Initial Experiences with Small Group Discussions in MOOCs

Initial Experiences with Small Group Discussions in MOOCs
Seongtaek Lim, Derrick Coetzee, Björn Hartmann, Armando Fox, and Marti A. Hearst
University of California, Berkeley
{stlim, dcoetzee, bjoern, fox, hearst}
Peer learning, in which students discuss questions in small
groups, has been widely reported to improve learning outcomes in traditional classroom settings. Classroom-based
peer learning relies on students being in the same place at
the same time to form peer discussion groups, but this is
rarely true for online students in MOOCs. We built a software tool that facilitates chat-based peer learning in MOOCs
by 1) automatically forming ad-hoc discussion groups and 2)
scaffolding the interactions between students in these groups.
We report on a pilot deployment of this tool; post-use surveys administered to participants show that the tool was positively received and support the feasibility of synchronous online collaborative learning in MOOCs.
Author Keywords
Peer learning; massive open online courses (MOOCs); chat
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.3. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI):
Group and Organization Interfaces
MOOCs are online courses with open enrollment that typically have thousands of active students. They have attracted
so many students in part because they offer courses free of
charge and in part because they allow students to take the
courses on their own schedule and from any location. However, MOOCs currently assume that students work in isolation, which may contribute to high attrition rates.
To improve the learning experience, we are exploring the
introduction of peer learning, also known as collaborative
learning and cooperative learning, into MOOCs. In peer
learning, students work together in small groups to enhance
their own and one another’s learning. Peer learning in the
physical classroom consists of activities in which students
form small groups to discuss conceptual questions and to engage in problem-solving. Literally hundreds of research studies and several meta-analyses show the significant pedagogical benefit of peer learning including improved critical thinking skills, retention of learned information, interest in subject
matter, and class morale [2, 4, 5, 7, 6, 1].
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L@S’14, March 4–5, 2014, Atlanta, GA.
ACM 978-1-4503-2669-8/14/03.
Figure 1. The chat system UI. Upper left: question, lower left: multiple
choice answers. The active student chose choice A, in blue. Upper right:
three students discuss the question in a chat; the other students’ choices
are shown below the chat; lower right: the remaining time along with a
button allowing students to end discussion.
It is not obvious that these results will transfer to the massive,
online setting of MOOCs. First, MOOCs lack the physical
co-location of classrooms. Second, when peer learning has
been transferred to online courses in the Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning literature, it has usually been in the
context of smaller courses in which the instructor knows the
students and the students know one another.
Student interaction is lacking in MOOCs because students are
neither collocated, nor are they progressing through course
materials on the same schedule. That is, they are distributed
in both space and time. Walter’s Social Information Processing Theory of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
argues that communicators deploy whatever cues they have
at their disposal [8], which suggests that even a simple text
chat may be a reasonable tool for supporting discussion
of remote students. To bring students together into synchronous (real-time) groups, approaches from team formation in multi-player games and real-time crowdsourcing [3]
can be adapted. In our pilot work, we announce discussion
sessions that begin at regular intervals and then form ad hoc
groups from the students who are signed on and present at the
planned start time.
We set up a testbed for synchronous online discussion which
organizes students into groups, allowing them to first individually answer questions and then see each others’ answers
and discuss those answers, while a timer counts down. When
the time is up, the students choose their final answer and are
Survey Question
Helpfulness of Discussion for Final Choice
I Was Able to Help Others Learn
Others Students Helped Me Learn
I Liked Discussing Questions in a Small Group
and Would Like to Do So Again
Table 1. Survey Responses. A/SA = Agree/Strongly Agree (or Helpful/Very Helpful); N = Neutral, D/SD = Disagree or Strongly Disagree
(or Not Helpful/Detrimental).
then shown the correct answer with an explanation. They then
move on to the next review question. Each group discusses
each question in a private chatroom. The software is flexible
in that it allows the instructor to decide how many students
should be in a group and how much time should be allocated
for answering individual questions (see Figure 1).
The target MOOC was the Fall 2013 offering of edX’s
CS.169.2x (Software as a Service)1 . The six-week course is
intended for students with an undergraduate computer science
level of expertise and consists of 53 lecture sections, 3 graded
quizzes, and 2 graded assignments.
The intervention consisted of providing students with a practice quiz which they could opt to take using an interactive chat
tool. Unfortunately, although initially the course had 6,503
students enrolled, at the time of our experiments near the end
of the course, only a few hundred widely-dispersed students
were active, which made forming groups difficult. Nonetheless, we decided to go ahead and see if any synchronous
groups would form in order to get an initial qualitative understanding for participants’ reaction to the tool and the method.
This paper reports on those initial responses.
One practice session began each hour. 61 students took the
practice quiz and completed the survey. Of these, only 16
were successfully placed in a group of 2 or 3 discussants;
six respondents were placed in groups of 3, and 10 were
in groups of 2. (More groups were not formed because not
enough students arrived at the same time for the same practice session; a large MOOC with thousands of students should
have a higher grouping success rate.) The focus of this report
is on the experiences of those students who did have a discussion with others using the chat tool.
Table 1 shows the results of the post-study survey, indicating overall positive responses to the approach. In response
to “Other students helped me learn during the discussion,”
one student wrote “Yes, by having to explain my answers to
the other students it forced me to think more deeply about
the question,” which is one of the central tenets behind collaborative learning. In terms of group size, 6 out of 10 of
those in groups of size 2 indicated they wanted more people
in the discussion where as everyone placed in a group of size
3 indicated this was the right size for the discussion, again
reflecting results from the peer learning literature that dyads
do not lend themselves to good discussions.
The first survey question was an open-ended one asking “Do
you have any feedback about your experience using this discussion tool? What worked well and what can be improved?”
The students expressed general satisfaction. one student commented “It was my first time to use this. I think that overall
it is a great tool. We were able to have some brief discussion
and it probably is the closest thing that we can get to being
the same activity that is in the course.” Another wrote “That is
very interesting, useful and fun Cool.” A third wrote “It’s really cool, and make learning more interactive!!!” These comments suggest that students in an online course are quite positive about this approach, and if the synchronization issues
can be solved, small coordinated group chats may successfully lead to better learning and retention as has been found
widely in the peer learning literature.
We have developed an interface and a method to form small
ad hoc groups in MOOCs. We’ve taken first steps in understanding how this interface can guide student discussion in
groups, but much work remains to be done. Our next step
will be to introduce the method into several large MOOCs,
and fully integrate it into every phase of the course. We plan
to use it for tests of understanding, as practice quizzes, as
study guides, and for other learning activities.
Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. IIS
1149799 and a Google Social Interactions Research Award.
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