Assigned Weekly Work - CTGE 5245-L01 - Spring - FU-CTGE-5245

Assigned Weekly Readings, Response Journal (Blog) Entries, and Other Tasks to be
Assigned Week 6 – March 6th
For Week 7 – March 13th
 Previously Assigned Reading – Please reread/review: (27 pages)
o Eeds, M., & Peterson, R. (1991). Teacher as curator: Learning to talk about literature.
The Reading Teacher, 45(2), 118-126. (nine pages)
o Serafini, F. (2012). Interpreting visual images and design elements of contemporary
picturebooks. Connecticut Reading Association Journal, 1(1), 3-8. (six pages)
o Nikolajeva, M. (2003). Beyond the grammar of story, or how can children's literature
criticism benefit from narrative theory? Children's Literature Association Quarterly,
28(1), 5-16. doi:10.1353/chq.0.1702 (12 pages)
 Assigned Reading: Dymock, S. (2007). Comprehension strategy instruction: Teaching
narrative text structure awareness. The Reading Teacher, 61(2), 161-167.
doi:10.1598/RT.62.2.6 (seven pages)
 Tasks: Complete the following tasks for today’s class:
o Continue to work with your partner(s) on your presentation (Assignment #1).
o The “Picture Books” group (Sabud, Esther, and Katie) should be ready to present.
o Bring a favorite picture book with you. Choose a book that you will also use for your
first paper - “Analysis of and Response to a Work of Children’s Literature”
(Assignment #3).
o Complete/review the “responding” graphic organizer worked on in class.
 Response Journal (Blog): Assignment #5
o Responding to a Colleague – Review the “Link List - Assignment - Response Journal
(Blog)” file on the “Assessment Details” page of the course wiki. Choose a classmate
and respond to her/his fourth blog post (“Discussion/Talking about Literature”).
o Responding in Written Form – Respond in written form to the picture book that you
will bring to class. Post the response to your blog and bring a copy of the response
with you to class.