Prepared By:
Barry Bjornstad
Environmental Health & Safety Department
Fire Emergency Response and Use of Fire Extinguishers
Rescue or Remove If imminent danger exists; remove patient, visitor, colleague from fire.
Shout aloud "Code RED", to alert other staff members of the fire situation. Never shout out
the word "Fire". Upon hearing "Code RED", pull manual fire alarm box if the alarm has not
been activated. If fire is in proximity of patient on oxygen, turn off oxygen at wall outlet. If
this is not possible use emergency shut off valve in corridor under permission of Nurse in
Alarm - Use manual alarm pull box and telephone:
Alarm (Pull Box) To activate fire alarm, open door (if so equipped) and pull lever down and
release. The Medical Center has a direct connection to NYC Fire Department. Coded bells
or tones heard throughout Medical Center. Smoke doors on patient floors close to contain
fire. CODED GONGS - Chart near pull box shows location of alarm pulled. Pull boxes are
located at each exit from floor. Stay near pull box if possible to direct responding Fire Dept.
and Medical Center staff members to fire scene.
Telephone, call Extension 33-911 and give exact location of fire Communications operator.
Communications operator will then call the NYC Fire Department and make a PA
announcement----- "ATTENTION, ATTENTION, ATTENTION, CODE RED, ( Location
of fire)". (Note: PA announcement will only be heard in patient areas.)
Contain – In patient care areas place all patients and visitors in rooms and close doors,
windows; turn off non essential equipment; leave lights on. This includes the solarium areas.
Make sure all corridor fire/smoke doors close properly. In non-patient care areas close all
doors as areas are cleared. If patient room is supplied with oxygen and there is a fire in that
room, shut off oxygen supply with head nurses permission.
Extinguish, Evacuate - Only attempt to extinguish small fires; do not fight fire alone;
position yourself near exit in case fire becomes out of control; be familiar with types,
location, and how to use extinguishers. Patient Areas: If an evacuation is ordered, those
patients closest to the fire will be moved first. As rooms are cleared, ‘X’ the outside of doors
with a marker pen. Patients will be moved horizontally to the other side of the fire/smoke
doors. Non - ambulatory patients would be placed in rooms behind closed doors on the other
side of the fire/smoke doors. Ambulatory patients could then be directed down the fire stairs
to at least two floors below the fire floor if further evacuation is required. Non- Patient
Areas: If fire or alarm indicates your floor, all areas must be evacuated to at least two floors
below the fire floor or out of the building via use of fire stairs only. ELEVATORS MUST
NOT BE USED FOR EVACUATION unless ordered by the NYC Fire Department.
Types of Fires
A = Ordinary Combustible Materials (paper, wood, cloth, etc.)
B = Flammable Liquids (alcohol, gasoline, paint, solvents etc.)
C = Electrical
K = kitchen burning oil or grease
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Water for ordinary combustible materials.
Water fog for ordinary combustibles and electrical equipment ( Good for Drapery Fires
Near Electrical Equipment)
B, C- CO2 for flammable liquids and electrical.
A,B,C- Dry chemical-for flammable liquids and electrical, ordinary combustibles. (ALL FIRES)
Wet chemical-for kitchen areas adjacent to deep fat fryers.
Water Extinguisher 2-1/2 gallon water under pressure, 30-40 feet range, 60 seconds
Do not use on type B or C fires.
Water Fog 2-1/2 gallons of distilled water under nitrogen pressure, 10-12 foot range, 80 seconds.
Not effective on large flammable liquid fires.
Carbon Dioxide 5 lb. CO2 under pressure
3 - 8 feet range
10 - 15 seconds, short bursts
Do not hold metal arm, hold at base.
Dry/Wet Chemical 10 lbs. dry or wet chemical,
Cloud of powder
10 - 12 feet range, 30 seconds duration
How To Use Extinguishers
Pull Pin
Aim at base of fire
Squeeze handles together
Sweep from side to side at base of fire