Chaulden Junior School newsletter

Chaulden Junior School
Number 17/11-12
I was listening to the news on the
television this morning and I have to
question „what is going on?‟ There
were the terrible deaths at the football
matches in Egypt, another ship that
capsized near New Zealand, job losses,
life saving drugs being too expensive
to administer and the arctic conditions
across Europe! suppose it could be
argued that actually this is „the news‟
but where is all the „celebratory stuff?‟
One thing you can be sure of is that in
school, effort and success is celebrated.
For instance, the efforts that have gone
into shield making by Year 4 is
commendable. (Well done to the
parents who helped!) Only the other
day a boy in year 6 came to show me
the algebra he had completed at home,
just because he wanted to! The art
work in Brunel, they are making
figures out of paper and wire is
I also think we need to celebrate not
only the efforts, but also the attitudes
of our children as well. They are
always so keen to learn new things.
They are developing skills such as
resilience and commitment, all
necessary to face the challenges that
the future brings.
I am also impressed with the “pleases”
and “thank yous” I hear on a daily
basis. Manners cost nothing as we
know and it is this characteristic along
7th February 2012
with all the others that makes our
children so special.
The whole school came together this
afternoon for singing practice and they
were singing the song „Aint no
mountain high enough….‟ (I‟m sure
you all know it!) and I had to conclude
that they are absolutely right. There are
no barriers to learning! With the right
support, a positive attitude, a lot of
hard work and an open mind, children
can achieve everything they want to.
A big thank you to all the parents who
helped make cakes for selling at the
fund raising disco. Well done to our
dance group who organised the event
from start to finish.
Tidy Tina
Each week we are awarding Tidy Tina
to the class who at the time of judging
are the tidiest. This week she went to
Newton. Well done to all of you!
Hardworking Harold
Each week we are awarding
Hardworking Harold to the class who
have really tried hard to meet their
targets and make good progress with
their learning. This week he went to
Year 4. Well done to you also!
Chaulden Junior School
Celebration Board
The following were congratulated for
getting their work on our celebration
board: Amani S, Jade O, Megan G,
Connor S, Harry R, Nathaniel, Brooke,
William, Casey
Dates for your diaries
Date changes are in red
13th Feb – Half Term
9th Feb – Teaching the ‘4 rules’ (for
23rd Feb – Science – Investigations
(for parents)
19th March – Parent Consultations
23rd March – Open Classrooms
19th April – Yr 6 meeting about PGL
at 4.00pm.
14th May – SATS yr 6
2oth March – Dance show (4
performance between 2-5pm)
Tbd: Music soiree for children playing
an instrument in school.
Extreme Reading
Some fabulous examples here!
Read around the World
Children have really taken this on
board. Well done to Ben B who has
read 20 books and completed all the
activities. Fabulous!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to the following for the
next week: Daisy W, Richie C, Emily
M, Jacqueline S, Hannah R, Yasmin C
Chaulden Junior School
School Dinners
There will be no packed lunch option
on a Friday from January 2012.
Absence - If your child is absent,
please can you telephone the school
that morning and follow this up with
written confirmation. (This can be
School Dinners- School dinners need
to be paid for in advance £1.95 per
Uniform – Turquoise sweatshirt or
cardigan (Not black), black trousers or
skirts, white polo shirts and black
shoes or trainers (not red!)
Next Week
I am looking for things to be
advertised, community events, book
reviews, poems, Extreme reading
pictures etc. If any parent or Governor
would like to make a contribution, I
look forward to receiving it!
Half Term
Enjoy your break. We are back to
school on Monday 20th February.
Pam Stocks
Acting Headteacher
Chihuahuas Cross Jack
1 BOY and 2 GIRLS
Puppies have been wormed
If Interested Please Call