Design and Optimization of Lumped Element Hybrid Couplers

From August 2011 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2011, Summit Technical Media, LLC
High Frequency Design
Design and Optimization
of Lumped Element
Hybrid Couplers
By Ashok Srinivas Vijayaraghavan, University of South Florida
and Lawrence Dunleavy, Modelithics, Inc.
uadrature 3 dB
hybrid couplers
are widely used in
microwave circuit design.
The principle of a hybrid
coupler (Fig. 1) is that the
input power is split equally between the coupled
and through ports, with a 90 degree phase difference. The fourth (isolated) port is terminated by a 50-ohm load. Resonant quarter wavelength transmission lines are used in the distributed design approach, and several lumped
element design approaches are described in
the literature [1, 2]. The design method selected for this example does not use via holes,
which makes it easy to implement using either
a PCB-based (as in this work) or a MMIC
approach. The bandwidth of this design is
claimed to be better than the corresponding
distributed branch-line hybrid version [1, 2], at
least when using idealized L-C models.
In this example, a lumped element coupler
was designed with a center frequency of 2.4
GHz using substrate-scalable models for the
inductors and capacitors available from
Modelithics Inc. The simulation tool used in
this work is the Advanced Design System
(ADS) from Agilent Technologies. A version of
the lumped coupler design was fabricated on a
FR-4 substrate with a dielectric constant of
4.3 and measured using an Agilent vector network analyzer.
Simulation comparisons with full-parasitic
as well as idealized models for the surface
mount components are included to demonstrate the importance of accurate models in
software prototyping. The size and performance of the lumped element coupler were
This article describes the
design, optimization and
performance of a hybrid
coupler, using accurate
lumped element models
in the circuit simulation
High Frequency Electronics
1 Input
2 Through
3 Coupled
4 Isolated
Figure 1 · Basic lumped element hybrid
coupler circuit [1].
Figure 2 ·
Ideal lumped hybrid coupler
High Frequency Design
compared to a distributed branchline 3 dB coupler designed at the
same frequency.
A lumped hybrid coupler such as
this may be used in I-Q modulators
and demodulators, in balanced amplifiers for VSWR improvement at the
input and to increase output power at
the output, in single-ended mixer
design, and other circuits.
Ideal Design and Simulation
The initial step in the proposed
design methodology is to synthesize
the nominal values of inductors and
capacitors based on the design frequency followed by simulating the
ideal design using the ideal lumped
element models (Fig. 2). The following equations were used to synthesize the element values based on the
impedance [1, 2].
Figure 3 · S parameter response of
ideal lumped element coupler.
Figure 4 · Phase response of ideal
lumped element coupler.
L = Z0 / (2π f) nH
C = 1 / (Z0 2π f) pF
The S parameter response and
the phase response of the ideal
lumped element coupler is as shown
in Figures 3 and 4 for:
1—Input port
2—Through port
3—Coupled port
4—Isolated Port
The second step was to replace the
ideal models with Modelithics parasitic models and observe the shift in
the parameters of interest (S11, S21,
S31, S41 in Figures 5 and 6).
Transmission line effects were
added to the previous schematic,
using built-in ADS “MLIN,” “MTEE”
and “MSTEP” microstrip elements.
Figure 7 shows the new schematic;
Figure 8 is the constructed coupler.
The updated response is as shown in
Figures 9 and 10. The response was
optimized with a goal of matching the
S parameter performance of the ideal
design. The L-C part values and the
dimensions of the transmission lines
High Frequency Electronics
Figure 5 · S parameter response of
coupler with Modelithics models.
Elements Optimization Optimization
3.3 nH
1.5 nH
3.3 nH
1.5 nH
3.3 nH
1.5 nH
1.3 pF
3 pF
1.3 pF
3 pF
1.3 pF
3 pF
1.3 pF
3 pF
Table 1 · Inductor and capacitor values before and after optimization.
were allowed to vary, without changing the symmetry of the coupler, and
constraining the part values to available ranges.
Table 1 shows component values,
before and after optimization. Table 2
shows the widths and lengths of the
transmission lines in the layout,
Figure 6 · Phase response of coupler with Modelithics models.
Optimization Optimization
Wa (mm)
La (mm)
Wb (mm)
Lb (mm)
Table 2 · Dimension of the widths
and lengths (MLIN, MSTEP, MTEE)
before and after optimization. (Wb,
Lb = width, length along vertical;
Wa, La = width, length along horizontal).
which are optimized without changing the symmetry of the layout,
• Wa — Width of the TL along the
horizontal of the layout
• La — Length of the TL along
the horizontal of the layout
High Frequency Design
Figure 8 · Layout of the hybrid coupler (top) using ADS and a photo of
the constructed unit (bottom).
