Time to Square Foot per Hour Conversion Formula

This document is courtesy of Unisource Canada, Inc.
Time to Square Foot per Hour Conversion Formula
To calculate total square footage measurements per hour use the formula below.
60 / ISSA Min. = _____________ x # square feet = per hour
First divide 60 (minutes) by the listed ISSA time per 1000 square feet. The total
of this calculation multiplied by 1000 gives you the number of square feet per
hour that may be accomplished by performing this task. Remember that many
factors can affect this number in your particular facility
Task #187 “Dust mop with a 24” Mop using Dust Treatment Chemical” @ 7.2
minutes per 1000 square feet.
60 / 7.2 = 8.333 x 1000 = 8333 square feet per
Copyright 1999 ISSA. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
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