presentation at the University of Alberta in
Edmonton, Alberta, July 2006.
Student ID
Student Last Name, First Name
Student UofA Email Address
Immigration Status
Select status
Degree Program
Select Department
Name of Supervisor
Program Start Date
Expected date of completion
Date of PhD Candidacy Examination
Topic of Research
Are you eligible for renewal of a UofA administered, or external award (ie. Killam, NSERC, SSHRC, AITF, etc) currently held? If yes, name the
Have you applied, or do you intend to apply to an agency outside the University (ie. NSERC, SSHRC, etc)?
If yes, provide details:
You must agree to the following declaration before submitting this form:
1. I agree to comply with University of Alberta regulations relating to scholarships and awards, and the Code of Student Behaviour
and/or Code of Applicant Behaviour.
2. I certify that the information in this form is true and complete in all respects, and that I have withheld no information.
3. I authorize the University to verify any information provided as part of this scholarship or award application.
4. I understand that misrepresentation, falsification of documents, or withholding of requested information regarding this application are
serious offences and may result in prosecution under the University's Code of Applicant Behaviour, Code of Student Behaviour and/or
the Criminal Code of Canada.
I agree to the above Declaration*
Student’s Signature (digital or hand-written)
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act.
It will be used for authorized purposes including administration of records, scholarships and awards, student services, and university planning and research. Students’ personal information may
be used by academic and administrative units according to university policy, and operational needs. It is disclosed pursuant to federal and provincial regulatory reporting requirements, data
sharing agreements with student governance associations, and to provincial or federal government departments and agencies under appropriate legislative authority as required. Direct any
questions about this collection to the Awards Services Supervisor, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Killam Centre for Advanced Studies, 2-29 Triffo Hall, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1, 780-492-3499.
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Part 1: Academic Record
Indicate all postsecondary institutions in which you have completed a degree and where you are currently attending.
Name of Institution
Start date
End date
(eg Sept 2004)
(eg April 2008)
Degree Program
Degree conferred
Indicate up to 15 scholarships and awards won, or any government or outside funding, starting with the most recent.
Name of Scholarship
or Award
Start Date
End Date
(eg Sept 2008)
(eg May 2011)
Source of funds (Provincial,
Federal, etc)
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Part 2: Outline of Proposed Research
 Outline your proposed research - Limit the outline to this page; maximum of approximately 400 words is preferred. You may attach one
additional page for a bibliography (any other additional pages will be removed).
 Program proposals should demonstrate evidence of solid and wide knowledge of the discipline and must be written by the student, not
the supervisor.
 The most effective proposals are clear, concise and coherent yet demonstrate a clear focused approach, explaining how the research would
advance the discipline. Write in plain language. Proposals should be clear not only to people within the field, but also to a general audience.
 When describing your methodology, be careful not to present too technical a description and avoid jargon.
 Your statement should describe your general area of research or study and explain how it fits within a broader context.
 Clearly indicate what you hope to accomplish during the period of the award and also how you plan to accomplish it.
 Be sure to explain how your doctoral research will advance theory or make an original contribution to knowledge in your field.
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Part 3: Refereed Contributions, Commissioned, Juried and/or Invited Exhibitions (Do not submit your
 List books, book chapters and articles appearing in refereed publications or conference proceedings first, beginning with the most recent.
Please number the items you have listed.
 List publications of which you are the author or co-author and which are published, in press, and/or accepted for publication in refereed
 Begin each entry on a new line and provide complete bibliographic notices (including co-authors, title, publisher, journal, volume, date of
publication, number of pages, etc) as they appear in the original publication. Specify your role in co-authored publications. Forthcoming
publications should be listed only if they have been formally accepted for publication (indicate date of acceptance by the editor).
 Group your entries together; ie. publications, then conference presentations, then invited talks, etc.
 If applicable, asterisk (*) each entry that has been generated while registered in a doctoral program at the University of Alberta.
 Check if this section is not applicable, ie. you have no refereed publications or commissioned/juried/invited exhibitions.
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Part 4: Non-refereed Contributions (Do not submit your publications)
 List papers in non-refereed journals, book reviews, reports, abstracts, policy papers, public lectures, and creative works. Please number the
items you have listed.
 Begin each entry on a new line and provide complete bibliographic notices (including co-authors, title, publisher, journal, volume, date of
publication, number of pages, etc.) as they appear in the original publication. Specify your role in co-authored publications. Forthcoming
contributions should be listed only if they have been formally accepted for publication.
 Group your entries together; ie. publications, then conference presentations, then reports, etc.
 Asterisk (*) each entry that has been generated while registered in your doctoral program at the University of Alberta.
 Check if this section is not applicable, ie. you have no non-refereed contributions.
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Part 5: Other Evidence of Scholarly and Creative Achievement and Research/Work Experience
 List activities—such as volunteering, mentoring, community involvement, public speaking, etc—which show your scholarly and creative
 Describe your work in sufficient detail so that adjudicators will know its stature in your discipline.
 List positions you are holding or have held, including research and teaching assistantships, relevant academic and non-academic work
experience, and relevant administrative appointments.
 Limit to one page maximum. Additional pages will be removed.
 Check if this section is not applicable, ie. you have no further evidence of scholarly and creative achievement or work
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