• Wb — Width of the TL along the
vertical of the layout
• Lb — Length of the TL along
the vertical of the layout
Layout of the Lumped Coupler
The layout of the lumped coupler
was generated using ADS and was
used for electromagnetic analysis
using Momentum. The simulated
electromagnetic results were very
close to the circuit simulations using
Distributed Coupler at 2.4 GHz
Figure 7 · Schematic of the lumped coupler with transmission line effects.
High Frequency Electronics
A branch-line distributed coupler
was designed at 2.4 GHz for comparison purposes. The length and width
of the transmission lines were calculated using Linecalc for the ideal
design. All the discontinuities like
MTEE’s MSTEP’s were included. The
simulated response was narrow band
when compared to the lumped element response. The response of this
High Frequency Design
Figure 9 · Measured to modeled
results for coupling (a) at port 2 and
(b) port 3. Black line is measured;
red line is modeled.
Figure 10 · Measured to modeled
results for (a) Return loss and (b)
Isolation. Black line is measured;
red line is modeled.
distributed version is compared to all
the lumped element version
ables to which tolerance could be
added in the circuit. After reviewing
manufacturer data sheet information, the following tolerances were
used: 10% for inductors, 5% for capacitors, 5% for substrate thickness and
5% t for the dielectric constant. The
statistical value type form used was
Uniform during simulation.
Monte Carlo Tolerance Analysis
A Monte Carlo tolerance analysis
was done to analyze the sensitivity of
the lumped element coupler to the
thickness of the substrate, dielectric
constant and the part value tolerance.
The Monte Carlo analysis simulation was run for 30 simulation trials
using ADS. The analysis used all the
four yield specifications for S11, S21,
S31 and S41. The data for all the 30
trials were saved and plotted. The
expression here refers to return loss
to be at least –25 dB. I used three
more similar yield specifications for
isolation, and insertion loss at coupling ports. Inductor (a), capacitor
(b), substrate thickness (Hs), and
dielectric constant (Ef) were the variHigh Frequency Electronics
Figure 12 · Performance comparison of lumped coupler with the distributed version at 2.4 GHz (a) S11
(b) Isolation. Blue line is distributed;
red line is lumped.
Based on the design literature [1]
a hybrid lumped element coupler was
designed at 2.4 GHz. Passive accurate models (Modelithics) were used
during simulation. The measured to
modeled results of the coupler are
presented. A Monte Carlo analysis
was performed taking into account
the board and lumped element tolerances, and the results are presented.
The authors would like to thank
Mr. Luis Ledezma, graduate student
at University of South Florida, for
helping with electromagnetic simulations.
Figure 11 · S parameter response of
an ideal distributed coupler.
1. Jian-An Hou and Yeong-Her
Wang, “A compact quadrature hybrid
based on high-pass and low-pass
lumped elements,” IEEE Microw.
Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 17, no. 8,
pp. 595-597, Aug. 2007.
2. Yi-Chyun Chiang and Chong-Yi
Figure 13 · Performance (S parameters) comparison of lumped coupler with the distributed version at
2.4 GHz; (a) coupling at port 2 (b)
coupling at port 3. Blue line is distributed; red line is lumped.
Figure 14 · Tolerance analysis of:
(a) return loss and (b) coupling at
port 2 (simulated) of the lumped
coupler. Black line is measured; red
line is modeled.
Chen, “Design of a wide band lumped element 3 db
quadrature coupler,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave
theory and Techniques, vol. 49, no.3, pp. 476-479, March
3. Jion-An Hou and Yeong-her Wang, “Design and
analysis of novel quadrature hybrids with compact
lumped elements,” International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, pp. 536-539, Dec. 2009.
4. David M.Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd edition,
John Wiley and Sons, pp. 308-361.
5. David Andrews, Lumped Element Quadrature
Hybrid, Artech House, 2006.
Figure 15 · Tolerance analysis of:
(a) coupling at port 3 and (b) isolation (simulated) of the lumped coupler. Black line is measured; red line
is modeled.
Author Information
Ashok Srinivas Vijayaraghavan is a graduate student
in the Wireless and Microwave Information Systems
(WAMI) group, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of South Florida. He can be reached by e-mail
Dr. Larry Dunleavy is one of the founders and
President of Modelithics, Inc. He received his BSEE from
Michigan Tech, and the MSEE and PhD degrees from the
University of Michigan. He was one of the faculty group
that founded the WAMI Center at USF, where he maintains an appointment as a part time professor. He can be
reached at:
August 2011