Soldering to Gold- A Practical Guide

Soldering to Gold- A Practical Guide
by Ronald A. Bulwith
Gold has always seemed to find a place in electronic applications because of the
very versatile characteristics it possesses. Historically, it has been used as an etch resist,
contact surface finish, protective coating, wire bondable surface finish, die attach surface,
and solderable coating.
It has been in the role of a solderable coating where some confusion and
misconception has always existed. The misunderstandings have been with respect to the
impact of Au on the soldering processes, along with the resultant effects on the properties
of the solder connections created.
In the past, the average thicknesses of applied Au deposits were much greater than
those currently being applied. In most cases, this was specifically related to the particular
application and plating solution. Some applications required harder, fine grained deposits
where the use of codeposited hardening elements, grain refining additives, and
brighteners were necessary. In these applications, smooth, shiny, thinner coatings were
generally applied (£30m-inches). These types of coatings were generally applied to
contact surfaces and to areas requiring overall environmental protection. In other
applications, Au deposits with either no additives, or low levels of additives, were
required in order to attain the required properties for the specific application. The
rougher, duller, matte finish of such Au deposits was found to be an advantage in direct
die attach and wire bonding to devices utilizing leadframes in their construction. In
situations such as these, the Au thicknesses were sometimes fairly substantial (³30minches).
In most of the aforementioned applications, very little consideration was given to
the subsequent soldering operations to which these components would be subjected. As a
consequence, these relatively thick Au coatings would not only be deposited in the areas
required for the specific application,
but also to areas to which solder
connections would afterward be
made. Even when applied as a
solderability preservative coating,
thicker layers were necessary to
ensure adequate solderability
protection, due to the inherent
porosity of the deposits.
Consequently, soldering to
these thick Au deposits, generally in
the 30 m-inch to 100 m-inch range
(Figure1), resulted in some
commonly associated problems.
Figure 1-Very thick Au deposit which will undoubtedly
‘Poor solderability’ and
result in poor solder connection.
‘embrittlement’ became very commonly used terms, when soldering to these Au deposits.
It was these undesirable characteristics, along with the swiftly rising market price of Au
that ultimately resulted in it’s demise, until recently, as a popular electronic finish.
Resurgence in the Use of Au
Due to the expanding use of Au over past several years, it has become clear that
the troublesome issues previously described, require some clarification. This is especially
important for those faced with the task of creating solder connections to surfaces
possessing Au finishes, as well as those who specify, design and deposit the Au finishes.
The intended objective of this paper is as follows:
• To bring some clarification to many of the issues surrounding the process of
soldering to Au
• To bring about a better understanding of the process and the connections thereby
• Lastly, to propose some helpful considerations and guidelines that will result in
more reliable, functional solder connections with greater longevity
Thickness is the Key
After many years of
performing metallographic failure
analyses of solder connections
involving Au coatings, it has become
clear that ‘thickness’ is the most
influential characteristic of the Au
deposit as it relates to the ultimate
integrity of the solder connections.
Fortunately, most current
applications use very thin deposits, in
the range of 5 m-inch to 15 m-inch
thicknesses (Figure2). The emergence
Figure 2- Thin Au deposit that is in the range
of plating processes that produce
currently most acceptable for minimization of
denser, less porous deposits, along
soldering problems.
with the reduction of time between
application of the deposits and actual
assembly soldering, have allowed processors to attain adequate solderability protection.
These thinner, less porous Au deposits are extremely important for several
1. Adequate solderability protection at a lower cost
2. Lower probability of solder connection embrittlement
3. Reduced voiding in solder connections
4. Reduced localized Sn depletion
Each of the aforementioned reasons is individually significant and will therefore
be addressed separately.
Solderability Protection
Since the actual solder bond is being made to the underlying layer (typically Ni)
following the rapid dissolution of the Au, the good solderability of that layer (assuming it
was originally present) will be preserved by the thinner, denser, lower porosity Au
Because of the very rapid dissolution of the thin Au coating, and the subsequent
formation of the solder bond to the Ni, it is of paramount importance that the Ni surface
be made active and solderable immediately prior to application of the Au deposit. If the
Ni surface was not solderable at that point, deposition of the Au solderability preservative
coating will have been made in vain (Figure 3). It is amazing how this seemingly obvious
point can be overlooked due to either misunderstanding, or lack of communication with
those responsible for the electroplating process (see the following “Plating Practices”
section). It is important to make it understood that solderability must be initially present,
if it is to be preserved by a
protective coating. This is not only
true in this situation, but in all
those where a solderability
preservative coating is being
Being aware that the solder
connection is being made to the
Ni, it is also important to be aware
that, even when solderable, Ni
reacts much slower with solder
than Cu ( 1 ), therefore, requiring
more energy to create an adequate
bond. This is important to
Figure 3- Dewetting of Au plated SM attachment sites due
understand when considering a
to poor solderability of underlying Ni.
solder paste reflow profile for SM
attach. Additional time above solder alloy liquidus temperature must be factored into the
operation ( 2 ) in order to achieve the required reaction between the Ni and the Sn in the
As with most materials to which solder connections are created, the Ni must also
react sufficiently with the Sn in the solder, to form a continuous intermetallic compound
(IMC) layer at their interface. The necessary Ni-Sn IMC reaction layer formation is
essential to create a solder connection with sufficient strength to withstand the required
service rigors encountered in it’s role as part of the complete assembly.
