Swedish IHP Committee 2014


Swedish IHP Committee 2014

Program explanation

IHP stands for "International Hydrological Programme" and is a

UNESCO (United Nations Educational , Scientific, and Cultural Organization) program of scientific cooperation between countries with a focus on research on water issues, water resource management, training and capacity building.

IHP was founded in 1975 and has over the years evolved from a strictly scientific program to also include policy and management issues.

The mission: The Swedish IHP Committee is the IHP National Committee in

Sweden. The Committee's mission is to initiate, encourage and coordinate

Swedish IHP activities, as well as Swedish participation in international IHP activities and provide support to the Swedish National Commission for

UNESCO on IHP- related issues. The Committee works on behalf of the

Swedish Research Council network of UNESCO's science programs. The members of the Swedish IHP Committee is the representative of the Swedish

Hydrological Council (SHR ), head of the Swedish Water House, and

Swedish representative in the IHP Intergovernmen 's Council and the responsible person of the Committee secretariat at SMHI. In 2014, IHP

Committee will try to expand the number of members.

Strategy: The Swedish operations based on IHP 's seventh strategy (2008-

2013) ( http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0016/001627/162761e.pdf ) focusing on the following areas:

1.1 Global changes and feedback mechanisms of hydrological processes in stressed systems

1.2 Climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle and Consequent impact on water resources

2.1 Cultural , societal and scientific response to the crises in water governance

2.4 Managing water as a shared responsibility across geographical and social boundaries

5.3 Water education in schools

5.4 Water education for communities, stakeholders and mass media professionals

During 2014 the focus will be IHP 's eighth strategy ( http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002164/216434E.pdf ) , with the aim to actively contribute to capacity building in Asia. Selections of areas of focus for the IHP Committee’s activities are based on current activities and skills in


the Swedish resource base. Activities are conducted on a regular basis and through specific actions.

We welcome the initiative of the Swedish actors in relation to all areas of focus within IHP VIII, mainly in the form of arranging their own workshops and participation in UNESCO- related networking activities, for which it is possible to apply for funding through the IHP Committee.


IHP Committee provides input to the National Commission for UNESCO in relevant fields, and for the nomination of candidates for the Swedish IHP meetings / steering committees / working groups, and contributes with opinions for the Swedish UNESCO Chair’s nominations. The Committee's

Secretariat is responsible for the transfer of information between IHP international and the Swedish Committee.

The Committee regularly reports on both international and Swedish IHP activities, including the two Swedish HELP (Hydrology for Environment Life and Policy) areas (Emån and Motala Ström), via the website


Plan and budget for IHP Committee 2014

SMHI : Responsibilities of the Secretariat , including the website and

the Swedish representative in the IHP Intergovernmental Council : SMHI is responsible for the IHP Secretariat of the Committee with the task of promoting the website and be the contact for IHP activities as well as having operational responsibility for implementation of Swedish IHP activities. In

2014, relevant parts of the website will be translated into English. SWH

Katarina Veem represents Sweden in the IHP Intergovernmental Council.

World Water Day: IHP contributes to the National Coordination of Swedish organizers' activities in connection with World Water Day from SHR.

Coordination is done through the website www.vattendag.org where organizers can register their activities and find campaign materials and news for the world water day. SHR also initiates new activities and engage new organizers for the World Water Day.

Swedish Water House, which actively contributes to IHP’s work, including representation on the board, working on behalf of the government to promote increased collaboration between Swedish actors involved in water issues and development cooperation. During World Water Day SWH cooperates with

Swedish UN organizations and others in close connection with UN-Water to arrange a major seminar during the World Water Day. IHP is co-organizer of this seminar. 2014 the theme is water and energy and World Water Day will be celebrated March 21 at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm . UNESCO Council will be invited as an exhibitor.


Capacity building and expert assistance to the Red River , transboundary waters shared by China and Vietnam

IHP Committee identified after consultations a cross-border project in

Vietnam and China as the focus for the committee’s activities. IHP can play a continuous and constructive role in this project as it is a new collaboration that will culminate in a joint major application. IHP will with other partners

(SIWI and ICRAF) work to create a dialogue about a common water management between China and Vietnam. The dialogue is based on the common statement as President Truong (Vietnam) and President Xi Jinping

(China) presented at a joint high-level meeting in June 2013.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to increased knowledge of the land and water resource management in the basin to the Red River and thus contribute to a sound basis for decision-making aimed at sustainable development focused on "water and food security and resilient urban growth”. Through a historical survey of the development of the river delta, forecasts for the future can be made and challenges estimated. Moreover, three scenarios are developed - the climate, urban planning / development and socio - economic growth - to ensure robust planning and decision making in the river delta.

Support for this project will lead to synergies between Swedish institutions working for sustainable climate adaptation and water quality work. There is also hope that this will interest the Swedish agency for marine and water management’s international department of the project in the long term.

Hydrological terminology group: The hydrological terminology group initiated by SHR in 2010 with the support of the IHP Committee continues its work to translate and define hydrological terms for a Swedish hydrological dictionary with the aim of creating an electronic dictionary with Swedish and

English terms to be kept updated with developments in the water sector.


IHP Committee meetings and participation in Swedish research

council’s network meetings: Approximately four meetings with IHP

Committee is planned for 2014. Other communications via phone and email contact. In addition, IHP Committee secretary or another member will participate in the Swedish research council’s Network meetings .

Participation in international UNESCO meetings (members): Participation in IHP meetings where Swedish IHP Committee participation is of strategic importance.

Contributions from IHP to entries into the UNESCO- related meetings ,

alternatives to the organization of UNESCO- related activities: To promote Swedish participation in IHP- related activities are given the opportunity to seek funding through the IHP Committee of both participating in IHP- related meetings and workshops; as well as for their own initiatives to

IHP- related activities (eg, workshops) .


Budget for IHP Committee 2014


Secretariat, website and drive IHP activities

World water day

Sum (SEK)

200 000 from SMHI

40 000

Travel costs for participation in the Red

River project

Support to the Red River project

Support to work with translation and definition of hydrological terms into

Swedish to a Swedish hydrological dictionary.

20 000

100 000

25 000

IHP-committee’s meetings and participation in the

Swedish research council’s meetings.

5 000

Travel costs for participation in international UNESCOmeetings (members).

20 000

Contribution from IHP for participation in UNESCOrelated meetings, alternative to arrangement of UNESCO related activities.

15 000

Translate the website into


10 000

Total: 235 000 (+ 200 000




SHR (report to the IHP committee)

IHP committee

IHP committee

SHR (report to the IHP committee

IHP committee

IHP committee (suggests relevant meetings and meeting participants)

IHP committee (deals with external applications)

