3rd IAEA TM and 11th IWS on Spherical Tori invitation letter request

3rd IAEA TM and 11th IWS on Spherical Tori invitation letter request
To obtain an official letter of invitation to obtain a visa, please contact 3rd IAEA TM and 11th IWS on
Spherical Tori Local Organizing Committee (e-mail: IAEA-TM-STORI@apmath.spbu.ru) as soon as
possible. Please note that issuing of invitation letter takes about 1 month.
Following information about you is necessary to prepare an invitation letter:
1. Name
Family name
2. Sex
3. Citizenship
(if more than one, please indicate all)
4. Date of birth
Place (country, city) of birth
5. Number of your passport
date of issue
date of expiration
6. Permanent place of residence
(country, region/city)
7. Name and address of the institution,
company etc. which is your place
of employment
8. Russian consulate, where you will
apply for a visa (country, city)
9. Type of a visa (if not an entry-exit and/or not a one-time)
10.Preliminary dates of arrival
and departure from Russia
(If not determined yet please put the earliest possible arrival date.)
11.Place (hotel, rented apartments etc.)
where you are planning to stay
12.Copy of the page(s) of your passport with your name, photo, passport number and passport
expiration date
The same information is necessary also for accompanying persons.
To obtain the visa support letter you should send the invitation letter request and copy of the passport
pages mentioned above to the Organizing Committee either by e-mail as attached scanned picture(s)
in JPEG or PDF format to the 3rd IAEA TM and 11th IWS on Spherical Tori Local Organizing
Committee (e-mail: IAEA-TM-STORI@apmath.spbu.ru), or by FAX to +7 (812) 4287189