Hauerwas, Stanley, Carole Bailey Stoneking, Keith G. Meador, and

Hauerwas, Stanley, Carole Bailey Stoneking, Keith G. Meador, and David Cloutier, eds. Growing Old in Christ. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003. Book Review by Judy Lang of First Baptist Church, Vancouver Hauerwas and seventeen other Christian authors examine what it means in 21st century North America to grow old, especially for people of Christian faith. The book deals with both stereotypes and realities of aging. It has less to say to adults still capable of full engagement with life, but is helpful in understanding the shape of things for the truly elderly in our communities and congregations. Some in the encore generation are careā€givers for their elderly parents; most of us will eventually become elderly ourselves. Just as the encore generation phenomenon is unprecedented in society, so are lives of extended years. This book helps us understand the nuances and dynamics of life for the elderly now. It has potential to help churches develop or improve the focus of their ministries with the elderly. 