Plating Practices
In addition to the obvious need for
good solderability, the impurity levels in
the Ni deposit should be kept as low as
possible. This is important, even when PNi electroless deposits are used. Any
impurities, either codeposited or occluded,
that do not take part in the bonding
reaction, could accumulate at one of the
reaction interfaces, and interfere with the
reaction, reducing the actual anchorage area
created during the reaction. This clearly
will reduce the overall strength of the bond
being created and have an impact on it’s
service life and that of the assembly of
which it is a integral member. It is therefore
Figure 4- Failure within layered and impurity
embrittled Ni deposit.
Figure 5- Failure due to separation at interface
Figure 6- Failure initiating within layered and
between Ni-Sn IMC layer and Ni deposit caused by impurity embrittled Ni deposit.
accumulation of contaminants during reaction.
suggested that plating solutions be maintained and filtered regularly so as to minimize the
codeposition and/or occlusion of unwanted contaminants. In the case of P in electroless
P-Ni, keeping the P content nearer it’s lower limit will be an advantage in this respect
(Figure 5). Interruptions in the Ni deposition process, resulting in a layered deposit, will
also create weaknesses that can eventually be failure sites (Figure 6).
The advantage of thinner Au deposits is also important from the standpoint of
solder connection embrittlement. The thinner Au deposits minimize Au-Sn IMC
formation, and in almost all instances, its concentration along the reaction interface
(Figure7). In situations where thick Au deposits (>20 m-inches) are present, the larger
quantity of Au-Sn IMC that forms, usually segregates and cannot disperse uniformly
through the solder connection. The elevated concentrations of Au in the areas of
segregation greatly degrade the integrity of the solder connections, especially where
cyclic thermal environments are encountered in service ( 3, 4 ). This is especially critical in
the confined spaces between flat mating surfaces, such as those between SM attachment
pads and chip components or gull wing
leaded components ( 5 ) .
Very thick Au coatings (>40 minches) can even have a significant
impact on larger fillet areas that are not
as confined as those just described.
Concentrations are usually observed at
the leading edge of the solder, as it
reacts and flows out along the Au plated
surface (Figure8). Au-Sn IMC formed
during the reaction between the solder in
SM connections and thicker Au
coatings, can easily result in almost
complete saturation of confined
connection spaces. The greatest
Figure 7- Concentration of Au-Sn and Ni-Sn IMC
at reaction interface with Solder.
incidence of solder connection failure
due to Au-Sn IMC embrittlement has
been with crack initiation and
propagation through the areas between
the SM component connections having
flat to flat mating members. These areas
are usually very thin with respect to
solder, much of the solder having been
displaced during component placement.
In a sometimes overzealous attempt to
ensure good adherence of the
component prior to solder paste reflow,
excessive placement pressures are
occasionally used, thereby dislocating
much of the needed solder from the
Figure 8-Concentrated Au-Sn IMC at leading edge connection site. The resulting minimal
solder in these regions can very easily
of Solder as it reacts with Au deposit.
become saturated with IMC reaction
products, not only those of Au-Sn, but of any others formed during solder reaction with
other connection surfaces. Thus, the impact is even greater when other IMC reaction
products are being formed with Pd and Ag containing thick film terminations on chip
components, and much worse, Au plated component leads (Figure 9). In any case,
adequate solder thickness is most important in this critical region of the solder
Additionally, the Sn in the small amount of remaining solder is easily consumed
during reaction with the Au, thereby resulting in a very soft, weak Pb rich zone between
two very hard and brittle IMC layers (Figure 10). This is obviously not the most desirable
microstructure when cyclic thermal excursions are to be encountered.
Figure 9- Buildup of weak Pb-rich phase (Dark
areas in microstructure) as a result of Sn depletion
through reaction with Au and Ni.
Figure 10- Crack propagating through IMC
saturated solder connection.
The formation of voids due to outgassing is another significant issue relating to
Au finishes. In addition to the other common causes of voids, such as shrinkage and
unexpelled flux volatiles, large concentrations of voids can be created in connections
during solder reaction to plated layers having organic materials occluded in the them.
