Dr. Tariq Mohiuddin International Ranking Development

Dr. Tariq Mohiuddin
International Ranking Development Initiative
Sultan Qaboos University
Email: tariqm@squ.edu.om
Biography :
Dr. Tariq Mohiuddin is an Asst. Prof. of Physics & Nanotechnology at Sultan
Qaboos University (SQU), Oman. He acquired his PhD in Physics from the
University of Manchester, UK, in 2009. During his PhD Dr. Tariq was part of team
working with the new material graphene for which his Supervisors Profs. Andre
Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in
2010. Dr. Tariq carries on with his role as an academic and researcher as his
home university. Since 2011 he has been assisting with SQU’s International
Ranking Development Initiative which aspires to elevate the university’s position
as a one of the top internationally recognized universities of the region. Dr. Tariq
is also a member of the Academic Committee of ‘University of Oman’ which was
recently sanctioned by the government of Oman and is under formation.