Massage for the Hands - Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga

Massage for the Hands:
As you press these points, be aware of the effects that are produced by
different degrees of pressure. At first press lightly; gradually develop medium
pressure; when appropriate, press strongly. When you want to diminish the
pressure, do so gradually: first subtly lighten the strong pressure, then reduce it
to medium, and then slowly to light pressure. In this way you develop
awareness of six distinct stages of the massage. With more practice, you may
develop additional subtleties of pressure.
Be careful not to release pressure too suddenly. This ‘shocks’ the system and
loses the subtle qualities of feeling. Experience fully the lifting up and putting
down of your hand and fingers. When you remove your hand from your body at
the end of the massage, do so almost imperceptibly; then the feelings will
continue for quite a long time. The hands have many sensitive and powerful
points that can stimulate interactions throughout the body.
To find the first point, turn your hand palm up and look at the ‘rings’ at the inside
of the wrist. Place your forefinger in the middle of the ring nearest the palm.
Then turn the palm down and place your thumb on the second point, which is
on the back of the hand exactly opposite the first point. Hold your wrist tightly
between your thumb and forefinger, and press strongly. Relax your chest and
belly and other places where you have unnecessary tension; breathe gently
through nose and mouth.
Now reverse the position of thumb and forefinger, placing your forefinger on the
back of your hand and the thumb on the inside of the wrist. Strongly press and
manipulate the two points simultaneously. Release the pressure gradually,
sensing the feelings that arise.
Keeping the thumb on the same point on the inside of the wrist, move your
forefinger about a finger-width down towards the fingers and to the side nearest
your little finger. This point (point 3), between the bones of the little finger and
the fourth finger, may be sensitive. Once you have found this place, exert
strong pressure with both thumb and forefinger and hold. Release slowly and
Now move your forefinger to the corresponding point on the side of your hand
nearest the thumb (point 4). It is approximately one finger-width down and to
the side of the second point. Again press strongly with both thumb and
forefinger and hold. You may feel strong sensations, even pain. Stay with the
feelings, breathing through nose and mouth. Release the pressure gradually.
Now turn your hand palm up. Measure two finger-widths down (toward the
fingers) from the first point to the fifth point, and place your thumb there. Then
place your forefinger on the point on the back of your hand exactly opposite this
point (point 6). Strongly press these two points simultaneously. Release slowly,
breathing gently and evenly through nose and mouth.