Occlusions can occur, either intentionally or unintentionally, with any plating process.
Deliberate additions of additives, such as grain refiners, wetting agents and brighteners,
or unintentionally introduced organic contaminants, can become occluded in the deposit.
These can then be volatilized and released into the solder connections during reaction of
the molten solder with the plated coating.
Any bright plated deposit that is
to be soldered, is therefore, very likely
the source of varying degrees of
outgassing, resulting in unwanted voids
in the solder connections.
The formation of voids can be
especially problematic when they are
released into limited areas between flat
mating surfaces, such as those
previously described.
Entrapment of voids in these
spaces is very probable even under
normal conditions. This location now
makes it extremely difficult for escape
Figure 11-Voids in solder connection formed by
due to the very small quantity of
volatilization of organic brighteners and contaminants
occluded in the Au deposit.
sluggish and immobile IMC saturated
solder in the area. In addition, voids
formed in confined areas are more likely to be smaller and more aligned, since the limited
space and limited mobility make it difficult for them to coalesce into larger ones (See
Figure 12 and 13). This results in an additional weakness through which any crack
initiated, can very easily and quickly propagate, resulting in rapid failure of the
connection. Here we have a compound problem, frequently observed in solder
connections where bright Au coatings are present, bringing to light yet another reason
why care must be exercised when applying Au deposits.
Figure 12-Outgassing from Au plating in confined
space that has resulted in aligned voids between two
flat mating surfaces.
Figure 13-Failed surface beneath component lead
revealing numerous entrapped voids.
This makes clear another advantage of thinner Au deposits. The application of
thinner Au deposits results in a limitation of occluded organic materials and subsequent
minimization of voiding created therefrom.
Sn Depletion
As noted earlier, and illustrated clearly in Figure 10, thick Au deposits result in
the formation of more IMC reaction products, thereby consuming more of the available
Sn at the location of reaction and creating weaker localized Pb rich regions.
Just as in the case of IMC concentrations and voids, this becomes a greater
problem where solder availability is low, such as between closely spaced flat surfaces.
The highly probable catastrophic consequences that can result from this additional
weakness, along with embrittlement and voids, is easy to envision, and signals yet another
reason why many precautions must be taken when dealing with Au plated surface
Even though not as critical as the situations involving Au, but still as important,
similar precautions must be followed when creating solder connections with other types
of electronic metallizations, owing to the reactivity of Sn with most electronic metals.
Summary of Important Considerations
The following is a summary of important factors to consider and always keep in
mind when making solder connections to Au plated surfaces.
1. Specify Au thicknesses between 5 m-inches and 15 m-inches.
2. Make certain that the underlying Ni deposits are solderable.
a.) If electroless P-Ni is used, request P levels to be nearer the low end of the
b.) In general, request minimal impurity levels in the Ni deposit.
3. During SM reflow soldering, assure ample time above the liquidus
temperature of the solder alloy such that sufficient reaction takes place between the
solder and the Ni, allowing for the formation of an adequate solder bond.
4. Assure proper plating solution maintenance to minimize the possibility of
occluded organic materials in the Au deposit. Filtration, Carbon treatment and
additive control should be carefully and diligently performed.
It should be remembered that the formation of the Au-Sn IMC is only part of the
group of occurrences that comprise the complex and potentially failure prone scenario,
and that all of the consequential secondary reactions play just as significant a role in the
failures that are likely to occur.
It is clear that producing solder connections on surfaces possessing Au finishes is
a very complex task. This being stated, it is also clear that the task is also fairly easily
accomplished when the critical issues are understood. If this were not the case, the
successful assembly of the great multitude of functioning products which possess Au
finishes as an integral part, could not have ever been possible.
It is also clear that process controls be put in place, and enforced diligently, such
that the fabrication of the Au plated components, along with their ensuing processing
during the soldering operation, be accomplished with the care necessary to provide
maximum reliability with minimal risk of failure.
1. Klein Wassink, R.J., “Soldering in Electronics,” Electrochemical Publications
Ltd., Ayr, Scotland, 1994
2. Engelmaier, W., “Soldering: Why We’re Still Struggling”, Circuits Assembly,
February, 1997, page 125
3. Daebler, Dr. Donald H., “An Overview of Gold Intermetallics in Solder Joints”,
Surface Mount Technology, October, 1991, page 43
4. Wild, R.N., “Effects of Gold on the Properties of Solders”
5. Engelmaier, W., “Soldering: Why We’re Still Struggling”, Circuits Assembly,
February, 1997, page 72
The author wishes to convey his thanks to Dr. John E. Casteras for his
helpful comments on the manuscript and to acknowledge the invaluable
metallographic contributions of Mr. Louis Picchione. Without their assistance this
paper could not have been completed.