Adding Users to your Research Lab or Project Group Share Drive

Adding Users
to your
Research Lab
or Project
Group Share
George Gimian
How to Add Users to your Research Lab or Project Group Share Drive ................................................. 2
For a Research LAB...................................................................................................................... 4
For a Research PROJECT.............................................................................................................. 7
How to Add Users to your Research Lab or Project Group Share Drive
This instruction manual will guide you through the process of adding a member to have Read/Write
access to your Research Group Lab Drive or Research Group Project Drive.
1. Login to your computer using your Active Directory (La Trobe) username and password
2. Open up Microsoft Outlook
3. Click on Address Book in the Menu Bar
Microsoft Outlook 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2013
4. In the Address Book Menu click the down arrow under Address Book and select All Groups
Microsoft Outlook 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2013
5. Now we need to search for the relevant Group
a. For a Research LAB
i. Type in RDFS-LABS in the search box and click GO
ii. Scroll through the list and find your Lab, Once located double click on the
correct Lab
iii. Click the Modify Members button
iv. Click Add Button and then search for any user you wish to have access to
your share.
v. Once you find your user, highlight their name and click the Add -> Button,
repeat for all users.
vi. Upon Completion Click OK all users will now appear and you can confirm
them, upon confirmation click OK again
vii. You have now added the members to your Lab Group, click OK once more
and all permissions will be set in the background and applied immediately.
Ask your users to log out of their system and back in and provide them with
the relevant path to your Lab. All Labs sit in the Labs server share
b. For a Research PROJECT
i. Type in RDFS-PROJECTS in the search box and click GO
ii. Scroll through the list and find your Project, Once located double click on the
correct Project
iii. Click the Modify Members button
iv. Click Add Button and then search for any user you wish to have access to
your share.
v. Once you find your user, highlight their name and click the Add -> Button,
repeat for all users.
vi. Upon Completion Click OK all users will now appear and you can confirm
them, upon confirmation click OK again
vii. You have now added the members to your Project Group, click OK once
more and all permissions will be set in the background and applied
immediately. Ask your users to log out of their system and back in and
provide them with the relevant path to your Project. All Projects sit in the
Projects server share \\\PROJECTS\